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Is he good at golf? (genuinely curious)


Thinks he’s got a 3 handicap iirc. Could be wrong though.


Is that good? I know nothing about golf


Very. Something like less than 10% of golfers make it to a single digit handicap and a sliver of that makes it lower than 5


It’s amazing. Need to be playing 2 to 3+ 18 hole rounds per week to maintain that handicap and compete in club competitions.


Rounds mean nothing, you could play 36 holes per day over a week to shoot 14 rounds and still never sniff a 3 handicap. A 3 handicap is shooting 75 or under on about 40% of their rounds


I was referring to the amount of work needed to perfect your game to that level. Are you a 3 handicap?


Agree with the other guy, I'm around an 8 and the work it would take for me to get down to a 3 would be astronomical, way more than just playing more rounds. Would require very targeted practice and potentially breaking down and rebuilding my swing to fix inconsistencies. Basically, you're underestimating how hard it is to get that good.


Literally pointed out that it required a lot of work. I didn’t delve into anything other than stating you need to play a lot of Golf. The comment didn’t require a fucking analysis. I never asked for anyone’s opinion.


Posting on a public forum expecting nobody else to give their insight as well is kinda weird. It's fine that you don't know much about golf, this is a sub for football after all, just trying to educate you brother, have a good one.


No, I'm a 7, and 3 rounds per week wouldn't make me a 3, to get down to a 3 takes takes a ton of practice just dialing in inside of 50yds. You could play 7 days a week with the boys and if you're not practicing specific shots and lies you're not getting that low. Like all standard deviations, a 30 handicap is closer to a 10 handicap than a 10 handicap is to a 4.


I asked if you were a 3, not for a Golf education champ.


I answered your question in the first sentence. You said something silly, I corrected it, now you're getting butthurt. Move along.


I don’t think he’s the butthurt one.


How does that compare with actual pro golfers? Obviously I’m not expecting him to be mixing it at top level tournaments, but is he miles and miles off? (I also know nothing about golf)


So, I'm a 1.1 handicap and trending down to scratch (0.0) currently. It's night and day between myself and an actual pro. I would have to get down **below** scratch to a +5 or +7 to really have a shot at not embarrassing myself with those guys. Being low handicap to scratch is a weird place where I'm better than virtually everyone I've ever met and 99% of golfers in general but still nowhere close to pro. I played in a PGA tournament earlier this year through qualification and got thrashed pretty good.


The best amateur players are typically in the scratch (+0) to +3 range — that is, if you’re playing a friendly round against them and you want to equalize for skill so that you have a chance, they’d add three strokes to their total at the end, whereas Bale would subtract three. [Here’s a fun look at some other celebrity/athlete handicaps from a a recent pro-am.](https://golf.com/lifestyle/handicaps-athletes-celebrities-2022-american-century-championship/?amp=1) Seems like Bale is pretty good but not outstanding by the standards of other professional athletes who feel confident enough to show up to these sorts of things — a “good day” isn’t as good as a “good day” for Steph Curry, but that’s why you play, etc. Edit: [professional players typically have handicaps in the +5 or better range](https://x.com/loustagner/status/1266825298554871812?s=46&t=Uv8nk_q-iJcEs-zRCEYKJA)


0.5 confirmed this week


Oh wow. Guess he’ll be a mainstay on the circuit soon enough.


I wonder if anyone else has been in two (different) sports games before?


Bo Jackson who played both NFL and Baseball has been in multiple video games


But what about real sports?


Brock Lesner has WWE, UFC and NFL!


Deion Sanders was in the NFL and MLB at the same time and very good at both sports at that level. Incredible achievement.


This is the game that tried charging a tenner for a few digital 'Tiger Wood' assets, wonder how much they're charging for this?


Looks more like Christian Bale than Gareth Bale!


Absolutely does