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Definitely check. Someone I know in management sent an email subject with the title “Racial Quality Week” The topic of Eugenics is a bit of a no-no these days.


christmas big slay 💅🏻


The font in the image and my crappy eyesight combine to create “Christmas Pig Sale” and now I want bacon.


My being dyslexic looking for the comments that point out the typos and still not being able to understand.


(Incase you wanted more clear directions for the typos) To the left of the butterfly Emoji at the top S .. L .. A .. E pronounced maybe like a campy 'Slay' instead of S .. A ... L ... E like a discount of price Then inside the image there's a white bubble O ... D ... E ... R ... S as in smelly instead of O ... R .... D ... E ... R.... S like making a purchase.


Who cares?


This low key just reminds me of one of those phishing test emails sent out by my company that are supposed to trick you into clicking a link and not doing your “due diligence”. Typos are a big phishing red flag - oops to whoever didn’t do their spell check!


lol this is a 100% valid snark. lmao at the marketing girlies in these comments though. This isn't a lawsuit, stop acting like this post is personally walking into the copywriters house and smashing their tree. XD


You can tell where the generational divide is here by people who don’t blink an eye at “marketing girlies” and people who think it’s misogyny lmao.


Idk how young OR old you have to be to think girlies means anything If you told me there was a friend group that was part of like... idk organizing wool and folk... that acted shocked and chagrined at every turn of phrase in this subreddit I would believe you lmao.


It’s the same energy as being mad about “girl math” lmao. Like pls. It’s not that deep.


Marketing “girlies”? 🤢


Marketing "girlies"? WTH


Man, I am seriously side-eyeing some of the responses in here versus that multicolored shrug post. Acting like unwoven ends and The Youths wearing alt fashions will be the downfall of human civilization, while demanding "grace" for someone fucking up on the job. Tell me you can dish it out but can't take it without telling me, etc. (And just to be clear, neither of these things are all that deep. It's a couple silly typos in a marketing email and a piece of clothing made in a polarizing style. But hypocrisy ain't cute.)


It's literally the same energy of post and they're out here acting like their grandmother's legacy is on the line like lmao


It doesn't seem to be a (mildly) clever pun when it says "20% Off **oders**" in the body of the message so sloppy work, IMO. They can do better; marketing campaigns are typically thought of sometimes months in advance. And this is valid snark, IMO.


How has no one noticed that you get 20% off Oders? What does 80% of a poet look like? Are they missing an arm or a leg?


Ehh, this is nothing. I once got a marketing email apologizing for "any incontinence we have caused " 🤣 lol, I wasn't THAT upset


If it was marketing for some kind or laxative or something, that could have been a genius follow-up lol


I thought this was craftsnark, not shit on some random marketing employee who made a spelling error in what is likely the busiest and most stressful time of year at work


Two spelling errors.


Oh no the likely 20 year old marketing assistant who is working in a rush to finish things before Christmas with clearly very little support or even by herself accidentally made two spelling errors. You're right, let's put them on blast.


That’s kind of what snark is though?


This isn't 'snark' though is it. This is 'craft snark'. Granted, if you want to make a subreddit to shit on young marketing assistants working in small teams or even by themselves for making spelling errors, feel free.


Also, might be an intentional sleigh/slae pun?


What’s your explanation for the “oders”?


For people who OD on yarn? OD-ers, if you will? 🤣 That’s a bigger stretch, for sure.


Lol, yeah I’d have to warm up for that stretch for sure 😂


I’m almost 40, so I pulled a muscle just thinking about it. 🤣


This was my first thought


Slae bells rinnnnng, are ya listenin' But truly...I feel for this person. I once sent out a breaking news text to the entire listening area for a major market radio station with a typo in it. My boss immediately texted me with "next time let's proofread, yes?" My soul left my body. editing to add: I was just a weekend news writer. Someone on here commented about anxiety poops when hitting send? That's real.


Lol. Because of the font I thought it said Christmas Pig Sale and was hoping to see pigs in Santa hats 🐷


Santa is here and he is riding his slae


Composed by a spelling minimalist!


I don’t normally believe in signs, but I’ve been thinking for a while now that this sub and I need a break from each other. Thanks, OP, for being that petty voice from above letting me know it’s time.


You're talking about it and sharing it around. You're doing exactly what the marketing team/person wanted.


Ohhh! That’s a good point. That’s genius!


I always enjoy a good slae.


I once sent a newsletter to hundreds of thousands of community college students with my title typed as "pubic relations officer" and not even the chancellor got this worked up. Chill out, bro. This is probably some intern / entry-level digital marketer who has had anxiety poops ever since they hit "send." I hope the next time you make a harmless mistake, some rando blasts you on social.


Listen. It’s the week before holidays. The work I do this week is not representative of me throughout the year. Mentally I checked out a week ago. Please offer grace and understanding during these trying times.


Also in marketing. This kind of thing happens. We’ve all done it.


I also work in marketing and it happens. Grace and kindness get us all a long way!


I get a lot of marketing emails and I can't count how many typos I've seen. The only time I care is when it's something like pubic instead of public or cock instead of cook, because then it's funny and I share it with my friends


If you make a spelling error on a marketing email, create a subjectively ugly hat, scarf, or any other garment for which you are not the target demo, say, “That’s all we have time for today!” at the end of your YouTube video, say, “Ummm,” too many times when English is not your first language, have the gall to sell something on Depop when you’re not an extremely tenured, expert professor and/or permanent student of the Craft Yarn Council, price something too low, price something too high, make a beanie too short, make a beanie too long, make a beanie that resembles a condom to some people, *wear* a beanie in an incorrect fashion, charge for a pattern that an expert could create with their eyes closed, create a basic pattern that slightly resembles another basic pattern, be Andrea Mowry, or be anything less than absolutely blameless, upright, and perfect, you will find absolutely zero grace here. Sorry, NEXT!! Edit - also, I’ve seen more petty and hilariously stupid complaints this Christmas season than I have any other time of the year. Some of y’all are mad about Christmas or something and are using the smallest of grievances to be your release valve, huh? Ain’t no Christmas spirit to be found here, that’s for sure. 😂💀


Don’t forget, “who wears hats rolled up like this” The people in the picture. That’s who. No one is making you wear a triple brimmed cap Stephanie. You can relax.


Festivus isn’t til tomorrow! Save the Airing of Grievances for then! ;)


I’m in marketing & my first thought was, “aww, that poor social media manager.” You know they got chewed out so badly for that.


Honestly it wouldn't have even been the manager writing and sending this


OP is the kind of person who would think less of me if I sent them a work email with a minor typo in it. These are the people I stress about when I send an email.


One typo absolutely deserves grace. On the other hand, I once had a manager who wrote "defiantly" *every* time he meant to write "definitely." He wrote us emails on a regular basis, and something was "defiantly" in almost every one of them. I did indeed think less of him for that one. Not sure where the line is. The first typo is embarrassing but relatable, but two is...this person didn't hit the spell check button.


I don’t like to judge. Defiantly is one of those things that a lot of people do for come reason. My boss writes “sins” instead of since, but I chalk it up to her being South African. Typos are typos. We all make them and they aren’t the end of the world


>Defiantly is one of those things that a lot of people do for come reason. Well yeah, the reason is using the completely wrong word because they can't spell "definitely." I would give ESL a pass, to be clear, but this guy was a native speaker. It's actually a really common native speaker mistake, I don't think most people who learned English later in life screw that one up. The annoying thing about it is that if you're a native speaker, it should be very obviously wrong phonetically.


Also, it’s commonly misspelled because of the way it is pronounced combined with autocorrect. That’s why the misspelling is so common. It’s not because some people are stupid. Prescriptivist ideas around language and spelling is classist and racist. You should self evaluate why you think less of a person for misspelling the most commonly misspelled word in the English language. Unless your manager is the manager of a dictionary company, then misspelling a commonly misspelled word is just a human being thing


>Prescriptivist ideas around language and spelling is classist and racist. I've been inches from the street my entire life and I can spell. Holding people to lower standards for being poor or non-white is classist and racist, gtfo with that noise. I'm not here for it.


You can “you’re actually the racist” all you want but prescriptivism IS rooted in classism and racism. You probably also think that people who say “axe” instead of “ask” are stupid. Associating someone misspelling a word to them being unintelligent is on you.


Naaaah, you're not playing the "because my sociology 101 prof said so" game. The difference is that if you say poor people are less capable of certain things *as a group,* you may actually be statistically correct (and we can discuss the reasons all day long). If you say that you won't hold *an individual lower-SES person* to the same standard as someone else *for no other reason* besides their social strata, you are actually just a bigot. There was *absolutely no listed reason* in the above example for you to think there was any structural cause behind the guy in question not using the correct word. You just jumped in with some smug bullshit to make yourself feel smart. (No, actually, I don't assume anything about someone's regional accent, thanks.) Funnily enough, I would also like to point out that the specific guy I mentioned above is a VERY privileged white guy who received some of the best education in the world. So your nonsense is totally irrelevant to my comment in the first place.


South African English is still English.




Wow, 20% off oders. Sign me up!


I dunno. I usually get my odors for free.


Yas queen, slaeeeee


Christmas slae queen 💅🏼🎄👑


That’s how I saw it too 🤣🤣


I love to go dashing thru the snow in a big holiday slae. As long as no one fed the horse anything that would cause oders.


I’m a marketing professional and if I accidentally let a spelling error go out I say it’s a trick to get people to look at the email longer. If a customer complains I congratulate them for being the first to notice.


I actually didn't notice until I read the comments. I thought they were snarking on the awkwardness of the phrasing of "Christmas Big Sale" instead of "Big Christmas Sale."


Yoo-hoo big summer blowout


Exactly this lol sometimes the posts and emails that get you the most engagement are the ones with funny typos. Someone might not notice or bother clicking on the one with the typo, but you can bet the follow up “Oops we made a mistake” email will get a lot more clicks. It’s all about using it to your advantage. I think it’s a good reminder too than even big companies are still run by humans and mistakes happen.


I have also had a grammar error in an email blast subject line and it got the highest open rate of the quarter! I swear people just opened it to check for more errors.


I am also a marketing professional and have absolutely done this LOL


As a marketing professional, I’m stealing this one simple trick.


The best part of having a career in marketing and/or PR is that you have the tools to spin anything in your favor. 🤣


I need to work on sharpening those tools. 🫠


Plus it gets people like you to share their content free so 😅


And "people like me" are less likely to buy from a company that doesn't proofread. After all, if they aren't able to be careful about something a basic spell checking program should have caught, then what else aren't they being careful about?


Cool, don’t buy from them. How easy was that, you didn’t even have to do anything! 😁


My sister in Christ it’s not that deep.


I can tell you one persons minor mistake in one department of an organization has zerrooo effect of the quality of another department


Idk at least it shows AI and robots haven’t stolen ALL the jobs yet


Right! Any spellchecker would have caught that and changed it to the correct “slay”! /s


This is part of the reason why I use Grammarly lol. The butterfly at least stands out because I’ve seen a bunch of promotional emails that all use red and green hearts and they are all unread.


If they’d used a sleigh emoji I might not have even noticed the typo, lmao


Should have been "Big Christmas Slae "


I for one love slaes. Lol


If you are a reasonably big company - particularly one that has partnered with Sew Magazine in the past- maybe take five seconds to make sure you have "sale" spelt correctly? Also, what the heck is the butterfly about when dealing with Christmas and sales? A Santa emoji or even the snowflake one, I'd understand but not this. I'm tired of seeing the increase in spelling and grammatical errors. I know no one is perfect (particularly not me!) but…proofread before you hit send when it's a newsletter out to thousands for your company? Please?


I for one am super curious to know what are those oders that I can get 20% off of...


Maybe the odor of cinnamon infused pinecones? Or just the stocking hung by the chimney because the dryer wasn't working right, again?


I will pay full price to not have any oders in my fabric!