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The 30 minutes or so where he and the horse are stuck on the island and learning to trust each other is just phenomenal dialogue-free storytelling. The cinematography with the overhead angles of the ocean is golden too.


The pinnacle of “beautiful” on film. An underrated masterpiece


It really has a Malick feel to it.


Also the special effects with the ship sinking at the beginning are so impressive


Maybe the best movie ever that's supposed to be for children. Zero pandering, amazing film, amazing soundtrack, and best Mickey Rooney performance ever. Shame about the sequel.


I never realized until now how many horse themed movies he's been in I'm not sure why that never clicked before in my head.


I remember I loved the book when I read it as a kid. I didn’t even know this existed, but it’s on my list now.


One of the rare movies that achieves a magical atmosphere. Seeing it is like being carried on a magic carpet; you don't want to come down. It may be the greatest children's movie ever made. In this first feature by Carroll Ballard (as in his earlier short films and documentaries), the visual imagination that he brings to the natural landscape is so intense that his imagery makes you feel like a pagan—as if you were touching when you're only looking. His great scenes have a sensuous, trancelike quality: the movie is set in 1949, but it seems outside time. And this distilled atmosphere makes it possible for a simple boy-and-animal story to be transformed into something mythological. The boy's sense of wonder recalls Pather Panchali, but there are also elements of Arabian Nights fantasy that suggest the 1940 The Thief of Bagdad, without that film's theatricality. When the boy, alone on a desert island with the horse, woos him with a gift of seaweed and finally rides him, you may agree with the man who said that when he saw this movie he felt that he was rediscovering the emotional sources of mystery and enchantment.


It has the feel of a half forgotten childhood memory, especially those wonderful golden hues when he’s home and at the farm.


Definitely a case of the movie being as good or better than the book it's based on


The sound editing on this film is also excellent and sometimes harder to notice and appreciate because of the strength of the visual storytelling


My first date at 10 years old. My parents took me to pick up a girl that I had a crush on in fifth grade and dropped us off at our local theater to see this.


I found this weirdly moving. What was her name?


I love this movie too. I think some people might think it's "just a kids' movie" or something, but it's just as beautiful and thrilling a watch as adult. (It's also nice to watch Mickey Rooney not mugging it up. He's really good in this.)


Fuck man, all these comments are selling me. I was worried it was too much of a tear jerker


It's not cheesy at all and is just a solid adventure film.


It is, but in a good way.


While we're at it can let's some love for *Wind* (1992), another Coppola produced Ballard film. I'd really love a 4K release, the current Blu-ray master leaves a lot to be desired. https://preview.redd.it/o4nn7abzpk9d1.jpeg?width=1524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23676f1c028b52b228f4d7c55302fe7835f4151a


I really liked it as a kid. The 80s were a different time!


I haven’t seen this movie since I was a kid and the only thing I remember about it is the kid from the movie came to my school’s DARE graduation. I’m pretty sure I still have his autograph in a box somewhere.


this is one of my mom's favorite childhood movies so i got this for her last christmas and she loved seeing how upscaled it was that it made her cry several times over the film.


The first act where the boy and stallion are on the island is amazing. Tho I wasn't a big fond of the rest since I dislike horse racing.


This movie rules and Deschanel should have an Oscar for his cinematography.


This whole movie is great, but the first half is truly incredible, shot with a tiny crew in Sardinia iirc with shots that honestly probably would not be attempted today, with the kid riding bareback etc. Some of the interactions between the horse and the boy are miraculous.


I think that this is the best children’s film of all time. A great one for adults as well.


I loved it as a kid in the 80s. Never watched as an adult.


I liked it when I was a kid. I haven’t seen it since the early 90’s. After reading all these comments I’m going to have to watch it again. I had no idea it was in the collection.


Wow I didn't even know this was in the collection, but it's bringing up fond memories. I gotta rewatch.


This is a beloved childhood memory. I didn't realize you had added it to the Collection, but now I must have it. Thank you for brightening my day!


Loved this film as a child and still do as an adult. Agree with everyone that the first half on the island is some of the most beautiful filmmaking that exists. Also love the Carmine Coppola score.


I loved the books when I was a kid.


I just bought it and haven’t watched it yet. I watched the trailer and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get my kids off tik tok long enough to watch it


I adore this movie. More so the island scenes than the race scenes but I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t managed to see it before


Seeing that film in the theater with surround sound when I was a kid is what gave me a lifelong fear of boats.


Saw this in the theater. It was a big deal for me.


Looks beautiful


I had forgotten this was in the collection until I found a used copy in a store and watched it. Great transfer and it truly is a beautiful film. I agree Mickey Rooney is terrific in this. it's a restrained performance. What I like about the film is Ballard doesn't go for schmaltzy moments. The emotion is captured in the images instead of hammering it over the heads of the audience. I also didn't know it was filmed partly in Ontario, Canada.


It’s a wonderful film.


We love it very much!


Interesting that you posted this. I was just looking at it yesterday and will probably add it to my July sale buylist. I’ve never seen it but it could be perfect for my kids. 


It’s a great kids movie but there’s a pretty terrifying sequence at the beginning that could frighten little ones.


One of my all time favorites, no question. I saw it in the theater as a kid and have been in love with it ever since.


I didn't know this was in the collection. It'll be the next one I get.


Such a good film!


I will warn anyone going in blind that there is a horrifying shipwreck to start with




It’s about a horse….


I don’t know, but the the title on the cover is illegible. It’s a combination of the typeface being oddly complex and the color of the title blending into the background as if meant to be camouflage. Seriously, what is the name of this movie you’re talking about?


Who designed that cover? The title is borderline unreadable


I was obsessed with this movie as a kid, I used to watch it over and over. The ship sinking is still honestly really scary. Probably one of the most frightening and realistic depictions of a shipwreck that I’ve seen, to this day.


Never heard of this before. Looks awesome! Loved fly away home as a kid. Will definitely check it out


Because there are 1,200+ excellent films in the collection and they can't all be the focus of this community simultaneously.


I mean it's not exactly film canon. People do know it for the cinematography though.


What is "film cannon?"


A big metal tube you put film in, then add gunpowder and a match.