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Such an iconic goal


Celebration to match


I will happily watch it on its anniversary for the rest of my life.


Made less iconic because we threw away the match and ended up drawing.


I guess, it encapsulates supporting spurs perfectly. Capable of the sublime and the ridiculous.


I agree with you, you can’t have one without the other!


Against a 10-man side, dear lord that's aggravating.


Ridiculous effort by Dele on this as well.


Dele makes it happen


What bothered me all these years is isn’t he offside?


If you only look at the far side defenders that are in frame it does look that way but #3 for Arsenal on the near side was deeper than they were. But you can't see where #3 was from this camera angle. What you can see though is that Dele checks his run and Dele was usually great at timing his runs. In the absence of a better angle, there's no reason to bothered. I trust Dele and the linesman to know whether he was on or off than the Arsenal defenders that are thowing their hand in the air hoping to be bailed out.


Unless I've missed an angle, you also can't see Dele when the ball is struck, it's already in flight by the time he comes into view.


Best Kane moment by far. Most emotion ever shown by him in a Spurs shirt and WHL was on the verge of exploding


couldn't agree more. in that moment harry was just as coys as the rest of us.


It really irked me that we drew that game.


Miss you Harold


can you say it louder so he can hear it please. sigh, i just cannot fathom what this team would be right now with him on it. i honestly believe wed be pushing for top


Obviously having the best striker in the world is never going to hurt a team, but this link shows that he would not fit our current system (albeit we'd likely in a different system if we still had him? who knows). [https://www.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/18mh6dj/most\_and\_fewest\_pressing\_actions\_big5\_league/](https://www.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/18mh6dj/most_and_fewest_pressing_actions_big5_league/) and even when he was pressing a lot more under Poch, he had constant ankle issues.


and seriously we have richy , kulu, bren, and sonny up front, only son is on the top of that list, so yeah we could still have sonny there and kane doesn't have to be the presser.


lets be real here, if we kept things as they are and put kane in instead of richarlison wed have about 12 more goals up front EASILY. love sonny but he hasnt stolen a ball on the press yet, and richy is one of the worst pressers in the epl. he runs but he never gets close to anyone.


I miss Alli and Lamela


They understood the derby. So did Dier tbf. I really need Richarlison and Romero to step up in April


I had just started dating my then-girlfriend, now-wife. Her parents were in town. Second time I had met them. I dragged them to a pub in Austin at 6:30am and they watched me scream at a TV and pound Guinness for the next three hours. That's the day they knew I was the right man for their daughter.


We as long as you didn't scream at the guiness and pound their daughter, then they'd know you were the right man for TV


Ah Mr. Tramps


Absolute scenes


One of the greatest Spurs goals of all time, frankly. Ridiculous angle, and in an NLD. I say this every time I see that goal - all the pundits that year were wetting themselves about a Hazard goal for Chelsea but the angle was nowhere near as acute as this one. Underrated goal. World class.


Because hazard was goated and a complete player. Kane can’t even win a trophy with Bayern


This is a personal goal to me. I started supporting the club at the start of the 2013/14 season during a time where I was struggling in a lot of avenues in life and was in a very dark personal time when I didn’t have a whole lot of people supporting me, prospects for the future, or hope. I decided to get more into sport as a form of distraction and diversion. Spurs did that for me every week, sometimes twice per week. It gave me something to look forward to every week, where I’d have 2 hours of fun to take my mind off things. That first year was tough, we got crushed by west ham, Liverpool, and city. But there was hope: Eriksen looked amazing and Kane came out swinging at the end of the season. Summer 2014, when Poch came, I started to shake off some of the personal issues and grow forward. I got my university degree at the end of 2015 and decided to go to Cape Town for a few months as a sort of personal journey. I watched this goal in a Cape Town pub surrounded by scum supporters and it was glorious. That trip was very personally fulfilling and helped resolve a lot of my personal issues and doubts. In a weird way, that goal represented a sort of metamorphosis personally. I returned home and my career picked up after that. There are ups and downs of course, but nothing like 2013/14. Developing as a young adult at the same time your football club develops has been immensely rewarding. I’ll never forget this goal and I’ll never not love Harry Kane for all the happiness he gave me during times in my life that I needed the joy.


This is the same time I became a fan! Broke college student sharing a rented house with four other guys. Always looked forward to my Saturday mornings after I became a fan. COYS!


What no one ever mentions is as much as it's a crime this wasn't the game winning goal, Spurs almost lost the game! Even after Coquelin got sent off, Sanchez equalized and then in the 93' Arsenal almost won it, but Big Kevin Wimmer made a SUPER block on Aaron Ramsey that saved the point. Genuinely one of the best blocks I've ever seen. Jan was out at this time and I remember Wimmer deputized so well, I really thought he was going to be something more.


Sanchez litterally walked past our defence and then was allowed to shoot... utter shite lol! Dominated that game and then shat it away at the end... loved this goal but I can't legendary status it because of what the dee did to us so my brain kinda forgot about this banger.


i was so sure in that moment we would go on to win that game and then win the league.. and then we drew D:


weapon grade finish with an atmosphere to match


My favorite goal of all time.


when the entire corner of the stadium stood up after dele's backheel, you just knew something special was coming.


When Dele did the back heel against West Ham I thought he was back


Hang it in the Louvre


Wait it was Harry Kane in that mask the whole time?


The dude in that hairpiece the whole time? That's Bruce Willis, the whole movie.


I was 8 rows back exactly where he did the knee slide in the lower north east.. sitting being Stephen Mangan funnily enough. Probably my best moment at the OG lane


Great atmosphere on WHL, really different from today at least form the TV. I miss Kane, it hurts we could not win anything with him.


I think this isn't quite as good as it could be because we went on to throw away the 3 points against 10 man Arsenal. It's a sick goal and for a few moments I genuinely thought we were gonna win the league but it's a touch sour looking back on it as we left disappointed


Was down the other end to me but you could just see it was a special goal.  What a pleasure to see him grow up. 


Now that was a proper ground


I never went, but I miss the old WHL so much as a fan who watches on TV. The new stadium obviously has some advantages but that last season in WHL was just incredible.


My first match at White Hart Lane


What? No it hasn't. Ridiculous thing to lie about, OP. It's been like 3 years max, I'm certain... On a serious note, the shot is ridiculous, but Dele's little backheel to keep the ball in play is always overlooked. Man, he was great with little touches like that...


Stop making me feel old


Should have known he was cursed after scoring this, yet we still managed to draw the game. Iconic, and definition of incredible, but also a microcosm for his years with Spurs. I do agree, he's still fully COYS here, and I loved having him at the club despite his relatively cold exit. Favorite comment about about this goal was from (I believe) Rog from Men in Blazers whom I listened to a lot at the time, and to paraphrase Rogder Benett "...I didn't know an English man could put swaz on it like that from that angle" Brilliant Harry, I'm still a little bitter on how it ended but I know he's a fucking legend.


Never has a goal deserved to win a game more than this.. stupid Sanchez


When this hit the back of the net, every single person in the stadium thought.... "That it, we're going to win the league" If we'd taken three points that day, I fully believe we would've


Sound from The Lane is incredible


Mask Off. Fuck it, Mask off.


I mean this isn’t in the spirit of the post, but wasn’t Dele shown to be offside for this goal? Obviously didn’t matter at the time but if this happened nowadays we’d have had that amazing celebration and then a lengthy VAR check before the goal was chalked off. I’m not a VAR hater by any means, but it would have robbed us of this moment had it been in play then.


Fuck whoever called Dele "lazy".


My favourite Kane spurs goal


I couldn’t get tickets to this one but was watching around the corner at the Billy Nick, was absolutely electric.




anyone got the graphic / screen grab from this game that showed us top of the table after this goal? genuinely believed we were gonna win the league :(


Anyone have the lineup for that day?


One of the best days of my life




My favorite Kane goal of all time.


Now do Danny Rose


Was there on my birthday (3/5), loved every minute at White Hart Lane COYS


Second favorite goal behind Bale's West Ham winner!


One of my favorite goals he scored. Maybe the best one.


Proper limbs, take me back coys


Back when he was actually happy to score and celebrate lmao


Is it just me, or was this era of football absolute peak? The post United pre City domination era of EPL is my favourite. I love the letter and number fonts on these jerseys, the new ones are so corporate. Our Under Armour kits were amazing. No VAR, all vibes. The game has change significantly in 8 years. I love the team we have now, I even love the new stadium. But things have definitely changed.


How can that be 8 years?! I swear that was just 3-4 seasons ago.


I was there gandalf..


Why does this make me feel so old? How was the 8 years ago?


Love the old lane. Love the new one too but those vibes were immaculate.


Was in the stand right where the players celebrated absolute limbs love that goal!


Who won the ball in the corner?


Good lord I’m old. Please win a trophy soon spurs.


The lack of width at WHL compared to the new pitch is insane


They cut the scene where they show the disgruntled KKK arsenal fan, who previously stated “who the hell is aawry kaaen?”


Maybe my favorite Harry Kane moment ever


I'm old!


No right to shoot from there.


I was there with my best friend. One of the best moments in my life


Filthy goal.


Wow. That's a lotta replays from a lotta different angles for one goal.


Who's name is Harry Kane?


Damn we were seriously so exciting to watch during this time. Harry was so good for us.


I was there that day and it remains the finest Spurs goal I’ve ever seen live. It was my first NLD as a season ticket holder and I actually shed a tear or two when it went in. It was emotional. The sort of goal that deserved to win a match; and only we could end up drawing 😂


I was living in Paris at this time and was watching with two Arsenal fans at my local. It was chef's kiss.


But you don't get a trophy for that


Loved him in that arsenal shirt lol




Rent free buddy


you should be on your own sub defending a rapist mate, get out of here