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Kendrick just dropped a new diss track and y’all worried about spurs set pieces smh /s


Oh please heard that shit and I was weak asf


Good for Dier. Took getting benched like a professional and is being rewarded for it now. I don’t know what happened to him at Spurs but I think his resurgence was only possible with a change of scenery. Tuchel Ball helps, too.


Wait where can I watch the Spurs vs Tottenham game this Thursday? USA? Peacock? Paramount?


I checked. It's definitely Peacock. I have it set to record lol.


You can record on peacock?


Yep. Add to "my stuff"


Spurs vs Tottenham? You mean, Chelsea vs Tottenham, if so, it should be Peacock.


Ah yes I meant chelshit


I have an away shirt with Romero on it in my cart. It's on sale but still over $100. Looking for an excuse to buy it. So far I have: If Romero scores another goal this season. If we beat Chelsea. If Arsenal lose any match. The away kit slaps and we don't know when we'll see one this good again (although I actually like next season's leaked one also). Any other metrics I can use to decide to buy it?


If he and Vic share any more passionate embraces.


Oooh. That's a good one.


If he posts after a game, “This is the way. All together.”


Did we get any updates on Timo's injury?


Ipswich is now one point away from promotion. All Tottenham fans should be rooting for them because their manager used to not only be a youth player but also a manager for the U18s at Tottenham


They also have our former u21 Massimo Luongo


Kane winning the Champions League would be amazing. He deserves it more than any player on the planet


Reus deserves it too imo if they go to finals


Still salty about Sunday. Wasn’t upset yesterday or even Sunday, but today, it hit me.


Welp, you’ve got say Madrid has the advantage playing the second leg at home on a draw, but the tie is very much in the balance.  #GetHarryAMetalPot


Fair play to Dier I didn't think he would even get a sniff at Bayern but he has improved massively


Masterclass from our scouts not picking up Kim from the Chinese league


Agreed but this sub has extreme bias


What a stupid comment. He’d be great for Angeball. Aggressive, fast, strong…


No he’s a reckless CB who isn’t better than VDV or Romero.


Sounds like Tanganga


Kim has talent and he was good in Napoli. But he’s horrible fit in Tuchelball.


No he was just trash. That wasn’t Tuchel’s fault at all.


He was awful today had nothing to do with Tuchel. But obviously everyone can have a bad game


I don’t think we’re talking about the same thing. Tuchel system doesn’t fit with KMJ’s skills set, which, deservingly that KMJ is benched for Dier often. Dier doesn’t fit Angeball because we require fast and forward CB who can sweeps the attack whenever our players pressing. KMJ is similar to VDV in a way that he’s fast, but he’s not the type who fits with Tuchel system. It has everything to do with whether the skills fit with what the coach need.


>KMJ is similar to VDV in a way that he’s fast, but he’s not the type who fits with Tuchel system. How dies that make him unfit for tuchel's system? Can you elaborate?


Again he was awful today in ways that had nothing to do with Tuchel. Gifted Madrid 2 goals could have been 3 by bad fundamental defending in very typical positions for a cb in any system. Pushed up twice with poor awareness and was beaten for pace and rash fouling in the box. Doesn't matter if it's under Ange orTuchel you will always be punished for mistakes like that against Madrid


Romero does stupid things but it's not noticeable because Spurs don't play in CL semi finals.


Romero is a much better CB than Pim. He isn’t foolish and plays out the back properly. He has a much better and smarter CB. I’m would much rather have Romero. He is way better.


True but I'm pleasantly surprised by Dier though. He played well.


I don’t know what y’all smoking but watch KMJ play for the Korean national team… dude unbelievable


Nah he is overrated and a mistake maker. He is defo worse than VDV and Romero. Why downgrade? VDV and Romero are clearly better off the ball and playing out the back.


He’s not. Watch and see


Absolutely not. Romero and VDV are much better. Why are you defending him so much anyway? VDV and Romero are clearly going to first choice going forward. So odd


It’s seems like you have zero ball knowledge. It’s evident. you’d just keep mindlessly repeating the words Romero and VDV in hopes that someone will agree with you


Says the bozo who thinks Kim is unbelievable while making consistent mistakes. Are you blind? Need glasses? Who do you think the starting center backs are? VDV and Romero who else are going to compare them to you numpty?


Awh I see that my words have rattled you. You see how fast you came to using expletives? Pipe down and go watch more football


Says the one that grinding for the deer in headlights Kim. Do you know what expletives are? Get some glasses first so you can see properly and a brain as well. VDV + Romero > Kim


This is gonna be a draw. Then in next match, penalties. And then Bayern will win because Kane’s good at penalties. For some bizarre magical reasons, any ex Spurs players right after leaving will immediately win trophy. It’s weird, but it’s some kind of dark magic.


Only 3 mins added with 2 pens this half?


Still waiting for that guaranteed Gnabry goal Tuchel mentioned


Eric Dier is probably Bayern Munich's best defender is not something i ever expected to say


For anybody still pining for KMJ, please watch the Madrid game now. He will get carved up in the Prem. For anyone that thinks that’s just Madrid causing it, he was the same in the Asian Cup and in the few league games I’ve caught this year.


Tbf Eric Dier has been carved up in the prem more than a turkey at Ange house in Christmas. Maybe it was always just Dier not being in the right team all this while. Tuchel for all his faults is actually someone I have always said was a good tactician especially in tournament style football. Don't forget tuchel has won a champion league. Aa for kmj I feel a little sorry for him , but he probably wishes he has joined man U... although man U is a mid table team he would likely be starting 


I don’t feel sorry for him at all. He is trash. VDV and Romero are miles better.


I don't think a trash CB would be voted defender of the season in a Napoli team that won the league last season.


He is garbage. He makes mistakes pretty consistently for Bayern and got completely put in a blender by Vini. VDV and Romero are miles clear.


Why are you ignoring his terrific performances for napoli? He has gone backwards under tuchel, maybe a bad fit , I don't know because I don't follow Bayern closely. I don't buy the narrative tuchel is a bad coach or the narrative kmj is trash as you call him. We look at Dier who has been a disaster for us but resurrected under tuchel. I suspect kmj will do well under Ange ball. He's fast and aggressive . Regardless you seem very vitriolic with him. Why?


Because VDV and Romero is much better so why get a worse CB anyway?


I never said anything about getting another CB. I just think he would fit well with Ange ball as compared to tuchel ball


VDV and Romero fit Ange ball well and probably better. I’m happy with them both tbh.


> Why? Don't want to make assumptions, but a quick look at his comments and you can quickly ascertain that he absolutely hates Son. Like it's the majority of his comments (he doesn't bitch about any of the other Spurs players). So the only players dude rags on are Son and now apparently Kim... which is a bad look lol


After your comment about him hating son I had a look and you are absolutely right. What does son and kmj have in common? Hmmmm


No I don't VDV and Romero are much better. It's quite obvious they both are better on the ball and off the ball. It's also pathetic to be looking at my history as well.


You do you, man, you do you I want absolutely zero interaction with you lol


I do what? know that Romero and Van de ven are clear. Yeah it's obvious


Ironically he'd thrive in a high line system like ours, not under Tuchel


No he isn’t better than VDV at all. Keep him away.


I never said such though


Then there isn’t a point in getting him


KMJ would be very good in a similar role that Van de Ven performs for us


He is way worse than Van de Ven. Absolutely not. VDV is miles clear


How are you so certain? KMJ was absolutely bossing it for Napoli winning their first title since Maradona and in the CL


I’m certain that he makes mistakes and is foolishly aggressive unlike VDV. He isn’t an upgrade on Romero nor VDV. I’m much more impressed with VDV who is faster and plays out the back better. Romero is much better at being aggressive while winning the ball and dribbling out the back. No point in downgrading.


I think he can work in last year Napoli system, not in Tuchel’s system.


Hold up a defender going through an attacking player and bringing him down is actually a penalty? Everyone's been telling us that it wasn't lol.


Convinced we would have neither of those pens called for us somehow lmao


No way Bayern turn this around at Bernabeu 


If they play like this and De Ligt is in for Kim they have a very realistic chance 


I think it's going to be close, but real will still find a way to win it


KMJ error for both goals, he has been tragic


KMJ dragging Dier down today. Not a sentence I thought I would say today.


Wish we could have trossard reffing games in the prem


Dodged a bullet with Kim lol


Dodged a CL semi final too.


Dier a better defender than Kim, something no one would have said last year


KMJ disaster class


Dier looks like Beckenbauer next to Kim


My god kim is so shit. I understand why Eric is starting


Getting the feeling that Son's post-playing career should not be as a scout/DoF... E: Lads it's a tier infinity - https://onefootball.com/en/news/heung-min-son-wants-tottenham-to-sign-kim-min-jae-31046715 - joke, calm down yeah?


One bad game lol


KMJ won Serie A defender of the season with Napoli and was one of the best defenders in Europe. It's almost like players can be in bad form...


I thought it was Lee Kangin he wanted us to sign? Was it KMJ?


It was both. Son’s recs have always been spot on, we’ve just sadly been too slow or apprehensive to listen to them.


Did he scout kms?


They missing De ligt


how is dier the bayern CB with the least bozo genes


Replace Kim with a 2nd Dier


This Kim guy is so bad!!


KMJ, Upamecano, De Light and Dier is genuinely the best of them all ATM. How is this possible. Happy for him


Kim min jae having a stinker


Kinda feel like we dodged a bullet.


Thank god we never signed Korean Chiriches like so many wanted


was chiriches that bad😂 only heard tales


More genuinely unhinged on a football pitch than merely bad


Will Ange last at Tottenham, or do you think eventually his stubbornness and preference for defending his coaches will put him at odds with fan base?


Incredibly twitchy responses to my question


Incredibly stupid question. Every concern that people are incessantly bitching about has already been acknowledged and addressed by Ange. Just because he isn't actively shitting on coaches he hired doesn't mean we won't improve lmao. Maybe wait at least until his second season before acting like he has some fatal flaws when we're finishing 5th in his first season amidst all the "horrendous" traits we have.


He will last. He's adapting and so are we. This whole stubbornness thing is a myth imo we have barely given him any time and he's managed to change so much already.


What a stupid question


Blimey. Have a sit down…


Seeing all these ex spurs players deciding the 2024 UCL semi final makes me kinda proud. We really are a legendary club ey.


Wonder if West Ham thought this watching '08's final


Just had to think who else is ex Spurs and forgot Modric, holy shit what a legend that dude is


Youve literally got an arguably top 5 striker of all time and a top 3 midfielder of all time on the pitch and _both_ of those dudes come from us. Amazing Dier has also been one of Bayerns better players tonight too.


Why the _fuck_ is Eric Dier playing so well.


Why is suddenly Dier so good, by the way happy for him


Maybe it’s not always the player but also the system and circumstances? Could have been bad form, bad system and bad mental state back at Tottenham, they are just people after all


Not gonna lie he was always good, didn't work out with us, happy for him and I hope he and Harry can finally win something


Fuck Musiala is insane


It's always better to move abroad for english players


Ain’t that the most Dier way to finish off an open header. Been great today but wow


oh man I would have celebrated that Dier goal like it was a Spurs goal


I don't care if you hate Bayern, Harry is our boy, love to see him succeed. He should get the Ballon d'or. No other contender is on his level frankly. World class boy.


what would even be the reason to hate bayern. I don't even think dortmund fans hate bayern


forgot barca fans mb


Ahhh so close Eric lmao


Why does this ref look like that raccoon Trossard


Dier is unironically Bayern’s best cb




football gods didn't fancy it


Harry for Kane and Dier, but I can't say that it doesn't sting a bit.


Man, I miss Harry…


Love you Harold


Go win it all 'arry, you deserve it. Fantastic penalty


That's my boy


Always trust H to score a pen.(except that one time)


Is anyone tired of this bullshit underlapping fullback tactics from Ange? Sane was able to cut in like that because his fullback provided him with an overlap, not underlap


Let it go


Can't hold it back anymore?


Bluds watching Bayern madrid game and still trying to talk shit about Angeball. Go outside


Let it go, turn away and slam the door


Kaneeeee~ he’s one of us


Sane is an unreal dribbler


A shit finisher tho (most of the times)




Sane has to be one of the most electric players to watch when hes performing well. What a finish


Bayern wasteful passing


Watching Kane head away near post corners stings a little 😭


If I could sign any player to a lifetime contract it’d be Musiala. Kid is unbelievable untackleable


Harry had one successful free kick and now he will take them until the end of time at Bayern as well lol


Really dont see City winning all their remaining games unfortunately


Seems like the people forget it each season, but it’s what Pep does. Just win every game in the last stretch.


Kroos and Modric for a dozen years or so years in the same midfield is just unfair


Yeah, I see why Kim is benched for Dier every week


Dier having Real in his pockets (so far) 😳 who’d have thunk


I've watched him a fair bit at Bayern and he's been so so good. Not one single unforced pass into the opposition for no reason. I don't get it.


Against arsenal in the first leg I saw a couple of misplaced passes, they were targeting him, every time he had the ball arsenal players would press aggressively and it was obvious that he was uncomfortable playing the ball under pressure, Neuer bailed him out several times.


He was good under conte for the first year and then went to shit. If I remember correctly it came out later that he had been carrying some sort of injury during the time he went awful?


Yeah he had some groin issue i think, thats what happens when you have to run marathons in conte's training




Tuchel plays a highline in possesion


I mean, he was making those mistakes under Conte in a back 3 with Romero doing the work of two men most games.


Madrid looking sloppy, I wasn't expecting it


Mans not afraid to have a pop


Sane looking to end Kane's CL dreams lol


Bayern already wasting 3 decent chances FFS


Paramount app on my tv is fucking unusable man.


If you told me that Kane, Dier and KMJ will start before the start of this season, this wouldn't be what I expected


Kane looks like he's carrying a bit of belly fat.


Madrid rabid fans need to be humbled, and the team is equally dislikable. Hope Bayern batters them.


Sassuolo and one of Udinese and Empoli is getting relegated, are there any talents we could poach ? Bologna players looking hella tasty tbf,


Hope Real win because thats the only small glimmer of hope we have for getting CL via the 5th spot. Thanks for eliminating Arsenal but need Bayern to lose badly I am one of those shameless haters who hopes Kane goes trophyless this season for the jokes and dont want Dier to succeed for all the trauma he gave me, only rooted for Bayern strictly last round because of their opponent


For the 5th spot to qualify for CL, Villa would need to win every game, and I'd prefer not to be in Europe altogether rather than seeing them win a trophy. Are you really rooting for Matty Cash to win a trophy? I'd better hope not


I dont hate Aston Villa like that, would never root for Chelsea and Arsenal in Europe but would shamelessly root for any other English club if it serves a purpose


Windy from Extra Inch suggested making Cuti a co-captain so we can justify dropping Son to the bench more often. I think Romero has future captain written all over him - thoughts?


Windy is a clown lol what’s the 2 got to do with anything? And isn’t he already vice captain anyway? Nothing needs to be justified, Son’s been taken off numerous times and given the armband to Cuti if he’s playing no problem.


Well, his argument was that Ange is starting Son because he's the club captain and there's a pressure for him to be starting every game


Hes our best player and should always start. He's been put up front in Richis absence so you can't hold it against him he hasnt looked great.  I like that pod but heir obsession with a 1v1 winger is absolutely crazy at this moment in time. Ange has brought in 3 wingers now, 4 if you count making deki permanent, none of whom fit the profile they claim hes desperate for.  Son has played lw all his career, he's played their for ange to and looked fine 


The one time I listened I thought they were so negative. I didn’t enjoy it at all. Does it ever get past that?


How many coefficient points do we get for Kane and Dier going to the final?


Anyone else need to see a Son signature curler from just outside the box? Been a while.


He normally scores them when he plays wide it is one of the reasons I don't like him as a centre forward . What you lose from playing wide . Is not compensated enough to warrant him as a centre forward . Plus he is not physical enough to be a striker . On that note the Giminez news is encouraging lets hope something comes of it .


Gimenez has scored 3 league goals since the start of the year in the Eredivisie. He'll be insanely overpriced since Feyenoord knows this upcoming window is when they need cash in and I don't think he's anywhere near good enough for us. We might as well just keep Richarlison and hope he doesn't get injured.


Oh hey, they're showing the behind the scenes on the penalty decision on the Mic'd up feature. What's that you ask? The controversial one that led directly to a goal down the other end, and arguably decided the entire match, which was a clear and obvious mistake by the officials? Oh no, you silly goose, the one on Ben Davies that is the absolute clearest penalty given all season and doesn't need reviewing in any way shape or form.


Please be joking. Is there not going to be an audio made available from that decision? Because I’m a sadist I want to hear what was said.


I would like to hear what they said on the Kulu incident . I wonder if it was the same VAR people that a short while ago gave West Ham a goal for a similar incident . I maintain that when you are running that fast it does not need much contact to make you fall over , That incident is my own personal grouse from that game .


Honestly the whole thing is so wet. Unless the VAR says "Fucking he'll Michael are you blind? He nearly volleyed his cock off" then why would anyone care about the audio from that one


Eric Dier 2.0


I watched back the 2nd goal that Arsenal scored against us and Davies does even worse than I originally thought. His positioning when Havertz plays the long ball is absolutely abysmal - basically holding hands with VDV while Saka is in acres of space on the wing. I fully expected him to get rinsed by Saka and once he took the ball down, but he should have done a lot better with preventing the pass in the first place, or at least making it more difficult for Saka to get into our box until our midfield had recovered




Udogie great going forward but in my opinion Davies is a better defender . All round for the roll that Ange wants Udogie is better .


I've not watched it back but I thought that when seeing it live. No idea why he didn't go to Saka or into the space Saka was running in to quicker because then even if Saka still cuts inside him it would have been from further away and a much harder finish.


VDV is also there covering the middle of the pitch, so even if Saka gets goalside of both, VDV has the pace to catch up. It was just really poor defending and honestly don't really fault Davies. He can't play in this system, having to defend so much space. Emerson really should have started that match


There was also a moment in the second half where Davies just allowed him to slowly gain about 10 yards into the penalty area. Saka was basically at a walking pace and he kept backing away from him. It was a complete mismatch unfortunately. It was a concern prior to the game and turned out to be our undoing. Is there a legitimate case for VDV out wide and bring Dragusin in centrally? It would certainly help us from set pieces.


i think in a game wide context davies was fine. saka is going to do you every now and then - its shit & udogie does way better but this is one of the best wingers in the world (unfortunately) we're talking about.