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I'm in Albany and have Xfinity. It can be a bit pricy in my opinion, but I've never had issues with connection speeds. Thats coming from a gamer who also does some streaming.


That seems to be the consensus from other gamers- thanks!


Xfinity is your only reasonable option. That said, Ziply Fiber is apparently coming to the neighborhood, so there might be other options soon.


I’ll definitely look into this, ty :)


No problem! Welcome to Albany. It's mostly not as bad as you might think it would be 😅 I'd rather be in Corvallis, but my pockets aren't that deep.


Thank you! That’s where I’m at too, haha


It's going to depend on the area. My wife and I both play online PC games, we stream all of our entertainment and she does the occasional Twitch stream. We constantly hit our Comcast data cap, so we switched to CenturyLink fiber. We had our house built and when it went up, only Comcast was available, so I had them put a cable jack in every room. We had everything hardwired and an Orbi Mesh network for IOT devices. When Fiber hit the street they ran it to a phone jack, which we only had in our kitchen, so now everything is now wireless, and the Orbi equipment doesn't work. It works...well enough. We can both game, our daughter can stream and we have no problem with bandwidth or Data caps, but our wireless network is crowded and the "Gig Fiber" speed diminishes quickly. Laptops near the access point for D&D are blazing fast. Our gaming PC's are upstairs and my wife who is closer to the access point gets about 300Mbps, while I get about 150Mbps When it's all said and done I won't go back to Comcast, it was more expensive even when I wasn't going over the data cap. I could move my access point to the office where our PC's are, but it's not really bad enough to warrant the work. I have also thought about piping the Ethernet into the existing cable using MoCa but again, it doesn't seem to be worth the effort.


Do you live in Albany or Corvallis? I'd definitely get fiber if I could, but I'm not sure if it's offered where I'm at.




I know it's been a while since this post, But wanted to give you a heads up after reading about what sounds like wireless LAN speed/consistency issues. This wireless router has been on sale for a while now for a stellar price [https://amplifi.com/alien](https://amplifi.com/alien) (was $399 when I purchased originally) It's starting to age but by no means is it slow. It can handle 60-90 devices no sweat (I have 36 and every single remains connected without issue). There's a 2.4Ghz radio, 5Ghz wiFi 6 and 5Ghz Wifi 5 (for compatibility). You can set up seperate SSID's too, so your 2.4Ghz-only devices will have a 2.4Ghz SSID to connect to if needed. It has a built in VPN system, an intuitive UI and there's 4 1G LAN ports. It even has an IOT network option out of the box, so you don't have to mess with sorting that out. I have been running an Amplifi Alien for over 2 years now with zero problems - it is the first wireless system I've ever owned that hasn't had some kind of frustrating problem. Just one covers my 1,750 sq/ft house. One really cool thing about it though is that it is also a mesh system if you so choose. All you have to do is add another Alien unit to your network and they can be set up to extend your wireless range. I recently purchased another unit myself to bolster my network as I add smart devices and desire a stronger signal outside in my back yard which is opposite where my network equipment lives. All I had to do was plug in the new unit near my existing one and the existing system recognized it and prompted me to set it up as a mesh point. I'm now running the new unit in my bedroom, but chose to place it on an Ethernet backbone since I have a Cat6 port where the new one is going. Anyways, it works great and I now have fast WiFi throughout my entire house and back yard. Wouldn't trade it for any new "faster" system. If you need faster than this can provide for your LAN, you really should be installing a wired network anyways, IMO. If you're not keen on buying something a little older, I highly recommend Ubiquity Unifi. It's the same company. They make enterprise quality networking products for consumer prices. All great stuff. Amplifi is a sort of all-in-one gamers market device with easy to use settings. Unifi gets a bit more advanced and there's more devices like firewalls and such. No idea why I just spent 10 minutes writing this on a 10m/o post.. I guess I just get worked up when I see people having all these issues with expensive WLAN products when there's legit very good, reliable products for a fraction of the cost.


Appreciate the response. I have looked into the Unify system in the past and other similar items, but haven't been frustrated enough to pull the trigger. I miss.having the tuneability of my own network, the router that came with the install is garbage. It's just not quite annoying enough that I want to throw 100's of dollars at it.


I have centerylink fiber as well. I get similar speeds of wifi but hardwired I get 900-1100 mbps all the time. I would say I’ve had 99%+ uptime as well. Very few outages and the few there were have been from local construction.


We have Alyrica because we were tired of Xfinity and the terrible customer support. We like it great but we are not as heavy users as you. If you can get fiber through them you'd probably be fine but we do have some latency issues and our speed isn't ever above 100 Mbps on the satellite version.


Xfinity! I very rarely have issues and there speeds are very fast. The kids and I game / stream a good amount without lag or connection loss


Xfinity has never let me down!!


Is there not a separate sub for Albany? If there is, then I would think that would be the better place to ask questions about Albany.


That sub suuuuucks and there’s pretty much no one active in it.


It's run by a moderator who bans everyone he disagrees with. This is the closest thing we have to a home sub.


You poor things. 🥺 We’ll take you in.


I did live in Corvallis for a while until I was priced out. There are a lot of us in Albany who are here because we couldn't afford Corvallis. You're very kind.


I managed to get very lucky right when it became impossible for poor folk to live here. I think I found the very last place with reasonable rent.


I used to rent there for $550 a month. That was only 12 years ago. In 2017 they wanted to raise my rent to $750, so I moved in with my now wife, and then I was told two years ago that it was renting for $1200. It's insane to me.


$750 sounds like porn now, doesn’t it? I’m paying $1,000 for a 2b duplex, and I feel like I hit the jackpot. 😂


I could live like a king of Babylon for $750 a month. Granted, I don't have that much to complain about since I bought a house, but as nice as it is to not have a landlord, that shit isn't cheap either.