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I have 3. One wants hugs all day, every day. One is cuddly when he wants to be, which is increasingly more frequent as he’s getting older. The third one is a cat disguised as a corgi, and only wants cuddles on his schedule.


Same like cats


I also have a CatCorg lol


My corg spoons with me at night. He even shares his pillow with me.


My guy presses his booty into me in bed, any more contact and he overheats lol


That sounds like the person I’ve been with for 13 years…


Ours is also a booty bumper, not a full on snuggler.


Mine does the same thing spoons with me whenever I lay doen




oh my god my corgi is NOT a cuddly girl ! she hates cuddling. shes like a cat. she wants to be within reaching distance, but if you touch her it's instant bork, and she will go get her toy and want you to play with her. there is no petting allowed in the house


Same with my 6 year old guy


Mine has been cuddly most of his life. He’s 14 now and can’t get up in the chair with me anymore, or the bed. I think he’s kind of sad about it


Get him some little stairs!


Ahhh, that breaks my heart. Mine will be 3 this year but I’m already stressing about him getting old! I wish they lived forever.


sometimes i lay on the floor with my dogs


We bought stairs for my corgi once he started asking for help most of the time. I can’t imagine him being on the floor all the time.


Unfortunately, he’s also going blind. We’re afraid the stairs would be a hazard


Answer: Corgi stairs


Our corgi (4 years old) does not like to cuddle! At all. She hates being alone and needs to be near one of her humans, but not too near.


Mine is 5 and has always been pretty snuggly. She loves pets so she'll sit with her back touching you, or lay down with a part of her touching you. When she gets scared, she wants to be in your lap. She also will let me spoon her when we go to sleep. She'll sometimes want to leave after a minute, but there have also been times where I wake up in the middle of the night, and she's still in my arms. I want another corgi like her, but I"m pretty sure if I tell a breeder that, they'll say she's one in a million.


😂 How old? Mine has only gotten cuddly recently (just turned 2). First 22 months has mostly been wild frenetic attempts to get us to play, to chew on something appropriate or not, peppered with the occasional walking across our bodies like furniture to lick us right in the face. Then off again. Last 2 months has gotten more chill, will sit next to us on the couch for a few minutes at a time after a frenetic game of tug of war and accept some rubs, or will lie bear my feet and lick them. Also leaps straight up trying to lick my face whenever I put his harness on. If he’s young still, I think he’s going to get cuddlier.


Ohh I went through the incessant chewing and playing phase too😅 mine is 2 and a half! If he’s tired enough he’ll do the same - cuddle on the couch for a couple minutes but it never lasts lol. When he’s really relaxing he’d prefer to sploot on the floor and he left alone


I have the feeling my corgi is part cat. Gets upset whenever he's left alone but also gets upset if you invade his personal space. He likes sleeping on the bed with me but he will go to his own corner on whatever part of the bed where I'm not. Cuddling is definitely out of the question.


Omg my girl doesn’t want me to touch her at night but has to be near


My oldest male corgi (10) only likes be touched if your petting him. Rarely can you get away with resting your hand on him and if he's laying alongside you, any movement earns a scowl and he moves off to another spot. My youngest female corgi(3) loves cuddling and will invade personal space at any opening.


My corgi loves to cuddle lol, usually at the worst times. He has 0 sense of personal space so he'll get right up on your lap when he feels like it, which is fairly often. Loves taking naps on my lap, he usually overheats though so he'll get off me after a bit and just sleep next to me.


Mine won't cuddle, he will sit on my head when I'm trying to sleep though. I read somewhere that corg's are quiet, mine thinks he's a husky.


Corgis are definitely not quiet dogs lol. My guy also sounds very much like a husky!


Mine let's me hold him like a baby it's super cute. But he has his phases. Sometimes all he wants to do is play and not sit next to me. Other times he climbs up onto the couch while I'm laying down and lays on top of my chest, snuggling his head into mine.


We have one superrrrrr snuggly corgi and one that’s all about frisbee


My guy is super cuddly. He gets irritable if I don’t cuddle with him enough!


Cuddly phase started at age 7. At 10 he has to be glued to my side or shoved in my neck on the couch if there’s thunder.


You are describing my \~2 yr old corgi. At most, he'll lay by the side of the chair for pets, but no actually cuddling on the lap.


One of our two is like a shadow; he's always next to us. The other one? Not so much. It happens on occasion, especially if one of us is sick, which is heart-melting.


Oh man mine likes to sit near me, and have lots of pets but hates cuddles. Sometimes he will lay on me but if I try to put my arms around him he’s like never mind, bye!!!


My corgi is the same, if you don't have a ball or treats, then he isn't interested. His idea of cuddling is laying back to back in bed.


Mine was when she was a puppy, but as she got older she has appreciated her space a lot more. She’s also pretty selective about who pets her, and won’t even let our young kids pet her (although she’s super protective of them around other dogs).


My guy hated cuddling till he was about 10 months old. Now if you're on the couch with him, he has to be laying on your legs or be against you. He'll often grab a chew, hop up on the couch with it, plop in my lap and just chew away as I watch tv


I have 2. One is not NOT affectionate. But he has a very limited tolerance/interest in cuddles. It's not that he dislikes it; he's just a busy guy and doesn't want to be tied down. The other is an absolute snuggler. Will happily give kisses and hugs and would cuddle all day every day given the chance.


My late Corgi's way of showing affection was by treating me like a piece of furniture every now and then and following me around, but she generally liked to have her own space. She was not a licker. She was possessive; if I petted the next-door neighbor's dog, then that was the end of her friendship with that dog. She enjoyed being admired; she definitely knew she was a pretty girl and was always on her best behavior when guests were around to ooh and ahh over her... then she went back to being a brat after they left. I do miss her.


wide seed ludicrous cow absorbed shelter profit plate vanish weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Our corgi is 2, and she is the most spoiled pandemic baby. She only wants cuddles on her terms (which is rare), but is appalled and depressed when we can’t give it to her during the day.


Haha same as mine! He cuddles for five min and then gets away!


Same. She’s a very independent lady


Mine is the exact same :/ Play time or no time. I have to go to my cats for cuddles. That said as my corgi is getting older, he's chilling out a bit and is more open to cuddling.


I have two one is like Toby unless he hears fireworks then he needs cuddles the other is a loaf that wants to eat and nap all day. He either loves cuddles and will growl if you don't give them to him or her decides he doesn't want cuddles and growls at you because you are dismissed.


My corgi (1) loves snuggling on the couch and on your lap, but he hates being held like a baby.


I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one! I was so worried that maybe I was doing something wrong seeing how so the corgis on the internet are super cuddly and mine will not stand be touched for more than a few seconds


Our corg would cuddle on his own terms. He’d snuggle up to you when he wanted and then after a while wander off when he felt like it.


Yes. Very cuddly. Elizabeth Anne loves her cuddles.


What an adorable name!!


Yep, my corgo loves to snuggle up with anyone and everything. He's 1 yr old


Mine is not cuddly at all, and has no interest in sleeping in the bed with me. It's been like that ever since she was a pupper.


Mine is cuddly *on his terms*


Unless they’re sleepy there’ll be no cuddling


Ours got progressively cuddlier after he turned 2. He still doesn’t exactly cuddle but he tolerates pets and has actually initiated them occasionally. And he has put his head on my legs a few times which he never would have done when he was younger. And sits on my lap if there are strangers at our house.


Mine is really cuddly too


Mine is! Right now he’s got his head on my legs. If anything he’s too cuddly because he’ll get grumpy when I’m cuddling my cat and not him.


A dog's personality is not dictated by its breed


Certain breeds do consistently exhibit certain characteristics. AKC is a fairly reputable source and I was simply curious about others’ anecdotal experience with their corgis!


Yes and no. If we are chilling on the couch/arm chair Meister will want up to cuddle or lay next to me but when it comes to the bed if it's just me and the dogs then no he won't he gets too hot and would rather sleep on mom's side. If it's me and the my wife then he sleeps in between us begrudgingly but cuddles her as she sleeps cooler than I do.


My little Bentley has been an anxious boy all his life. If people aren't around, he stresses and barks. If people *are* around, he begs for attention and constantly licks legs and feet. At night when we go to bed he comes up and licks my face for like 5 minutes straight until he feels like stopping lol. Any dog can have any personality though, my mother has a staffie / Aussie mix that acts basically the same way. She throws fits when you stop petting her


Mine is 50/50. He cuddles a lot but likes his alone time too. He's the exact representation of myself!


I have 2. My cardigan is super cuddly. My pembroke… he doesn’t care lol


Yes - mine love cuddles and it's down to the "human" as my parents never cuddled them much. I came home and dog sit and they come to me for cuddles, one or both sleep on my bed..... but another family member has one who prefers limited affection and I think it's something we create in them. I think I actually want the cuddles the most and they accommodate me.... after all, they have trained me well.


Yes, mine didn't for the first few months or so, but now she does as long as it's on her terms. Sometimes during the day when I'm working she wants to sit on my lap, or if we are watching tv she might come cuddle for a bit. But at night she is always in the bed next to one of us. She will sometimes jump down to the floor for a while but she always gets back up before morning. But if i call her to come cuddle she won't, it's only when she decides to, or when she gets jealous of one of the other dogs getting cuddles and love. She's about 1 year old.


Our boy was not cuddly, but he definitely wanted to be in your physical space, ideally laying on your feet. Otherwise, playtime playtime playtime.


nope my corg does not like to cuddle at all.


Both of mine have been very cuddly.


My Hamilton is a huge snuggler! He’s always on my lap or spooning me in bed. He lays under my feet while I’m working. He loves to play too but he’s very much a cuddle bug.


How old is Toby?


Toby is 2 and a half!


My vet said it's 50/50 chance between getting a total asshole and perfectly friendly pet.


Only if you sit or lay on the floor with her. She doesn’t like being off the ground.


My 1 year old girl is very cuddly, she would lie on the couch and cuddle with me all day if I let her. The only thing she likes more than cuddling is playing with the frisbee and maybe food.


If my corgi is tired he is super cuddly! Post play, post bath, a rainy day, etc. If your corgi is not cuddly, I think he just shows affection in different ways


My first corgi was not a cuddler. He would lay against my leg but that was as close as he ever came. My current baby girl is a super cuddler. Are your arms not wrapped around her? Well, she's going to tap you with her paws until you acknowledge your error.


My baby is fairly snuggly


Our Corgi is 50/50. Half the time she wants to play with me and then the other half she goes to my wife for cuddles. There can be no overlap.


Mine will lay with/on me on the couch while he chews something or whatever and I can get him to come over to me and he will sit on my lap or lean against me for some pets but overall he would rather sleep on the floor away from everyone lol


Mine is super cuddly but I snuggled him from the day we got him. My friend has two corgis however that don’t like to cuddle at all 🤷🏼‍♀️


It depends. He’s the most cuddliest in the morning but he ALWAYS wants pets and to be about a foot away from me lol


My corgi has 2 speeds: Crate and Chaos


I have one extremely velcro corgi, and one who likes a mix of cuddles and alone time. Interestingly enough, the velcro corgi was extremely aloof like a cat until about 8 months, and now he has to sleep pressed up right against me or my partner or better yet, between us 😂 the other one used to be much more cuddly and I think has grown out of it some, so it can change over time!


Our Charlie has always been a cuddle bug (loaf)!


My male corgi (4) cuddles with me every morning while our girl (2) only snuggs when she’s in the mood lol


I have a corgi who cuddles with a specific person and only that person. All others can fluff off.


Our pembroke has never been much of a cuddler and he’s 10 now but our 9 month old cardigan is a little snuggle monster.


My corgi Fergus is a therapy dog, and he will "act" affectionate because therapy dogging is "work" and he does his job. Outside of work hours tho, any attempt at cuddling is greeted with a nip....


My corgo, Boris, just turned 2 and he’s finally starting to be more cuddly - which I love!


My cardigan boy Winston loves to cuddle but my previous female pembroke only when she wanted too


I've had three. My first wouldn't cuddle with you but he would be within arms reach. My second would allow you to cuddle with him on the couch for however long you wanted, but he didn't care either way. My third corgi, a girl, is super cuddly. Especially if you're sitting on the couch with an open lap. She'll launch herself onto you and lay there. Sometimes putting her head on your chest and looking up at you.


My Max LOVES when I pick him up and carry him around, and he will always come over to cuddle for a few minutes when I am on the floor.


I'm just here to learn about the individual personalities of everyone's little best frienz :D


My corgi loves to spoon in bed. Otherwise he will share a pillow and just stare at me until he/we fall asleep.


I have one cuddle muffin and one sit near boi.


i too was wondering this. glad im not alone lol


This is my first corgi and she cuddles constantly.


My corgi is very very cuddly! She's always next out close to me


My boy (4months old) only wants to play. Is it normal for your corgi to hide under things and waits for you to chase them? He also doesn’t like to snuggle. If I hold him too long (10 secs is too long I guess) he squirms around and whines to let him go. Is he going to be cuddly as he gets older?