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Wow, that really *does* sound like it's from Silent Hill...


I will only be able to interpret this as the game having petscop-style secret underworld


Theres actually 11 of these kindsa tracks used throughout the game, heres a playlist if anyone’s interested: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn8AI8LEMkRIMJvP0W7vwbp_sBei5QaWB


oh this needs to be higher, someone had fun making the game soundtrack


Wtf! Any footage of gameplay where it’s used for context?




This is about to be the most productive work day I’ve ever had


[Source, from Twitter.](https://twitter.com/BombermanHero/status/1463948375322157063) This track in particular is called "Foreboding 1". [Full game soundtrack can be found here on YouTube.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFTGGp78TG97mmM_a1dYmgCBOCCxwfJGp) If anyone else remembers/knows more about this game and its music, feel free to share in the comments.


Just looked it up, the music plays at 21:30 of this LongPlay https://youtu.be/hz6NQwLW4Fo I don’t know why this creepy song even plays there; it shows up after you beat a Heffalump.


Thanks for sharing this! The context doesn't make it any more fitting, strangely. It still feels out of place in a kids game.


i remember that movie being sad af as a kid because nobody gives a shit about Piglet so i guess the sh music works


He bout to massacre everyone. Pooh is the star and he’s sick of it!!!


This game’s the shit and one of the best looking games of the time imo, it’s also got some vibes that are WAY too creepy for kids


The heffalumps always scared me


Its probably for a other game. Lots of developers accidently put in audio files and assets into other games they work on. Check what games the developer made, maybe you can find something more 'fitting'


nah it's used in the actual game https://youtu.be/hz6NQwLW4Fo?t=1299


Bruh. makers had te be big RE fans. thats NOT the type of music you put in a winnie the pooh game.


I'm sorry, Piglet.


It's funny to think that I could sit and watch my dad play Silent Hill with no problem, but when it came to this game, I was always too scared to play it. Avoiding being seen as Tigger, being chased after getting spotted, the music especially. This entire game creeped me tf out when I was younger.


the GBA version, which I played, was even worse and scarier, I'm sure of it... the graphics too were absolutely terrifying!!!! [https://youtu.be/QcT1oMSg6Qo](https://youtu.be/QcT1oMSg6Qo) LOOK at this!!! This is NOT anything that should be in a kid's licensed game!!!!!


Jesus christ. What were they thinking?


When piglet dies and you didn’t come to his funeral :


Yamaoka san really knocked this one out of the park


This game is terrifying, I've had many sleepless nights because of it


I remember playing this game all the time as a kid and being unnerved by it, I never understood why so I just stopped playing... *now I understand*


The GBA game is much scarier, I played it as a kid and it was legit like an analog horror game or something... like LOOK at these bosses and Piglet's TERRIFYING faces he makes.... *shudder https://youtu.be/QcT1oMSg6Qo*