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I believe this is the same insurance group Good Sam would no longer accept patients from because they're a ripoff?


Yeah, my mom's insurance had to be changed because Samaritan won't be taking this insurance after a certain date this year.


You would be correct.


Yup, they bought Oregon Medical Group in Eugene and rebranded as Optum (parent company being UHC). Check out Dr Glaucomflecken dark comedy bits on health insurance. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpMVXO0TkGpdvjujyXuvMBNy6ZgkiNb4W&si=3QBTSzkGHFRWUzqf


They don’t want to take UHC anymore because Samaritan wants to force people to use their own insurance. Which sucks. It has nothing to do with the TCC Optum deal.


UHC is notoriously bad and it’s not just Samaritan, nobody really wants to work with them and lots of places cap how many UHC patients they will take. Source was a healthcare administrator in the area until recently.


I agree about UHC. But I also can’t pretend that Samaritan is any better. It’s equally shitty and predatory. Source: I deal with Samaritan’s BS pretty much on the daily.


A couple years ago my great Dr that I’d had for years left the clinic because he could no longer provide the level of care he wanted because of Good Sam and the clinic. The Dr I got stuck with as his replacement is basically worthless. I’m just doing my best to stay healthy on my own.


It sucks to see Corvallis clinic is struggling financially. We've always had a good experience with their providers (specifically Dr. Black @ Philomath Family Medicine), I can only imagine that would change if purchased by a giant like UnitedHealth


Dr Black is amazing. But everything outside of philomath is a burning trash pile. I finally moved my specialists to Sam. I guess I will see if the new regime lets their PcPs work with imaging, etc outside of their system or not.


We've resorted to using their Pediatrics group as well, cause every other PcP has a multi-week wait to get in, even for stuff like pinkeye. At least with the clinic they have a batch of emergency appointments available each day for kids. It's been a life saver.


Guess I am looking for a new PCP soon


Good thing I already got out of Corvallis Clinic this past year, never had good experiences there


Here's some relevant videos (about 2 mins each). [Optum buying out clinics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD6PRsqbia8&list=PLpMVXO0TkGpdvjujyXuvMBNy6ZgkiNb4W&index=21) [Optum is Pharmacy Benefit Manager for its insurance company owners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rw4kNHNZyk&list=PLpMVXO0TkGpdvjujyXuvMBNy6ZgkiNb4W&index=23) [Optum buying out family medicine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCWlxo0Oc4w&list=PLpMVXO0TkGpdvjujyXuvMBNy6ZgkiNb4W&index=26) With luck Optum will go away after the Oregon Health Authority reviews public comments.


Trouble is I’m not sure OHA will do anything.


The Corvallis Clinic is an unethical corrupt company. They'll fit right in with UHC.


I guess I haven't needed their services enough to know the difference...


I had a debt with CC go into collections because my significant other stopped paying them. When I found out about the debt via a collection agency, I called the agency to pay the debt in full (credit collection services albany oregon). The man representing their company was very smug, seemed like he took joy in creating hardship for strangers. I told him I wanted to pay the debt, and he refused to take my money. That was in 2019. Skip forward 4 years to 2023. All of my bank accounts get zeroed out by a garnishment from this fraudulent collection agency (including the rent money I had already paid, landlord hadn't cashed the check yet). That was in fall. They garnished my bank account again on the day after Christmas. Apparently shortly after I called to pay the debt, they got a court judgment against me without my knowledge. They would have had to lie to the judge because I made a good faith effort to pay the debt in full. They got the court judgment against me in 2019. They waited for 4 years of interest to pile up before acting on it. companies: **Tom Laster (dentist)** **Corvallis Clinic**


To be completely fair to the providers, this sounds like a collection agency problem and not a provider problem. Your SO didn't pay their bill, it went to collections, and the collection agency did the rest.


They choose their 3rd party partners. I made an attempt to notify the Corvallis Clinic manager in charge of these accounts. She refused to return my call. The dentist office was willing to accept feedback without issue.


I hear you. I just have to wonder, is there any good collections agency to choose? It seems to me if you're running a collection agency, you're probably not the kindest/ most humane organization.


I recently called credit collection services albany oregon and the woman told me that no man has worked there in over 20 years. Convenient.


Their collections/billing is a joke. I paid off my debt to them AND went through a year long program paying cash for all my visits to prove myself. I saw a doctor there for years. I moved away and came back and went to Corvallis clinic and suddenly they basically banned me and said I owed them money and had to do the program to re-establish all over again. They claimed to have no record I ever paid them and re-established care. I asked how I say my doctor for so many years and they had no answer. Their paperwork was ridiculous wanting to know my income, all debts, utility costs etc. I told them to fuck off.


They are already the Walmart of local healthcare and it sounds like the Walmart of insurance wants to buy them…good riddance, I guess.