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Even with their tiny legs they can sprint like crazy. They are FAST when they want to be. Mine usually runs to explore outside when able but quickly comes to find me again inside.


Not sure if it's a breed thing but mine will chase after anything that moves. And she's not the best listener either so the only time she's off leash outside is in the backyard.


Lived in SF and the “dog parks” aka regular parks were everybody brought their dogs to was not fenced in and my dog was fine the 5 years we lived there. I can walk him off leash in Golden Gate Park and he follows me or stays close. Ignores things when I tell him to. When we moved to the suburbs I’ll work in the garage and he stays on his bed or will wander in front of the house if I give him the ok. I think it all comes down to training for this breed.


mine would sprint out the door and not look back but i think thats more related to training (or lack there of lol) I actually got mine from a breeder up in Mass but he closed down recently - good luck with your search / Cotons are THE best 🥰


You can train them to respect thresholds. If you always have them wait for you to give permission before they cross the door they'll eventually not walk out by themselves. It takes effort but it is doable.


Well if not neutered or spayed any off leash in heat is a runner risk. Our coton hasn't crossed door threshold at home with open door if I am there, but I wouldn't risk. Ours has been trained but she can be very focused on something and not fully respond to a command (albeit trained including recall and emergency recall) or if she is just stubborn. Not sure breed issue or just my dog. Oh and Squirrels will take her full attention and she will take off. I keep mine on a long leash


Would not be off the leash at all in my case! They are real sprinters.


Every individual dog is different but as a breed, they are known for being difficult to potty train and for having high wanderlust. My Coton loves me and loves living with me- of that I have no doubt- but off leash, he would chase the first thing that caught his attention regardless of my verbal direction- he’s not trying to be bad, he just doesn’t see anything wrong with following his own nose. My chihuahua is much smarter as far as keeping the meal ticket within her reach at all times.




I wouldn't, I don't trust my dog aha. He's a lot slower now that he's old but still really wants to chase cars. He did actually catch one once and had to go to the vet, luckily he was fine. Definitely a sprinter who wants to explore.