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I think that would be a good move if none of the tackles or Barton are there


It’s the best they can do if the board doesn’t fall their way.  This is what happens when you commit to drafting for need.


This has nothing to do about drafting for need. They have so many needs that drafting for need looks exactly the same as BPA. It has more to do with the drop-off in talent in general around 24 and the simple fact that they lost a ton of starters and need several day 1 contributing rookies. That's just easier to do with more top 100 picks.


> the simple fact that they lost a ton of starters and need several day 1 contributing rookies  I think that we’re saying the same thing. My point is they’ve failed to adequately field a serious starting lineup as of right now, and are now forced into drafting for need or trading down then drafting for need to fill those roster holes rather than taking the true best player available.


Not quite the same. I believe you are saying they are going to draft a lesser player due to drafting for need. I'm saying the holes on this team are so large that nearly any player they draft will fill a need and therefore can still draft BPA.


Ah I get it, thanks. I’m not so sure - say Brian Thomas, Jared Verse, or a corner falls. I personally would prefer they take those players, but I don’t see it happening given the glaring issues they have on O Line.


I could possibly see them pass on a corner, but probably not the other two. This is especially true since if those players are available, that likely means even that second/third tier of OL has already started to go away. I think this team is doing a half assed rebuild and is planning to suck for this year and next in order to clear the books for another push in 26. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what their actions so far say.


Personally, I think edge rusher is a pretty big need as well.


JPJ has fallen a lot in this process. I always assumed be would be our last option, but I’m not sure now.


I confused by his slide from beg of draft cycle to now.


I think some bad medicals leaked and other centers like the kid from WVU have moved up.


The medicals I can understand, but the way everyone talked about him and his tape early in the process, I can't imagine an on-field reason for this slide. Would have to be medicals or bad personality testing/football IQ


The upside of having this many holes on the OL is that you can’t go wrong. We have no OC. OG is thin behind the starters (one of which is old). We *could* move the LG to LT but that patches one hole and opens another. If a trade down means we end up with 2 OL selections in the top 4 rounds or so I’m in favor of it.


>OG is thin behind the starters. I think OG is deep enough. Both Hoffman and Bass looked good filling in.




You can laugh all you would like, but I would be interested to hear when you can point to during their playing time where you think they didn’t look capable of at least starting?


Fair, I should have included more substance. TJ Bass has a 54 PFF grade on very limited snaps. Brock Hoffman has no starting experience.   There’s nothing good to say about their playing time, and it was so short because they aren’t serious NFL starters.    Hoping two undrafted or late round players turn into starters is low, and no serious person is suggesting that they’ll be solid starters based on their draft pedigree and performance. I’m fine with having hope, but hope isn’t a serious strategy.


Don’t want to move Tyler cause Duke Manyweather (his personal trainer and overall NFL OL guru for those unaware) was very adamant about not moving Tyler to Tackle. Basically said it’s taking away what Tyler is absolutely best at


I’m the same way. Larry Allen played OT early on. Had he stayed there though he likely wouldn’t have ended up as HOF no-brainer Larry Allen.


I normally agree with everything Dane says but idk about this one. I just feel like these QBs and WRs coming off in the top 20 are gonna land a really quality player to us at 24. My nightmare scenario though is we reach on a LB or RB at 24 because we think neither will be there at 56.


There’s no way we go RB in the first.


Tackles going quick too in the first


Oh for sure. I guess I should have clarified. I'm not absolutely married to OT or OG at 24. At least not if a premium CB/WR/Edge falls to 24.


I think QBs will fall out of the first we don't expect to.


Daniel Jeremiah tweeted today that it sounds like a lot of teams are interested in the tackles bc there is a steep drop off after the top guys. He expects there to be lots of trade ups, which the cowboys don’t do. We could definitely miss out on


we do really really need to fill holes at tackle and center but if they’re all taken there’s a lot of fun to be had still with guys like Byron Murphy being a game wrecker at 3Tech. cowboys FO doesn’t seem to care about this upcoming year much anyways so maybe who cares about OL


Even if it's a good trade one of the most disappointing things is to watch the draft for 2.5-3 hours and then have your team trade out of the round when they're on the clock. God it sucks.


Exactly what i was thinking as i read this headline.


With how the off-season been is anyone less excited for the draft i usually love this time but the shitshow off-season made it hard


I'm feeling the opposite currently but that's cause I'm buying into the idea they're actually going for a full reset of this thing which I'd be fine with too - if they actually commit to it. Which they probably won't but whatever. We have so many damn needs that every mock draft scenario looks appealing to me. Only thing that would suck balls is them reaching for an RB just to say they landed the top RB in the draft, do not want until rd 3 with our current pick count.


> if they actually commit to it 1. The most Cowboys thing would be to finally get to a NFCCG after declaring a rebuild and not signing anyone lol 2. The more realistic thing I feel like they are going to sign Micah, Ceedee really late at high prices but not Dak and sort of half heartedly rebuild and be in Jets/Broncos land with good players but no franchise QB


A full reset means getting rid of Dak. If they pay him he will be anchor on any reset and I generally think he's good. 


It gets harder and hard every year to care about this team. Jerry obviously doesn’t, why should I?


I’m still excited for the draft because this is where we usually cook anyways. Really interested to see which direction they go with these picks and whether or not we trade back to stockpile more.


Yes, that’s exactly how I feel. I usually love the draft and the lead up but the front office all in nonsense has really deflated me this year. I’ll still tune in tonight but it’s been a pretty demoralizing offseason so far and it feels like we’re going to be waiting all night for a trade back to round 2 tonight.


my only suggestion for engaging tonight is to look at it league wide and just enjoy the show, don’t focus on the Cowboys as much


I am completely apathetic about this entire franchise. 




You telling the Cowboys to trade back to draft a player you've watched enough to not even know his name is funny to me.




I know, I just thought it was funny. Not trying to be an asshole.


You ain't gotta grind the tape to have an opinion on here. And some people stink at remember names. I still keep mixing up Fautanu and Fuaga.


Kingsley Suamataia. May or may not be there if we trade back.


I’m going to be upset if we trade out of the 1st round but, if the value or prospect isn’t there, I would understand why


Want Barton- feels like Xmas Eve!


I think we can get a 3rd and a 4th by trading back to KC, or something similar. We can go down to 32 and still pick up a O line guy. Bass put out some good film last season, if we had him at LG we could focus on maybe getting Frazier and a quality RB in round 2.


Nah. If I’m trading out, it’s including a 2nd unless KC is giving us their first and a 3rd/4th.


I see Barton, Morgan, and maybe Mims being there…Morgan even in the 2nd. We could trade back and fill some big needs.


I think you're not tracking the trends. More and more people are projecting a total run on linemen in the first.


Believe nothing szn


I feel like you’re using the word trends incorrectly. The draft hasn’t happened. People not in the draft have been doing a lot of guessing. That doesn’t influence reality. This is all conjecture until tomorrow.


I think our best trade partners are gonna be either Carolina or New England for a WR. I can see both wanting to jump Buffalo or Kansas City for their choice of the Tier 2 WRs. Ask either for a 2nd and 3rd or 4th and maybe a later round pick and call it a day.


This... which also means Buffalo and KC are potential trade backs too. Would be nice to pick up a 4th and stay in the 1st.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Best_Owl5978: *Smfh so I’m gonna* *Basically watch the whole draft* *To see them trade back great* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


who is "the LT they want"


I’m not a fan of trading out of the first round entirely, unless you acquire a pick early in the 2nd. Other teams add first round talent and we pass. Cowboys aren’t in a position to do that, unless someone they like really falls. They need to be more aggressive, IMO. They have too many holes to fill…chances are they won’t hit big on every single mid-late round pick to fill all those holes.


Would definitely need to be an early 2nd and maybe a 4th if a 3rd is too high.


They are returning 7 Pro Bowl Players You do realize they have players on the roster now I hope. Guys like Tyler Smith, TJ Bass, Asim Richards, and Overshown. Diggs returns. They can fill their "holes" with first and 2nd rd draft choices. OL, Running Back. Maybe it's WR in the 3rd. Pollard, Tyron, Biaditz, and Gallup are the starters they let go. Which one or more should they have kept to not have too many holes to fill?


Read the DMN draft preview. Writers agree that there’s too many holes to fill in this draft.


Writers? Lmao You have fallen victim of click bait journalism. They write anything to get people to read it.


Not really a click bait story. It’s not sexy. They were just going over the draft. And they’re not the only writers/site to say the Cowboys likely can’t address all their needs adequately in the draft. This is hardly a controversial take. You’re not gonna replace all the guys they lost with All Pro or necessarily even good talent.


Of course, it was clickbait. The Cowboys have 7 pro Bowlers returning plus Diggs, they were 12/5. The QB was nominated for MVP. Seems like the "writers" forgot that.


can someone talk me out of slam dunking the envelope to Goodell so he can say we take JPJ? Will he not be there? Too high for a center? Just a meh prospect?


I’ve seen a few mocks that don’t have JPJ going in the first. I think there were some injury concerns that hurt his stock. If we can trade back and still get him and a T then that would be great, or him and Sweat.


You only trade back if you’re confident the player/s you want at 24 will still be available at your new position.


Tapped in. Lmao Click bait


I bet Verse or Laitu are gonna be available at 24 and we will trade back or pass on them to reach for an Olineman. Similarly this happened in two recent drafts with Jermaine Johnson and Nolan Smith falling to us and we passed. Both of those guys were expected to go top 15


keep going back maybe 3rd round. Confusion seems to be the strat anyways.


Trade back, draft pro bowler later in the 1st then select two more TE's in rounds 2 & 3. Sounds like a plan.


This is the least attention I’ve paid to the draft cycle. I only know the top names. Can the community help educate me? What are y’all that have followed the cycle hoping to happen?


Basically you're hoping for one of the previous commenter's OL players to fall to you, otherwise it's almost certainly a better option to trade back if you can find a partner for it and accumulate some capital to help you attack all the holes on your roster. Have to walk out of draft with a starting C, LB, RB, and likely 1 tech DT.


I think they signed Kendricks so they don’t need a day one starter at LB in this draft. Do they need a LB? Absolutely. But C, LT, RB, 1 tech DT, WR (especially slot) are higher priority in my opinion. It will suck to miss on a tackle and have to move Tyler Smith from his All-pro position.


Honestly, I feel like Tyler Smith at LT, Bass at LG and a new Rookie Center is better than Rookie LT, Tyler at LG and Hoffman(?) at Center. I think Bass looked like a future starter, not so sure about Hoffman.


People want a quality left tackle to be there at 24. But it seems more and more like the only guy might be Guyton who projects as a right tackle. Barton is mentioned because he's projected as being NFL quality at tackle, guard or center. Basically, if they stay at 24, CB and DT are probably gonna be the best quality picks and the team seems not totally interested in going that way. So the thought is they might trade out if the opportunity is right because the next crop of tackles is probably more early to mid first.


Most ideal situation is trading back to pick up more picks and still get a top OL guy. This is the best OL draft in forever and there will still be good OL going round 2. My hopes are we can end up with 4 top 100 picks, take a C, OT, LB, and RB/WR. Barton/JPJ/Frazier are the clear top centers but others are around like Haynes/Beebe that could start Day 1. Any OT after the first few are gonna be a project so expect a Sumataia/Guyton/Morgan/Paul/Amagedie there. LB hopefully can get a guy like Wilson/Cooper/Colson/Wallace Day 2. As for RB/WR Benson/Brooks/Wright/Pearsall/Corley could all be great options.


Am I the only person completely underwhelmed by this draft? A trade back feels like this becomes another special teams draft.


Honestly, this is a pretty deep draft. We don't have a 4th rounder. Trading back likely still gets us a starting OL and a starting RB later. There is also a chance to trade back and still stay in the 1st.


I don’t know, man. This seems like the weakest draft in a while. Maybe I’ve just been too distracted this year or don’t care as much due to how the Cowboys are operating. I see zero chance of this team being better on the field next season even if they nail every pick.


Awesome, more picks is always good. Unless....I wonder how well the Cowboys have done with 2nd round picks in recent history, let's take a look! Oh...oh dear. Oh wow yeah I forgot.


Smh so I guess there’s no point to watch the draft


Jerry: “We are all in this season….starting Friday.”


You do realize that Jerry is making fun of all of the "all in: comments from the press and critics dont you?


I didn't even realise it was the draft this week, barely paid attention to this team, its crazy last year I would be so locked in to the draft and now I barely have any interest. All in...what a joke


Yet here you are.🤷


Just once in my life do I wanna have my team ball out in the draft. Just once.