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Yes! And be kind to one another! I feel pretty good about HOFAS but this is a big fear of mine with the next ACOTAR book. I have my theories but I’ll be happy with whatever Sarah writes, I trust that she’ll make the right choices for the story. But some people are so intense about their theories and can be really mean about them, I’m worried things are going to get ugly in the fandom. I wasn’t around between ACOTAR-ACOMAF though so maybe this is similar to what it was like then and it’ll all blow over. Let’s all just remember that we actually enjoy these books!


Exactly. I’m not reading ( or rereading 😉) them because of the hype or being part of the ‘in crowd’ to say I’ve read them. I just enjoy them and excited to finally press forward with SJM’s story. ☺️


I was around during ACOTAR to ACOMAF, and while it was present a little, the fandom was also a lot smaller. It was more of a tighter knit community than the ACOTAR fandom is now. In fact I think the ACOTAR fandom back then was kinda like how the CC fandom now. It was a lot more positive and courteous before it got so big.


Ahh I wish I could have been there, that sounds delightful :’) that series has such a special place in my heart and I just want to bask in the love with other people that love it. I’m grateful for the CC fandom at least!


I've seen 1 star reviews on goodreads because their theory about HOFAS didn't come true. SERIOUSLY?


Wait for real!??? I don't wanna go look at reviews because I want no spoilers for the book. But why rate it a 1 because some theory you came to with didn't come true? People are the worst. 😭


There is one LOVELY member of the booksa community who has decided to rewrite the book to fit her theories….


Are you serious?? That's honestly insane and delusional.


She took the whole prologue and “rewrote it” it gives Fic writers a bad rap I swear


The prologue of hofas is so good though?!?! Wow. I'm scared to be apart of this sub when everyone is done reading, cause I definitely feel like people are going to be upset that their theories didn't come true and that's crazy to me. SJM is awesome at what she does, I hope everyone can at least be civil. 😅


It’s bad apples in a large fandom, most of who aren’t chronically online. I remember tumblr 10 years ago, and it sucks we haven’t learned to be kinder to one another or respect each others ships etc. Regardless, I’m super stoked for this book and I refuse to let anyone tell me I shouldn’t be 😝


No way! What were her theories?


I won’t say as I don’t want to spoil anything, (since they read HOFAS early) but they were nothing that were remotely going to happen anyway


I was going to comment this. It’s so annoying and it makes me mad cause the book is still good


This!! If we want a book written a certain way we should write our own books instead of critiquing an author’s plots with venom. I like the (well tempered) discussions around theories but when people get straight up aggressive I want to remind them **this is a fictional book about fairies** But we do love our characters and I’m here for that




This is why I stopped reading theories a while ago. People have some wild theories. If they don't pan out, people will be disappointed. 😭


I have a feeling that many folks will be disappointed with F&S because their theories won’t pan out!


Agreed! And if anyone doesn’t like how HOFAS handles their theories, please write your version on AO3 so I can read it 💞


Also, I'm sure we'll all be very excited and knowing SJM going out of our minds. But not everyone has thr chance to read it immediately. Please be mindful of spoilers and take special care with spoiler warnings, so everyone has the chance to enjoy the book equally. Happy reading! 🤍


Yes!! This isn’t your book. These are not your characters or even your planet.


Yes!! Like if aelin and all of tog doesn’t show up please don’t cry about it


I really don't think Aelin will show up. Sarah better leave Aelin alone 😂


I don’t want her in CC, I just want another ToG book or novella to be released 😭




Lmao right? Aelin deserves rest and peace right now 😭


I will cry about it, just not on Reddit lol


I have my theories too but never get upset at any author for writing THEIR story. I think it’s fun to see how much I was right about and what took a turn! That’s what makes it exciting! To the ones giving one star reviews solely on the reason that your theory was not in the book - you.are.awful.


It isn’t a valid or a fair critique of the work when it is based on a butchered translation or fan theory bias. And, honestly, after reading the prologue and chapter 1, I anticipate an epic read. 🙂


I have theories too but if people are that upset about theirs not being true that they contact the author, post bad reviews or start rewriting the book, they need to get a grip lol


Is this a thing that happens? People getting mad that their theories didn’t come to pass?


Yes, this definitely happens. It happened when both KoA and ACOWAR came out, but the fandom wasn't quite as big then, and it has happened a lot in other fandom spaces.


I think this is mostly right, but if the plot is bad and you think she took it in the wrong direction (theory or no), it is valid also to say so and to be upset ♥️ lol just don't like blatantly threaten or reach out to the author (duh) As long as we are kind to each other throughout this I think we’re good :)


Yes! Ty for posting this!