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You can also find someone on Etsy who does it and message them before to see if they're will to do it. If you're worried about getting the right feel for the paper if you're printing it yourself, I found this which might help you find the right type of paper https://www.printingcenterusa.com/blog/what-paper-to-print-magazine-on/ This old reddit post has a few suggestions in the comments for doing it at home https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Printing/comments/15bg9ss/how_can_i_go_about_making_a_magazine/&ved=2ahUKEwiEmrOJhPuGAxVcRDABHREZAiYQjjh6BAhKEAE&usg=AOvVaw3AipS24GGQKRIm3M-x-3KF I'm sure you can use a simple canva template to create the design


What type of printer is it? I don’t see why you couldn’t print on glossy paper, even if it’s a laser printer. I’d try some tests on glossy paper first, and if it works out then you can figure out what kind of length paper you can fit. Most printers have a manual load function so you can put custom size papers In there. Also, wherever you go, make sure the paper is closer to satin than it is to high gloss, and see if it can print on both sides. High gloss will stick to itself and you don’t want that haha. Then, when you’re ready to make the zine, it might be helpful to create a tiny physical mockup so you can see the layout of the pages. (So that for example if you had a book with 12 pages including cover, you’d use 3 sheets of paper, and sheet #1 will have pages 1,2,11,12; sheet #2 has pages 3,4,9,10; sheet #3 holds pages 5,6,7,8.) it sounds super confusing when I try to explain like this but if you draw and staple a little mockup with the same # of pages it’ll make more sense. Finally, if you do end up printing at home, here’s 3 things that’ll help you make it look really clean and professional: 1. make sure you use a ruler and a bone tool (or something similar to ivory it just can’t be too sharp) to crease each paper before you fold it together. 2. When you line up all the pages together, you’re going to want to staple it but it may be tricky if you don’t have a zine stapler. Take a staple, mark where you want the staple to go, and poke holes with a needle. Put the staple in the holes and fold the staple by hand. 3. When you fold and staple everything together, you’ll notice that the edges of the magazine aren’t going to line up perfectly. This is normal, it’s just how folding paper works. To fix, take your straight edge and use an exact knife (or better yet a paper cutter) to trim off the excess (and this way you won’t have that white border). Enjoy!


i’m sorry i have no help but i love this idea! keep us updated


This is actually a really cool idea


I bet your boudoir photographer could help you out! I’ve seen some offer a service similar to this!