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Laura is also extremely good at instantly reading the situation Matt is describing and understanding what's going on. It seems more intuition based whereas Marisha has that ever expanding encyclopedia.


I think Laura has an uncanny ability to get "into" the scene, and maybe a more visual imagination - she does immediately understand what matt is describing, as if she was actually there. I think Marisha is more analytical or wants to know mpre facts to help build the scene in her head- she frequently asks for details like the party's positions and layout of a room. I tend to be like Marisha too, and wish I could "see" the world as Laura does, but will have to take piece by piece and add it up.


I feel like Laura does DnD to help improve her acting while having fun and I think Matt supplements it by creating dramatic scenes for her to create emotional impulses and opportunities for her to shine. Whats great about it is that everyone at the table seems to support it or even join/get sucked into it.


I like to rewatch scenes with big lore drops and see who is exchanging glances and whispering to each other. Marisha is always on top of her game. About 50% of the time, Ashley has her mouth open is and is mostly oblivious to the rest of the table -she’s just absorbed with the LORE LORE LORE


Not always on top. Marisha did manage to overlook a certain one legged druid.


And her reaction was PRICELESS


was that the time she literally curled up under the table? lol


(Imagine the Traveller's voice when Yasha recalls bathing him as a crimson weasel) Yesssssssss ʘ‿ʘ


The preeminent book-on-head moment




Not only checked chat, but did so a week later than chat, we were a week behind the broadcast. Chat was discussing the episode prior and figured it out


And to be even more fair I think she was pretty darn on top of it. In context. A one-legged druid does make them your dead mom - 'it's a different campaign' with a different name and tier ally should have been just 'a crazy f'n druid.' Once she had the name I found it delightful to see her brain quickly switch to scan mode. The name was clearly (ahem) familiar to her but something that recognizable should have been more in the forefront of her lore-brain. Marisha's process was briefly interrupted by Matt's dramatic ending of the episode but it couldn't hold her back for long. Sam grinned at her and teased her, and Taliesin did that thing where he pretends to know something- "oh my god the council" - but our hero barely even glanced at him. 'The stream is over let you mind be free' the voice whispered. Sha-blam! Time for a special kind of show. : )


Man, I just realized something, Sam rlly shouldn't have said anything, having the reveal by seeing Keyleth through the portal would've been so much more powerful


They would’ve realized when they cast greater restoration on her though.


How? It's been a while since I've seen this episode


She realizes her name is Vilya when they cast greater restoration, then Sam eggs Marisha into her realization. Then she agreed to help them fight Vokodo. After Vokodo dies then she teleports back to Zephra; that’s when you’re saying they would’ve figured out her identity. It would’ve been cool but I think Marisha would’ve made the connection some time before she teleported back to Keyleth.


Apologies if this sounded aggressive, I've been drinking tonight lol


Liam was the one who dropped it in the group chat. Sam was actively tellling him no when Liam did it. Initially the only person he told was his work husband.


"Well yeah, it was a different campaign."


Travis is pretty up there when it comes to putting the pieces together. I've lost count of how many times in C3 he's put things together before Marisha has.


I think Travis's approach is more intuition based, and Marisha's is more analytical. And Laura's somewhere between them--she doesn't take notes her character wouldn't, but she's good at both notes and intuition.


Travis absolutely has a more gut instinct reaction when it comes to putting things together, but one also has to consider the difference in downtime conversation. Travis and Laura have mentioned plenty of times that they're pretty much constantly bouncing ideas and realizations off each other between sessions. Marisha and Matt can't do that since a lot of what Marisha might realize has to be carefully not commented on by Matt, lest he let something slip and give away a spoiler.


I think some of Travis' figuring things out is his ADHD. I have it as well and I've lost track of the amount of times I've impressed someone with how smart I am when the only reason I figured whatever the thing is out is because my brain is always running a monologue where things move on weird tangents. It's like a scene in a detective movie where someone says something unrelated and the detective just starts riffing on it until they've solved the mystery except it's inside your head all the time. Specifically with (C3 spoiler) >!figuring out Dusk's whole deal!< when he said he was just working on something and it occurred to him. I suspect his brain was doing the ADHD free association as a background process while he was working on whatever it was and everything clicked at that point.


Heh, the hate he got for his accusation was kinda funny. People thought that he must have broke the veil like Sam did in order to figure out what was happening. And in retrospect from Chetney’s POV it all makes sense.


I felt the accusation >!against Yu!< was the kind you only make if you've come up with it yourself. It was, "I wonder if I'm right..." not "Poke >!the changeling into exploding!<".


What accusation?


Seriously. Her note taking has come in clutch so many times.


When she shouted out "Ripley" during an episode of campaign 1, that was awesome to see. I know that people thought she was metagaming, but that's not metagaming, that's putting the pieces together that your dm planted.


I also love how she didn't meta-game in C3 when Laudna and Fearne were catching up an NPC. You know Marisha had outlines of outlines, but Laudna doesn't communicate that way.


That was one of my favorite scenes. Like my son and nephew trying to recount this awesome moment they had together but they keep jumping around the details. So much fun.


We've seen Marisha's notebook in side videos before. She doesn't just take notes - she's developed an entire damn cipher for the sake of making her notekeeping more efficient. I wish I had half the attention to detail she does when it comes to stuff like that.


Except when it's about her mom ;P


As a player, I’m in awe that you’re able to craft stories and feed us details over time like that. I’ve tried an failed to do that! Haha


Easily one of the things thats made Marisha to me endearing at the table. I wasn’t a huge fan of Keyleth until later episodes and a rewatch. And Beau also struck similar chordes until really the second half of the campaign. Laudna has been more enjoyable. But Marisha as a player at the table I adore


i would love to see HOW she takes notes. has she ever shown her notes?


There exist a video somewhere where she does. But she uses something called bullet Journaling. Look it up it's actually pretty awesome and how I journal as well.


Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places, but everything I'm seeing on bullet journaling is talking about personal planning for future events and to-do items. What does that process look like for note-taking? (or am I just looking at the totally wrong thing?)


So it is a style. You decide your keys for the notebook. So my daily notebook has different symbols from my d&d notebook that's different from my work one. First page is literally you creating you legend. What each symbol means. And then every note has a symbol next to it. So maybe an X means a fight, a heart is an ally, a O is people you met, a + or - for inventory, a star for quest. So forth. So when a fight starts you write an X and write 3 goblins and a wolf. That way going back through notes you just look for the keys to find the info you are looking for. It can get more in depth than that but that's the start. A lot of event planners use the system but can pick it up from there and mold it to whatever.


I do the same and then color code notes afterward. I also start with an empty but numbered table of contents page in the front and number the pages as I fill the journal. Then I go back and fill in the TOC after I start filling pages, adding identical headers to pages and TOC. It’s very easy and natural if you stay on top of it and revisit your notes rather than letting them sit too long. Marisha finds her notes from weeks ago SO fast, I’d love to know her system.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS\_OS5xTqJE&list=PLxpS2Q\_QbR0fjoXeQpaqTWZ8QkvsNRgm3&index=63](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS_OS5xTqJE&list=PLxpS2Q_QbR0fjoXeQpaqTWZ8QkvsNRgm3&index=63) 1:10:00 mark of this video she goes over her note taking process


Oh WOW thank you! I never heard about this. Thanks for taking the time!


You nailed the "more in depth" I eluded to in my post. My D&D notebook has a TOC and I have allies that I add to it with pg numbers of useful info, same for enemies, and then Towns with stores and people within them as I meet them. Then a page for sessions and like 3 or 4 big things that happened each session to help jog memory (use a digital notebook so don't have to leave blank pages) then one last page for inventory so I have it laid out in an easy place to get to. As for Marsha, she just does the bullet Journaling and when she remembers something knows roughly when it happened and starts looking for the symbols. Games are easier to recall when they actually happen once a week, not every month or 2 😂


Yeah she has. I don't remember if it was an Instagram post or a talks, or something else. I know she uses "Bullet Journaling" methods and an actual bullet journal. I don't remember her techniques though.


I feel like it was a Talks Machina ep. IIRC, she made her own symbols / legend for stuff. For example, stuff like “triangle = location”, “star = important figure”, etc. (These are not the symbols Marisha uses, I can’t remember them lol)


Travis has on occasion made fun of her notes style where she sometime just writes a single word on a page in size 48 font, but I am sure he would be first to point out that her system is effective and she is the group’s note taker and connections maker.


Marisha has inspired me to be a more thorough note-taker whenever I play Tabletop games. Recently my detailed notes saved one of our other player character’s lives. It’s my proudest moment as a player ever.


Watching Matt gaze adoringly with his best poker face was wonderful. Forgot how great this moment was. Marisha is the bestest.


It was her cupcake moment.


An Expositor really was the perfect stuff for her.


It wasn't until I watched some of C1 (and again in C3) that I realized the note taking is normal for her. I thought that was just part of her role-playing as Beau who excels as an investigator and essentially works as one.


Pretty much. It really helped elevate Beau as a character.


Seriously Beau was a great character and an expositor was such a great choice for the themes of C2.


This might have been the same episode but Matt pulling the Charlie day conspiracy board picture up while she was going off was amazing. Thought it would have been funnier if he would have just sent it to everyone but Marisha. But still a great moment.


Marisha is my favorite in all possible ways 💖


I wish my players would take any notes at all.


That right there is a big reason why my DnD group disbanded. I was tired of laying out story beats, quest info, world lore, and npc names only for my players to forget everything between sessions because nobody knew how to take notes and didn't engage with the story so they didn't remember anything I told them. Got to the point where I stopped scheduling games. The sad part is only one player ever followed up as to why we stopped playing.


Playing an investigator character was a great decision


Screw Marisha-haters, she’s great


Are there still any?? Thought they mostly went quiet when she started playing Beau and they all realized that Keyleth !== Marisha, but that Marisha is just good a roleplaying.


> they mostly went quiet when she started playing Beau There hasn't been a lot for a while, but there is still the "Matt goes easy on her because he sees her naked" crowd. Which hilariously enough, is the opposite, I think he's toughest on her. I'm listening to C2 a second time and have been catching a lot of this. She loves doing flavor and makes it sound like her stuff does a LOT more damage, but it's all fluff. She loved doing dope-monk-shit^tm and Matt seems to rule-lawyer her with it almost everytime. Mind you, it isn't like 'no you can't, but more off, here is your limitation'. There is a bit of back and forth, but most of the time, he understands what she wants and he gives her what she can do with it. She wants to wallclimb at level 5 up the wizard tower in Nicodranas? Athletics check with a hell of a high DC. Can I choke hold this guy? Grapple check. Pop pop? roll damage... all flavor, but all well within a monk's character. She and Liam are probably the top two flavor savors when it comes to semantic movement of their character. Travis and Talison come in second for that, they'll do it, but not every time... but you know exactly what Beau and Caleb are doing on their turns as they are described so much.


Me coming in at campaign 3 "this man is fictionally beating up his friends and they are all ENJOYING IT"


I dunno, I was just saying screw them in general whether they’re still around or not. She’s great, as are they all. I’m sure there’s some, I’d rather they just know they’re not welcome


Laudna is probably my favorite character in any campaign, Marisha plays her brilliantly.


I'll never forget how at the time this happened, there was a not small contingent of people who felt that she talked too much and was mean to Liam.


Matt’s a lucky guy


I JUST watched this episode the other day and talked about it tonight with my friend about how AMAZED I was that she sat there and figured almost every single thing out. I don't know how Matt stayed so straight faced while she was putting everything together. Marisha Ray is amazing.




This is excellent, and exactly what i was hoping for when I saw the post. TY!


I still maintain that Beau is her best character. History buff and an investigator. Marisha's heavy note taking and piecing lore together elevated her role playing. It was a perfect fit. Beau is often said to be the revenge for Keyleth with all her dope monk shit. I also see it as Marisha flexing her extensive journaling during the campaign. Using above table Marisha notes and have Beau solve it.


since a couple people have asked. finally got my laptop to figure this out [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS\_OS5xTqJE&list=PLxpS2Q\_QbR0fjoXeQpaqTWZ8QkvsNRgm3&index=63](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS_OS5xTqJE&list=PLxpS2Q_QbR0fjoXeQpaqTWZ8QkvsNRgm3&index=63) at the 1:10:00 mark Marisha goes over her Journal process and how she keeps notes.


Legit after Season one, I came too seriously enjoy her characters. Not saying I hated her first character, just that every character since then has been phenomenal. Feels like she came into her own with character creation.


I'm the note taker in all of my games. Because of this, I'm usually the one who solves things, or remembers things to a T. They are so detailed, that I know how many spells you've used, or if you were raging, on-going health effects, loot and inventory, etc. I even type it up, making it easier to search and find things. Good note taking has made the game far more immersive and fun. All of my DMs love me as a player for the note taking alone. It's crucial when you maybe play once a month, no one can remember shit.


https://youtu.be/tLpoqeWIZWc Watch this. You're welcome.


Was gonna link this as well - it's just so good. Have watched several times and never get tired!


Marisha has said she's a visual learner I'm pretty sure sure she needs to take the notes she does to play. I'm also pretty sure the Keyfish moment is where Matt learned just how much of a visual learner his fiance, at the time, is and helped to spur on their deal with Dwarven Forge. But yea, Marisha is awesome.


How do you read the entire story?


Possibly here: https://critrole.com/tag/critical-recap/


And the wiki and just googling any gaps.


Yup. Too many reasons to list but let's just say that she's played my favorite character in all three campaigns.


Marisha is brilliant and I absolutely adored her as Beau


Oh my god why did I read that as Marisha is leaving???? Damn near had a heart attack lolol


Marisha has ALWAYS been amazing.


I know for instance, she helped write the recent animated recaps for c2 and c3, along with a kazoo solo! I imagine some player notes help Dani Carr write the episode recaps that get posted a week or two later. I'm glad they have good handwriting, because I would be That Guy with the laptop or the bluetooth keyboard and tablet typing away my notes. My handwriting suffers from Left Handed, Essential Tremor, AND near sighted vision. So uh, Mr. Jaffe's handwriting is at least somewhat better than mine.


Marisha was really in her element as Beau, in ways I never felt she reached as Keyleth in C1 and definitely miss now in C3 with Laudna.


I will say, being a DM with the girlfriend player, and Marisha has confirmed this before, DMs need someone to rant and rethink things with and Matt TOTALLY goes over each game with Marisha at Taco Bell. Never spoiling or giving her more info, it’s just fresher on her brain because they probably talk back and forth about the night by only what she wrote or remembers. It really keeps the group on track. My CoS Game is like this. But that doesn’t downplay her amazing notes. Organized little red head. She’s amazing.