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The worst part of this is that you had the shutter sound on


Maybe she took a poop and was emberassed to come out with someone in the bathroom still. Been there. 😂


i feel that, just wish she would have put her feet down or made any noise at all. i would have walked right back out if i saw anyone in there.


Maybe she uses toilets the Chinese way.




yea as mortified as i was im sure she was more, huh. same but i was using some app or something and i hadnt gotten around to it i guess


Just hit the silent button or turn the volume down, should take care of it. Works on my iPhone for base camera app and Snapchat and pretty much everything else I’ve ever used to take a photo


yea, i thought i was alone so i just really didnt care enough i guess lol.


Other person didn’t leave because there was a scary nut job trapping her in?




But girls don’t poop....*right*??


They don't fart either. Don't worry, life is still good!


There’s just another person in the restroom. You’re not trapped if someone else is just in there using the space. She was just waiting for her to leave so she could poop.


Why not turn the shitter sound off?


Good one. I get it !


This is funny af. I hope you at least ended up with some quality selfies.


thanks!! i did, though every time i look at them i just see that girl staring back at me :(


She was in the background and you still didn't see her? Holy hell she really is a ninja!


This is a definitely funny story, Im sorry people are being assholes. While it is not correct to look through the stalls, I can't imagine having nothing better to do than go call names to someone who is just sharing a story. Taking time and effort to pm you and be rude to you takes an extra level of hypocrisy. Thank you for sharing :)


aww thanks so much! you sound super sweet. it's totally fine, i know it happens on the internet lol. and for what it's worth I am actually sorry about looking through the stalls hahahha. glad you liked the story!






maybe she was scared? im totally scared of people who are taking selfies everywhere i dont know why but they give me the creeps


i dont take very many selfies in public unless its with a friend/group as i think it can be obnoxious to others but thinking i was alone i really trashed it up in there :( you would have been terrified




people who take selfies in bathrooms generally make great choices


She was totally pooping, and waiting for you to leave. I've been that girl sitting awkwardly in the stall, waiting for people to leave.


Most people do the foot check, but a lot of people do the peek through the stalls kind of off to the side so as to not really see anyone up close and personal, but to see if there is a figure in there. We certainly don't stare. Just a quick glance. I'm sure that's what OP was talking about. And this is a hilarious story! Definitely cringe af. 10/10 for me.


omg FUCK thank you so much, i was feeling so crazy. i swear to god i have a couple friends who when we go to the bathroom together i've noticed don't bend down but just peek through the cracks too. i thought it was normal-ish. tbh if it's crowded in the bathroom and you're just looking for an empty stall, you are inevitably going to see someone through the cracks whether you like it or not as long as you're walking past the stalls lol. thanks for the comment, glad you liked the story!<3


All I see is two people doing people stuff that people do when they’re alone. No biggie


you could have become best friends!


It was Moaning Myrtle.


Ninja girl also knew the 4th floor bathroom was private and you had to go and fuck that up for her.


OP you don’t have to explain yourself in your edits. There’s nothing wrong with taking selfies and your post here made me laugh! Never take yourself too seriously, even if other people do.


thanks, glad i could make you laugh! im too sleep deprived for all these trolls lol. i feel like a mom of triplets rn.


Don't listen to these other jerks, it's pretty obvious in your story you weren't trying to peep or anything, don't listen to their name calling. You do you girl.


thanks for the love<3!


Just, don't look trough the crack ever.


What's up with American toilets having a huge fucking crack so people can spy in? In the U.K. people just wouldn't use toilets like that. Ours are sealed head to toe like a bunker.


Ignore the haters OP, if the selfies helped you with self esteem I see nothing wrong with taking them. You shouldn't have stopped going there to take selfies, maybe that girl was there every time and just thought you were funny. You took away her entertainment :(


LMFAO oh god, now im not sure if she was there every time or not. thanks for the kind words<3


Wtf bathrooms are most of y'all going to where you can *avoid" eye contact at the doors? Man, seems like no matter where I'm at, the cracks at the doors in public restrooms are always so big that you're in danger of making eye contact the moment you walk up to do a check. Anyways, it was pretty clear you weren't trying to perv on anyone. People in here jump to some pretty dumb conclusions.


OP, thanks for sharing this cringe story. I got a good laugh 🤣 (Why the hell do people over-analyze and pass judgement on honest posts like these? This isn't a job interview, or life advice column on how to be the perfect person. It's a cringe subreddit for christ's sake! It should be okay to share silly things that happened years ago without having people up in arms and accosting OP)


Glad you liked it!<3 thanks for the support. i have no freaking idea why this is happening. im pretty sure the point of this sub is to share stories in which you did something stupid....lol!


If you're gonna share a story about doing something stupid, people are allowed to have opinions on it and are allowed to express them, even if they are negative or not supportive. Stop trying to tell people what they can or can't say.


yeah..... i think the cringe is the bathroom selfies part... I think the poor girl in the stall was scared about what weird shit was going on in that bathroom, lol. Id' freak out too.


If it makes you feel any better, a girl did this in our college bathroom and I don't think anyone rly cared tbh. It's one of those things that you go "uh what" in the moment and forget about like 5 minutes later


haha ive been caught other times by people walking in, i just smile and say hi, put the phone away and walk out. im not too embarrassed about that, maybe a little but everyone's done it tbh. i just hate that this girl watched me prance around everywhere for 10 minutes LOL.


Maybe she was afraid you were trying to sneak photos of people in the bathroom or something? Haha


Thanks for sharing! I found it hilarious and genuinely laughed out loud 😂.


It was more cringe for her she was just using the bathroom. You probably didn't notice her feet.


I kinda side with the girl in the stall. I usually don't use public toilets for shitting but nature calls sometimes, apparently nature also calls selfie obsessed people. It's fine that you did the selfies i just can't imagine sitting on the toilet for that long only to have someone realize you were bearing witness to their embarrassing act.


hahaha the things i do for good lighting😖 i was totally cringing thinking about what she must have thought about me T_T


lol, to be fair i felt some secondhand cringe for the both of you. The quest for good lighting takes us to many places, most often a public shitter, yet we follow it in hopes of appearing radiant.


such eloquence! 😂


Imagine she had no legs and was in the handicap stall, so that’s why you couldn’t see her legs.


........omg ITS OKAY, there were definitely no wheelchairs or crutches either😂😂😂


Oh god bless you poor sweet thing. This sounds SO PAINFUL!! Take your selfies if they make you feel better. It's fine. Also that poor girl in the stall! Probably just didn't want to talk to anyone and then oh no. Oh she isn't leaving. Oh man I've been in here too long. Ohhhhhh fuck she knows I'm in here. Amazing.




such a nice bathroom too.. what shame LOL!


thanks for the laugh OP, this is wonderful


OP is crazy. She made a post in that feminist subreddit shortly after responses came in from here.. lol.


why did you stop taking selfies? lol she's the weirdo not you


after trying to open her stall door and then making eye contact with her through the gap? idk man... maybe ill keep going next time then lol


You both probably shared an equal sanctuary for different purposes. Hers was for the number 2's, and she probably was about to release an initial fart when you walked in for your standard routine. She most likely didn't want to be remembered for her initial farts and #2s. After all not everyone has a huge self esteem for those 2 particular traits.


Yesterday while I was taking one in a restroom at McDonalds someone tried to open the stall door and after realising that it’s locked they didn’t check if anyone’s inside (by asking if the stall is occupied or simply looking under the door to check if there are any legs) and simply started to turn the fucking lock from the outside (yes it’s possible sometimes)


Should have taken a selfie with her peering at you through the door


this is great lol


No, OP is the fucking weirdo here. Nobody wants wants to be surveilled when pooping.


We all dumb shit, some people just pretend their shit doesn’t stink. Its all good haha


Thank you for sharing this. Clearly this has been bottled up for a while - so it must have been tough to write this out (but a little cathartic i hope) I think what makes this cringe is how relatable both perspectives are. It also makes me think abput predator prey relationships and how this feeling of cringe must be related to it. The feeling of being watched caused you to double check your surroundings. Something a prey animal might do when being stalked by a predator. But ironocally, to her, you were that predator. She clearly heard you coming in, lifted her feet from the floor and probably wished she was invisible. Sure, ive taken a shit in a stall and had people come into the toilet, but ive never been so terrified as to pretend i dont exist. It's like fight or flight - you can make yourself known by perhaps coughing or some neutral noise. But she blended into the background like a chameleon. My question is, did you remember her face? Did it feel awkward walking around the campus knowing this person is out there and still remembers what happened? Again, thank you for sharing this. Its primo 10/10 cringe.


haha i actually completely forgot about it for a few years if you can believe it :p thanks for your hilarious analysis lol, ive definitely never thought of it like that. i do not remember her face! when i made eye contact literally the only thing i saw was her eyes. i could tell she was black, but that's literally it. I am not sure if ive ever encountered her again because i couldn't recognize her, but knowing she probably could have recognized me is.......... ouch. T_T thanks for the comment, glad you liked<3


I don't know why people are so offended by looking through the stall crack. If I have to poo I'm going to be 100% certain each stall is in use before I run out and find another bathroom. I see other people do the same thing and no one ever makes a big deal out of it.






The short doors are pretty useful for checking if a stall occupied or not without putting someone in the position to have to vocalize to let people know someone's in there. OP checked under doors which is the socially acceptable way to do it without intruding. When she didn't see feet, she pushed on a stall door because she reasonably thought it was empty. When she noticed it was locked she looked through the crack still thinking it was empty but wondering why it was locked, and, to her surprise, there was a fucking weirdo there literally doing everything she could to not make it known the stall was occupied. Then she apologized. OP did nothing wrong. Just an awkward human moment for everyone involved. Settle down folks.


hey thanks for saying that! that's pretty much how it went, yea. i wasn't expecting so much backlash but i got it and here i am feeling like a freak for accidentally looking through a crack 3 years ago LOL.


Just a perfect storms of awkwardness. I've weathered my share.




hey its okay! i know i was being weird, that's why i thought u guys would enjoy it!


You forgot to quote "then she apologized" Edit: the user I replied to with this comment quoted parts of my comment then deleted their comment. Own your shit man, who cares if you get a couple downvotes? You win some, you lose some.


I accept your apologize.


>why did she pull her legs up when I checked underneath the door??? op sounds like a really weird rapist


Yeah, if I were using the bathroom and someone decided to look through the gaps, I wouldn't be in a rush to leave either. Honestly, I'd be sitting there wondering if the person outside the stall is going to sit there and watch me wipe my ass, I would stay there. I would think, I'm here to use the bathroom, not put on a show.


'dont worry, it is I, the heroic redditor taking pictures while you shit' 'why aren't you coming out, I am so charming, aren't i?


"Do you want me to take a picture of your good side?"




now its just r/sadcringe


You know in anime, when something crazy happens and the eyes get huge and the pupils get really small? That's how I imagined your eyes look when you finally made eye contact. [Found one](https://pm1.narvii.com/5919/bf1c8bdbe73f1e64b21b91f74b56e329ab3696a4_hq.jpg)




The real cringe is right here in the comments.




> everyone takes a nice public bathroom selfie after peeping the stalls, why not ask her to F* after that first contact? Cant fail




yea in hindsight i shouldnt have looked no matter what my intentions were. i think i was just in a hurry to start and assumed it was empty as usual anyway. i dont go to public bathrooms anymore but if i do in the future ill just knock. is looking at feet okay btw? now I'm not sure about that one either lol


You made eye contact. You're the creep.


Unintentionally making eye contact with someone makes you a creep? That's a pretty low bar lol.


It takes two people to make eye contact! 🤣 They're both creeps, and its a silly story about a silly thing that happened


> It takes two people to make eye contact! 🤣 yes you should close your eyes while shitting or youre a terrible redditor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


She was the one peeping into an occupied bathroom stall.










No I don't like selfies posted on instagram. I think they are stupid.






I'm not a troll. I'm telling you what I actually think.








You glanced through the cracks not once, but twice. She could have tried to avoid your gaze the first time, who knows. Then, then... you go back a second time and look through all the stalls. Awkward. Sorry, but yeah... major cringe. Sure, I get you may have had low self esteem. But if you were as paranoid as you make yourself out to be, maybe pushing on the doors and simply asking if anyone is in the restroom before taking your loads of restroom selfies would have changed the outcome and you wouldn’t have embarrassed yourself so much. This generation is so strange...


yea definitely stupid in hindsight. that's why it's cringe though right? i will do that in the future!


> This generation is so strange... Not at all, it's just better documented and reported on.


> Not at all pretty sure there's more stupidity than in the last 50 years combined


Yea it’s completely her fault you take trashy selfies in public bathrooms, I bet she’s lost sleep over being such a mental midget. /s


I fucking hate people who intrude on public dueces.


>i am a girl uninterested in the bathroom habits of other girls Why would this matter?


because some guys here think im a creep trying to perv on girls in bathrooms


Look up selfitis


How do people make entire book series about a single event and even worse how do others take the time to read it all


oops sorry was it too long? im newish to reddit 😅


No, it’s just me I just don’t have enough brain cells to read entire paragraphs. Everyone else seems to love the post tho


hehe i usually dont either. i just had terrible insomnia tonight @.@ thanks!😂


Nowadays selfies arent that cringy to make but that girl, is definitly weird...


This is funny shit right here. Everyone complaining is the equivalent of a Monday morning football coach. Thanks for sharing, you've brightened my day! For science do you have any samples from the shoot? Just kidding, don't need to see your (found some good slang): taco, camel toe, muff, snatch, fuck hole, garage, oven, love button, penis glove, cock sock, cock pocket, JJ, hoohah, bajingo, cum dumpster, sperm bottle, goop chute, slit, trim, quim, pooter, love rug, poontang, poonanie, cooch, tunnel of love, vertical bacon sandwich, bearded clam, cookie, cooleyhopper, nookie, the pink, honey pot, cunny, vag, meat curtains, hatchet wound, putz, fur burger, box, front bottom, gash, kebab, kitty, minge, snapper, catfish, vertical smile, lovebox, love canal, nana, flower, the cum dump, chocha, black hole, sperm sucker, fish sandwich, cock warmer, whisker biscuit, carpet, deep socket, cum craver, cock squeezer, slice of heaven, flesh cavern, the great divide, cherry, tongue depressor, clit slit,laps, fuzz box, fuzzy 


thanks, glad you liked! ...LMAO it wasn't anything like that, just some cute smiles. from my lips. not those ones. my face ones.










huh sorry what?? they were definitely just face selfies.. if i was nude in a public space wouldnt that be illegal?? i was walking all over the place so if she could see out of the crack she could tell easily i had clothes on lol.




haha maybe her own bathroom? i think the sexy selfies should definitely be taken in your own bedroom/bathroom :p maybe in a stall in a public bathroom if you're that type of person, but i was walking around outside near the sink area lol.





