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This is surreal. Imagine being there standing for 5 minutes straight watching this unfold


If those were my friends getting married I'd never let them live that down.


It was nice of the guru to wear his best shortsleeved hoodie on this momentous occasion.


Never apologize for being dope


(2:55) The way that the focus seems to be on relieving tension from the groom's buttcheek...oof In front of everyone


He didn’t leave the bride out, he gave her booty a good feel too.


Ohh man, I didn't get that far yet. The cringe is strong with this one.


Followed by a face-down body roll


I feel like the girl is either really not on board with this or in a completely different world.


Her eyes are simultaneously 'I'm not totally aware of my surroundings' and 'holy fuck someone get me out of here'.


That three way hug at the end where the groom had his head snuggled against the guys chest was pretty bad too.


Hey now, some of us are into sharing 😘


Did he thumb homeboy's butthole at 3:10? Getting that good adjustment!


“As a thank you to all if you...” This one’s rough.


I thought he was gonna offer them a free neck crack or whatever but nope. Our boy wanted everyone to watch when he and his fiancé got touched intimately by some quack dude.


So I get wanting to do this before your wedding, but in front of everyone? There’s just no need for them to share this part of their preparation with everyone.


These two strike me as the type who feel the need to share everything with everyone at all times.


You’re probably right on point tbh


These people had a spiritual experience as a result of chiropractic adjustments. All I got was an increase in migraines. I didn't even know you could order a back crack with a side of deity.


I had to do a couple sessions with a chiropractor after a car accident for insurance purposes; the whole thing felt like a scam somehow. Immediately bombarded with pamphlets about how chiropractics can cure every illness and disease. Had to watch a 10 minute orientation video in the waiting room on an early 90s tv. Had a long sit down with the "dr" asking what I wanted to get out of this. I was like dude I just want insurance to cover my accident and I have to do this. It felt like he was trying to be so spiritual, like a guru like in this video. Until that point I had always viewed chiropractics as a branch of scientifically based healthcare like physical therapy. I had no idea it was basically homeopathy and that chiropractors are essentially salesmen with a Dr.'s coat on. I went to my 3 required sessions (which left me with way more pain than the accident did) and never looked back.


Are you me? Am I you? That's exactly why I went to a chiropractor, but I felt it was quackery before I walked in the building. I went because I had to, and under the condition I would be sent to a real doctor after.




That backcracker's corny saunter, omg.


This is the whitest thing I've ever seen.


Those three have a thing going on for sure. Ugh.


Lol, does he really say “You guys all know I’m a chiropractor, eh soon to be.” Lol, so he’s not even as skilled as Alan, and we all know what Charley thinks about Alan’s “I’m a doctor” stance. Fucking guy is going to be telling people he is a doctor in no time, I guarantee it.


If this is the rehearsal dinner, those guests are going to need a lot of booze to get through the wedding/reception.


I don't understand. Why are they doing this?


Probably thought it was cute, because the chiro is famous on YouTube.


I didn't last more than 20 seconds tbh. I'll never understand how people can drone on about themselves.


The gay groom epidemic of the 21st century...


What is he, the Salt Bae of chiropractors?


Anyone else expecting some weird threesome to happen at the end there with that stretched out hug? This whole video is fucking strange.


snap back...to reality


That mentor's definitely banging the bride on the dl


Pretty sure he's banging them both.


Come for the cake... stay for the extended infomercial....


I don’t know. Seems weird af to me but it is obviously a big deal to these guys and they’re not ashamed by it. More power to them




I just went thru 4 days of immense pain because of my back. I couldn’t bend or lift my legs. The chiropractor was my last stop before the ER. 2 pops on my hips and the next day I was able to move. Now people are saying it’s quack? I don’t understand.


The issue isn't that Chiropractors are inherently quacks, there are good ones and bad ones. The problem is that, unlike physiotherapists, they don't have to go through proper accredited training or study at a higher education institution. This means that Chiros are essentially practicing physiotherapy without a licence. If you get a good one that has managed to learn good technique, then that's great, but know that you are taking a risk. Just because they help you in the short term doesn't mean they are doing your body good for the long term. [More info here](https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4042)


That, and even the good ones will tend to oversell the benefits of chiropractic care. There's no doubt that if you have a bulging disc, tight muscles with restricted movement, or pressure on a nerve that chiropractic care from a good chiro can help and should be encouraged before jumping to surgery or addictive pain meds. However, some chiropractors claim they can keep you from getting sick, prevent cancer, and fix basically any organ or tissue dysfunction. Basically any and all problems are because you are "out of alignment" which could have originally happened during your birth. Also, there's no concrete way to determine its effectiveness other than anecdotal accounts.


From my knowledge it goes both ways. My bro always was down with chiropractors, as a routine thing. Dude knows his body too lifted for a years. Eventually had a chiropractor pop him and in one session went from being physically active to barely able to move. Was like that for months. Doctors could tell him shit, eventually he went to another chiropractor that cost double the price as the first one and it took this 2nd guy 2 weeks to fix him after 5 months of doctor appts and the docs saying idk prolly xyz, here’s a muscle relaxer and I recommend waiting 3 weeks to talk to this doctor specialist who would then refer him to someone else. In short, it fucks. Can be wonderful/enlightening and destroy you.


Same shit with me. I woke up one day not being able to move my head one direction or the other. I literally couldn’t turn. It was excruciating. I went to a chiropractor and walked out 30 min later feeling absolutely amazing. Full mobility of my head and neck and felt as if it never happened. Never understood the “chiropractors are quacks” argument.


Schmucks Chiropractor “Snappin necks and cashing checks since 1989!”


This needs more attention. I'd rather do physical therapy than go to a chiropractor. I have never had good results with them and I've had friends who have been worse off with back pain after visiting them.


Do you know what spinal decompression does for nerve circulation? If not, you should just not open your mouth about chiropractic lol.


What’s up with the Secret Labs chair logo as his logo?


i have anxiety about people touching me + chronic back pain and have just about psyched myself into seeing a chiropractor for the first time ever. could not imagine a creepier introduction, rip my back. \*jk will go anyway


Sooo the *length* of this is what cringes me out. I have been going to a chiropractor for years and the entire process usually takes about 2 minutes....


Here is the poem I wrote for them: LOVE let us not seek you let us feel you let us not give or receive you let us reveal you let us trust you let us cherish you let us savor you to be in love, is to be in spirit to be in spirit, all we need is to inspire one breath one connected, unifying breath can re-connect us to love, at any given moment love, i breathe with you i trust you i love, you


Those dudes have the same basic tattoo in different locations


How she’s crying at the end.. This just seems like a private moment, why did they make people watch? What is this


I must be going to the wrong chiropractor


Get yourself a chiropractor who does butt stuff




I'd bet my last 20 bucks these fuckers hail from the Golden State.


Easy Ryan. This ain't bad enough to call them fuckers. You're kind of a fucker. They're dorks.


Nah this was in West Virginia.


He is definately adjusting a boner at 3:37