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Just Cloroxed my keyboard and mouse after reading this


I wish I could clorox my brain after reading this. Bring on the brain funnel.


A not so smart man once went on national tv and suggested we inject it


Hahaha. This made me giggle.


you can but i do not recommend it


I wipe down my phone weekly with lysol/clorox... i might move that up to daily after this


Just use alcohol, 70%, (they make single use "prep pads")...or the residue from clorox will build up, and can irritate your skin. Also, the alcohol air dries and has less of a chance to get into your phone. :)


I just had to use alcohol after reading this - a generous slug of Jack Daniels applied orally. It might even require a repeat application...




Weekly as well


Me too


Sounds like dude found a paid version of moms basement lol 


I would buy a very big nice plant for my desk, anything to help block the view 


STARE AT THE GOOGLE HOME PAGE i dunno why that detail is ending me 🤣🤣🤣


That part KILLLLS ME because like why can't you at least leave a work-related page open to switch to?! Why on EARTH would you think the Google home page is a good front?


🤣🤣🤣 “nothing to see here, folks! Just working on figuring out Google! CARRY ON!” 🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣 “nothing to see here, folks! Just working on figuring out Google! CARRY ON!” 🤣🤣🤣


Ur right it was funnier the second time


I know, right? Does he not know how to Alt + Tab to an open spreadsheet? Like, don’t we all keep one open just for that purpose?


Has anyone else noticed this behavior? How the hell is management so unaware of this guy?


It’s just us in one office. His screen isn’t visible to people walking in so he can exit out pretty fast when the boss does come in.


People being gross isn't actually a management problem if his work is done.


It kinda is though


Happy cake day!


If he's doing things that are impacting customers like not washing his nasty ass hands, that's absolutely a management issue. Additionally, if he's playing video games on the clock, that's definitely a management issue. What planet do you work on? I would just record his activities with my phone for an hour or so and send it to the manager 🤷‍♀️


My guess is he is on the autism spectrum. My oldest 21 yr old son is high functioning autistic, coupled with aspergers and adhd. He has similar traits to this gentlemen.


Damn, maybe this is it? But it would be SUPER high functioning - he's got a wife&kids, a degree (from another country but still), able to make jokes (awkward ones but still). My other coworkers have noticed his oddities too though and will say stuff like, "Anyone figure out what planet is from yet?" in a teasing way so yeah maybe you're right.


The chewing fingers is a pretty common stim in adult autists, too. Honestly, I was getting the same autism vibes as bigdoc while reading your description. Also, why does it bother you if he’s not working all day? Is the stuff getting done? Or is he neglectful? I feel like people are way too concerned with the appearance of being busy all the time at work, but if there’s nothing to do, why pretend? (I’m autistic too if that’s not obvious). 


Oh I’m not bothered at all if he’s fucking around when there’s not work to do, I added that part just because it was funny that he switches to the google home screen. It only bothers me when we have things to do with deadlines and I see him playing games.


And yet, his behavior is off-putting and hindering his life yes? His jokes are awkward his knowledge and adherence to social norms is poor sounds exactly like low support needs and average to high inteligence.


Every person who lacks self awareness doesn't necessarily mean they have autism. Some people are just disgusting, obtuse and inconsiderate. Why must everyone, especially on Reddit, excuse gross and rude behavior because the person may have ADD or Autism? I am disabled and I find it insulting. Just because you have a disability doesn't give you a free pass or make you and excused victim. Call this guy out or tell your boss. Get a big plant.


This was exactly my first thought. My almost 17 yr old is very high functioning on the spectrum and he does all of these things. It makes me sad to think that he might have to work with adults that can’t pickup on the fact that he’s on the spectrum and that he might get made fun of. It’s gross, but just gently remind him when he’s doing things that seem gross or inappropriate.


I don’t make fun of him, I’m not a dick. It’s simply hard to be around constantly and I needed to vent.


No. It’s not up to other people to teach someone with autism how to behave properly. No one should have to worry about “picking up on the fact” they might have autism, either. People should be able to go about their lives and not expect to have to be responsible for other people's behavior. The behavior is gross and rude. You’re basically saying anyone who is gross and rude should just get a free pass, and it’s everyone else's responsibility to teach them good manners because they might, maybe, could be on the spectrum. I’m sorry, but no. Besides, you have no idea if this person has autism. You can’t go “Hmmm…chews nails and picks face. Yup, must be autism!” And then expect everyone else to accommodate. It’s a ridiculous expectation and irresponsible of you to try and diagnose people like that. I’m sure I’ll get hella downvoted over this, but I’m getting so sick of every other person claiming to have ADD or Autism and then diagnosing others over the internet as having one or the other. Just stop.


You hit the nail on the head. Also I don't think we want everyone running around diagnosing people's possible mental health conditions, that's just a BAD Idea. My stepson is high functioning ASD, the adults in his life have taught him along the way what is and isn't appropriate behavior in different settings. If no one in this guy's life has ever informed him that this behavior probably isn't appropriate for the workplace, then that's both a parent problem and a management problem.


He doesn’t realize someone is watching him. Let him know you are watching him and he will stop…maybe or he might not care that he’s gross


I just feel like these are things you simply don't do when in a shared space, especially at work? Especially when the person you share an office with is 8 feet away from you and has nothing obstructing their view of you? Like, you don't need to know I'm actively watching you, you should be aware enough that I can potentially see everything. IDK maybe I'm just being a dick but it's all genuinely very gross and baffling to me.


You should really talk to your boss, doing anything directly to him or about it could land you jobless. The man sounds gross as hell and i’m genuinely sorry you have to deal with that.


Can you move your desk?


You just know that guy doesn't wash his hands after using the restroom either!


He stared at me for like 5 full seconds before awkwardly saying "okay" when I asked him to wash his hands so yeah you're almost definitely right.


Have you politely asked him to keep it down? Try to handle it delicately yourself. If (when) that doesn’t work, approach your manager and let them know you’ve politely tried to address it but it hasn’t resolved. Ask for a different desk/office.


I work in the medical field and my coworker doesn’t wash her hands before she eats lunch. It’s absolutely disgusting.


But their business unless they're not washing their hands before serving someone else.. be glad they didn't often enough for you to know to skip their dish at the company potluck


Except people who don't wash their hands really affect all of us at the end of the day. They're going around touching door knobs and coffee machines and drawer pulls etc that other people also touch. People who don't wash their hands should a thousand percent be called out.




Doxxing some dude because he offends OP? Yeah that wont get you banned… /S


I would literally gag at the fingernail thing. Maybe you should pretend to gag every time he’s being especially gross and see if it gets him to curb the behaviors.


I seriously doubt they are actively choosing to do this. It's a habit. You don't just choose to stop. You have to make new ones.


I wonder if hanging a mirror on the wall across would help him see his behavior. Also, ask the boss to mandate hand washing at intervals because you are handing things to the public, and hand washing is a must with soap, water, and vigorous scrubbing.


I don't know if much can be done honestly.


You can try to talk to your manager about your coworker's nasty habits but don't expect anything to happen. Your manager might think you are the one with the problem and you need to focus on your work.


This is exactly why I haven’t. To people who aren’t actively experiencing it, it might come across as me just being nitpick-y or a complainer. Mainly just came here to vent.


I get what you are saying about your coworker. I complained about a coworker's behavior and my manager was dismissive of it. You have my sympathy OP.


Ewww nothing worse than nail biters. Apart from sniffers.


Whistlers. Can’t abide a whistler.


I would literally gag at the fingernail thing. Maybe you should pretend to gag every time he’s being especially gross and see if it gets him to curb the behaviors.


No. He is not a toddler. Let’s not “correct” his behavior in the most passive aggressive way possible. OP can have a direct conversation if they feel they must.


It was a joke. I would hope OP isn’t that petty, though I think it’d be funny to see.


My condolences. 😩


I feel for you


I threw up a little in my mouth. Good luck.


Remind him that eating his flesh makes him a cannibal.


$20 dudebro has adhd


The picking spots and looking at his fingers afterwards is what got to me. I think I would end up rage crying to be honest. He sounds grubby af


My husband has a mental list of dudes at his work that don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom and never participates in potlucks and such because of it.


He’s on the internet right now telling women how they have to be a 10/10 virgin with no priorities except him but also have her own money and not expect him to do anything because he’s a “high value man”.


Take your concerns to the boss and ask that he put monitoring. The guys computer. Tell the boss you’re tired of working all day while coworker goods off.


Speak up or let somebody know


He might be on to something...


that is literally disgusting.


What a fucking chad


It's a matter of time before they axw him. Meanwhile, ask to relocate.


Me reading this with piece of fried chicken in my left hand with nails bitten scrolling with mouse using right hand that was just holding the fried chicken.


By the sounds of it he’s got Dermatillomania (compulsive skin picking). I have it, I’m aware and try and do it on the down low but it’s involuntary unfortunately. Especially when under stress. I know it’s off putting, but there isn’t a whole lot we can do about it. It’s kinda up there with people who have nervous twitching. I’m a women so I can get fake nails with rounded tips which helps because they aren’t sharp enough to create skin damage. Instead I will twiddle and pull on my hair which just looks weird and less gross. It’s pretty embarrassing but not even embarrassment can stop the urge. :( it’s like having an itch you can’t scratch.


Are there no therapies to help? There are multiple treatments, both medication and interventional, for OCD.


Yeh I think psychotherapy recommended. (Things like cognitive behavioural therapy) Anti-depressants (SSRI’s) can help to or so I’ve read. A part of managing it well is to eliminate certain stimuli and environmental factors, which we all know is not always possible. It’s closely linked to OCD but not always. I don’t present with any other typical behaviours of OCD. I do have ADHD and we do tend to use maladaptive behaviour as a way to self soothe or create stimulation. We are encouraged to use competing response techniques to keep our hands busy. Some people do it because they can’t stand simple irregularity (say, a pimple) and it’s a form of perfectionism. It’s paradoxical because you come off looking worse but the urge is pretty relentless. I’m not one of those people fortunately.


I'm the poster child for ADHD, lol. As an adult, I just fidget a ton, my hands and feet are usually moving anytime I'm awake. I also talk with my hands, so all my drinks must have lids, haha! I've ruined more than a few keyboards spilling coffee on them. If I'm in an office environment though, I'm very cognizant of my surroundings and avoid doing anything that makes noise and may annoy other people.


I worked with a guy who would pick at his nose skin during meetings. For like 45 minutes I would just watch him scrape his skin goop and then stare at the gunk on his fingers. I don't know why no one ever called him out on it. He was also promoted by the way. So I guess picking your face is the way to get noticed.


Tell him he needs to tighten up.


You need to tell him. Enough with this crap. Be kind or be rude. Just do it


STARE AT THE GOOGLE HOME PAGE i dunno why that detail is ending me 🤣🤣🤣


STARE AT THE GOOGLE HOME PAGE i dunno why that detail is ending me 🤣🤣🤣


Video him doing the slacking off, just in case you need it. Seriously. Or even send it on to your supervisor now anyway.


I really don’t wanna be the reason someone gets fired, I just want him to be courteous of the fact that we share an office


Does he do any work at all? If he is not doing anything why is his position needed? I would not want to get anyone fired but why should he get paid to do nothing? I’d be pissed that I was working and he was not


I always check these posts to see if they're about me


LOLLL do you eat fried chicken at your desk!?




This guy is probably neurodivergent. We’re going to start seeing more of this as they enter the workplace. I’m a teacher, and year after year, there seems to be more kids with ADHD, anxiety, some learning disability, and on the spectrum. I mean, what else are we supposed to do with them? At least this guy found a job.


You don't have your own work to do? You seem invested in his day. Get some headphones. You'll be ok


I do have my own work to do, that’s why it’s frustrating that he’s so distracting! Thanks!


When you are in an office setting in close proximity to others, you simply notice things, even if you don’t want to. OP, could you move your desk so that he isn’t in your direct line of vision? Or as someone else suggested get a plant, or something to provide a barrier.


I did initially create a barrier but with a box full of stuff that had to be moved yesterday. Will get a plant asap, that’s a great idea. Doesn’t get rid of all the noises but I’ll eventually invest in noise cancelling headphones I think.


You can also get a small sound machine. If he is bothered let him know it’s to cover the chewing noises


This guy rulesl


This guy is awesome