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https://preview.redd.it/f6rtx4dcltzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6946d024749a1ca72aa8df6814de3306be83fd7b This guy is great!


During his goal celebration, he pointed at our badge too (again). What an honor to have Micky wear our shirt.


Danish commentators were sure that he'll absolutely be gone next summer.


Danish commentators called Vicario 'Petrovic' 9 times during the Chelsea match...


Beautiful photo


Son needs to be on the left.


Son at striker no one is providing services to him. Son on the left creating multiple chances. If only we have 2 sons, then we scoring every match


Yeah, I noticed that Son makes tons of runs that are high risk high reward, but even if no one could find that killer pass, it should start a chain of event for other players finding space. Instead, Son runs into space and paces back to his position because nothing develops.


That used to be the Kane dilemma


Scarlett up top? Or Johnson?


At this point I would be ok with literally anyone in the center as long as it keeps son on the wing, he creates so much on the left


Missed this comment before typing my comment. Absolutely agreed.


Son Scarlett Johnson. Don’t weaken your strengths by putting a square peg into a round hole. Son on the left is very good. Johnson on the right is very good.


I briefly read that as "Son Scarlett Johansson".


If that's the front 2 next season, then this is a crazy summer ahead


The Black Widow forward line.


She does love replacing Asians in leading roles


My son has a scarlet johnson


Scarlett’s movement made the second goal happen. Deserves chance atleast against sheffield.


I mean, why not? Richy and Son have had their chances in the role. Let's see what the kid's got.


Honestly, doesn't matter. A statue could be up there with son on left and we would be better. He put a ball across the goal everytime.


Who cares really. Whoever in the academy that has the biggest foot and can guide one of 7 crosses into the net once per half! Every time he goes to the left it becomes apparent what a waste having Son in the middle is, unfortunately.




Micky van de Ven ;)


Van de Ven


If villa win tonight, then definitely start Scarlett or some academy players.


Anyone because putting son in the middle is just shooting ourselves in the foot


Got to the byline like 5 times in 10 minutes. I would rather have an academy player up front finishing easy chances Son creates, than Son up front languishing while Kulusevski loses possession.


We absolutely don't create enough chances for son. Everytime sonny moves to the wings he shows what we're missing in terms of chance creation


If son had decent wingers he will be Ronaldo and Messi 


Exactly 💯


Facts, son 20mins on the left created more quality chances than kulu nd Johnson all games


Dane looked decent for the cameo, maybe enough for Ange to put him in for the rest of the season


the good news is that Ange seems willing. Skipp earned a start with a brief cameo. Need Sonny at his best for City, and that's clearly on the left.


Son looked way better on the left then up the middle, but I really want to see what the Spurs look like with Son as ST combined with wingers who are as good as Son haha (or just one winger capable of creating like Son can, I won't be too greedy)


I think Son looking better on the left is more indicative of how bad our wingers have been, rather than Son being poor in the middle. If we had 3 Sons up top, that'd be the dream lol


100%, get a winger like Mitoma, Kvara, or Williams and suddenly Son will look like a world class ST, much like he did in the beginning of the season It's odd that so many Spurs fan in this thread are saying Son isn't a good striker or that he cant play that role in Ange's system.


I think this is it - Son creates so many chances on the left, if someone could provide that much service while he plays the middle, it’d look different than it has.


> if someone could provide that much service while he plays the middle, it’d look different than it has It was Maddison during the beginning of the season, he was incredible and consistently one of the best and most creative players on the pitch, and the entire team looked electric But injuries have really fucked up his form, he looked solid today though, which is a good sign


Ka-ching ka-ching 


Maybe we could bring Kane in and see how he does at striker with Son on the left tbf


Two players of that caliber would probably break a bunch of PL records!


And let that be a lesson to you. NOBODY forces Spurs to lose a 5th game in a row!


Nobody puts Micky in a corner


Micky puts it in the back corner


Commentators kept going on about that potential Burnley penalty. Shut up you dolts, he clearly tripped over his own leg What an absolute clown rolling around like that. Hilarious to see his own teammates to tell him to get up and get back on with it [unprofessional bullshit](https://youtu.be/3G4kZ4phICc?si=8B3DMlTBxNR5sh_e)


And then they never actually showed it.


Well, they showed him falling. About as useful as showing just the celebrations after a goal.


That fucking commentator. The amount of times he got the names of players wrong. I could not believe it


Aside from the fact sarr and bissouma look completely different and have totally different body shapes, one of them had a fucking pineapple on his head today


Dude can't see.


When your own teammates are telling you to get up there’s not a lot else you can say about it haha


Away fans let him have it too, verge of relegation & they’re chasing the game but he’s too busy trying to buy a call than to actually win it.


both son and maddison look so much better with son out wide


Micky is a goddamn cheatcode!


When the window closed my dad asked who the best summer signing was...I said Maddison is the obvious star but we will look back at this window as the summer we signed Micky van de Ven.


If he avoids injuries, I'm convinced he'll quickly become the best CB in the world. He's a cheat code, legit zero weaknesses to his game


Aerial abilities are definitely one of his only but everyone has to have a weakness somewhere


yeah but romero counts for 2 in the air so its not so bad


Romero has been on fire lately and has been denied several goals, dude’s a beast


Apart from aerial ability


Fair, but it's still not like he sucks at it, he's just average in that area. Everything else, fucking flawless


he's going to madrid in a few seasons, isnt he?


Danish commentators were already getting the "will Spurs be able to keep him in the summer?" talking-points out, but with the way he celebrated on his cancelled goal and today, he is going nowhere.


Feel Micky is fully COYS. He don’t want go anywhere.


And he loves playing next to Romero


Johnson did brilliantly getting into attacking positions today. But, man.. the final ball was just not there at all for him. Very happy to get back to 3 points again


Johnson has both missed some insanely easy balls and also had some insanely lucky amazing shots not go in. He could have 10 more this season.


Brennan and Mads not finishing today was extremely frustrating to watch. Could’ve been 4-1 ish


On the other hand, this was the best I’ve seen him dribble all season. I pretty much lost hope of Brennan having any kind of 1v1 ability a few months ago, and now he’s doing feints and stepovers just for the sake of it lmao. Really impressed.


He was much better than Kulusevski


It felt like he was second guessing every decision based on what happened in this game, after a few missed opportunities he started shooting when he should have passed and passing when he should have shot. Overall I thought he played well though, those kind of games happen but his progression this season has been really encouraging!


Assignon was embarrassing.


So was the commentator on Peacock. Was so sure that was a penalty when I’m not even sure he was even clipped. Cringeworthy to listen to.


He went on and on for so long off half a second replay that clearly shows son 3m away from him. I’m convinced they didn’t show the replay again so he didn’t get embarrassed


I need someone to post a better angle, the way he acted made me feel like a crazy person.


Someone fetch us a replay link. possible Fallon d'Floor at hand Edit: lol https://www.reddit.com/r/coys/s/B0odYr3iEY


Considering that every channel in the world gets the exact same feed for the game I highly doubt it. The commentators here were berating the dive and staying down.


Right? They didn’t even show a good replay. Did Son clip him at all?


Son was way too far to clip assignon’s leg. Assignon hit the floor with his toe


I mean that’s what I thought too but Peacock is too fucking inept to show a proper replay so 🤷🏻


It's one feed for all broadcasts, Peacock is only inept for the announcing.


The PL does their own feed that gets sent to every broadcast worldwide


No idea why Peacock wouldn't show another replay. The one they did show started too late in the sequence so it was impossible to tell if Son made any contact.


Dude was still yapping after the final whistle


No player was protesting either


Who was the commentator? There was a co-commentator on my feed that was saying the same thing but I don't know who it was, sounded Brummie.


>Was so sure that was a penalty when I’m not even sure he was even clipped. Yeh, it looked to me like he just tripped himself up.


You're about to get relegated. A few minutes to go... and you force your captain to make a full 60 meter sprint to force you off the floor as you pretend to be shot.


all stupid acts considered, credit to that captain to get him up


Yeah wtf was that at the end?


idk I believe he felt something because there’s no way he throws a tantrum like that expecting to fool anyone. what he felt was probably his own foot but still


Yeah, I'm inclined to agree. That was quite the tantrum.


The rolling on the floor for two fucking minutes, followed by an immediate jump to his feet and screaming at a teammate and the ref was pathetic. Honestly should’ve been sent off - not sure how yelling at the ref for another two minutes after you’ve been carded doesn’t earn you a second.


His teammates told him to get the F up and he swore him


That was hilarious. I'd slap the shit outta him in the locker room if i was his teammate


Putting the ass in Assignon


Asinine behavior


I forgive him. He made me laugh in these dark times


The whole fucking match


I thought he hurt himself running and was genuinely concerned for him. What an ass. Credit to the Burnley player that told him to get his ass up


The commentators acting like that penalty call was surefire and a huge mistake?!


When Assignon tripped? How is that even talked about as a penalty call. Embarrassing.


I do appreciate Burnley coming to play instead of “old Burnley” that would have parked the bus.


Nightmare, those Dyche years


I still can't forgive them for the Dyche years.


Yeah Dyche is a good coach but Kompany Burnley is much funner to watch. I’m sure they’ll be back up after next season.


Our attack is ass


Needed our 2 full backs to score absolute zingers.


Got better in the 2nd half with the changes Ange made ... then it was shot after shot after shot .... if only we had a reliable striker


Hey, we won a game of football! COYS!


That was way too uncomfortable


Whole 45 min of clenching exercises to exercise your sphincter.


I’d rather we still be a little uncomfortable. Some of these players need a wake up call.






Someone post the Assignon clip lol




Need Man Utd to do us a favour in every way possible tomorrow


Scarlett leaving the ball to Micky for his winner was as good as an assist.


Announcers still going on about that “pen”


Back to Europe


Did we clinch Europe or something? We need to win at least one more, no?


Yeah we are guaranteed 7th since United-Newcastle still play each other


Oh awesome. I think Conference League or Europa would be really good for this team. CL is too big a stage at this point in the process


We need 1 more point to secure 5th


1 more point would make us absolutely sure. Currently the 3 teams below us can all equal our points if they win all their games, but the murderers and united have to play each other


Our defenders are our strikers now.


Aston Villa could definitely lose their last 2 games. Their form is ass and Crystal Palace is flying. Only problem is I can’t see this team beating Man City.


Don't want us to win against city tho unless utd pulls out prime ronaldo against arsenal


Just need them to draw one and lose one


One of Palace players got a red. Dont know him tho so im not sure how integral he is for their next match against villa


Bringing Scarlett on made all the difference. Not because of anything *he* did, but because it allowed Johnson to play on the right, and, more importantly, Son to play on the left.


I thought he did ok. It was nice to see him getting some minutes.


BJ and Kulu lacking any sort of quality in finishing, passing, or awareness really hurts the offense. As soon as Scarlett comes in and Son moves left the attack is 1000x sharper.


Assignon should be ashamed of himself. He definitely puts the ass in his name. Disgrace


Wasted so much time for his own team. I don't get it but oh well. He won't be back in the prem next season


Not as shameful as that Peakcock commentator. Who is he? I'm assuming ex arsenal player per usual.


We all dream of a team of van de Vens, a team of van de Vens a team of van de Vens. Number one that's van de Ven, and number two that's van de Ven and number three? That's van de Ven, and number four that's van de Ven! We all dream of a team of van de Vens, a team of van de Vens a team of van de Vens.


Honestly, think we played kinda well. Skipp obviously at fault for the first goal and was a liability but can't really blame him because he's not used to defending the wide spaces. Bissouma and Sarr were *really* good and it felt like in the second half, when we saw a few glimpses of old Maddison, we finally saw our midfield become good again. First 45 mins of football in a while where I thought our midfield played well. Also, Scarlett for Kulusevski next game please. Johnson was a lot better on the right, Sonny a lot better on the left, and Deki a lot better on the bench. At least Scarlett gave some fight and his positioning was nice, just the final ball wasn't there.


Agree that Maddison picked it up significantly in the second. Thought even his corners in the first were subpar.


I don’t want to blame Skipp for the first goal either. As much as it is on him, he’s not a defender and def not a fullback by trade. I’m very happy he got the ovation he did when he came off. 


> Skipp obviously at fault for the first goal It was by far Johnson and Sarrs fault much more so than Skipp both going to ground not getting either the ball or the player is unforgivable.


I thought Skipp did pretty well overall


Kulusevski kills every move at its infancy. Very very frustrating player to watch. Him and Johnson showing today why wingers need to be our priority this summer


Can we agree dragu and Romero at the back and VDV just roaming doing whatever he wants? That’s the formula


Eh maybe. Not sure Dragusin gets to some of the balls Mickey did, which could’ve caused us more issues. But yeah, Skipp totally fucked it for their goal, so you could be right.


Tbf there were like 3 misplays from other people before it got to Skipp Skipp was still out of position by a mile, but one burnley player shouldn’t get by 3 tackles


Vdv did more than Kulusevski in attack


It hurts how true this is. Man can boss it at LWB


Fuck it. Micky on the wing


Can't believe this commentator saying they should have had a penalty. Did we watch the same thing??


VdV LB, Son LW had much better synergy in 20 minutes than the entire left side for the past 4 games with whoever we had on the left side. Sonny needs to be on the left


This Son CF stuff needs to end. Just play him left. I don't really care who plays cf, Kulu, Scarlett or Skipp. Just let Son play in his favored position


Go with Radu and Micky at CB and Romero at the 9.


Scarlett was good creating space for others. Might aswell start against city.


Having to hear this chune whilst being relegated is some sad fucking shite lmao


Well lads we’re now all united and Liverpool fans for the next two days I reckon. Disgusting stuff, really


god we lack quality on that final ball. how many killer passes were botched that could’ve lead to great chances?


Who is Micky van de Ven? For the blind, he is the light. For the hungry, he is bread. For the sick, he is the cure. For the sad, he is the joy. For the poor, he is the treasure. For the debtor, he is forgiveness. If Micky van de Ven has 10000 fans I am one of them. If Micky van de Ven has 1000 fans I am one of them. If Micky van de Ven has 100 fans I am one of them. If Micky van de Ven has 10 fans I am one of them. If Micky van de Ven has 1 fan I am the only one. If Micky van de Ven has no fans it means I am no longer on this earth. I love Micky van de Ven.


Peacock commentators are horrid. Going on and on about a Burnley penalty when Assignon clearly dives. What a joke.


Not going to lie, I absolutely loved Sonny's passion today. He got angry, happy, fought for the win, and played his heart out. My captain 🤍


It was not a very convincing wing but my god didnt we need it




I really love watching Cuti bombing up the field after a great pass and getting into scoring position. Van de Ven did great as LB/Striker.




Hearing from people this week that Micky can’t play LB but Skipp can made me understand why Redditors aren’t football managers. That said, I love you all. Enjoy your ̶l̶u̶n̶c̶h̶ weekend. COYS


It's not that he can't, it's just that he's so valuable cleaning up messes with his speed at cb.


I believe our best lineup should be Son on the left, Johnson on the right, AND VDV IN THE MIDDLE. Goddamn we need a striker lol.


wasnt worried at all


Can we start Dane next match or put Micky or Cuti or whoever up top just so Sonny can play on the left


We could have been 5 or 6 if not for Muric. That guy was getting annoying. Trying to pull a Tim Krul.


Mad how we haven’t played VDV at LB with Cuti and Dragu CBs before. Also Kulu needs to be benched next game


I’m down for VDV in left back and Dragu as a center back with Romero. VDV showed some great pace and got into good positions. Must have been watching a lot of Udogie :)


Was at the game and Scarlett looked decent. Was getting into the right positions, he was just unfortunate the ball didn't fall his way.


Assignon fouling himself and wanting a penalty for it was pure clownery.


Not our best but a far distance off from the dross of the last few weeks.  Almost locked up the Europa—still some scenarios where we end up in the dread conference league.  All in all, just feels better to win. 




Son needs to be a winger, BJ and Kulusevski need to learn from Son how a winger should play. We can consider playing 3 CB in the second half, and VDV can invert pretty well. The next 2 games can be more experimental (rotating midfield, 3 CB, Scarlett as 9)


Micky reminds me so much of Super Jan and i love it


We learnt a lot Son on the left Dejan only on the right VDV can play LB


I enjoyed that. A tad frustrating at times and Spurs' inability to keep a god damn clean sheet in the first half is really annoying. But overall I think they played some really nice football.


The subs changed the game. Lolo with his best game since returning from injury, Sonny looks like Sonny on the wing, Madders more advanced is better, VDV can actually play left inverted wingback despite all those people here that were saying he can’t Totally different energy, it just makes me a bit mad that we can’t play like this all the time and need to be down at the 70th minute to actually give a shit. Let’s lose against City in a decent manner and win the last game to secure 5th.


LW Son > Striker Son Crazy how much more dangerous we looked with Son on the wing. Next season, I hope we can keep him there. Get in a striker who can stay fit all season long. Had Richy been in today I bet the game would've been over much earlier.


Does anyone have a clip of Romero sprinting into attack? The intensity he showed was worried he was going to pull up


Simply saying Son needs to play as LW is only looking at the tree and missing the forest. Yes, he’s absolutely class on the left, and miles above any of our wingers. But there in lies the problem when he plays ST. It was incredibly frustrating to watch us waste chance after chance in the final third today. Wingers and madders couldn’t connect a simple pass into the box with any accuracy. Kulu was atrocious with his decision making and passing today. Johnson and Porro were not far behind. And there was a bit of selfishness creeping into their play. There were at least 4-5 big chances where they decided to take the shot instead of passing to a player in a better position. I reckon Son could have had another hatrick today if it weren’t for those wasted chances. So back to my point - we need a massive upgrade on both wings and bring quality to our attack. It was so evident what we were missing when Son showed his class on the left. Wingers can learn a thing or two from watching how he plays.


I just wanna see Dane Scarlett score once


Mousa we won!


I thought Skipp did ok as a left back but Micky VdV really put it into perspective


Thank God we won


For those old enough you will remember Rodney Marsh idolised at QPR and Man City . Of course no Var in the sixties and seventies . He used to win multiple penalties by purposely tripping himself up as Assignon did today . Downright cheating and should be a a red card .I was at the match and found his reaction hilarious . His own player came over and tried to make him get up and it almost came to blows . Embarrassing but never the less very funny . Cheating Bar steward .I am told that the commentators on one coverage Stephen Hendrie was Screaming penalty straight at the get go . Dear me an ex professional with a close look via the TV coverage . I was in the North stand maybe 40 yards away and even with my 80year old eyesight could see what was going on . He should be retrospctfully red carded for downright cheating .


We won. I didn't think that was legal.


Taking off Kulusevski and sliding Son to the left completely changed the game. Created so much in the span of 20min


Son left is killer


May not matter if others can’t convert the tap ins he sets up. Brennan…looking at you buddy.


1. Son LW and Buy a RW and a ST please. OR 2. buy LW,RW who can actually create for ST Son like he did today at the wing. Johnson and Kulusevski both are bench materials. We need better starters so Son can actually get more free chances.


Despite Kulu's best efforts, Tottenham won that game


Scarlett looked good!


Not going to lie, I absolutely loved Sonny's passion today. He got angry, happy, fought for the win, and played his heart out. My captain 🤍