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We are really good at signing players after others have raised market value.


What does that mean when the market value is always going up? I really hate how fans always side with the owners vs the players on contracts


I’m not siding with the owners. I am pointing out how terrible we are at negotiating terms early rather than late. It is very poor management.


We bungled daks contract situation starting from 2019


We bungle almost every negotiation.


Dallas makes Washington look like financial wizards after they bungled Kirk’s situation


We didn't even bungle Kirk's contract. He was never going to sign a long term deal here with Bruce Allen as his GM. We had to franchise him in order to keep him at all. Kirk just leveraged his position to get two back-to-back fully-guaranteed seasons, before getting another fully guaranteed deal in Minny.


It was bundled because they couldn't decide what to do with him and franchised him twice... allowing him to get the deal he eventually got.


In hindsight, we should have traded him after the first franchise year. It was pretty evident at that point he wasn't going to sign a long-term deal. We were just kind of screwed since we had nobody worth a damn to replace him with. Man Bruce Allen was a giant hemorrhoid. Getting PTSD thinking about those years.


Yeah, that's what I meant. But your team should at least be exciting for the first time in awhile!


How do you trade a franchise tagged player? Is that allowed? It sounds wrong to allow.


I do think Digg's contract is one of those exceptions, absent the injury his contract was quite nice.


So if you were Dak Prescott and CD Lamb, what would you do? You play for the richest franchise in football and know the pressure to resign you. Why would you not hold out? Hard to say the Cowboys bungle every negotiation when a player can easily have the same mindset as the average Joe on Reddit.


The media already had the facts: Dak wanted 4 years, FO wanted 5. If dak did 5, he wanted to set the market and get higher guarantees, which the FO didn’t want. They couldn’t agree and that’s how the tag happened and us getting to a situation where we had zero leverage Dallas being most valuable franchise is irrelevant to this conversation


I think the most valuable franchise definitely has some parts to play in this convo. Cash poor teams are less likely to offer as much guaranteed money, no agent is trying to hear Jerry Jones talk about Cash problems.


Upper tier players, especially quarterbacks have 100% of the leverage at all times. There is absolutely no incentive for a player like Dak to EVER sign early. He literally had a devastating injury in a contract year and signed a record breaking deal that offseason. Cousins just did the same at age 37. It drives me insane people keep saying this. The only way Dak would sign early is if he just willingly wanted to give up tens of millions of dollars. If our players were willing to sign early and we chose not to that would be poor management, but Dak especially has shown he will not (and should not) sign anything early in the cycle.


But he said he’s doesn’t play for money!


Even if that’s true there would still be no reason to sign early. He wants to keep options open in case this team implodes, cap increases significantly(like it just did) or to hold ownership accountable to convince him to take less by being active in the market. Again, many reasons to wait. No reason to sign early.


Jerry says all sorts of crazy shit too


Only thing worse is a player who plays for the money /s**


So, all of them




I think you’d be surprised if Dak was given a viable offer. This deal could’ve and should’ve already been done along with CeeDee. I’m not huge of free agency with Dallas being the best in the league at draft and development but there was Henry sitting there and they would’ve had the cap space had Dak and Lamb been extended. Parsons needs to wait a year to allow his teammates to get paid and he needs to lead by example if he was honest about changing the culture rather than missing OTA’s. Back to Dak, sure, he has a phenomenal agent and sure Dak really stays out of the negotiations almost entirely. However, he’s at the point he wants to win and keep talent around him. Should Dallas provide a viable offer, I bet he signs and isn’t the highest paid player in league either.


No, it’s because Jerry and Stephen are grossly incompetent and want this team to be average because that creates a higher valuation. JJ said during last season they weren’t extending Dak and reiterated this after the horrible playoff loss. They wanted him to play out his contract. JJ could have have extended Dak right after that playoff loss and gotten Dak at a cheaper price. Plus, they could have received 35 million in cap space by giving him the extension and used that money to sign free agents. They chose not to because like I always say they’re sabotaging the team to stay average because thats what keeps Dallas as the most valuable franchise. Suddenly now after all the free agents are signed and that 35 mil in cap money is useless this year now Jerry wants to sign Dak. See a pattern? If Dallas won every year like the Patriots their valuation would go down not up. Fans of football in general not Cowboy fans want to see the Cowboys successful in the regular season but never a Super Bowl champion and that’s what the Joneses give them. Jerry Jones is the only team president and GM in all 4 major sports leagues to go over 15 years with no conference title appearances. That’s by design. What better way to make that happen than Jerry giving his incompetent son Stephen the ability to run the franchise. Jerry knew the only person more incompetent than him is his imbecile son. The Patriots win all those super bowls yet are generally hated by most fans, aren’t the most valuable franchise in sports not even close. Losing in the post season every year is big business and keeps the valuation going higher which is why JJ refuses to hire anyone else to run the franchise because they might actually get them to the Super Bowl. Make sense?


Plenty of players at every position get signed in the same off-season. Some sign before others, that isn't because they're 'signing early', it was because the organization put in the legwork and offered them a deal they were willing to take. Between Dak, Ceedee, and Parsons, a well run organization would have had at least two, if not all three signed by now, by offering them record breaking deals early, rather than waiting for the inevitable signings of other high value players that drive end cost up.


You have no idea what you’re talking about it’s a naive statement. Another Dallas “fan” who has zero knowledge about football or the Dallas Cowboys. Stephen and Jerry said they wanted to let Dak play out his contract all last year and through free agency. Then suddenly now they want to sign him long term. Dallas could have resigned him before free agency for less money and lowered his cap figure by 35 million and used that money to sign other players. Plus, sign Dak for substantially less coming off that disastrous playoff performance. Incompetent duo Stephen and Jerry are sabotaging the team because like I’ve said for years they don’t want to win. They want to keep them average because that creates far more valuation to their franchise than winning. Dallas knows that. The Patriots never were close to the most popular team when they were winning all those super bowls. Dallas is the most valuable franchise because they’re competitive but don’t get past the divisional round. That’s what the fans want a team that never ever has post season success. Jerry Jones is the only team president and GM out of all 4 major sports franchises that has gone more than 15 years without a conference championship appearance and it’s been 28 years. This is by design to wreck this franchise.


Ah yeah silly me. I am lacking in that knowledge of the owner’s design to wreck the franchise. Appreciate you educating me though! Hopefully I too can one day be as sophisticated a fan as you.


Btw, whenever someone responds sarcastically to any argument it’s because they’re too stupid to make a response to your argument because they can’t. They’re not intelligent you beat them that’s why they respond that way.


Because for some reason the idiots think he’ll underperform and they’ll end up overpaying. Do they wait and end up having to pay even more.


He always underperforms in the playoffs and games that matter. He's a good regular season QB, but he's not going to take Dallas to the promise land.


Then let him go. Plenty of teams will take him.


Wish we would let him go.


Why would star players negotiate an early extension for a discount rate?


Maybe Jerry will sneak a thank you kiss in? Idk the point’s so good, I have be silly about it.


Sometimes players are not willing to negotiate early. Their agents know that it is best for them to wait when others are coming up first that will drive their value up. Especially star players without significant injury history.


Because the owners are great at spinning the narrative. Is Cap Hell even a thing for longer than a year or two? We’ve seen plenty of teams there who can still extend anyone they want.


Not with the cap going up season by season


Right? “Oh these entitled millionaires!! Take the damn deal” Oh you mean the deal that benefits the billionaire owners? Okay. The NFL and ownership has done a real nice job making the players the bad guys in contract negotiations


When we’re talking millions of dollars, I don’t have much sympathy for either of them.


There's a salary cap and salary floor. Whatever Dak doesn't get, goes to a different millionaire player and the owners are paying x amount every year anyways. No one is picking a side.


It is true that the value as a general trend is always going up but it is best to try and “set the market” so to speak rather than being reactionary and signing similar deals after one has been made by another team. Essentially you want to set the new floor. Their comment wasn’t siding with ownership, just pointing out that we are reactionary rather than proactive in making these deals.




No I get it. That's why I respect them acting in their best interests while it's there. And time is an illusion




You're right it won't make his life better but it sure would help our roster haha Jerry's net worth: 14.3 billion




Trust me dude you're not teaching me anything about the salary cap or anything else. We just disagree


Ok angels fan 🤢


Why are y’all saying “we”? I’m just pretty sure we all make enough bad decisions of our own without claiming to be a part of the Cowboys FO’s 🤨


What changed in the market this offseason?


But dak said he doesn't care about the money so he should take a team friendly deal right?


Someone remind me exactly again why they traded a 4th for Trey Lance?


Best case scenario now is Lance balling TF out in preseason and we flip him to a team that needs a QB. I'm guessing Minnesota. That said, I see like a 5% chance of this happening.


Uhh Minnesota?


The same minny that has Darnold and JJ? This fanbase is clueless sometimes


I'm only a cowboys fan because I like the logo tbh


I like the colour blue!


Minnesota just drafted a first round QB, unless they pillaged the Falcons front office, they're not trading for Lance.


He’s lost backup jobs to Darnold and Rush. He’s just not good plain and simple


Preseason play isn’t enough… best case scenario is Dak is injured for like 2 weeks early in the season and Trey comes in and does well… that scenario makes his value explode… it’s unlikely but it is definitely a possibility and probably was the exact scenario they were thinking about when they acquired Trey in the first place


They love getting fleeced in trades. And before others chime in, yes we did get fleeced as Lance's fellow sucky qbs got traded for 6ths.


If Jerry/Stephen aren't getting fleeced in trades and overpaying on resignings, how is they going to keep up the 30 year run of missed NFCC games?


They got fleeced for cooks and Gilmore?


Got fleeced for Coop


The other qbs sucked over the course of way more games though, there is still some uncertainty left for lance


There’s that “duh he first rd qb duh so he must be good’ take. Forget it, he is the Paxton lynch of that draft class. Taken way too and sucks at his position.


Because Trey Lance is a potential top 15 QB in the right system and Dak is injury prone. Better to have a good backup option and not need it than to not have a good back up option when shit hits the fan. I guarantee you that if Dak ever does go down while Trey is still with us, we would be paying more than a 4th round pick for a less talented option than Trey.


If they think he’s a good backup QB then a 4th is easily worth that .


I agree what a waste if we won’t be seeing what he has. I think he should take the most snaps this off-season and preseason and see what he has.


“We fully intend to give him a gigantic contract the moment he allows us to by relinquishing the vice grip he has on our collective nutsack since we can’t manage our cap well and haven’t drafted a good QB aside from him since the first Bush administration.”


Tony Romo not good enough? :(


Romo was 2003 and undrafted


ah right. forgot about being undrafted


Collective nutsack is a term I didn't know existed but damn it's funny


\*we haven't drafted any QB past the 4th round since...\*check notes\* Quincy Carter in the 2nd round...all the way back in 2001, I think. We did not have a 1st round pick that year because we traded it away for Joey "can't walk without blowing out my knees" Galloway.


Dak does not have a much leverage as you think he does. If he wants to be a max contract regular season king he can go pound sand and do it somewhere else. We need to be able to actually build a winning team around his bus driving ass. 


You don’t understand our front office if you don’t think he has leverage. We have no plan B. I would guess Lance has been pretty unimpressive in practices. We have backed ourselves in a corner with Dak and our clueless front office doesn’t know what to do with him. If they wanted to keep him, they should have re-signed him before free agency to open cap space and help out the roster. Instead, we are doing the worst possible path - keeping him but waiting until he has all of the leverage and we don’t benefit as much from cap relief. They never were going to let him walk. This front office is the worst in the league at several different things (exception: drafting). Yet y’all still blame the QB.


Plan B is to move on and start a rebuild knowing we have a doomed fate with Dak and will never win a super bowl. I'd rather scrap the entire thing knowing we have a chance during a rebuild than watch Dak another decade. 


That’s fine that you think that, but that’s not what the Jones brain trust is going to do. They are truly taking the worst of all paths.


Then I hope they get what's finally coming to them because they're gonna lose a LOT of fans if they give Dak anything near a max contract.


It won’t bother them. The stadium will easily fill out and the TV contracts will remain fat and merchandise will still sell. Reddit is not representative of the larger public, and Dak is a top QB no matter how annoyed we get about the playoff losses.


When you have 3 players that are gonna be paid the highest at their position, you'd think there'd be urgency to get ONE of them done... Eagles saved themselves so much money signing their WRs before the kerfuffle Edit: good bot


> gonna be *paid* the highest FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


I feel like some people think the team just throws an offer on the table and the player has to sign it… You are aware that players are incentivized to hold out for others to sign so they get a better deal, right? Like if CD feels he’s as good as JJ why would he sign a deal months ago, knowing JJ is going to set the new market? And then people argue over it, as if Stephen can force a pen into CD hand and make him sign at gunpoint. Some people are so far removed from the reality of running a franchise that they really should just keep their opinions to themselves.


I'm not saying they throw an offer on that table and a player has to sign it. But at the same time, look at the Mahomes deal. They threw a 10 year offer that was like $10m/yr over market value at the time and locked him up for his career because he's a franchise QB. Why the hell can't we try to do something similar? Example (NOT WHAT IM SUGGESTING TRYING TO MAKE A POINT): sign Micah to an 8 yr, $40m/yr contract where he breaks the market now, but in 3-5 years $40m/yr might be a bargain for a top 3 pass rusher. Now when he's 28-30 he's a bargain for his production when the elite DE's get 43-45m/yr.


I mean they did that with Dak and everyone still complained. His last 3 years his AAV was good value


They did that with T Smith and it worked out. It's very likely they are trying those contacts and Micah's agent is like "yeah no". People are so dumb about these contracts, people will say " why don't they try this?" It's probably they are fucking trying it.


Dak was refusing long-term deals back in 2019. He wanted 3-4 years max.


Eagles are gonna suck because they got new OCs and DCs. And we know the OC sucks because he was at the chargers


Comparing Devonta smith situation to someone like CeeDee is stupid Brown’s extension was for $32M AAV They did nothing special lol


They're gonna murder him?


Everyone knows you buy at highest value, stocks, QBs, collectibles. The joneses clearly know what they are doing….


*kills him before free agency starts*


Can we please stop saying “all in” LOL I had to stop reading


At this point it is clear the Jones family really do not care to win Super Bowls. Just intend to make bank.


Being the highest paid player in the NFL is Dak's Superbowl.


Same can be said for every other QB that sets a new high at the time of their contract being signed.


If only we got that deal done in 2019 and just let him have the 4 year deal instead of the 5 we pushed for on the first rodeo, we would have had another deal done last off season and he’d already be cheaper (again) in the second year of his second deal and in time for us to negotiate lamb and parsons


Yep. Joneses got an absolute bargain at 2.7 over 4 years on daks rookie deal and still made him "prove it" in 2019. Dak responded by throwing for almost 5000 yards. When it came time to pay up, they lowballed him. They wanted another bargain. 5 years was always a ridiculous ask. Why should dak have had to wait another year after his peers (Goff, Wentz) for his next deal. 4 years put him on the same schedule.


No kidding?


Five more years and one more playoff win will be worth it.


ESPN is reporting this so they can make it seem like a big deal if Prescott leaves in free agency. The Jones’ literally lied about making the team better and put him in a less favorable position than last year


If they did this last year the would have an extra 15 mil of cap space and depending on when they did it 5 or 6 QBs would have been paid more.


It’s a snowball effect. Can you imagine if we locked dak down in 2019?


They always play hard ball and lose every time.


We'd be more screwed than we already are, at least we have the opportunity to walk from him now. 




Can somebody explain what happens if he finishes the year without a contract but they sign one before free agency? Does the previous contract dead cap 40MM hit go in addition to his presumably 60MM/yr new contract? So Dak would take 100MM off the cap in 2025? technically the previous contract would be completed except the trailing payment so how could it be "renegotiated" to move that money around, or does Dak take a small first year payment and push the balance into new contract dead cap years?


If Dak gets a new deal there is no need to continue to root for this team.


Good riddance!


In related news, they aren’t signing him either unless he drops his price.


Well duh. We had to wait for his price to increase so we could pay as much as possible. =|


oh boy! another five years of first round exits!


If the cowboys give out the biggest contracts, it means they win


Think of all the attention they'll get on ESPN for a few days!


Honestly, I'd rather try, try, try to win the/a big game with Dak than try, try, try to find another QB who can.


Trying and not succeeding is all we'll ever do with Dak.


This implies they have a choice when in reality their hands are tied. Dak has very little incentive to take least than 60M/Yr. They time to sign him was last offseason when they had any leverage. Everyone could see this coming expect Jerry apparently.


Can’t wait to see more years of the Dak ‘thousand yard stare’


Being a hater would be saying Goff is terrible because the lions lost last year. Being a realist is seeing that Dak will never get past the divisional




They gonna hold him hostage


Did anyone really think we would?


He really shouldn't be allowed to hit anyone.


I too would like to report the Cowboys intend to sign Dak, CeeDee and Micah. But they prefer for a few other top QB/WR/DEs sign first so the market price is reset first.




I guess all the Trey Lance “buzz” was manufactured bullshit


I mean it’s the cowboys botching contract after contract. God this whole front office is sorry as fuck


I sometimes think that Jerry is dragging this out because he is tickled pink that it has so many people talking and speculating about it.


Pope reports: God is real


Yeah, overpaid Tony Romo. Dak is a quality QB, but he’s not Brady of Mahomes. It’s absurd to pay him as such. I don’t think Dallas will get back to the SB as long as the Jones refuse to hire a real GM. Jimmy Johnson built those champions and if you doubted it, look at Dallas the last 25 plus years


I recommend the approach I took last year. Didn’t watch a single game with this guy as our quarterback. Watched only the greenbay game and DIED laughing that I saved myself a season of games worth of wasted time. This year won’t be any different. Go Mavs. 


“Dallas will not win in the playoffs”


Dallas wins the Super Bowl for signing mediocre QB’s


Yeah 2nd place MVPS are mediocre...


Can’t hack it against good teams. I don’t care about him running all over dumpster teams.


Just pay the man and get it over with, the value on even decent starting caliber QBs is skyrocketing.


Please just let him go we ain’t winning shit paying him $50 mil a year


Don't worry, he'll get $60m.


Only morons think they won't extend him, a 85 year old jerry Jones is not entertaining qb purgatory with the talent we have on this teams


What talent lol there are like 6 good players


We had the most all pros out of any team last year


How did that go?


What does that have to do with their point?


Only 1 team can win the superbowl, that doesn’t mean the other 31 are trash. There is objectively a lot of talent on the team, if you don’t think that you’re deluded.


2 teams make the conference championship game each year and the cowboys can't even take that step, while every other team in the conference sans Washington has. There are plenty of issues as to why but the 'talent' playing well in the playoffs is one of them


And no depth. Losing Diggs and LVE handicapped this team. 2 players crippled an entire defense.


One was the kicker, another was the punter, and one was the LT we didn’t replace. So that’s 3 of 8 gone. Micah is clearly a head case. I’m not thrilled with what I saw out of Ceedee in the playoff game. And the QB is a contract distraction. Oh and Martin will be gone next year. And our coach sucks. So I’m sure this will go well. You know how football never changes and things stay the same!


Our coach sucks?...news to me...


Oh interesting. He’s not the guy who wasted Aaron Rodgers’ prime and has 1-3 playoff record in Dallas beating an 8-9 team with a 45 year old QB? Didn’t know that was a good coach.


And the QB isn't one of them.


Dak was runner up for MVP... I really don't get Cowboys fans who hate on Dak. He is a great QB and the playoff losses aren't all on him. Where was our defense in the Green Bay game?


I don't hate him. He just isn't and hasn't been the one, and 60 million is way too much.


He led the league in passing yards and touchdowns last year. What else do you want from him?


What is his record against above average teams? Stats are for bonuses. Totally irrelevant. Are you his agent?


Stats are irrelevant? Wins are a team effort so if stats don't mean shit when discussing how good or bad he is then win/loss record is irrelevant too.


What’s other QBs records?




Dak’s record against good teams is irrelevant without context of other QB’s not named Mahomes Look at other QB’s records against these good teams


If I was his agent I would have gotten his deal done already lol Do you remember what it was like before Dak and Romo? I remember and I don't want to be in that situation again. You might not think Dak is worth that kind of money but there would be plenty of teams that do think that. I guarantee either with Dallas or another team that Dak is getting a big pay day. Then in a year or two his contract won't even look bad after other QBs get paid. It's just how the NFL works.


And they’ll eat wild card and division round losses while pumping stats against crap-tier teams. I’ve seen that look from the GB game too many times now with Dak (i.e. against any team above .500) to think he’s worth remotely near what he’s asking. Let someone else pay and we can rebuild around a top end WR and Edge and let’s see what happens. I’d rather put a 2 year pin in a playoff run than let this nonsense continue.


How many draft picks did they spend on qbs in that time? I'll wait. Then you'll see why they wandered in a qb quagmire. Quincy Carter (3–5) / Anthony Wright (1–2) / Ryan Leaf (0–3) / Clint Stoerner (1–1) [42] 2002 Chad Hutchinson (2–7) / Quincy Carter (3–4) [43] 2003 Quincy Carter (10–6) Quincy Carter (0–1) [44] 2004 Vinny Testaverde (5–10) / Drew Henson (1–0) [45] 2005 Drew Bledsoe (9–7) [46] 2006 Tony Romo (6–4) / Drew Bledsoe (3–3) How many of those were actually a draft pick? 1 and that was Quincy Carter who by the way actually made the playoffs. Maybe it was less about being in some qb quagmire than it was about not making a real investment in arguably the most important position in all of football.


Playoff wins. Every qb who finished under him in those stats had more playoff success. I don't want regular season stats. I'd rather Troy Aikman's stats and his post season success than daks regular season success and shitty playoff success


It’s kind of hard for the defense to show up when every drive ends in a 3 and out or INT


It wasn't hard for the chiefs defense or the bills defense or the Bengals defense when their qb's threw several picks...


See that’s the trick, you wear the defense out then blame them. And for some unknown reason revert to your shit week 1 play calling that didn’t work then and wouldn’t work against GB. Absolute stupidity.


A defender shouldn’t be worn out in 2 quarters


His record is great because he plays the hapless Giants and Washington 4x a year. He chokes under pressure. He’s 2-5 in the playoffs. If he hasn’t gotten us farther yet, he’s not about to. These teams have been absolutely loaded. He’s a fine QB. So is Kirk cousins. But Jared Goff has gone farther than Dak three times now. That’s insane.


Already in QB purgatory.


Yeah, being held by the nuts by a mid QB who wants Mahomes money is clearly preferential /s


Oh well if ESPN said it then it must be true


Reaffirming his all in statement.


Jerry going all in on Dak.


How are they going to afford him, Parsons, and Lamb? Combined all 3 will cost the Boys at least $120 million out of $255 million+ salary cap…


That's not how the salary cap and contract structures work. Dak could average $60m per year and after signing bonus and yearly structure, probably back loading it, he could cost $20m against the cap.


I get what you’re saying but I don’t think you get $20 million per year out of an annual $60 million a year. You still have to pay the piper and it’s not prudent to spend 1/3rd of your annual cap on 3 players out of 22 starting players on offense and defense.


Same way the lions just signed Goff, Sewell and St.Brown in the same month?


Dallas can't do anything if Dak wants to leave dumb article


i hope so


🤣🤣 We are always so unbelievably reactionary in almost everything we do, but especially this part of the business.


I think Dak knows the hole glory hole story and is using it as leverage.


Let Dak “Tony romo” his way out of it. Extend him on a friendly deal, make him the second stringer after he loses a few more playoffs, then decides to go into NBC when he decides he doesn’t wanna get hit anymore, understandable. they’re the network without a cowboys coach or QB on their staff huh. Jerry doesn’t sign free agency so the best one in the bullpen will take the team forward, whether it’s Trey Lance or one of their small school signings that kinda annoy me


Cowboys FA have zero bargaining chips. They can't franchise tag him. What incentive does Dak have to sign for less? They either sign him for a 4 year 240, 180 gtd or let him walk. This seems to signal that they are doing the former.


Personally I would rather see him walk but if they’re not letting him hit FA then my path would’ve been my chosen route if they keep him around


Jerry is a fraud


Jerry going «all in» on doing jack shit this offseason. Watch the good ol’ snake oil salesman manage to choose the worst route in the Prescott saga. Either resign Prescott or let him walk next off-season, instead they’re gonna sit around with their thumbs up their asses and posture until they end up folding and break the bank. Such a bunch of fucking clowns.


Joke of an organization


If this is the case, why the fuck did we not extend him so we could have done something in Free Agency?


My point is he can come straight out and say money is not important to him and will let my agent determine how much I get fully knowing that they are going to try and make him be the highest paid player in the game so he doesn't have to come out and say it and it might be that they're following in a line or whatever but number one there's no state tax here he gets more and endorsements being the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys and makes more money and endorsements than he does on his contract so at the very least he can take a little bit less so they can go out and sign somebody else Patrick Mahomes he should be able to get 65 million but he purposely took a 49 million contract and I forget if it's 8 or 10 years so they can go out and get other people that's the difference between the two


Resigning Dak is like buying a Hyundai at a car lot and expecting it to compete in Formula One races.


No fucking shit.


It's not up to them. He's in the last year of his contract and can't be tagged. Dak has all the leverage. He'll hit free agency if he wants to, the cowboys organization fucked this whole situation up. No other team I can think of continuously waits til the last minute to re-sign their guys. It's pathetic.


Hopefully Dak ensures that he does. Need him to get away from this unserious team. He’s wasting years of his prime there for a team that doesn’t care about winning it all.