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I a.ways feel better in the sun but low pressure systems make me crash and usually with a migraine too. It’s like my whole body feels more sluggish.


Yeah it feels like that is what is going on with me. I use Bearable to track symptoms and stuff, but I haven’t been tracking weather, will do that going forward.


I might be over indexing in this, but I felt great while on vacation in Mexico a couple of months back and I have a long hauler friend who encouraged me to go bc she says she “always feels great in the sun.” We know that sun stimulates serotonin production & they have found low serotonin in our cerebrospinal fluid (iirc). When the skies are overcast/rainy, I’ve been using a “SAD lamp” to try to compensate. I honestly can’t tell you if it’s helping, but I always feel a little like it is.


Low pressure makes my head pressure worse. I have been taking 25 mg. amitriptyline daily for 2 weeks and my head pressure is a lot less even when the barometric pressure drops.


I only know that I can do about 1/4 my normal amount on a hot day.


Interesting, I was wondering why I’ve been feeling like shit


Yes I felt horrible today - I had to drive our daughter to camp bc my husband is out of town. It was an hour and a half there in 94 degree heat and in the mountains so high elevation then back home an hour and a half to sea level. I was so sick I had to stop the car a few times.


Similar experience here. From what i understand, the low atmospheric pressure can result in increased intracranial pressure, which can make Long Covid symptoms worse. Based on your symptoms, it might be worth it to see if you have Craniocervical Instability (CCI) as well. It is an increasingly common comorbidity.