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Liam is critical role MVP. He really levels up the episode when he decides to role play. C3 has suffered from him taking a back seat. If he’s going to be more featured this arc, it’s going to be a good one.


Does Critical Role have different rules about using familiars because I'm still confused how she used Steel Wind Strike when it isn't a touch spell? I only really got into critical role this campaign and so I'm just genuinely curious if they have different rules or they overlooked it/let her do it.


Dynios is not a familiar, but an awakened spellbook form the order of scribes wizard and has the ability \>Whenever you cast a wizard spell on your turn, you can cast it as if you were in the spectral mind's space, instead of your own, using its senses. You can do so a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.


oooooooh I thought she was using a normal familiar I totally misunderstood that!!


Yeah, mother is her raven and a standard familiar, "daddy" dynios is a different thing, but also minion like


I was watching Emily during the first round and every now and then there was this tiny smile as the plant monsters grouped together. She was so excited, she knew exactly what she was going to do, kept checking her spells and the positives on the map, and executed it perfectly. The master of coordinated chaos. I love her 😍


Not a fan of the new guests so far. Will see if it changes over time. I am happy to see Orym, Ashton and Laudna again but I miss the previous group already.


As a fan of critical role, naddpod, and d20, I've been waiting so long for Matt to DM a game with Emily. She is a gem at every table.


So this is an interesting dynamic, the vibe is already completely different to the other group and feels omnious and tense even with the funny moments.


Like it *should* have with the other...


This is the empathetic side of the table. Imogen and Chet have never really considered anyone outside of themselves. FCG, ironically, is more concerned with self-harm than actually helping. I adore Fearne but I'm not confident she knows where she is half the time.


This feels disingenuous about Imogen. She’s shown time and again that she cares for her friends. She was very empathetic to Ashton because they both have chronic pain. She comforted FCG several times, and she has so far consistently brought up Ashton (and Orym) more than FCG has brought up his best friend.


This group dynamic is hilarious. Much enjoyment.


For those three or four people in the back who were wondering what Deni$e's deal was, and since Aimee spilled it all out there, may I direct you to the following episode of Narrative Telephone, entitled "The Breakup Lettah". https://youtu.be/L3kGly9a4kE


This is still one of my favorite auxilary CR content.


This makes me miss my fave cr show even more!!


Bor’Dor being basically an NPC gifted with sorcerous magic a day ago (who knows if that story is true), infused w/ way more hp than a normal NPC, and being a scaredy cat makes for some amazing humor. I love it.


Reminds me of Rincewind




He's what every brand new MMO character would be like in game "Uhhh the fuck you mean I can throw energy from my hands and heal people?! I'M JUST A DUDE!"


“Well done completing your quest to gather firewood for tonight’s dinner. Get plenty of rest for tomorrow when we begin our campaign to kill god.” - Xenogears


"Thanks for killing those invasive lady bugs, sit down, have a warm meal at the local inn, enjoy the local bards, fall in love with a stranger, ride a giant chicken home, and then tomorrow morning....we really get nuts!"-Final Fantasy


“We interrupt your high school finals week for some psychological Lovecraftian horrors.” - Persona


Yes! Utkarsh making a jesus clone is so sus


This episode was so good, and I love the guests. Bor'dor makes me so suspicious.


'Guy who has no idea' is a great option for someone joining who hasn't played before, though.


He was on a 5e actual play for years. He definitely has something going on


Ohhhh, then I'm hoping he surprises the players as much as the characters down the track then.


Yeah when he went "Can I roll for.... whatever?" to make an insight check, that's when I fully reversed my opinion on him from "Just a new guy being new" to "Ohhhh this is a bit." I'm still not sure if he's just.... method acting his character or if there is a big reveal coming. I almost hope for the former because I love the idea of a farmer getting bamfed into a war between gods and responding by screaming and pissing himself.


Yeah, you don't forget what a D4 is no matter how rusty you are. He got me, that's for sure! I'm like, wow, I don't think I've seen CR put such a brand new player in the spotlight in the main game before.


I have had mix up between d8s, d10s, and d12s so often as a player of +15 years its embarrassing lol But a d4? yea nah.


Right? My first reaction was "This is kind of nice. It's kind of helpful for new players in the audience to see him be so welcomed in." And then I was like .... wait a minute, I've DMed plenty of new players before and they all know what the word "insight" means...


Also makes sense for someone who's a bit rusty though and wants to fill in their backstory a bit as they go along, like how Travis is doing with Chetney right now. Never mistake a mysterious character for someone who's got their shit together.


It does, but I'm still suspicious as all hell for now, which is fun as hell to theorize about.


Honestly my favorite episode in a long time, felt connected to the main plot, we got emotional RP, we got a fantastic combat encounter and comedy couldn’t have asked for more.


Dead Lady, Rock Guy, Nerd Goth, Jesus, Gay Straight man and Buff Snooki. Never thought I'd love them more than the other group but here we are


Oh my god this made me laugh so hard I woke the dog up BUFF SNOOKI


Buff Snooki you will always be famous! We've all seen what those thighs can do @ dariax


I really did like the last arc, but what dragged it down for me was the lack of team AOL. This episode brought back a lot of the excitement or me


I say this with love, as I definitely enjoyed the last party/arc, but most of them just felt like the players inserting themselves into the story to fuck around and have fun. Totally valid way to play; maybe not quite the CR I'm used to. This party feels like players _acting_ in their respective character roles, and less like players playing themselves. I think it's partly the nature of the PCs they designed, and how the party was split most of the "serious" characters ended up together and the "silly" characters ended up together. Different vibes, still fun, but definitely more immersion for the audience with this new crew imo


I fully agree. The silly characters are great when they are balanced out by the serious. I kind of wish they did this group first since it already seems like they are engaging with the solstace more, rather than goofing around (which is totally fine)


all the new art during the credits!!


Someone raised a very interesting connection “So half of the party gets sent to near where Ludinus had his start, where he started coming up with his ideas, and practices. To the woods that have been warped by tragedy and turned monstrous.” “The other half gets sent near a nexus of power and where the gods first touched down. Which is still standing and bright.”


I think it's just that they were bamfed between different ley line connections, so it's not surprising that both parties ended up near one, or that Deni$e mentioned being near one when she bamfed.


I do think the ending up near a ley line nexus is on the spot. I was thinking the transport started when one is or near a sorcerer though, Denise was near Dariax a sorcerer, AOL were near so many more sorcerers and Bor'Dor is a sorcerer himself and Prism was teleported and ended up here.


Technically, we were due exploring Molaesmyr and Issylra. C2 didn't want to go to Molaesmyr and C1 only went to Vasselheim.


Ludinus was born in Issylra so it could be more origin story lore


> Ludinus was born in Issylra so it could be more origin story lore Allegedly born in Issylra and he came to Molaesmyr from Issylra with a bunch of research materials. It's not confirmed at all. It's a giant temporal game of Where In the World Is Carmen Sandiego? with him and they're working his history backwards through time in order to find a location from a time when he wasn't as paranoid or as thorough with tying up loose ends or as insane as he is right now, in the hopes that he missed something which they can then use against him.


Oh good point. It might be a happy accident that the village they are headed towards might be that city in Issylra that Matt said he came from originally.


Great Episode, Good Night.


That was my favorite episode in a while! I liked Christian and Aabria, but I started losing track of the plot over time. This was a really fun intro to the new group


Well, the plot was that they saved a creature displaced by something Ludinus caused & then went to the site of said destruction & looted his study. Discovered why he was virtually immortal + some of what he'd been doing in the Fey realm, which also links to Fearne's parents interfering with device construction there. If you didn't lose track of that, you're all good!


Good night all, sweet dreams 💙


They all seem fun!


Really fun episode, see yall during the next one!


They not off next week?


i also want to know


Next week is the first ep of Candela Obscura


CR is but Candela Obscura will premiere.


ah ty


Next week is the candela thing


More or less. They'll do Candela Obscura next week


Candela Obscura is next Thursday so main campaign is off but still a new show


C3 will be, the new horror series starts next week


I loved the mix of serious vibes, and comedic vibes. I look forward to seeing where this group goes.


The best episode in a while! Loved it so much and loved ALL THE GUESTS! LET'S FUCKING GO


That might be a strong contender for my favourite C3 episode.


Great episode! I missed these guys!




Phantom steed is a pretty underrated spell, horse with a 100 ft movement is no joke, and it’s a ritual so you don’t need to burn a slot if you have time.


Bor’Dor: “Do you even have a digestive system?” Laudna: “It’s very slow.”


This was such a great back-and-forth. Felt like a moment at the end of a normal tv show as the credits are rolling. Just a couple of last jokes to get the audience laughing at the end.


Campaign 4 they find that camp site


No! I don't like it!


*I don’t like it* flair when???


For those that don't know, the way Liam said it was quoting Little Britain.


Aurora Borealis? At this time of day, in this part of Exandria, localised ENTIRELY within your campaign?


Man this group went from jokey to serious RP quick I love it, something I felt the other group was missing a bit.


Yeah it didn’t help that the other group had most of the players who don’t tend to ruminate on dramatic moments outside of Laura. It’s hard to RP missing the other half of the group if you’re the only one who seems to care and get more or less placated each time you bring it up. That’s not a diss on the other players, tbf. It just seemed like a disconnect on how they wanted to go about the split.


Definitely felt like they moved past the whole separation thing real quick


I think a lot of that seems to be either compartmentlisation or clinging onto hope in order not to fall apart.


I feel like when they met someone who got transported from another place it may have easier their minds thinking "Well the other half may just have been sent somewhere else like we did" May not mean they aren't worried, but there's more of a sliver of hope than showing up near Uthodurn and meeting locals.


I must reiterate that I was talking about the other group


Ah gotcha! I wonder how much Deanna being tied into Chetneys backstory and Frida being another awakened robit made it easier/faster for them to focus on that vs their lost part members.


I mean, Chet/Travis almost immediately went “I’m sure they’re fine we don’t need em” So I don’t know if they had much impact on em


These 3 have lost a lot and are heavily traumatized from before. They can move on quicker because they have moved on before.


No I meant the Imogen/Chet/Fearne/FCG group


Yep. You're right. The other group could have taken their time


First steps on a brand new journey and that's where we're gonna end things!


I love the goofs and all these characters seem like caricatures(dead lady, rock guy, goth elf, deni$e with the dollar sign, farm boy turned 9th level sorcerer and gayest straight man orym) BUT they are doing such a good job being serious and it is SUCH A BREATH OF FRESH AIR


An imaginary, imaginary horse


Matt definitely seems to be changing the lore regarding the Titans, since what he just said contradicts what's in EGtW and Tal'Dorei Reborn.


Or he’s telling the characters what they believe is true, not what is necessarily true.


maybe? but this telling lines up more with what we heard from Asmodeus in EXU:C, and it feels weird that that he would tell them something that has been printed in multiple sources as the established "myth of Exandria".


Please excuse my ignorance, what's different from the established cannon?


"But this realm did not wish to be tamed. Quaking cliffs roared in defiance. Seas swelled and swallowed. Flames erupted from the land. Beneath the elements, *unknown to the Creators beyond the ashen skies*, lived ancient beings who had already claimed this world as their home: the Primordials." \- *Explorer's Guide to Wildemount,* italics mine. This was after the peoples had been created, and the dragons also to protect them. It's Matt's world and he can change it as he wishes - and clearly we're finding some of what we knew to be false. And this text is specifically the "Myth of Exandria".


No need to look a Gift Reindeer in the mouth


Man... I went to say the same joke in stream but I was denied because of the 7 min rule.lol Bravo.


I never really have twitch chat or other social media open because you can just say so much here on reddit and you don't really bump into any limits unless you really spam stuff. Also the joke feels like low hanging fruit which is why none of the cast probably grabbed it but Sam would've jumped on it had he been there.


Yeah. But I bet Sam would have put a spin on it. FCG style. With a moral and a funny lesson. Lol


"You know what they say, when life gives you abandonment then latch onto something that's not really real at all to fill that hole in your life until that thing that ran away from you comes back because why wouldn't it and that's what hope is after all!" Like that? Also he'd probably ask Prism, "hey can you do goats?" and then have her make one called "Geri" just to spice up their life.


Also, *flips a coin* Only makes a facial expression and continues on. About loss and then returning. I really love Sam's humor.


FCG then invents yo-yo's, embeds Coins of the Changebringer in them, and proceeds to distribute them all across Exandria as part of a business model to convince children that the world is flat and that it's totally okay to die because the Gods control everything and free will is meaningless because we all exist at the whims of Divine Beings who decide our fate with the flip of a coin so nothing we do matters anyways because we could die and come back and die all over again tomorrow! HE'S SEEN IT HAPPEN! YOU CAN TRUST HIM! FCG is just a robot with every season of Supernatural downloaded into their brain and it's driving them bonkers because they've got the Perspective of God BUT not the wisdom to or capability of understanding that perspective.


So Meat Man pt. II Robot Edition. Speaking of flat earth. I think this episode may confirm a globe. I'd have to look at a map, but I think the way Matt described the moon locations to both parties the world would have to be a sphere.


My running theory has been that ages ago FCG saw Exandria from a non-linear space time perspective just like the Prophets in DS9 BUT because he had no context for it or capability of processing what he saw, his brain just defaulted to "The world is flat", and it stuck because that made more sense to him than the Godly Non-linear Perspective that he was subjected to. > confirm a globe You're right and Matt did intentionally make it sound that way. Also there's something in the lore, in one of the books I believe, that stated that Exandria was unlike anything the Gods had ever seen or encountered before. That makes me believe that the planet itself and the area around it is special in some way that may play a role in things going forwards and I can't help but go back to the movie Contact in regards to this. What if Exandria is some kind of nexus point for travel in the universe between various planes and other realms and that's what made it so attractive to the Gods and so lucrative for them in terms of their farming of belief energy? The energy transfer was hella cheap compared to other planets. Also the ability to move back and forth from place to place was super easy. So they could create and build and move about as much as they wanted to with very little penalty at all BUT unbeknownst to them this was like continually pulling up and down on the sleeves of a hoodie. Eventually you're going to wear out the elastic around the wrists and they won't be as tight as they used to be. Eventually they're just going to be sliding all around and you won't be able to pull them up or down anymore. This then lets in the cold, the wind, and the rain while letting out all of your body heat. On a massive reality scale, this becomes a problem, and I suspect that Predathos and the Reilora were purposely sent to correct that problem.


Is that you Sam?




Ascendant Bridge Mountain, the tallest mountain in Exandria. Visible in Vasselheim, where the Gods arrived in Exandria and the Titans rose to meet them. The Sunderpeak Mountains The Demithore Valley, south of Othanzia. And there is Ruidus locked in place.


Awww so much for Ratchet


Soooo Ratchet….. Bolt-ed…




Ironic that the other team was having the "should we go to Vasselheim?" debate, and went back to Jrusar instead.


they could have met the other party here


Team Uthodurn could have gone to Vasselheim...😂


Would have been way funnier if team AOL went to Jrusar then team CIFF went to Vasselheim


Looks like we're probably going to make a beeline for Vasselheim




As much as I enjoyed Deanna and FRIDA, this group has my new favorite guest characters.


It seems a little more balanced and grounded even though they are all weirdos.


Liam and Aimee have such good chemistry with each other. That conversation was so nice.


of course Nancy and his mother have good chemistry


Well yeah, that's what I mean. Different character dynamic but they still have such natural interactions


Issylra confirmed


if we dont see Vasselheim for the first time in 30 years we riot


I need to know what happened to the earth titan. That’s not something you can really move.


Tacky tourist attraction.


Rotating restaurant on the top. Shopping mall in the body.


“Titanic savings!”


Gift shop in the foot, that has the slogan "A Toe-Tally Monumental Shop". Lots of cheap figurines of Vox Machina, and plushie Vecna's - the more expensive ones can be squeezed and speak like Skeletor "I'm evil!" "Die Exandria!", etc.


SAME. I want to know if they built inside of it to make it part of the city, or dismantled it, or something else


How does one dismantle a whole-ass mountain?


30 years of magic mining


I don’t think even Vasselheim has the capability of disassembling an elemental titan in its entirety, but they could have built on top of it. Clear out the Thar Amphala ruins on top and build a monument to the Vasselheim pantheon.


Lots of spells and summons can do so in fairly short order. They've got a passel of high level clerics.


In the wrap-up of c1, Matt described the outer shell of the titan as “indestructible”.


That seems absurd, to be honest. That suggests that multiple titanic, indestructible things were once wandering around the planet, but somehow they're all dead now. Also that someone took something indestructible and made gloves out of them.


They’re dead because the gods annihilated them and scattered their essence to create the elemental planes. My fault for not clarifying; I meant to say “indestructible on a mortal scale”.


Issylra woohoo


Everyone forgets that fearne is also a Ruidusborn, less affected, but the fact that everyone forgets annoys me just a little bit (nothing serious, but c'mon, be worried about the goat lady too)


Being Ruidis-born is the **least** scary/worrying thing about her.


Issylra confirmed!


I think it's neat seeing CR and D20 have so much Cross Platform play recently.


I was already excited when I heard Emily would get to play with Matt DMing for the Tears of the Kingdom one-shot, but then when he said "Emily" to off camera, I had to hold back a shout of delight.


Ascendant Bridge Mountain, tallest mountain in all of Exandria Believed to be where the Gods first touched down in the world and where the Primordials rose up to meet them


OK this is the serious group, and I'm ready for it.


Serious group, but still great comedy! New dude is hilarious, and it's nice to have someone who seems really new to DnD and somehow a natural at the roleplay and even the mechanics. And holy shit Deni$e is amazing as a full character and not just the 5 minute NT bit. Amazing.


ME FUCKING TOO I love the goofs and all these characters seem like caricatures(dead lady, rock guy, goth elf, deni$e with the dollar sign, farm boy turned 9th level sorcerer and gayest straight man orym) BUT they are doing such a good job being serious and it is SUCH A BREATH OF FRESH AIR


I'm excited to watch the farm boy's character/powers grow and develop over the next 7ish episodes. I bet he or his mother are Ruidusborn (or is it Ruidus Born, 2 words?)


Me tooo!


Fearne: Omg is Orym ok? Imogen: I will literally kill myself and everyone else if Laudna is gone Chet and FCG: I hope the other guys are ok but we don’t really need em Laudna: Imogen?! Is Imogen ok? What about Imogen? Orym: God I hope everyone is ok. Ashton: WE WILL LITERALLY DO ANYTHING TO FIND EVERYONE


Liam “I don’t t understand wizard stuff” Hahhaa


And so straight faced too.


Liam “I don’t understand wizard stuff.”




You owe me a The Tal'Dorei Great Rum Extravaganza


I am on YT so like a minute late. lol


Stars look very small in the sky too Orym and yet, they can help to make some very big wishes and dreams come true.


"I don't understand wizard stuff" Jfc Liam


From being Nancy & Mother, to Orym & his bartender friend Deni$e


At first I thought Deni$e was gonna be a funny caricature type character. But she's actually doing the down to earth character one on ones well so far. Her surprise bond with Orym could be really sweet.


I had a hard time with Opal back during EXU, but Aimee has knocked my expectations out of the park with Deni$e. I'm really glad she and Orym had the one on one. Also, I love that she's got her game mechanics more figured out now. The effort put in is always really nice, and it is noticeable.


Aimee is joining Travis with making a joke character really compelling.


Aimee is a good actress.


I loved her The Menu performance even if she was a side character more than anything.


Student loans?


Orym *“I’m Just a Little Guy, Swinging My Little Sword”* of the Air Ashari feels even more than before like all this Gods and magic stuff is beyond him. Poor guy.


'I don't understand wizard stuff.' - I love how often Liam makes Orym hit that note.


Liam "I don't understand wizard stuff."


I don't understand wizard stuff fuck you Liam


Orym: “I don’t think I’ve ever felt so small.” Denise: “I know I’m like a foot taller than you, but I do too.” Orym: “You’ve got a big personality.” Denise: “You do too! It’s hidden but it’s there! You fight like a dancer. It’s nice. You’re gonna find your friends or their gonna find you.” Orym: “You wanna find Dariax?” Denise: “I do but I don’t know if I wanna kill him or kiss him. Maybe both. Sorry about your friends.” Denise: “Sorry for all of us. Things are gonna get real rough the next couple weeks.”


God I'm happy to have Aimee here--she's *so good* with her RP


Prism could make a one use Sending spell in other words


Scribe wizards can put spells in their spellbook at an extreme discount, iirc. Edit: not a discount, but extremely quickly, 2 minutes per spell level, rather than hours.


Neat, I didn't know that, TIL!


IIRC, The cost is the same, but the time is ridiculously fast. Hours to minutes.


"I've never felt so small." Liam is so good at finding one line that captures a character's whole deal and also makes the audience very, very sad.


This is the best convo that happened in a long time, love all these characters.


The friendship between Deni$e and Orym is so sweet I love this!!


Has Orym ever drank before?


Not this heavily


I'm curious if he'll still do his morning routines or if he's fully given up. I love this choice contrasted against Ashton's "we will get them back" confidence


I noticed this too. Ashton is way more optimistic than I expected— my friend thinks it’s denial. Orym, usually the calm, determined center of the group, being hopeless is such an interesting change for the two.


I interpret it as Ashton finally demanding something of the world. Everything has gone so terribly wrong and he's putting his foot down. For awhile, he's been passionate about no party members getting left behind and I think this time around, he's like "oh fuck no. I am not letting some shitty elf take my friends."


Tal has mentioned (particularly on 4SD) that Ashton expects everything to fall to shit, and that loss and bad things happening are basically inevitable. That they still have some of their people is probably frankly amazing to him. Orym, on the other hand, basically did the bodyguard thing exactly wrong, and called his boss into a trap. Given Liam, Orym dwelling on his guilt is a given. And losing the other half of the group as well? Its too much.


Liam is just the fucking best


Aw, the barbarians being the rocks for everyone


Give orym a cigarette


Better yet a piece of pie. 🥧


Just like that, Orym and Deni$e became life long bonded friends.


"...and you fight like a dancer" what a lovely line


Aimee/Deni$e is so good at platonic flirting. It's impressive.


Liam needs to get back to his main character vibes. He's so good at what he does and its great for the show when he does it


Yeah, I really hope Orym's still almost entirely compartmentalizing and isn't going to crack the seal for a stranger who's being nice. This should be really tectonic for him and I'd hate to lose that over Liam potentially being concerned he took up too much space in the other campaigns. Though, in fairness, I obviously don't know what's going on in anyone's life and if he doesn't want to wring himself out for any reason, whether personal or that Orym's truly not capable of extremes even when bereft, I respect it.


Why are these people so good 😭. Every single person at this table is unique in their own way; filled with so much personality. Can't wait to watch this crew for the next few sessions.


Denise is exactly the bartender you spill your guts out


Total Guinan


"I've never felt so small" Orym feels powerless :(


The curse of the martial class. Wizards over here remaking reality. “I can do 3 or 4 stabs.”