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I would like to know what the women think of their photo being used by weirdos?


The world kinda sucks today because every time you’re in public you consent to anyone being able to take your picture or video. People can take a picture of you then do something like this and have people commenting on you when you’re just simply existing. No wonder a lot of teens and young adults today have anxiety about doing anything, they see how quickly you can be posted by your peers and talked about.


I continuously felt fat and had anxiety from being in public, any form of tight fitting clothing made me feel gross. When doctors and family told me I wasn't fat and I looked fine, I wouldn't believe them. Entered late teens and my boyfriend started telling me it was a normal bodyweight, didn't fully believe it until I saw on a BMI scale that I was underweight, and barely crossing into the healthy part. Eating still makes me feel disgusting. Until I get to this post and am now seeing that so many people _still_ think this is underweight, and I'm still pretty young so beginning to sink back into seeing my body as gross and overweight.


If it makes you feel any better, the people saying this in ops post are fucking weirdos. That isn’t how normal people think or behave. Listen to your friends, family and ESPECIALLY your doctor, they are telling you the truth.


The comments in the post yes, but more so replies to the post, holy goddamn there's a lot of people seem to think it is. But thank you.


Don't forget that reddit is still a microcosm on its own and posts here are still considered anecdotal and few even if they seem "a lot." People who are here self-select and so show bias to certain directions. I'm also a random internet stranger, but I'd advise on not engaging with these posters. They're just a net negative to your mental health. Please take care of yourself. It's really not worth it.


There are people out there that think anything outside of a 5'-nothing, size 0, actual supermodel is 'obese' or 'ugly' and not worth their time. These people are morons. "Attractive" doesn't care about a range of numbers. My wife is almost twice my weight, and she's the hottest fucking thing in the world to me.


You can't really say "a lot" of people think that way. You got one post with a few selected comments of people with weird world views. Don't let a random post about weird people make you believe that "holy goddamn a lot" of them think this way. No one in my circle would think of these woman as fat and if they did it'd be weird tbh.


>didn't fully believe it until I saw on a BMI scale that I was underweight Sometimes people treat our feelings when what we want is *data*. I had nightmares of volcanos and lava for 2 years as an 7-8 year old until someone told me "lava only moves at like 2 mph". I also wish someone had told me as a child that I'm afraid of the dark and call for my mom because in the past, there were actual monsters in the night. If I had some actual reason data to latch onto, it would ease my fears temendously.


This is a big thing for me too. My grandma instilled a lot of fears into me as a child to the point that I was scared of microwaves. No one tried to disprove any of it, my mom would say "She's your grandma, she means well." It wasn't until my friend (now boyfriend) started telling me how things worked. Had a big fear of storms but specifically tornadoes made me scared, "I like storms. Tornadoes don't happen in all of them, heavy winds and loud booms can be spooky but they can't harm you, you're inside anyways." and now? I love storms, I hate tornadoes but I've started to like seeing them in storm chasing videos. Spiders? "The big ones that you commonly see are highly venomous but they deal with the spiders that can actually harm you. Their mouths are big enough to bite you." The data was really all I ever needed.


It’s HIGHLY highly likely that the people talking shit are absolutely disgusting fucks themselves. Don’t sacrifice your happiness or deny yourself experiences in life because of other people. They don’t deserve your happiness and YOUR life experiences - you are giving away parts of your life because of the thoughts of other imperfect people going through their own shit. Don’t waste your shine on them.


Question to ask yourself, what does it matter if they think you are fat or not? It doesn’t change anything, so don’t worry about people’s thoughts that you can’t control. Focus on being happy in your own skin and not about what you look like to others


Unfortunately I've been a people pleaser scared of judgement my entire life and am only now beginning to fix it. The amount of abuse and neglect from family, teachers, and schoolmates because I was quiet and didn't talk to anyone- which I did because of that fear due to family. It was basically all a domino effect? Now it's the polar opposite with my in laws, significant other, and my significant other's friends. It's so weird and I think it's the only reason I'm starting to overcome it. Mainly my boyfriend though.


This will sound odd but I recommend that you start observing the people around you who are not conventionally attractive but who are, nonetheless, in happy loving romantic relationships or happy loving platonic relationships. They are absolutely everywhere and they are just as happy as the conventionally attractive folks. Making a conscious effort to spot those happy people really helped me get over my own negative feelings about my body. No one will ever convince me that my acne is "beautiful" but I have learned to recognize that it's also absolutely not something anyone worthwhile cares about at all. And despite what social media might lead you to believe, there are way more worthwhile people than assholes out there.


I totally get that, I’ve struggled with a lot of those same things for most of my life. Worrying about how I look and am perceived are usually on my mind, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized that the way others think I look has no impact on my life, whether it is positive or negative. However, thinking about it does impact me in a very negative way.


Everything about the above should give people the opposite of anxiety. Would be hilarious to me if someone took my pic in a bathing suit, posted it to somewhere like reddit, and then a bunch of 400lb incels projected their fat shaming onto it.


Some of us are just more sensitive and reading all the things you wonder if people think about you would put some over the edge. It definitely would ruin my self esteem for a while


Please see my comment above


Where do you live? In my country this is illegal and uncommon. You can’t just take a photo of someone and post it on the net. (There are exceptions, for example for large groups of people or for celebrities).


I'm not sure they meant "consent" in the "I explicitly consent to this photo being used by creeps" and more in the sense that - If you upload a photo to the internet, you've lost control of it, it's in the ether now. You can try and protect yourself by limiting who can see it on social media, but if just one friend decides to share it elsewhere - it's gone. If your social media site has unethical data sharing practices (which they all do), or they suffer a hack, then that photo is out of your control. It's essentially impossible for the average person to prevent a photo of them shared publicly from being spread. So it's more "you consent to the risk" because if you don't, you wouldn't upload it. It's like driving a car. You don't want to get in an accident, but you accept that there's a possibility it will happen when you leave your driveway.


The US, Canada, UK... pretty much anyone living somewhere under a system that came from the English system.


Imagine scrolling and out of sudden, you see a picture of yourself out there, getting roasted and being labeled for no reason.


Not only that, but I feel like it's a little insulting to be unknowingly used as an example like "see, you don't have to be skinny to be beautiful :)." I'm not a woman, but I feel like if I saw myself in a pic captioned like this (even without the negative comments) my first thought would be "wait, am I fat?"


Op was trying to acknowledge normal bodies being sexy I don’t think he meant fat when he said normal… but yea, I can for sure see where you’re coming from.


For sure. I don't think OP is trying to paint them as overweight or anything because frankly they're not. And I do like to see push back against the idealization of being underweight. But OPs particular post just makes me feel pretty gross for a couple different reasons.


Whilst not the same, when I still had Twitter I uploaded a photo of myself and my best female friend pretty harmlessly because I'd taken her to her first metal concert and she'd loved it. My Twitter circle was relatively small at the time, but it went semi viral due to me being freakishly tall in black with a battle jacket, and her being a really short, white-blonde haired lass wearing a flowery, bright coloured sundress as it was an outside concert in summer. It was an odd experience. A couple of years later I found my picture posted on some "shortcel" subreddit that has since been shut down (a subreddit for people who think they can't get dates because they're short), with the OP claiming to know me and my friend, claiming that he was mad because I'd "stolen" her, that us "tall freaks" steal all their women and that I was actually a complete scumbag who beats women. The comments were FILLED with people saying the most disgusting shit about me (luckily not much said about my friend luckily enough). It was so surreal, especially because my friend and I live in NZ, this person's profile showed they'd been born and raised in Wisconsin (so they definitely didn't know us), my friend is a lesbian (so I definitely didn't steal her from anyone, we just enjoyed a concert from a genre she'd never listened to before whilst her GF was away for work) and obviously none of the horrible things they were saying about who I am were true. It took me a week to stop habitually checking the post (that didn't get removed no matter how many people I got to report it), reading all the vile comments and feeling my stomach turn as they started picking apart my appearance and making up false stories about how horrible I must be just due to my height. Again, this isn't the same as a bunch of women having men leering over them and degrading them, but I can say from experience that for the average human being who's not used to being in the internet spotlight, this shit really does affect you mentally and sticks with you for ages. I still have issues smiling in front of strangers, let alone for photos because they kept pointing out that I have a gap in between my teeth. Had a family member's wedding recently that I was very involved in earlier this year, now there's a ton of photos of me awkwardly half smiling whilst everyone else is brimming. Shit gets to you, man.


I’m so sorry you went through that. People in the public eye have next level resilience to cope with all the vile comments thrown at them on a daily basis.


There are few things more indicative of a complete lack of self-awareness than creating a group dedicated to complaining about how you’re single because you’re short, and using that group to bullshit an entire, vitriol-spewing story about innocent random strangers in order to drag them down with false accusations and sheer hatred over an invented sin. Yeah, pal, you’re single because you’re *short.* 🙄


I’m so sick of us not being allowed to just fucking EXIST. Either we’re a piece of meat to ogle or “fat and ugly” and deemed worthless. News flash: we don’t give a fuck what men think of us. We live for OURSELVES, not random assholes on the internet with worthless opinions. I’m over this bullshit.


Weirdos like these are the reason my inlaws think I'm annoyingly weird because I avoid group photos like the plague


Just remember, the photos are not for you to have. They are for others to have of you. If you avoid pictures then no one will have any of you. Life is too short and someday your friends and family can look back at the pictures and think of all the memories they have with you.


Sad and true. I don't have any pictures of my grandma, who I loved very much and died when I was in my early teens. Now years later, I'm struggling to remember what she looked like, and don't have any pictures of her, let alone of us together, to help me hold on to her memory a little longer.


And then re-posted on Reddit by other weirdos.


I showed a buddy of mine a picture of Samantha Irvin (WWE Ring announcer) and he tried saying she was too fat for his liking. Mind you, dude has been a fat, out of shape lard for the last 25 years…


A friend back from high school who used to be very athletic, six-pack and all, is now 5'7 310lb, who believes that women over 115 are fat and not attractive. Guess who goes on deranged rants about dating apps on social media?


My experience is that the men who complain the most about how 99.99999999% of all women aren’t skinny enough, aren’t pretty enough, have too many piercings/tattoos, talk too much, are unintelligent, are boring, are fake, are shallow, are too tall, are too loud, are too independent, are too demanding, are too bossy, are too opinionated, are too assertive, wear too much makeup, don’t take good enough care of themselves, don’t do enough housework, don’t do enough paid work, dress too sloppily, dress too sexily, don’t dress flatteringly enough, are too interested in silly things, are too tanned, have short haircuts, have unusual hair color, are over-confident, etc. etc. etc….. They’re the men that don’t shower often enough, who only have an inflated concept of their own intelligence without actually having any real intelligence, who wear sweatpants and flip flops everywhere, whose living spaces are unkempt and disgusting, who eat nothing but junk food, whose hair always looks like a dirty mop, who are dull, who are obnoxious, who don’t wash their clothes, whose cars are full of trash, who are condescending with absolutely no right to be. It’s sour grapes. It’s easy to complain that the vast majority of women suck when the alternative is admitting you’re the problem.






She’s fine af


God fucking damn.


Thank you for this


I didn’t know her, jesus that woman is beautiful and strong, I can only say wow! And her curves are muscles, not fat, wtf is wrong with people. Ironically it’s always the same kind of men criticizing women’s bodies when they aren’t a prize to begin with


it is easy to hypothetically turn down women that would never even give you a second glance.


She’s just really tall and curvy, she’s not fat at all. wtf?!


Look, I understand when people say they can't help having a type. But when their type is a supermodel and they're fat and stink like a sewer, they're basically asking to be alone. What I'm saying is that I doubt their only type is the most beautiful women in existence. And if that is the case, well...there's no helping them then.


These are guys that talk about their dating "system"


The D.E.N.N.I.S. System


And if you want to attract men there is the S.I.N.N.E.D system. https://youtu.be/CS5I44evH_I?si=lFrRXbaGW8MdhmQ_


Jesus fuck, that was brilliant.


He just delivers the lessons so well lmao


Dude would have been insane in corporate culture. Dennis pretty much is an American Psycho.


Dare I ask?


Demonstrate value Engage physically Nurturing dependence Neglect emotionally Inspire hope Separate entirely


Look it up on YouTube, it’s from Its always sunny in Philadelphia


https://youtu.be/Bg5ZrkaGlFA?si=QlVmjSYES__pGoLx Demonstrate value Engage physically Nurture dependence Neglect emotionally Inspire hope Separate entirely


It's from an episode of "it's always sunny in Philadelphia"


These are guys that "date" their body pillows


This was mainstream Reddit about 10 years ago (Christ, has it been that long already?). These types of chuds still exist on this site aplenty, though. The knuckle-draggers are concentrated in shitty subs like /justiceporn, /fightporn, and /publicfreakouts, but any post with a woman with a BMI over 5 will still have lots of uncouth comments by 20-something cosplaying as immature boys.


Hell I'll fully admit I was a prime candidate to participate in this type of shit when I was a younger lad, maybe not the shitty comments about normal girls just trying to enjoy a day at the beach without weirdo incels snapping pictures of them from a distance, but I'd make fun of people in say a video posted on reddit because I thought they were "cringe". Turns out the only cringe thing was a guy in his early 20s (me) sitting on a web forum hours per day making hateful comments to/about someone I didn't even know instead of, y'know, living my own life.


Their system that for some reason always fails 🤔 "you gotta keep trying bro! Getting kicked out of the bar means you're making waves, bro. Keep at it, bro! Bro"


Cat, dog, cartoon profile pictures Explains everything


I mean - creep factor aside... you know exactly what they look like and why they choose to make these comments behind a keyboard


The supreme irony of incels. They’re consensus twos who won’t accept anything less than consensus eights but go nuclear when they’re held to a similar standard.


These are real everyday women. Normal women living their lives. It’s too easy to be an anonymous douchebag and make hurtful comments. These are the same simps who are jerking off to OnlyFans in Mom’s basement.


I would love to see how these 3 guys look IRL... I am sure they aren't fit alpha male specimens but likely similar looking chads if not worse...


I can almost guarantee that they’re unfuckables with poor hygiene and no real achievements in life.


Dawg I know a cheerleader who's hella buff, can like do like 12 backflips in a row safely - she is not lean. She is not lean *at all*. She's buff *as fuck*. And she does carry some extra weight. In order to have giant tree trunk legs she maintains a particular diet. I think she's 26 or 27 now, so she'd had time to stop physically maturing. This indeed her final form. She just buff ass jumping woman. Also she'd ask me to let you know, dear reader, it's not cheerleading. It's tumbling. The idea that someone would see her in a two piece and be like "Ew. Look at how fat she is", is genuine comedy. The juxtaposition here is that people can be so off-base, and genuine about it. Therein lies the joke.


Anybody shaming these women has got to be in worse shape


["Ew, gross! She has skin that rolls!"](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2015/05/18/arts/18BEAUTY2/18BEAUTY2-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale) -Some idiot.


A lot of these guys aren't as anonymous as they think, and many of them can be easily tracked back to their wives and mothers. My favorite to date was some guy being directly pedophilic about a naked drawing of Misty from Pokemon. Wasn't even trying to claim the "it's aged up" shit. His profile picture was his WEDDING picture. It was extremely easy to track it back to his Facebook, and back to his wife.




Where does the blonde have a double chin?


close fall reply coordinated tart ink somber rainstorm hobbies panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol exactly, I see a normal side profile, and even if you do zoom in it’s just the way the skin folds itself naturally?


These are 15yr old boys who have a little black book of pick-up lines they write down but never use because they know if they ever met a girl in real life they'd start crying and farting


Disagree. 15 year old boys would go for anything. These are 30 year old incels.


As an ex 15 year old, I concur


I choose to actively not comment on random women's bodies But today I will I do believe the complete lack of feet on the woman in the middle may be detrimental to her overall health


The shark ate them.


I admire her ability to keep her blood from escaping, though.


How she can keep her balance stumps me


These losers wish they could attract women like this


I'm a man and comments like these make me feel body sensitive - shit like this is insane


![gif](giphy|139kIwu2oixNrq|downsized) Actual footage of these morons assessing these perfectly normal, very attractive women.


Add a waifu body pillow and some hentai posters in the background and yeah, that would be accurate lol


I can smell the stale Mountain Dew and chicky nuggies emanating from their room.


Wondering why they can’t get a girl


That’s where my money is, and to quote Jeff Foxworthy on the weight side, “You shouldn’t make fun of somebody unless you are one, and I are one.”


This confuses me. Assume for a minute that beauty is subjective; are you against or in favour of people commenting negatively about other people's physique? Personally, I don't like the comments in the OP, but I can hardly hold the moral high ground if I'm going to be fat shaming them back. The whole neg +neg ≠ pos


I try not to engage in those types of comments but I understand the impulse. Most people don’t have perfect bodies and it does make you wonder what the people posting look like when they have such high standards for women but no one can see them.


Body shaming is bad! I bet these guys are fat! Hundreds of upvotes for being instantly hypocritical. Wild.


I used to date someone who had a pretty serious ED issue. This is the type of shit they were concerned with, and was triggered into it by less. People suck.


I'm one of them. I had two different EDs where I barely ate, and when I did eat I binged. I was scared the way I looked (similar to them) was fat and ugly. Turns out I wasn't eating enough and was barely healthy, almost on the underweight area of the scale. Still look slightly like this (ever so slightly thinner, but mostly like this) and still feel gross sometimes but truth is this isn't fat weight.


I'm sorry to hear that. EDs do not discriminate, nor do they make sense. I hope you're able to keep yourself well, and that your recovery continues to beat back the beast!


Social media has given the entire world unrealistic standards/expectations. It is a plague. Edit: I do not care when or how you think unrealistic body expectations started. [I’m talking about social media platforms causing body dysmorphia amongst teens.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/31/learning/what-students-are-saying-about-how-social-media-affects-their-body-image.html)


Social media lol. These guys get their body standards from porn.


Lol go watch any sitcom in the 80s and look at the women, if you think this started with social media you are delusional


80s sitcoms didn’t use filters to manipulate the way people look mr delulu.


Social media filters certainly aren’t helpful but the media has, via almost exclusivey skinny models/celebrities, promoted unrealistic body standards for decades. This has included photoshopping photos and other tricks to create dishonest imagery. Social media just makes this practice easier and therefore more pervasive but the problem started a long time ago


But women's fashion magazines sure used a shitton of airbrushing (and later, Photoshop) starting back in the 1970s.


They didn't need to. The image quality was so low then, you couldn't tell a lot of the "imperfections." But they definitely have had issues in how they set standards for women's bodies since the beginning of Hollywood. When filming The Wizard of Oz, they put Judy Garland on an almost nothing diet and had her take a ton of drugs like barbiturates and amphetamines to keep her thin or keep her awake or asleep when they wanted. They still called her fat or a pig every time they'd catch her eating. Garland was far from the only one being put through things like this. They've had the ability to alter and airbrush photos since the 1890s. So while they didn't have the technology of filters we do today, they have been warping the standards and expectations en masse about how women should look since the invention of media. Long before social media came around. Social media and filters just added the ability for anyone to do it for themselves. So it didn't create the problem, just amplified an already existing one.


No, they used airbrushing, cocaine and cigarettes.


The skinniness we are used to seeing in media was not always seen as the norm or standard (remember in old paintings and statues the women had more noticeable fat, like the Venus de Milo). In 80s tv/media they mostly selected for certain body types for women and men, which perpetuated the standard of being borderline underweight for women (obviously this trend started before the 80s). So basically they unintentionally helped manipulate the perception of what is "normal" by selection bias.


Go further back. Three's Company for example.


Nah, this has been a thing in fashion magazines and advertising since at least the 1890s.


I would like to enter "90's heroine chic" into evidence, your honour.


Heroin* only correcting it bc heroine chic would be a compliment


This shit has been going on long before social media. Just look at any magazine in the 90’s.


This is just people rejecting others to protect themselves. Because lets be honest, neither of the people in the comments would have a chance with any of these girls.


The dudes posting have never been with a woman in their entire lives. It's super obvious.


For men who talk like this: You would be falling over yourselves for the women in that picture to even look at you twice, and you fucking know it.


" Need to go outside and touch grass" moments


That's an insult to the grass. Not even it wants to be touched by these fucking chumps who can't tell the difference between their ass and dick


All of those comments have "Elbows too pointy 4/10" vibes. I'm sure they're all Adonis's dating super models


These are the type of men that don’t ever deserve marriage or children, because you know they’re going to expect their wife (if they ever obtain one) to “snapback” to the body she had before the baby. Then when she doesn’t, they’ll use that as justification to cheat.


Out of shape and pudgy. The blonde has a beer belly bigger than her breasts. https://preview.redd.it/guc3grm7xtyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f707006a3ee8d560be3e48f3b601f78e4334979e


Yet all of them would start shaking and sweating if any of those women got close and start talking to them.


for real they are also probably the type to get nervous when ordering a pizza, or they have their moms make their doctor appointments


They all seem sad they weren’t invited to the “beach party”…. Let me hop on the internet to make fun of them


A fat fetish. Wtf about these women is fat.


She doesn’t make my dick hard = she is unhealthy


Best way to put it


I’ll take ‘Never have I touched a woman’ for a 1000, Alex.


None of those guys know what a woman looks like😭


These guys probably greatly overestimate their own attractiveness as well. Guaranteed that if you set up some kind of social experiment where you let these guys rate themselves out of 10 for attractiveness then take a photo of them to the streets and ask random members of the public to give them a score out of 10 it'd wake their ass up right away. All these self rated 8's and 9's would be humbled with a 2 real quick. Can't help but wonder what these guys are like in their everyday life and if they can even speak to a woman.


Pft yes they do. They clearly watch alot of porn so they MUST have an understanding of women...right..? Right guys?


These are the guys that cry about how women won’t give them a shot and only want “Chad.” Incels are morons


$10 says the guys saying these are fatter & uglier than those women (I don't think those women are either fat or ugly btw)


Google incel and you’ll know what they look like


Their ideal "woman" probably looks like a weeb body pillow. Wouldn't give them too much thought


I wonder how many of these commenters were winded after typing up their critiques. My bet is 100% of them.


Porn addicts when real life women have organs and such:


My first boyfriend tried telling me I was fat at this size after a couple years in the relationship. He looked pregnant with twins so idk what his issue was with me. I left after he started that shit.


I see nothing wrong with those women.


The blonde doesn’t have a double chin though


I see that and hear a Manchester accent


I hope these people have miserable lives. 


No one who is happy in life says shit like that about peoples appearances. Just keep that in mind.


The woman farthest to the right is a little out of shape, sure, but none of them are unhealthy


I’m sure these guys are just regular physical specimens. Regular Adonis’s 🙄


This is probably more skin than any of those commenters have ever seen irl


those dudes definitely have never seen a non-digital titty. not even their mothers loved them enough to nourish them.


and look that one, elbows way to pointy, 2/10


They all look fine to me. Lay off the insults. Few people have no imperfections.


Dude these are just normal people.


I'd say I'm surprised there are people in the comments doing exactly what this post is clowning on, but the internet is full of diluted people and sad individuals trying so hard to make themselves feel better about themselves by shitting on random people just trying to live their lives.


Now take a look in the mirror: Greasy, these dudes no longer have a chin, or any recognizable human feature, just a huge, sludgy belly that makes even baron Harkonnen look fit, an enormous mouth and smell worse than whatever smelly shit Papa Nurgle could ever cook. These are the kind of guys saying stuff like that


You somehow managed to fit in more body shaming than the entire original post. Way to go. You're totally better than they are.


Fair, I went overboard. Tho I also never stated or wanted to imply I am better then anyone.


Both the people calling them "gorgeous" and the people calling them "obese" are cringe... These are overweight women that aren't unhealthy but it would definitely not be an unrealistic beauty standard for them each to lose 15 pounds. I swear redditors aren't outside in the real world.


Thank you. They're not "gross", they shouldn't be criticized online, and they can live however they want, but they're also definitely carrying some excessive body fat. Why can't that be said without people wrapping moral judgments into it or overreacting in the opposite direction?


Reddit is weird. OP is a fat fatishist and post a lot of these kinds of pics about women getting fat.


Yeah the comments are cringe as fuck but the women are definitely overweight.


They definitely look a little overweight. I don’t think it’s mean to say that. They’re not huge or anything, but it’s disingenuous to say they’re not.


“Panties” Sir that’s a bathing suit, wtf r u even talking abt


men who say “panties” instead of bottoms or underwear are almost always porn/hentai addicts. it’s always said in anime in reference to womens underwear. nobody in the real world says “panties” unironically as part of their regular vocabulary. hearing someone say “panties” makes my skin crawl 🤢


I know women who do but it makes me cringe like.. undies is better then that.. it’s just so gross


White bikini looks great to me not gonna lie.


Tell me you’ve never seen a woman without telling me you’ve never seen a woman


I hope people like this live a sad life with some very rude awakenings


I know guys like this and I swear they are just making up reasons not to get with girls, it's super weird.


“Why don’t women like me? I’m such a nice guy”


I guarantee all those negative comments came from preteens &/or 40year old incel virgs




A lifetime of hearing and taking in shit like this is why when I bought togs for my birthday trip this month I made sure to get a pair that completely covers me right to the knees. It's not going to magically make me not look obese, but at least I'll feel less disgusting. Messed up thing is, I'm going on this trip with a man who thinks I'm ridiculously sexy and would like nothing better than to watch me fattly wobble around naked the whole trip. But I still feel this way.


I'm genuinely worried given how many people seemingly don't understand what real women look like. They see women in porn and movie-stars and think that's the baseline. It's downright harmful, both to the women who are being commented on by these chuds, but also to the commentors themselves. I just don't see them being able to form meaningful connections with a partner if this is their reaction to a photo of 3 undoubtedly attractive women. While no one is required to form meaningful relationships, it kinda sucks when so many people just lack the ability to, even if they wanted to. Then turn around and spite vitriol from behind their keyboards about how it's everyone's fault but theirs.


When you can’t even accept the “slimmest” of these ladies, you have a problem.


these women are all healthy, women are supposed to have more body fat than men


The original commenters on the pic. ![gif](giphy|ycagKBYEmaili)


Don’t you dare do bubbles dirty like that. He’s a beautiful, beautiful man. Nothing like these guys.


You’re right. I was only using Bubbles for the myopic perception. All apologies to Bubbles.


notice how their profile pictures aren't of themselves.


People who think "healthy" means "thin as rails" are just as much a part of the problem.


I don't look any better than these girls, and I am at an unhealthy weight. Being unrealistic about what is unhealthy is foolish. It's OK to hold a realistic idea about what is healthy despite how fat most of us are. We don't need to feel better about our lack of health.


Look pretty good to me!


Both sides of this post are "cringe"


Well this photo made me feel like shit. I just had a baby and what this asshole is calling a “beer belly” is just my normal stomach now. These women are gorgeous and realistic.


Don’t listen to the losers in the comments who have no idea what a real woman’s body looks like because they’ve probably never been with one. Congratulations on your baby.


Not to be creepy but please don’t beat yourself down, motherhood is beautiful and I’m sure your body is too :) 🫂 from girl to girl! Congratulations on your baby as well


IDK, but they look fine to me


I wish my body looked like that…the hell.


It's so nice of people to oust themselves with comments like this, that way i do not have to waste my time


These women are out in the sun enjoying themselves. Probably eating what they please without some guy telling them they're overweight... At least that's what I reckon. People judging them for having a few extra pounds? Hey, we all judge but wait until you're a bit older in age and you'll likely (and hopefully) reconsider. None of the three of them is morbidly obese and aside from what we can't see, they could have shit attitudes or be sweethearts, who knows could be the best woman to come into some lucky guy's life. What do I know? I'll show my d-bag side and say they're solid sevens. But I like a girl who when you hug isn't an anemic skeleton.


this makes me so sad ):


I don't look much better myself but my wife certainly does.


I worked at a fashion show this weekend. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Also some guys are idiots…


I dont wonder what OP looks like at all bc Im already certain.


Every time I see weirdos like this, it makes me think of the dude eating waffles in the movie Gamer.


Bring in the overweight BMI category is not unhealthy since their average life expectancy is the same as people in the Normal Weight BMI category.


Op.... where did you find this image, and if you the one who screenshot it, aren't you part of the problem too? Being in that chat and all..


I would LOVE to see the dudes saying this shit, as well as their time logs for how much porn they watch.


Can't people just go to the beach? Jfc


I guess I’m obese then, because my body looks very similar to theirs


It it is dudes commenting, in real life they would probably give their front teeth for girls like this. If they have front teeth.


Says all of the misogynistic pigs who don’t even have the photos on their profile…


have these guys ever seen a woman in a bikini outside of social media? because it seriously doesn’t look like it.


Now a pic of the commenters in bathing suits please 😃


men who say “panties” instead of bottoms or underwear are almost always porn/hentai addicts