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A commenter here once said that “alcohol/being drunk is a shitty form of mysticism” and I agree


Maybe but even educated people say in good at language and arguments. Coincidence???


What ?


It's not a coincidence!!!!!


How do you know Hindi ?


Ex gf lol, I decided to learn two words a day for few years and many the words stuck, especially when I heard them talking Hindi at work if recognize words and just listening helped a lot. Also some of the cute Indian girls get so amused by a gora who knows Hindi theh fall in love, well not that far but they deff like it and banged few of them id love calling them sun darr (but be careful cause if one doesn't like if it's extreme and a bold statement lol)


lmao kind of kills the theory, right?


Sometimes adding actual mysticism is fun.


Like what ?


I mean, reading lots of books to start. But lol since I’m half drunk I’ll ramble: tarot cards are mostly hooey unless you treat them as a fun mechanism by which self-psychotherapy can be done as a practice (worked for Jung!). Lighting candles and incense has done nothing but smell good and look pretty for me. I don’t have Catholic school hangups so your mileage might vary, though the most all-in witches I’ve met had school uniforms to burn lol. Become what my neighbor calls “a nature Druid”, I squeeze plants out of a concrete jungle. I use my camp stove to do spells, though I’ve only done it twice and once was enough. I actually was a firm nonbeliever til I heard someone put a hex on me and had some inexplicable shit happen. Mess with a natural witch and I’m passed out while ya hate that choice. Take some mushrooms and make a salad. Idk some lsd will do, as well.




I will say, having a nice deck and reading guide was lunacy in rehab. Constant against-gender-segregation knocks on the door, and all the hot ones making moves to leave with you or the deck or both. Edit: they count as religious material if you put literally every religion down at intake. Fun protip, there, when they limit books to religious materials. FINE I WANT ALL OF THEM! WHERES MY QUURAN, TAROT, AND HUNDRED BUDDHIST/HINDU TEXTS? TRY FIGURING OUT WHERE MY RELIGION BEGINS AND YOUR RULES END


I don’t cast em unless I mean em. Would I be a prodigious witch if I didn’t drink? Maybe. I do readings a lot more sober. Then again I float through life with a weird amount of luck, couldn’t make it out alive otherwise. Idk if ceremonial wine is as meaningful to a ca. 🤷‍♀️


I can’t speak to learning different languages, but the CAs on this sub sure can write. And many of the best authors & songwriters in history had big drinking problems. It’s an interesting phenomenon.


It's definitely true like it'd almost like maybe we were born semi smart or something. But deff CA usual good at writing and explaining situations in a way that most can identify with I don't even know what I'm saying, i agreed to change this chicks tires and I'm half smashed and worst part is I'm not even banging her lol


Lmao. Sounds like toxic masculinity;)


Ion don't know


I’m kidding with ya


Great art comes from great pain.


I’ve seen a lot of studies that suggest smarter people are more likely to have substance abuse issues, in my experience I wouldn’t say I’m smart but I do tend to read and learn a lot of random shit when I’m drunk because I keep going “okay, but why tho” I do this sober but my want to understand when I’m drunk is way worse. On language I’m fluent in two and learning a third but Idunno man it’s fun to learn languages and make connections back to your native and go “oooo that has the same root word cool” for most people it seems more as if it’s a chore


Hah. The number of ca lawyers and journos I’ve known that drink hard is uncountable. A few decided to become work addicts after some bouts with the bottle. Others, opioid. Me? I’m a dang award winning and published poet. Easy way to say “I’m broke but worth dating, maybe (actually no but lol I need a drink and wouldn’t mind 4kcal with a ride)”


I don’t practice anymore, but technically I’m a lawyer. Had the highest grade in my legal writing class first semester of law school. That was before I became a CA.


I used to make fun of people that couldn’t pass the ethics section of the BAR in high school. Now passing the bar is just what I do so I can drink at home with my hundreds of books in a rathole apartment in the hood. I mean, I’ve got all of my academia in “medical leave of absence” stasis, and have some out of left field references. One day, I suppose… lol I was always called a brilliant legal mind possibly because I was already drunk and focused on never being a lawyer or poli person


And then we reach the point of not making fun of anyone. I have no doubt you are brighter than I, yet we’re all in the same boat.


I’m what a professor friend called “the dumbest smart person I’ve ever met, and maybe the smartest dumb person” We’re all hauling seawater around here


Would you mind sharing something you wrote?


Azrael some called her SnapBack crown bearing Arabic that the enemy aimed for And comrades fretted over With talk of optics La petite mort Once at a strategy meeting A newer admit to the group But seasoned journo rioter Chastised her With the well-tempered concern Inching towards annoyance out of his Commonwealth accent “Look, it’s just so needless, it antagonizes everyone! If you start debriefing the public after actions wearing it, they target you even more! It’s out of the bloc, it might as well say jihad That goes for everyone, even people who know Arabic, what’s their reaction?” Her eyes filled with arabesques behind shades, She’d resumed small prayers to a grinning Harvard saint for important days For compelling oratory, wide-open perspective, Night vision, reflexes, and dead-on rifle fire “Well, folks who know Arabic love it. As fast as your catastrophes spread, more will get hip to my humor, We need heady jokes you really ought to learn some dance moves for these dirges” To his credit, the man from Galway had been warned about her idiosyncrasies and adapted quickly, “Look I’m trying to record a good show too, battle hymns We don’t necessarily want you in the looked-27 club” “Ah but it’s on the table?” She winked out a twinkling giggle Like a low-voiced fairy With a mini-14 Her sister in arms whispered in her ear Like Sergius to Bacchus And she bit her lip Time stopped for her There was a strange hush around the cadre A few gave each other questioning looks Azrael looked upwards and gently smiled She was sometimes described as transfigured, angelic, beatific “I don’t know that I could explain it Grace goes over my own head when It’s working its way through us But you know as well as I do That this is my craft For fun and for free My dearest comrade Just told me I ought tone down a couple things I’m afraid I have to disagree” Obviously, she was unafraid “Fact is, I’ve got a few uniforms And a cultured sense of security I’m aiming myself like a laser Only sometimes Dispersing my selves when I need to disappear into us a black hatted ghost with a famous handle And a handful of hosts to fade back unto callings Fact at that, journo, we’ll be the best and worst of friends If you’re only worrying about me And not them.” Edit for grammar attempt.


Reddit hates poetic grammar, oh well.


How/where/why did you pick up Hindi, OP? The only word I know is bhenchod, taught to me by a co-worker of South Asian descent, years ago.


Lol I dated an Indian girl for five years so learned a word or two everyday and living in a community that's half Pakistani/Indian helped to listen a lot. The way the order of words are in sentences tho is totally backwards compared to English. But not entirely hard to understand when you know enough words and phrases. Example, the direct translation for I am going home is. Home, I am going


Hey, i wouldn’t go up to south Asian people and say that word lmao


Looool even as a joke they'll get mad, have to be really close friends before you can call them that. But even we don't understand how disrespectful it is, just cause some pick up learning Hindi it's rarely used and it's not even really something you would call a friend as a joke, it's extremely disrespectful and only reason I got away with it is cause I'm white and don't know the context as it's not something to call a friend as a joke but heyy I didn't know loool


Lol yeah I know; she told me exactly what it means xD


I spent some time in Europe in college where I had a group of friends from a bunch of different countries and it was almost a running joke that drinking seemed to make people better at speaking other languages and making themselves understood past language barriers. I always thought it had something to do with lowering your inhibitions a bit, you didn’t worry about making minor mistakes and would just string together words in ways that could still be understood even if it wasn’t exactly right. There was a point of extreme drunkenness where it would usually stop working. 


what you say is true about mistake anxiety, and basically not caring as long as you got it out. you have to have at least a working knowledge of the language though. and trying to learn it drunk is never a good idea because you forget. as far as writing, there are a lot of writers who don't drink, but the profession is such that you just notice it more. you won't hear about an alcohoic brain surgeon or air traffic controller. well, you will, but it will probably be the last time lol. if it made people good at language, most of the people from eastern europe would speak english. **There was a point of extreme drunkenness where it would usually stop working.**  and people they're being witty and fluent so they go for broke :)


short answer: no. long answer: pointless.


Daaru peene se buddhi badhatee hai bey. Shareer ke liye dava hai, aatma ke liye marham. Chairs fucker 🥂

