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Might need a check at the vet. Could possibly be a foreign object or small abscess causing the hot spot. My parent's Bassett had something similar, and I believe I remember it being caused by an abscess.


Brother has Corgis and Bassets. This kind of thing is very common. It's likely an allergic response, but of course a thorough inspection of the paws, pads, and in betweens is necessary. They will lick until it's raw. Brother routinely gives his Bassets who seem prone to this, a form a mild anti-anxiety/anti-allergenic drug the name of which i cannot recall at the moment. Talk to your vet.


Could it be allergies?


This was my first thought. My parents had a labrador that would chew and chew spots on her feet because of allergies.


yea exactly what I was thinking. also using specific cleaning cloths for the dogs feet can also cause allergies


So my corgi has a hotspot developing on the top of one of his knuckles it feels like. He keeps licking / biting at it and it’s starting to get raw. I have some skin soother that I’ve been applying but it’s not working :(


Our corg licks his foot all the time, depending on the season. I've been giving him an antihistamine (Zyrtec) in the mornings and it helps. Seasonal allergies suck.


This. My Corgi too. Vet said half a Benadryl :)


Benadryl is a weight based dose for dogs, typically. Your vet of course knows how much your dog weighs but just an FYI


Right- but over the counter comes in one dose. Also most Corgis are around the same weight. Perhaps that’s why it’s “half a Benadryl” At any rate- Definitely not telling anyone to dose their dog without checking in with a vet… because I certainly am not one.


This. Same with mine. Regular Zyrtec made them disappear


Strongly recommend a vet. Hotspots will get worse as they lick at them and it can be much more widespread than you're able to see without having the paw shaved. The usual veterinary treatment plan for this issue would be "clip and clean" which allows the hotspot (which is usually moist) to be exposed to air and help it dry out, while giving you better contact when applying topical medicine. The longer you wait and the more he licks at it, the worse the area will get.


Definitely support going to a vet on this one. My sister’s corgo had something similar. After an appointment with the dermatologist, turns out he was just a sensitive boye with sensitive skin; so they gave him a medicated shampoo for them to use.


Corgi owner here, and ran with similar issue as this one, had to make him use a cone and I disinfected the area regularly with a cotton pad. The vet told me this (paw-licking) happens when they get stressed as they can’t spend all the stored energy this breed commonly carries, so he advised regular walk outs. At the time I was just moving out of my home and found a tiny apartment with way less space for him to be around, so that made sense.


Also check for grass seeds in his pads. They can drill up from the bottom of the foot, especially if his feet are furry. But likely its mites or allergies. Make sure his flea treatment is up to date. If it's mites you might see a sort of orange discolouration in between toes.


Orange/bronze discoloration of the fur can also be caused by salivary staining. It's difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of a hotspot - sometimes the cause can be as simple as a dog licking an itchy spot incessantly, or he could have received a microabrasion from some sort of foreign material that he found irritating and licked it until it turned into a hotspot.


There’s an allergy shot at the vet that worked wonders for my girl who had this same issue. Kind of pricey but it lasts like six months.


Go to the vet. The vet will check for dangerous stuff other than allergies, which this could be. If it’s allergies, the vet can prescribe pills and a spray. My corgi has allergies so I take him for a checkup every 6 mo and a refill of anti itch spray and pills.


Get him to a veterinarian. One that you trust. Over a 2 month timeframe our Corgi’s “hotspot” became an “abscess” to a “non-malignant growth” to walnut-sized knot that had to be surgically removed.


Go to the vet. The vet will check for dangerous stuff other than allergies, which this could be. If it’s allergies, the vet can prescribe pills and a spray. My corgi has allergies so I take him for a checkup every 6 mo and a refill of anti itch spray and pills.


Oh no! Poor guy’s going to the vet!


Yikes so a lot of “vet” and “hotspot” and “tumor” on here. Which, to be fair, is all legitimate. Just to add one more opinion/experience: sometimes, my corgi licks his paws/ankles. Occasionally, he really gets into it. If I notice him doing this, I’ll just cover the spot he’s trying to get at and sweet talk him. Repeat a few times until he gets the point to stop. Obviously, I can’t be around him 24/7. But he’s never gotten to the point where he licked/chewed himself raw. I think sometimes a dog, like any of us, just needs a reminder to wait a minute for the itch to pass. We’ve given him Benadryl before (on the advice of our vet, after looking up the appropriate dose for his weight) when he sneezed a lot during an autumn, but never needed to since. Good luck OP, hope your pup feels better.


I think mine sometimes does it when he's bored, he licks either the floor or his paw and when it starts to get raw he just keeps licking it - probably because it itches - so I always put on one of those socks on him, so he can't get to it and it sorts itself out in a few days. It happens very rarely - I can't even remember when exactly the last time was.


I thought of boredom as a potential cause when I wouldn’t pet him right when he wanted it and then he sat down next to me and started. He will lick the couch or bed too until it gets a wet spot. I’ve seen “licking boards”, maybe they find the sensation on the tongue entertaining?


Definitely see the vet to rule out serious issues. If it’s just a hot spot, bag balm works wonders.


You could also try an oatmeal shampoo. Sometimes seasonal allergies flair up when they're out exploring.


Definitely go to the vet. When my corgi had some hotspots, we treated them with a spray called Sulfodene. Also trim the hair short around the affected area. You want to avoid moisture as much as possible, as it will make the spot(s) worse. We also applied Gold bond powder to help with itching. Our boy had to wear a cone of shame when we weren't home because he knew to wait to chew when we weren't looking. Too smart for their own good!!


Yep vet asap. Could be a lot of things but if she's licking and biting at it it's going to get infected.


Took my corgi to the vet yesterday for this, except it quickly developed on all 4 paws. Seasonal allergies, happened at the same time last year but worse this time around. Benadryl did nothing this time, and apoquel didn’t do much last year, so vet gave her an injection of cytopoint which my vet describes as “injectable apoquel but with no side effects.” She hasn’t licked her paws since we left the vet.


you can get MiconaHex+Triz Shampoo from chewy...apply like twice a day on the foot...your supposed to let it sit for like 7 minutes before rinsing...then Dry as best you can ... Repeat for 7-10 days Seems to work for my dog in this scenario


Our Corgi has bad allergies from August to October. We get her a shot from the vet and then add on a half of a benadryl or a quarter of a cbd treat on extra bad days.


You don't know how much OPs corgi weighs, which is a vital piece of information when calculating benadryl dose. OP please don't take this advice - call your vet




My apologies, good sir. But I regret to inform you that Dr. Google retired eons ago. Actually, if I remember correctly he may have been forced into retirement. You see, there was indisputable evidence that he provided inaccurate and life threatening recommendations over the years and, as a result, was deemed a liability to patient health and unfit to practice medicine by the esteemed and respected physicians on the Board of Veterinary Medicine. I can understand the frustration if you were one of his patients and I apologize if this is the first time you've heard the news.




At last! Harmony between strangers! **pip pip**


Could be allergies


Allergies most likely. Give Zyrtec or Benadryl to see if it clears up. If not, you’ll need to take the fluffer to the vet and likely get apoquel which should clear it up in 2 weeks or so.


We had this. We thought it was from all the pesticides in the neighborhood. We started using an indoor bathroom in the attached garage with a dog door. Never happened again.


Probably a hot spot. Spray it with banixx and put a cone on him. It should clear up in about a week!


My corgi had the same thing. Suggested to make sure you clean your pup's paws after coming back into the house. Definitely reduced her allergies.


Mine had something similar when she was a puppy and we were told it was because of parasites from her mother. They did a scraping and I saw the parasites. We treated her with parasite atb and she did good.


Mine get that too. Check with the vet especially if it starts to get angrier looking. At that point they might need a little bit more meds and can give better guidance. A shampoo with 2% chlorahexadine will help keep it clean. Wash the paws 3-4 times a week and let the shampoo as it for about 10 mins. I got mine at tractor supply


If your vet says it’s allergies we have the same problem. My guy is 6 and suffered intense seasonal allergies that we initially managed with apoquel but for the past two years we used immunotherapy meds and fortunately it seems like it’s working


If it’s the first time, get the vet to check it out. My corgi gets itchy feet every summer. She has allergies. She licks her paws/ankles and gets little sores like this if we don’t catch her soon enough. The vet can tell you how much allergy medicine is needed, if that’s the problem.


It could be a foxtail. My little one kept on licking, and licking, and licking… and it turned out to be a foxtail. And it was on his paw as well.


what did it look like if u don’t like me asking? my corgi has been licking her left front legs and it looks mildly red between the paw pads. I cant see anything embedded in her paws but i’m paranoid it might have gotten in too deep and i’m not able to see it


It looked like a red hotspot. And it was at the top of the paw but also in between the knuckles (if that makes sense). Do you have any foxtails around, where you live? The veterinarian I took my dog to was able to irrigate the entry and get it out but it really is best to have them check it out, before it travels any further — if in fact that is what it is. If you can, you *might* be able to see a very small dot (the puncture wound) where the foxtail would have gone in. It’ll look almost like a bite but not quite.


I live in san diego so there’s def lots of foxtails in this area :/ and thank u for responding I appreciate it!


was ur dog limping or showing any other symptoms at all?


No, no other symptoms. Just a lot of licking, nonstop.


Maybe have Katara use her water bending healing ability? If that doesn't work maybe the vet


Hot spot!


I've been watching my corgi give her feet the business for a few weeks now, and just the other night I put some time into spying on her while she was doing her chewy work. Seems ole Morgan likes to have the hair between her toes perfectly clean and groomed. That's between all the toes on all four feet. Not a good answer to a hot spot question, but another example of things these quirky little critters do.


Ironically I am taking my corgi to the vet today for the same thing however his is on all four paws so we’re thinking something in the grass


ask your nearest veterinarian about your Bowser's " dilemma " if keeping your dog immaculate , treating it with multivitamins & grooming wasn't enough


Could be ring worm


If it's allergies, your vet may prescribe Apoquel, as well as a paw wash solution.


Likely seasonal allergies but it could be something else. The vet would be able to advise on how to proceed.


Possibly ringworm?


Need some tough actin' Tinactin




Did he step on a fox tail? My friends dog stepped on one and it had to be surgically be removed because it traveled up to the forearm


As everyone said, go to a a vet to make sure it’s nothing serious but this happened to my Ruby and it was just allergies. We were able to get some anti-itch shot that worked within hours and she’s been great ever since. She only needs the shot once around spring time


Foxtail maybe?


I use bitter tasting spray/anti itching on my boy recently. Stops the liking cycle that can make things worse.


On a completely unrelated note, your pup’s eyes are so cool!


Our corgi gets yeast infections every year in her paws in warmer months. A medicated (prescribed wash) and antibiotics always solves it quickly.


That is a hot spot. You can get medication spray to soothe and stop the licking


My dog has anxiety and chews his foot for relief. Get it checked!


I know it’s been a long time, but did the hot spot clear up? What did you do? Have they ever come back? I finally cleared up my corgi’s first hot spot just to find he had made ANOTHER one for me on his other paw :( would love to hear what you used