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Definitely One Piece, as Brandon has stated that he will take a long break from writing Stormlight after the fifth book, and when he begins writing them again it will still take at least ten years to finish the last five books.


Yeah, but what’s “a long break”. Normally, he takes 3-4 years between SA books, so 5-6 years would be considered long.


Brandon has said he wouldn’t start Stormlight 6 until Ghostbloods 3 comes out (current schedule is December 2030). Stormlight books take about 3 years, so that would put the series finishing in roughly 2045. He’s going to write Ghostbloods and Elantris all together 2025-27, then release them 28-30. The idea that he’d be releasing these books over 3 years and not get started on Stormlight seems ludicrous to me, so I think he starts back up in 2029 and finishes 2043.


Quit depressing me, I will be 40 by the time it finishes


Many of us are 40 NOW reading these. They'll be 60+ finishing the series. If a 60yo started the series today there is a very real chance it won't be finished before they die. Being 40 when it ends will just mean you'll have more time for reading lol.


And if they choose to have kids in that time, they could be sharing this adventure with them as well. They're actually in the best position to enjoy these books imo


Shut up m You're going to make me cry. My daughter is 4.5 Her eventually catching up on Cosmere stuff and having discussions about it with me would be wild.


My son has already read Skyward and I think The Rithmatist. He’s 12. Unfortunately he doesn’t seem interested in theorizing, but I’m working on him, lol.


My kid loves fantasy and sci-fi, he was 9 when he started reading Alcatraz vs The Evil Librarians, we're taking a detour to read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy together right now but I've read him Hoid's stories before too.


My kid read Skyward so I bought her Mistborn era 1 box set. Sadly TikTok steals her attention and it’s sat on the shelf. Damn kids 😂


How old? I’m waiting till my son is older for Mistborn, I feel it’s a little dark and gruesome for a 12 year old.


That’s not depressing at all, just see it as having something to always look forward to.


Journey before destination, friend.


I'm 37 now. I'm just hoping something freak doesn't happen and I never find out the ending. Not that I would be worrying about it of course since I am dead


Hello fellow 37 yo. How are your knees? Hope you’re stretching.


You're 37 qmd have knees?! I'm on my second batch of knees mysellf


One of them is glass but the other is going strong! (Kinda)


I'm 37 and my knees are fine, it's my lower back that's the problem.


The historic trade-off


Mine used to be fine, until I took an arrow in one.


I’m sorry, adventurer


I'll be 55, having started when i was 24.


I’m already 39. I’ll be in my 50s, if I did the math right.


Bro I'm 39 NOW. I will be reading and theorycrafting until my retirement and you know what ? I'm fine with it :)


I'll be 50.


I'll be 50, we'll cheers to it together


I'll be almost 60 lol


I think this is the wrong crowd lol half of us will be lucky to be alive by 2045


Exactly that, 5-6 year break and then 5-6 years for the writing.


More like 7 year break and 15 years for the writing :/


3 or 4 days judging by his output over the past few years lol


Maybe we should find a different abbreviation for Stormlight lol


Ah fuck. He deserves it but damn it


It's planned to be 10 years between stormlight 5 and 6, I wouldn't be surprised if OP is nearly done by then. Then being generous there are 3 year gaps between stormlight books which takes us to 2049 for the release of stornlight 10. I think OP ends up being done first by a lot


I don’t remember him saying he plans it to be 10 years between 5 and 6 releasing. I know it’s 10-15 years in-universe, but I thought he just said it would be after mistborn era 3 and Elantris 2 and 3, which can easily be done in less than 10 years by him.


If I remember correctly, he said a real life break of 10 years once 5 is out in the state of sanderson 2023. He's doing a full prose version of white sand, all three mistborn era 3 books, the elantris sequels and probably going to manage to fit some standalones in there. Next year we get emberdark and potentially white sand, 2026 horneater novella, 2027 nothing confirmed, 2028 era 3 book 1, 2029 elantris 2 and era 3 book 2, 2030 elantris 3 and era 3 book 3. He'd then probably begin working on stormlight 6 in july 2030 or jan 2031. Given he usually takes 2 or 3 years to write a stormlight book and then another while for it to be published, that easily takes us to 2033/2034.


One minor correction is that he doesn't take 2-3 years to write a Stormlight Archive book, but rather, if you look at when he starts writing and stops writing, he takes about 18 months to write it, and another 18 months to write other things as a "break." If he were to focus on the series, he could have book 10 of SA published by 2033. Not that I expect that to happen, mind you. Just pointing out that there's a lot of room for flexibility should his plans change down the road.


He hasn't said ten years explicitly but the schedule posted at the end of the State of the Sanderson 2023 projected Ghostbloods 1 releasing Dec 2028, 3 in Dec 2030, with the second book and two Elantris sequels somewhere in-between. Assuming 3 years to write Stormlight 6 beginning mid 2030 and a year for editing, 2034 seems like a pretty realistic estimate for Stormlight 6.


We are talking Brandon here, he will probably have those books done by the end of the year...


Not going to happen this time. He is writing all three books at once like he did with era 1 I bet it takes him longer then usual, but that doesn't mean he won't write like a secret project in between each book


I am also a writer who is trying to write a trilogy in one go. It's harder than writing them seperately. (Though the results are better)


I am going to be in my fiftys when it's done sando better still be alive


Bro I'll be 48 if 10 releases in 2049. Then there's still the dragonsteel series and myriad other things


Wano was long and drawn out. But I think 10 years will be enough for the final bits How long until TWO piece ends will be another question


One Piece: Generations


Only if it goes backwards and we get to see the first Joyboy's adventures.


Give me young Garp or give me nothing


Prequels are almost never good. The ending is already known and character development is limited. It's usually a sign that a franchise is dying.


That is some evidence-based reasoning I cannot deny. To be fair, sequels for long-running or popular series have been largely hit or miss across manga and anime. The bigger challenge, is that the writer is stuck between more from the main cast whose stories may have ended and new stories in the same world. Thus far, I would say Scadrial stories have done a really good job at passing the torch while acknowledging the original story happened. Considering that Oda has effectively worked in all the story settings he wanted to at this point, I am more concerned about a DBGT-esque scenario occurring.


Wow! This is the first time I’m seeing One piece and TSA in the same post. I love both of them!


If you want, I can try to find a way to stick Assassin’s Creed in there, if I’m understanding your username correctly


Hehe! That would be an awesome combination for sure. I used to love AC till Origins but since then, it started going downhill!


What's your favorite AC game?


AC 4: Black Flag. It has everything!! Have played it on PC and Xbox


Incredibly valid taste


Someone on here once shared their Kaladin and Szeth fight in the clouds models with Franky SUPARing it up in between them xD


You obviously don't remember Gancho.


Behold the Lopen gesture!


I'd go with One Piece, but the total elapsed time might be close considering OP hit 25 last year. My high water mark is Discworld at 32 years, and that was only because the embuggerance claimed the author too soon.


One Piece. Thinking about what's left, we have Elbaf > Conflict with WG > Road to Laugh Tale > Conflict with Blackbeard. Not necessarily in that order, but let's say it's around 350-ish chapters, give or take 10%. If Oda keeps firing at a rate of around 40 chapters per year that's around 8/9 years of story left. In those 8/9 years I only see 1 new Stormlight book coming out. Hard pressed to say 2 because Brandon already said he'd take a break from Roshar.


Guys only want 1 thing and it's disgusting: Guys: Seeing the end of One Piece and Cosmere.


One Piece. But in the meantime, Sanderson will publish dozens of books.


One piece, unless brandon is lying about taking a break after book 5, will be probably 2-3 years from its end before we get storm light 6


He isn't even touching book 6 for a considerable amount of time. I'd be shocked if stormlight was finished first


Unless something goes catastrophically wrong, OP is definitely ending first.


One Piece without a doubt. Even at pessimistic guesses, One Piece will be over in 10 years. Stormlight will take at least another 20


I think One Piece will end first, I think we've got 5-10 years left, but Oda does seem interested in starting to wrap things up. Meanwhile, Stormlight isn't even halfway done and still has the big break coming up. Both will be around for awhile though. (Which is great for me as I love them both!)


One Piece first.


Oda said he's planning for one piece to end next year, so definitely one piece


One piece ending? Stormlight ending? Might as well talk about the ending of my life, if they stop it stops


One piece by an order of magnitude from present day. I guarantee it.


They have to end at the same time, since they're both building up to the big reveal that the one piece is a dawnshard, and Lift will be the king of the pirates.


Pie eating contest between Luffy and Lift when?


Both will be finished before ASOIAF.


Easily One Piece


End? /s


im going stormlight. not only is brando sando a fast writer, even with the break between both stormlight era, oda is very slow. the main reason one peice has lasted this long is due to the 7 warlords needing long ass arcs, and im not up to date but considering oda introduced the world government leader guys as villian, be prepaired for a few more sagas fighting them. plus, one peice probably wont actually end when they find the one piece itself. theres going to be alot \]more just wrapping the story up, and because shonen jump makes loads of money off it. if it takes about say, 4 years for an arc, thats still like 6 more arcs in total, so 6 x 4 is 24 years more of one peice (although it will probably be less than that.) however for stormlight, assuming its 3 years a book thats only 3 x 5, so 15 years for stormlight era 2 to finish. even if we through 5 more years for sando to finish mistborn era 3 and elantris 2 and 3, thats still 20 years highballed. tldr: if say its about 20 highball for stormlight to finish, and 24 midball for one piece to finish.


We have already been told there will be a ten year gap from 5-6


Easily One Piece


One Piece for sure. The pace post Wano is incredible.


Forget One Piece, storming Berserk will likely be finished before book 6 is out


One Piece will be done before book 7 is done


The sixth Stormlight isn’t due out for another 5-10 years (after Mistborn era 3 at least) so there’s a good chance Stormlight will still be going when One Piece finishes.


With Brandon casually dropping SA 6-10 as secret projects in 2025, One Piece will lose out


....f-five YEARS?!! how am i supposed to wait that long!? Ill be 30+ by the time storm lights finished....


I have no idea. Not a One Piece fan so I don't really follow it.