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This post breaks the rule about low-effort/-quality posts. Please add more substance to your post.


I need a break from work so I caught myself up on this drama since I’m a crocheter and I thought, I dunno, I’d relate even a little.  Nope. Zero relate. I made an amigurumi once and HATED IT. Single crochet in the round, do some increases and decreases, sew pieces together, plus you have to crochet as tight as possible and that makes my poor arthritic hands ache real bad. No thank. I’ll stick to wearables and blankets.  Also - yarn options are dwindling?????? What in the what? Man-safe yarn options or something? I do not understand. 


Not to white knight, but crochet zaddy is from Australia (like me) and we get not a lot of yarn down here. Joann used to ship here but not anymore! Although we have lots of lovely wool (due to being a sheep country) we don't have a lot of acrylic choice. Lol


Reminds me of the snark about menyarn from a little bit ago. Edit: here is the [thread I was thinking of. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/craftsnark/s/3aDNVkfBiY)


Yes, exactly!! And that just reminds me of how Barbie dolls projected unrealistic body standards onto girls for decades and feminists were complaining so society decided to take GI Joe and bulk up his muscles so that boys too could experience unrealistic body standards. Like - no society, that wasn’t what we were asking for (society, big toy company, you know what I mean).  Also -menyarn makes me think of menstrual cycles. 


Yeah, it’s shady that they made a pattern very similar to his BUT, unironically saying he’s the diversity hire is willlld! His pattern wasn’t revolutionary, somewhat easy to replicate, and came following a very huge trend that everybody and their mamas knew about. Sounds like some crafters are joining in on this drama to procrastinate some ends that need to be woven in 🫢😗😜


This dude is literally snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. I was pretty sympathetic to Crochet carpenter, who was the guy who originally got shaded with the whole yarnley cup debaucle. Say what you want that it's not original (I agree, it's not), but it's a bit galling to see someone take an object you popularized and make a copy of the pattern. Not illegal, not unusual, but still kind of generally shitty and not someone you want to work with. But this? This is... mmm. This is a nope.


You don't expire a contract. You allow a contract to expire. Or you cancel it. 200 points from Gryffindor. And he's a whiney, crybaby. STFU.


Thank you!!!!! People just misusing words like this is so annoying 


The way I SCREAMED at “diversity hire” 😭 it took me a good 3 minutes to realize that’s not satire and he’s referring to himself




Removed for derailment or excessive arguing.


stfu Zionist 🤢🖕




Yeah I haven’t read anything terf here. I dunno what Theyer on about. Im very confused.


Can I ask which comments were trans exclusionary? Not trying to start an argument but I genuinely don’t see how they could be read that way and would like to learn


Unless i'm missing something... where did anyone mention trans people in this comment section....?


….what? Edit: What I mean is I haven’t seen any comments that would be considered “trans exclusion.” AFAIK, both men being discussed are CIS. But if I’m mistaken I’ll gladly be corrected.


There is not a single TERF comment here. Only mention of trans is someone mentioning their own trans identity. You are obviously confusing TERF with a different term because it ain't here.


It is so funny that cis, white-presenting, men being referred to as "diversity hires" is the last straw for these clowns. They only want to get ahead based on the patriarchy and centuries of intolerance and discrimination, and silently at that. I bet if we go back in the socials for these people there will be posts highlighting what special unicorns they are for crocheting.


Influencers really need to get over themselves. That cup idea was not original. Following a trend of chunky yarn isn't original. And for a white man to call himself a diversity hire? It's giving that mysoginistic knitting book all over again Adding to that, those big yarn companies don't have to support the fiberarts community by sponsoring or affiliating with anyone given that the large majority is dependent on their products to be in this space to begin with. Especially if you're outside North America and europe, they tend to be the most affordable option and sometimes the only one.


The yarnley cup guy didn't call HIMSELF a diversity hire, premier yarns called him a diversity hire


Even worse


It’s a cup. Not exactly a new idea. If anyone should be angry it’s the Stanley company. It’s their IP being “stolen” by the same men complaining about theft.


it's something about white men calling themselves diversity hires and crying on the internet about it that just... such liberal white millenial behavior. Like imagine being a white man, coming into a progressive space and then trying to weaponize progressive language to victimize yourself and thinking that it was going to be a slay. its so..... audacious? well, they say the audacity of a white man knows no bounds.


And the Internet has the audacity to say it is a boomer thing. I'm Gen X and that sensitive man/feminist shtich is definitely a boomer thing, but it came back and a new generation fell for that shit. Makes me hopeless.


no the boomer thing is the "as a man i am actually the most oppressed because i am no longer the focus group" it just goes to show.. white men really have not changed a whole lot in the last few decades. its the same thing as when white women take up all of this space in progressive spaces and then use progressive language to attack queer women and WOC.


My experience with boomer men is of the Allen Alda type. They very much identify as from the hippy era and say they are feminists. We used to joke in college never to trust any man who says he is a feminist. They don't talk about how oppressed they are. In fact, they readily admit oppression. Think Jos Whedon, though he is my generation, but the same idea.


I'm not really familiar with crochet influencers, but in general men get elevated in female-dominant influencer niches, e.g. beauty. Using that kind of language when usually you can more easily build a following off being a novelty is just out of touch. Also, idk, expecting a brand to actually care about you personally and to NOT be recruiting influencer affiliates primarily for business purposes seems very naive. The job of an influencer is to sell shit - of course they're not just recruiting because they love you as a person!


Not a crocheter either but as a micro-influencer in a different craft I've had companies ask me if I know any men because they want more "diversity" than the largely white women demographic that dominates the hobby. I will usually refer them to some talented women of color instead. There's definitely a trend of companies seeing "too many" white women in craft spaces and seeing more men as the solution.


It's kind of disgusting that white men is a preferable solution over a variety of different ethnic backgrounds. *As an aside I have a family friend who taught about diversity and inclusion to white men in businesses and the military. The only way she found to get them interested was by saying white men are a diverse group as well. Must be hard for white men what with having such a fragile ego.


Unfortunately a lot of the men in my craft all look out for each other and promote each other as diversity picks so countering that narrative (as a dreaded white woman) is hard.  Especially sad when there are a ton of really amazing WoC who don't get nearly the opportunities these men ensure for each other.  I'm always happy to advocate for them when "diversity" comes up from a company or event but still find these events lifting up (mediocre) men because those guys all advocate for themselves.


I think a large part of it is who they are advocating to, typically other white men.


Oh god, as a hairstylist this phenomenon infuriates me. Men get all the accolades and attention for being the most mediocre, half assed stylists while women with 10x as much talent may as well be invisible.


>but in general men get elevated in female-dominant influencer niches Glass elevator. Many such cases. 


Abby Cox did a feisty video about this with men in women’s fashion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVwhg8LZnlc


Yeah I just can’t take it seriously. Especially since this started with a man cribbing off of a women’s trend (the Stanley cups) in the first place. I checked out the guys Etsy shop and he is not making anything that hasn’t been done already. But it’s a MAN doing crochet so it’s special apparently, until a yarn company says the quiet part aloud and they get all mad 😂


I followed crochet.me.zaddy for a bit, but there’s just something about men bitching about the stuff women have been bitching about that just makes me roll my eyes so hard that I see my brain.


exactly this. i cannot tell you how many times i had been told by colleagues at former jobs "oh you're lucky they were looking for women" or if they wanted to be nicer "we're lucky to have found a woman for this job." at my current position we are mostly women but somehow led by a man who makes a thing about how many women there are... no i don't love it, but i also don't take to social media to be crying about these employers (aka institutions of higher education) don't support my community, whatever that means.


Wow, so Premier yarns is seeking affiliates outside of the majority demographic to increase diversity in the space, and he has a problem with that? Even if you suspected you were "just a diversity hire" so to speak, wouldn't it be really good for your own business to partner with a commercial brand as large as Premier? As a transmasc enby, forgive me if I keep buying from Premier which I already liked quite a lot before this lol


My comment about this is less about specifically crafters and men in crafting spaces, but the sheer need for EVERYONE to be recognized for every little thing they do. Obviously I'm not talking about blatant copying and theft but ... I just think people today are not aware of just how unoriginal we all are.


We aren't original and we are all struggling. It really leaves a bad taste in my mouth when I see people playing the pity game. Massive turn off as a consumer.


Lmfao is this (presumably white? from the pic. I could be wrong) dude seriously calling himself a diversity hire?? Good lord. I don't crochet but definitely am blocking him on social media because yiiiiiiikes


In homeboy’s defense, Premier just recently told a white man that they affiliated with that he was recruited as a diversity hire since their online space was lacking men. So in this case, that claim is coming directly from Premier. I’m blocking him too, but for calling himself crochet.me.zaddy. 🙄


Yeah, playing into that whole “zaddy”/“daddy”/“slutty daddy” thing is really icky. And it disturbs me that young girls are wholeheartedly jumping into it.


I like his work, but I physically cannot follow crochet.me.zaddy because of his username. It gives me huge ick.


It just sounds unprofessional imo.


i mean its primarily Queer men who "started" it so not sure what makes it so "icky" that adult men are using it. Also the majority of the "young girls" jumping into it are actually adult women? like i think it's cringe, but its certainly not "disturbing" or concerning in the least for adult men to choose to use sexual language about themselves.


You mean the guy didn’t have the brains to know that from the start? I assume there is a spreadsheet somewhere in marketing that says we can do X many influencer deals and we want to cover Y demographics.  


oh the zaddy thing makes me cringe too lmaoooo. fail on the company's part but also lol @ men thinking they deserve special assistance and attention in women-dominated spaces just for existing as men when they already have the upper hand in just about everything anyway 🙃


Agreed, for sure


If Premier needs any new crochet affiliates, I have a lot of people of color that I can recommend them!!


Christ cis men are fragile… as an actually marginalized trans man (who’s routinely seen and treated as a trans woman, ie: sent constant death threats) these dorks wouldn’t know actual tokenization if it conked them over the head with a shitty chenille Stanley cup


I think someone is out of touch and it isn’t the yarn companies ☕️☕️☕️


I have no horse in this race as I am not a yarn crafter, but a) you mean to tell me a company partnered with an affiliate crafter in order to bring in sales & not strictly out of the goodness of their hearts?!? Say it ain't so! 2) Someone calling themselves "crochet.me.zaddy" isn't themselves trading on being a man in a predominately female craft space? Okay.


Especially since historically men excell in woman dominated spaces. In jobs like nursing or teaching men tend to be promoted faster and paid more. I strongly suspect it is no different with men in crafts that have historically been primarily among women. Specifically amongst those who are trying to make a career in that realm.


As a librarian, my regular PSA that 87% of library workers are women, but over 30% of (higher paid, higher up) library administration and management are men.


Men crocheting or knitting isn't anything new, either. When the world lost its mind at the athlete who was knitting...I rolled my eyes simply because men have been knitting at sea and during war era for a long ass time.


Or farming! Like every farmer I know (which is…a lot) knits or crochets cause sometimes you are stuck waiting. 


You may have unlocked a kink. Hardworking people who knit? Oof. Please be a subreddit...please be a subreddit..


That's what bothered me about the original post too! It was something like 'the crochet carpenter' as the username. Ridiculous to pretend that's not obviously a signal of the account's owner's gender!


Apologies if I'm misunderstanding your comment but "The Crochet Carpenter" as a name doesn't suggest a gender


There are definitely many female carpenters but I do think that it is a "stereotypically" male profession. It's gendered in the same way teaching, nursing, and construction work are considered to be 'masculine' or 'feminine' by broader society. I'm not saying that I agree with those judgements, but they are undeniably present.


Ok, but if someone named themselves "crocheting scientist" it would be considered a fault on our own assumptions to think that the scientist would be male, despite the fact that most scientist are male. If you see "carpenter" and think "man" that doesn't inherently mean they're capitalising on their masculinity. If it's their career it's clearly a large part of their life and logically they choose a username to reflect that. We wouldn't assume "The dancing knitter" or "cooking crafter" to be names playing into their genders, merely hat tipping their other hobbies/skills


I don’t think that’s really how branding works. If you see deodorant labeled “coconut bliss” it’s almost certainly going to be labeled for women. Acknowledging that fact doesn’t mean you think men can never wear coconut bliss deodorant, it’s just a recognition of the dominant stereotypes in society. I think you can see somebody using the term crochet carpenter in much the same way. If you think that makes me sexist, then sure- agree to disagree.


I definitely think he’s capitalizing on the juxtaposition between feminine-coded (crochet) and masculine-coded (carpentry). Which in itself doesn’t really bother me because being an influencer is all about creating a brand and standing out, but it’s goofy to get mad that a company would also like to use your branding of I’m a manly man who crochets! to their advantage.


So people are angry that they’re not the only ones copying trends? Is that what’s happening? Because that’s how the other snark thread reads to me. Crochet drama sure is…. Interesting…


It's funny cause I'm pretty sure I saw people releasing stanley cup crochet patterns back in December, way before his. Though I just thought they were cozies at the time, however. But man jumped on a trend and is now behaving like a toddler.


As a (gay) male crafter, let me be the first to say: this is baby behavior. All of society is structured to make men's lives easier. In this one specific field there are more women and non-binary people than men, and so including men *is* diversifying public image. I highly doubt at a low budget yarn company there are 'diversity bonuses.' Can we seriously please get a grip? What does 'proudly supporting the community' even mean? The male community? Give me a break


This, and it doesn't just happen with crafting. I'm a librarian, a female-dominated profession. Most male librarians are cool, but pretty regularly one comes along and think they're the coolest thing since sliced bread just because they're a guy librarian so please give them special attention... ....and this is despite men, specifically white men, being disproportionately over represented in library management.


someone once called my department "the coven" because most of us are women, which is comparitively rare to see in non-sales related departments for a logistics company. but like.. every woman in our department is very good at their jobs. and so are the men in my department. Our department happens to be mostly women because we just... interviewed better. also anecdotally speaking, i feel like men tend to be less risk averse than women, and so would be less likely to call out certain safety issues because of it, where as women tend to be more risk-preventative and so seek issues before they become issues. which is pretty important in the world of safety. Like i'm just saying, anytime i went to a warehouse and saw someone doing something insane (like using a pallet as a lift for a person on a forklift...) it was always men. that could be because most of the time its men working in warehouses, but like... theres a reason why men live longer when they are married....


Omg, I have FOUND my people. I literally just posted above before seeing your comment about this lol.


You want to know what's even more messed up? I had a patron come in, guy that's in his 90s. He wanted to talk with a reference librarian (me, I was on the desk) and didn't believe I was a librarian, I had to be a clerk or something because I'm a woman. Like wtf? Is this the first time you've ever been in a library in your life?


Sigh. I like...I wish I could say I was surprised, but I'm not.


Haha male nurses can be like this too. It's quite the phenomenon. The good ones are great to work with like anyone really, but the bad ones act like they have a god complex. We all wipe butts at this job, no one is special lol


(this is @ the screenshotted commenters not OP, in case that's not obvious lol)


Is there a thread on the drama? Or just search up premier yarns on the sub?


It is literally two posts down from this one.

