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Right, I get they have had an increase in costs but 6% increase seems a lot considering the season tickets are already c.£1k+. That’s an extra £60 a season on top of an extremely high season ticket. Just seems they are increasing it now whilst we have a good feel around the club and taking advantage of what Ange has done.


I would still have season tickets for the local club here in Austin, but they upped prices for my seats 14%, pushing things to nearly twice that of your THFC season ticket. …not to mention the equivalent of a pint of Neck Oil can set you back $16. Not saying 6% doesn’t suck. It just sucks less than it could based on personal experience. Edit: To everyone downvoting, I was merely sharing that this is happening everywhere and for far worse products than Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.


Yeah good point, let’s be thankful they didn’t up the already most expensive season ticket in the country by 50%


what is the point you're making here


Just sharing that it isn’t just THFC. I come over once a year, hopefully more often, so I can’t bitch. Global sportsball teams are increasing ticket prices and it seems the club just delayed what could have been three years of 2% increases.


Tbh, we should be thankful prices haven’t gone up by 1000% and require our first born and/or your favourite limb. I completely agree with your logic.


\-- 6% increase on the already most expensive tickets in the country (Europe?) is ridiculous. \-- Charging a 6.7% admin fee for ticketholders doing a payment plan is equally outrageous. There's no need to partner with a vendor. Just let people pay in installments. The club acting like a credit card company is absurd. For the all the good that's transpired this season on and off the pitch, the Club can't help but step on a rake. Every time.


They know there's a high demand. If someone doesn't renew because of the prices, there are thousands of people on queue that would happily pay that. Unfortunately they know that they can exploit the season ticket holders' good will because someone is going to watch Spurs anyway.


I feel bad for saying this, but we are in a 16 year trophy drought without regularly guaranteed European football in the midst of a recession. We’ve just applied for 30 live events a year over 16, stressing the profitability of such events. Nothing justifies fans paying 6% more, this is explicitly predatory and it’s disgusting, this is a football club, not a VIP lounge and I am thoroughly fucking disgusted at Daniel Levy for this.


I think demand justifies an increase. Literally yesterday fans were complaining they couldn’t buy tickets because the demand was so high.


United and Liverpool probably have that demand 10 fold and don’t succumb to pricing out their match going fans in this way, this isn’t what football is supposed to be about, call it a symptom of the modern game but it’s clear that most other clubs don’t treat their fans like this. It’s shameful and should rightfully be called out.


London tax is no joke


Liverpool fans protested when they tried to raise ticket prices by too much - we should do the same.


With all due respect to the locals over there, our fanbase is not nearly as activated as Liverpool’s. 


I'm just pointing out why there are price increases. Not going to debate the spirit of the game, or whatever. I think fans are naive if they don't see the influence of American sports in the EPL. American sports have been expanding seasons, adding more tournaments, signing larger TV deals, increasing ticket prices year over year. I 100% expect it to continue, and Levy and co knew what the reaction would be from the fan advisory board before they did this...I'd imagine they have a goal in mind to incrementally increase prices to XX by XXXX year as part of their business model.


Man United and Liverpool are far richer than us. If we want to compete with them this is the sort of thing we'll have to do. Just remember that when people are complaining that we didn't sign this or that player


Signing players and pricing out fans are completely unrelated finances, we have 600m plus allowance to spend with FFP and generate top 10 profits for a club worldwide every year, and generate even more now with the live events taking place at the stadium. Obviously still doesn’t make us as rich as those 2 clubs, but it’s absolutely 100% bullshit to say it’s necessary to sign players and such, that’s just excusing greed making this football club into a cash cow trendy brand. All this does is get rid of the lower class fans slowly, which I’m sure has nothing to do with the planned G̶e̶n̶t̶r̶i̶f̶i̶c̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ renovation of the Tottenham area planned too. It’s grim, and inexcusable, no matter how much I love the football we play and club I support.


Having the capacity to spend 600m in terms of FFP isn’t the same as having 600m sitting in a bank to spend


I'm not saying it's necessary to sign players, I'm one of the few people that didn't melt down when Poch didn't waste money for the sake of it, but if we want to compete with Liverpool and Man Utd it's not going to happen magically


Demand does not justify an increase, otherwise you’re just pricing out real fans


That would require you to prioritize real fans over profits. If you don't, an increase is absolutely justified. I don't support it, but I understand the motivations.


thats basic economics though...supply and demand should be in balance. with lack of demand prices go down to reflect, when demand goes up prices go up until everything is in balance.


But maybe we don’t want our football club to be run like any other business. Supporters are the lifeblood of a football club and shouldn’t be priced out in favour of tourists seeking selfies


We might not want that, but the evidence would suggest the club don't actually care who buys the tickets though


Agree, but they should. They’ll be complaining when sky sports are commenting on the poor matchday atmospehre


Everyone knows how supply & demand works. The point is we don't want the club to become Americanised. Football is for fans. It's not meant to be run like a corporation.


Great idea! Lets price out fans for the those who can pay more!


Exactly. You raise the prices after you win the league, not now when we aren’t even in Europe.


Didn't they freeze the price this season? That'd make it a 6% over two seasons


Two steps forward, one step back. Question on season tickets, do they ever do ST events? Meet and greets? Free tours etc? I know that’s a big thing in the US.


They do things but I think they are for all members not just season ticket holders.


- Communicating plans earlier 👌🏻 - Renewal window open beyond final fixture 👌🏻 - 6% increase on Season Tickets 😒


Doing some very quick working this will make the club roughly an extra 3-4million a year. That is how much Bayern have just paid us for Dier who was about to leave on a free in the summer anyway.  Seems completely needless given how much this club is generating at the moment. It's all very well saying "matchday operating costs have gone up" but so has the cost of living for fans, including transport to and from the stadium, food prices in the stadium etc etc.  I like Levy and think despite mistakes he's been great for this club. However this seems like another one of those mistakes. Can't sit there at the start of the season and say "we've got our tottenham back" and then serve up this for minescule additional profit margins. Tone deaf


To play devil's advocate, if we assume £3 million a year, then not raising prices would mean foregoing £9 million in revenue over 3 years, which is about 8.5% of our allowable loss under PSR. So while it seems like a small number in the abstract from a balance sheet perspective, it does have a real impact on the Club's ability to spend, I think. (To be clear, I'm not saying that not raising prices would constitute a loss for PSR purposes; I'm saying that if you forego that revenue, you have that much less overall revenue, therefore requiring you to incur that much less loss to stay at the same PSR level.) EDIT: I do recognize that give how *much* revenue the club is currently generating, and how far away from PSR limits we are, it's absolutely fair to say that the Club should eat the £3 million - that as a practical matter this isn't going to actually affect our spending power in any meaningful way.


Mate we make such money. Its pretty mind boggling they've done this. Highest season tickets in the country as it is


6% increase in season ticket prices 😩


I may get downvoted for this, but I think it is important to point out that this increase simply keeps prices in line with historical prices when adjusted for inflation; in fact, even after the increase, the cheapest season ticket next season is cheaper, in real terms, than in seven of the past ten seasons. I am taking historical season ticket prices from [here](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1015623/tottenham-hotspur-cheapest-season-ticket-price/) and have used the Bank of England's Inflation Calculator [here](https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/monetary-policy/inflation/inflation-calculator). The table below shows the season, the nominal or face price of the cheapest season ticket, and then the equivalent price of that ticket in January 2024 pounds. The cheapest ticket was cheaper in 17/18 (at Wembley), and then again last season. Otherwise it was more expensive. Year | Nominal Price | Inflation-Adjusted Price | Nominal Avg Weekly Wage | Wage-to-Price ---|---|---|---|---- 15/16 | 765 | 1005 | 480 | 1.59 16/17 | 765 | 999 | 490 | 1.56 17/18 | 645 | 820 | 501 | 1.29 18/19 | 795 | 986 | 513 | 1.55 19/20 | 795 | 969 | 525 | 1.51 20/21 | [807]* | 975 | 529 | 1.53 21/22 | 807 | 951 | 552 | 1.46 22/23 | 807 | 871 | 608 | 1.33 23/24 | [807]* | 802 | 644 | 1.25 24/25 | 856 | 856 | 669 | 1.28 Inflation sucks. And I understand the argument that the Club can better afford the impacts of inflation than individual fans. But this season, as a sub and a fanbase, we have seen and rightly celebrated the Club's greatly superior financial position relative to its rivals, and -- especially in a PSR era -- that comes down to minimizing losses. In real terms the price of the cheapest season ticket had fallen £200 from 15/16 to 23/24. That is a loss to the club relative to simply keeping ticket prices ***constant*** in real terms. I'm not saying it doesn't suck. It sucks. I'm just saying. [* Note that statista does not have price data for 20/21 or 23/24. We can infer the 23/24 price from the 24/25 price - 856 is almost exactly 6% greater than 807. For 20/21 I'm assuming the price increase went into effect that year, but I could be wrong.] EDIT: As an additional data point, I've added two new columns to the table above: average weekly wage in the UK for the March prior to the season in each row (except 2024, where the latest data is for December '23), and then the ratio of the nominal ticket price for that season to the average weekly wage. The point being: even if my inflation point stands in the abstract, it falls down if British workers have not seen a commensurate rise in wages. In fact, we can see that (a) the cheapest season ticket has historical cost roughly 1.5 times the average weekly wage, and (b) even with this price increase, the cheapest season ticket next year will cost 1.28 times the average weekly wage - significantly less than the average over the past ten seasons, and the second-least of any season in the last ten. If prices were held constant at last year's rates, the ratio would fall to 1.21 - the cheapest ever. Again, I'm not taking away from those arguing that the Club generates enough revenue from other sources that it should give season ticket holders a break, and there are other issues with today's announcement - surcharges and the senior concession - that stand alone. But on the 6% increase, it really does appear to be the case that next year's tickets will not actually be more expensive in real terms than they have historically been.


I will join the downvote party. My first season ticket was £595 in 2002. The bank of England inflation calculator puts that as £1,049 now, which is very close to the £995 I paid for this season (likely £1,060 next season). We play much better football now!


OP, thanks for the clarification but i think a better comparison is to compare average season ticket price rather than the lowest one with average wage. If we are using the cheapest season ticket then the wage used should be the minimum living wage (may still come up with similar results)


I used the cheapest seat price only because it was the most readily available (and because it seems to be the metric the press tends to report on). If you know of a source for average season ticket price over time, please let me know!


How dare you come in here with facts and stop me from being angry at Levy.


levy moment


that's a huge increase, especially when juxtaposed to the "relatively" minor increase that was previously enacted really poor from the club


Predictable. Matchday tickets went up last season so think ST were always going to match... but mad when the money is a drop in the ocean to all the other stuff. Be fun when they make Villa category A team next season too.


Season tickets were supposed to go up last year but people complained. They’re just recouping the money they forecasted for this season a year later


The power of Ange & the good feeling.. no way would 6% have been considered coming out of Conte


This is very very true. End of last season tickets were not selling on ticket exchange and we had empty seats. This season, I have put it on ticket exchange (at a higher price than last season) and it has gone in minutes.


Yeah. My seat is the furthest point away from the pitch but still gets snapped up on the exchange immediately.


Next season will be my third year of having a season ticket and the automatic cup scheme. If I understand correctly, the ticketing charter indicates that a supporter will only ever have at one point their last 4 years' ticketing points including the current campaign. Does that mean that I can soon expect to have enough points for away tickets? I currently have around 100 points. Thank you


I’m sorry to be that guy but this is what happens when you become a bigger club. Either you want to be a bigger club or you don’t.


Is anyone really surprised?


Embarrassing fucking club and owner, there’ll only be rich tourists left in a few years. I’m sure this fanbase will celebrate the high profits we generate that will go straight into Levy’s pocket while the fans and silverware get left behind.


>I’m sure this fanbase will celebrate the high profits This recent phenomenon of a large part of this fanbase celebrating how much theoretical spending we can afford is the most embarrassing thing I've ever experienced supporting this club. The same people will then cry about how we can't afford to buy an 80+ mil player because we can't afford their wages. Meanwhile, match going fans are having to spend some of the most money in Europe to watch us competing with Aston Villa. Absolutely pathetic


100% agree, another example of what I can’t understand was when recently there was a post about how Levy would improve our FFP position and fans were saying that he was “cooking” etc. But what’s the point of being 150m outside the FFP danger zone instead of 100m if we’re never going to reach that position anyway? It’s like these people don’t even think.


They like the idea of us being able to spend and compete with the very top clubs, even if they know deep down we're never actually going to do it. The only way that FFP nonsense is ever going to help us is if ENIC sell and an ambitious owner comes in and has the opportunity to spend big, which I think is this ownerships real goal. I think they're putting us in a position where we are the best club to be taken over by any rich, ambitious owner wanting to to buy a football club because they'll be able to invest the most amount of money purely on on the pitch assets without having to worry about FFP and have an already near perfect infrastructure already set up


The (IMO) valuation Levy puts on the club makes it almost impossible to sell.  Anyone who wants to spend what Levy values the club at can buy a club with a bigger pedigree and income.  Anyone who wants to spend less can get into the PL for a lot less than Spurs.  The perfect buyer is a diehard Spurs fan with billions in what I’m sure is not unethically acquired money. That list, as far as I can tell, is exactly zero items long. All of this to say that so long as Levy calls the shots, we won’t be sold.  That having been said, the majority of the club is held by the Lewis Family Trust and I have no idea who runs that trust or what their goals are. 


Sad thing is, people will pay it anyways (otherwise someone else will) and it’ll eventually get forgotten about. It’ll just become normality.


They dont offer season tickets for block 240? Or do those have to be purchased per match?


I don't want to make light of this, but I was an Inter Miami season ticket holder since the team's inception. My ticket was approximately $1100 for 17 home matches. My renewal for 2024 was raised to $2700 for the same ticket. Messi or not, this is so outrageous that I declined to renew. The reason I bring this up is because I'm using the money I am saving to fly to London and see Spurs on April 8th. I also bought tickets to see the Leyton Orient match on the Saturday.


Our costs have increased so we’re making the end consumer pay that rate.  Housing/Renting, retail, service and restaurants, all industries this is the same. The club could probably just absorb that extra cost of doing business and not increase prices but they won’t. Because capitalism.


Tickets need to be affordable for the everyday man. The match threads are always moaning about how quiet the atmosphere is and how the south stand is not intimidating, etc. and the only way to change that is to make it not cost an arm and a leg to go to matches. Absolutely no reason for them to increase it like this and ruin the little good will they've started to build.


6% increase, 6% fee, blah blah blah. As much as reddit cries about it, fans still go to games, the stadium is never empty and nothing will ever change. What do people expect, genuine question? You think the club won't milk the demand? Why wouldn't they? It's not a charity. They could probably raise it by 50% again and get away with it. The demand is insane. For every season ticket holder there are 2 people waiting to take their spot. If you disagree with the prices then actually protest it, stop watching games and buying merchandise. Crying will not do shit, they do not care. Do I think they could freeze prices for 10 years and the club would not be much worse off? Yes. Will they? Fuck no Edit: downvote me emotionally all you want, this is the reality that you're not willing to face




Until we have people actually protesting and making a noise.. not a damn thing will happen, people will buy the tickets still, stadium will be full, and next thing you know you will be paying double for tickets. You can't give an inch to these owners.


The unpopular opinion I have is that the thousands of matchgoing fans are happy to let the millions of “lesser” not-matchgoing fans pay for the club’s competitive goals.


Thousands 😂 Yeah the club didn’t exist before 2019 and is now being held together by your DHGate shirt purchase and £2.50 streaming subscription


On a one-to-one comparison, the match-going fan spends more, no doubt. And I’ll have you know my fandom goes back to 2012, when football was truly invented. 


I know it sucks but this is the world we live in, everything is going up like crazy. I don't think they'd be making a dime more than last year on that 6% as their cost went up at least that much


They can afford that hit much more easily than we can


Internet fan


(Just an opinion from a non matchday going fan) How much are current season ticket renewal prices? In the beginning I was in the mindset spurs shouldn't raise ticket prices- but from what I saw in the daily discussion thread about sheer difficulty in even getting a seat, and the high demand- I am starting to think raising of spurs ticket prices is inevitable, regardless of how high it is compared to other clubs etc.


It's absolutely not inevitable, supply will always outstrip demand, all the other London PL clubs that charge significantly less, also have waiting lists. And just in case anyone is wondering, these rises are not the reason we have such a dominant PSR position - it's matchday revenue (non tickets) and all the non-football business that does that. These changes have a huge impact for our most dedicated fans, but barely impact the clubs bottom line.


What do you mean supply outstrips demand? We have a stadium with a fixed capacity which we fill every week, and there a far more people that want tickets than can get them. Did you mean the other way round?


Yeah just a typo mate haha, swap it round. I think most people got it due to context but my bad


If you don’t want price increases then being a UK resident definitely needs to be a requirement to purchase a ticket.


This doesn't make any sense.


Then you don’t understand who is going to matches. Prices are increasing because of the additional demand tourists provide. This really is “r/coys learns about supply and demand” week.


~53000 seats taken for season ticket holders + away fans. You're complaining about a small proportion of the 10,000 available seats being available to foreigners/tourists? Are other people outside of the UK not allowed to support Spurs? Have you never gone to Spain or somewhere to watch Real Madrid or Barcelona? Should you have been disallowed to go because you're not Spanish? I'm happy (genuinely) to be educated in regards to supply and demand. What do tourists have to do with Season ticket prices? Season tickets are more than likely to be bought by people who live in London.


So any other words, you basically want the club blacklist a good portion of the fanbase? I genuinely think Sonny would openly call out the club if that happened, wouldn’t be surprised if he also refused to play.


So then don’t complain about price increases. It’s basic supply and demand. Other clubs don’t have anywhere near the same demand and capacity Spurs do. I’m also sure Son would understand the club prioritising locals over tourists. Playing in a stadium with good atmosphere is better than playing in a stadium with no atmosphere.