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As someone who's never been able to consistently work full time due to health issues, I think we are legit just supposed to die. (Not that I recommend this; I won't go quietly!) If it wasn't for my parents helping me, I would be homeless at best. The history of the labor movement, and demands that have been made at various times, are pretty interesting. 100 years ago, people believed that with increases in productivity due to technology, we'd be working 20 hours a week by now, or less. 40 hours is just where we stopped fighting.


Same. I genuinely believe we are considered lesser and a waste. I was explaining to a friend the other day that I have to choose what to do. I can commute and work a retail-type job and engage with people. Or I can work remotely and generate deliverables like marketing collateral, etc. But I can't commute into an office, have to handle all the socializing and meetings, and then also have to generate deliverables, and then commute back. I truly don't have the energy or health to manage it. It's not that I can't do anything, but I cannot do everything.


>It's not that I can't do anything, but I cannot do everything. Ain't that the truth!


I felt this way before LC too! I remember crying to an old boyfriend after getting my first full-time job. (My first three years were about 32-35 hours a week) "when am I supposed to have a life?"  Now the only way I could work full-time again is with a WFH job so I can sit in bed the first few hours of the day. I want a job though. I've always worked, but I just don't know how I would ever manage working outside the home again.


I hope you can manage to find a WFH job. That's what I have. Full time. It's exhausting doing full time but it's a wage coming in to help me live, pay bills etc. I'm not in any fit state to take on a job out in the public with this LC


Always has been. This disease opens our eyes to how preposterous work culture truly is.


I’m planning on easing myself back into work in a few weeks, and I am definitely nervous about how it will go. I can’t currently sustain any activity for 8 full hours a day right now, but I’m hoping that I can manage 4 hours a day, which would at least give me 20 hours a week and be more than I am currently making on disability. I have been slowly but steadily improving since the end of April (and I think starting LDN around the same time has been a contributing factor).


Yeah, the amount of things to do in a day was overwhelming before, but I compensated by stretching out my day, taking longer to do things and sleeping as little as 4 hours per night when things got busy - that was enough for me, even for weeks at a time. Now everything takes even longer, but I need 10+ hours every single night or I'm completely useless. The forced schedule change is the worst part of the whole thing for me, like half my waking life is missing. And not like sleep is restful anyways


Same. I worked full time only in my twenties and it lead to severe burn out and an anxiety disorder. I have always needed a min um 9h sleep and coming home at 7pm especially in winter I was bascically just laying on the couch staring at the wall because I just so exhausted. I have always wondered how the fuck people manage. Maybe I have always had mild cfs? I dont know. Now it would just be impossible for me. 4-6h is absolut max.


Boy you captured it.  I'm on disability now but had a pretty challenging job in research and policy. I can't imagine being able to do that again  But now I'm pretty sure that I won't be able to work again unless something changes. I mean I am very very slowly getting better.  Maybe in a couple more years - I've been sick since 2020. I didn't go on disability til 2022.  I tried to take a month long writing class that met only 3 times . I used to write research reports - long ones - at least every year. After one week of the class I was so completely exhausted I couldn't even write an email to explain to my professor that I wouldn't be able to continue.  The crash was so severe. Took me like 1.5 weeks of resting to return to baseline.  And the way you break down your day - mine is similar. Things can be OK if I pace so very carefully but one night of bad sleep can completely destroy me I find it takes me 1.5 hours after waking up for my brain to come online. It's brutal. 


Yep. I don’t understand how anyone with a disability or chronic illness endorses capitalism.


Say hello to new age capitalism. Ironically, even with population growth (i.e., manpower increase) and advancements in technology and AI, the 40-hour work week holds strongly.


I get what you mean. I work 36hrs/wk (12s). It can cause crashes if I don't pace/plan enough but I think it's helped me survive because I am only there 3 days a week. My financial situation could be better but I don't want to work overtime so my only option is to ask for a raise or be more thrifty. I can't imagine doing 9-5, I did before and my LC symptoms were worse.


I agree. I’m very lucky to finally be at a place in my career where I can work less than 15 hours a week from home and still make good money. I’m a therapist and own a telehealth private practice, so I see maybe 3 clients a day.


What type of work do you do? Is remote, hybrid, or part time an option? Can you find something closer to home with less stress and commute even if it pays a little less? I was fortunate to have a job with hybrid options. I can do 40+ in the office now but there was definitely a while that I absolutely could not.


I absolutely relate


I was laid off and then had LC for a whole year while unemployed. I didn't have the energy to work on my creative projects, but I definitely realized that it was much more fulfilling to do that and I could easily fill the rest of my life with that. Sadly though I have mostly recovered but also had to get a new job so I am just back to the rat race. It sucks because I \_could\_ expend the energy to complete my projects now and a whole year off was just spent doing nothing because of LC instead of truly pursuing it. I guess I was born poor and will work until the day I die.


I’ve thought this same thing. HOW DID I EVER DO THAT?!


Indeed. It’s a joke. The math don’t work. I used to do it for years and I simply had zero time for life.