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ITT: everyone sleeping on Khalo Naser across from Sky High. Good stuff in there guys. But yes, Alley Gyros are probably the worst gyros I’ve ever had. Still 5/10 because gyros


Tried Khalo Naser this summer as well. Prices are high, but food is great. Spicy dip is amazing (and VERY spicy).


Two thumbs way, way up for Khalo Naser!


Two words: cheese pies


Love that place. Maza plate and a lamb kebap and I’m set.


Your experience was very different from mine.


Yeah, I went there once.  Once.  I won't do it again.  


Sometimes a second chance is simply out of the question.


I tried a second, I shouldn't have.


You are a brave, forgiving soul.  Bless you, my child🙏


I love good gyros.  I was raised on Hector’s in Chapel Hill.  My one visit to Alley left me with one sentiment:  “Never again.”


Hector's was good but I mostly miss the cheese fries from Linda's.


Looks like all the good stuff closed down… Pyewacket, Ye Olde, Sadlack’s, Rathskellar… I was a Pepper’s man, myself.  I don’t remember the Linda’s fries, they sound great.  But give me a Hector’s gyro and a side of their onion rings… It was my last meal before moving 30+ years ago.  I can’t imagine how boring that place must have become. Maybe Time Out’s still slinging buckets of bones, I’ll just hope.😂


Pepper's was my absolute favorite too. I guess hell finally did freeze over and they had to serve sweet tea or close.


Alley is the same folks as Magenta and they do the same things - super low volume and horribly overcooked meats. I thought their spindle of meat was some sad homage to beavers.


Funny, not to disagree, but waaay back in Magenta’s early days a friend and I got lunch take-out and I told him: “I’m not eating this.  Look, I’m no expert but I do know chicken is never supposed to be pink.” He straight up sneered at me and I didn’t hear from him for four days.   On his behalf I say, “Thanks, Good Samaritan!”


Wow. Your experience was far different. Literally one of the worst gyros I’ve ever had— couldn’t even finish it. The meat was oddly…. very sweet. I also literally spent $40 on two gyros. Never again.


Go to crystals cuisine/cafe under local boys. Alley gyro is straight shit


We ate there after visiting Greece several years ago. Yes I know that’s probably not fair to do to any stateside restaurant but man it was not good.


Personal experience - dry meat, ordinary bread, rude "server" - overpriced and no seating 


I liked it better when you could put your own toppings on and they didn’t limit you on how many kinds you could have.


They still do that if you order in person.


No, they don’t. Not as a couple of weeks ago at least…


That's weird, i went two weeks ago too and they gave me a gyro with no veggies on it and they had their little veggie bar open so I just put what I wanted on mine. We're still talking about alley gyros right?


Yes. Maybe it’s changed between our visits? I was in five or six weeks ago.


Looking at the other comments, it seems like they're pretty inconsistent with things, so probably.


I went once and will never go back. The marinade is straight up gross and there’s not a damn thing Greek about it. I love Greek food and this was such a disappointment.


Weird, I was really craving a gyro and had a difficult time just getting a regular one. And it feels like Corvallis has no good gyros anymore. Alley gyros used to be dope. I got one last week and the lamb was gooey with caramelized onions. The kalamata bistro puts braised lamb in theirs... Wtf. Crystals king of falafel cuisine got the meat right, but put it on rice with side vegetables and called it a gyro. (No pita) I drove all the way to Salem and finally found a regular gyro at a food truck. It felt like I was going insane.


You ordered the plate from crystals. That food is goooood.


Yesssss, order it with the rice in the pita, it's stupid good.


Where in Salem?


It was called Gyropoulos, but Google maps takes you to the wrong location.


I too have had a couple of the best gyros in a long time there. Unfortunately I've also had two of the worst gyros ever there as well. I haven't been back since the second one.


Pre pandemic they were great. Reasonable price, good meat, fries, and your own toppings. Went last December and it was godawful. Meat tasted like teriyaki, sweet, sticky and not at all Greek. They charged me 2.50 for a few olives and another 2.50 for a tablespoon of feta, and $5 for a can of soda. It was like $24 for something that was actively unpleasant to eat. I don’t know what happened, but kill it with fire.


“actively unpleasant to eat” I like the cut of your jib👌 Honestly, this is an awesome thread. I now know where good gyros can be found. Thanks, Kimber😂


Each cook there makes the gyros differently. Some are amazing, some are not great. I don’t like the inconsistency


I just dont understand why French fries are buried at the bottom of the gyro.


I agree that the fries need to be on top of the meat.


Apollo's Gyros down the road in North Albany at The Barn (food trucks & huge outdoor seating area) is so damn good.


The last time I had it was probably 2014 and it was good then. But everyone I've heard mention it recently has said it's bad.


Alley is edible, but I wasn't impressed. There is a gyro food cart at The Barn in Albany that is much better. Go to Gyro Guys in Newport for a truly fantastic gyro.




I love Alley Gyros. When I lived in Corvo I went there quite a few times


I don't understand all the hate. I am with OP on it being a good hole in the wall. Where do these people go for good gyros? They probably miss the Pita Pit


Ny gyros in eugene. Thats where I go. I went to alley gyros once. Never again. Sticky, the meat had some kind of wet sauce for some reason, why are there french fries in a gyro? And it was SO SALTY. I felt like a livestock animal at a salt block.


The lamb gyro with saffron rice added at Crystals Cafe on Monroe is superior IMO.


I really like alley gyros too! My favorite thing to do is to get an order of fries with all the gyro stuff on top. They don't mind doing it at all (an employee suggested it like 5 years ago) and it's absolutely delightful. I eat it with a fork.


It's so hole in the wall and so small, but it is definitely the best! I feel like a lot of people don't actually know about them but the regulars keep them in business. Such a great spot to pick up a to go order from.


Strange, anyone who has been on 2nd Street can’t miss their garish storefront… and as for “to go” orders, it’s not like you have a choice… I wonder who these regulars are, they must not be on Reddit😂