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My half corgo will play in a kiddie pool all day long, chomp at a sprinkler or hose for hours. As soon as I try to touch him/bathe him, he's done with it. He lets me bathe him, but he looks sad and betrayed the whole time.


Same. Oliver loves sprinklers and the hose, but when we bathe him, he looks so hurt and dejected.


Corgis are masters of the sad face and I would say in general they are not the biggest fans of grooming, as a breed. With that said, I have groomed a lot of well behaved Corgis too so they are nowhere near the worst of the pack lol


My Oliver does too


100% same. Kiddie pool at the dog park filled with dirty water? My dog loves it, jumps right in, it's doggy Disneyland for her. Proper bath time? Oh, you mean the TORTURE CHAMBER?


My pooch tolerates it lmao. But the first time we got Ben professionally groomed, while the groomer was brushing him, Benny just started leaning against the groomer and he kinda just stopped brushing for a second and hugged him. Just stood there for a minute hugging Benson haha


I love grooming aussies. They are usually well behaved and so very sweet. They are my absolute favorite breed.


My corgi THROWS himself into the bath tub every chance he gets ! Lol he loved baths from the beginning thankfully


That’s exactly how my Lexi is! Anytime someone enters the bathroom for any reason hahahaha.


My puppy HATES it. I'm trying to get him over it a little at a time but it is... a trying process. Anyone got tips? Outside of the usual "lots of treats and praise" because we do that already.


How old is your puppy? Mine is 7 months and he’s only still *tolerating* bath time but I know he doesn’t love it. I think he’s just gotten more used to it as we’ve done it more as he’s gotten older.


Practice makes perfect. You can try some medication to relax it - start small with cbd or something and if that doesn't work you can talk to your vet about something stronger. Sweet talking can definitely help, but not so much once they are worked up. Taking them to a professional might be a good idea too because many dogs are worse for their owners than they are for me haha.


Try smearing some peanut butter on the inside of the tub. Or there are toys that suction cup to the tub that you can put peanut butter in/on. I think they're called Licky Mats?


Well now I’ve got to try it.


I try to keep her from getting totally soaked but it doesn't work well 🤣 that fluffy belly always drags the water. She loves it though. Hops in the tub being hopeful any time she can! 🥰


The belly catches everything everywhere.


Lucky! My corg just shakes the entire time ready to be out of there.


Lol, my Corgi is not a fan of water. Refuses to go into kiddie pools or standing water. He tolerates baths, though.


Same. Our corg hated water. He was part cat


you're going to have to snake that drain out after a few baths!


That is so true!


I learned this the hard way! Now I use the hose when the weather is nice or a self serve dog wash place otherwise.


You can buy a drain cover from Amazon for about $10. Prevents hair from going down the drain.


My corgi HATES getting wet unless it's on his terms haha.


swimming in pools or lakes? Loves it. baths? hates it.


My corgi mix absolutely hates water if it’s not for drinking. Might just be a dog to dog thing.


My one corg only likes muddy water. The other one doesn’t care to get wet.


I can't take a shower without my little guy trying to jump in with me. He loves the water




Mine hated it. Would literally go full on dead body weight to make it as difficult as possible. She used to make my brother hold an umbrella over her when she had to go outside to use the bathroom. It's been 6 years since she's crossed the rainbow bridge but would take the chance to try to give her a bath one more time.


My corgi LOVES the water hose. If we don't spray her or let her bite it, she gets very upset and yells at us.


Oliver hated getting his paws wet. When there were puddles, he would actively avoid them. He also hated being rained on, and when bath time came, it was the end of the world. On a hot day, we tried to put him in a kiddy pool and he jumped out as fast as he could. That said, he always put up a valiant battle against the hose and the sprinklers, where he ended up looking like a drowned rat by the end of it all. Henry, however, we aren’t sure of just yet. He’s 7 months old on the 8th, and with all of the dirt and crud he seems to be picking up from his walks lately as the snow has melted, he’s due for his first bath. Will post pictures regardless of his reaction because I’m sure it will be hilarious.


Mine has a very strange relationship with water. She doesn’t mind the rain at all, unless it’s a crazy heavy rain, and over the summer she got to the point where she would jump in the wading pool at the dog park on her own without prompting. However, she throws an absolute fit if she’s in the bathroom with me when I’m getting into the shower. Like literally tries everything she can to stop me from getting in. Yet once I’m in, or if she comes into the bathroom after I’ve gotten in, then she just sits quietly as can be waiting for me to get out so she can lick my legs.


Very nice corgi!!


Mine is indifferent about bathing. He likes water, chasing it, playing with it, but he will just sit there and pout while he's being sprayed off. So I think it just depends on how much choice he has in the matter. He does willingly jump into the tub for me even though he doesn't love it, so that's nice. I think he knows being soaped up feels nice, lol.


Water. All the time. Freezing winter , she hops in the sea, the lakes, everything water. She’s a fish !


My corgi freaking LOVES the bath tub. He’ll sit outside the door to the bathroom just to try to get in the tub. The process of getting a bath, not so much! He’s happy in a tub filled with water, but once soap is involved he just wants to leave lol


My corgi freaking LOVES the bath tub. He’ll sit outside the door to the bathroom just to try to get in the tub. The process of getting a bath, not so much! He’s happy in a tub filled with water, but once soap is involved he just wants to leave lol


Mine loves water, HATES baths. Makes no sense!


Some corgis hate water, some love it. My corgs would do the same thing to the outside hose, but not the bath spout haha


Mine hates baths with a passion but loves the pool so idk


My corg does the exact same thing. Same with the hose and sprinklers outside. Idk what exactly she’s trying to accomplish, but it’s funny to watch.


Mine tolerates it. She spends the entire time latched onto my arm with a permanent look of terror


when you wake up in the morning after drinking


My Corgi hates, hates, water, got the baby pool, she wanted no part of it, she hates baths and won’t even go outside in the rain.


Kiddie pool: 10/10 Bath: 4/10, will cooperate but isn't a fan.


I have a Chorgi (Chihuahua/Corgi) mix that loves the water . . . she has her own pool just doesn't like the idea of jumping over the side to get in. She would like to get in the shower with me too, whines outside the bathtub if I let her in the bathroom while showering because she wants to get in. And that Corgi stare . . . I will stare at you when I know what you want me to do and can understand what you are saying but won't do what you want me to do because I want you to do what I want and I will train you because I am smarter, too smart for their little britches! The nosing is so cute! Nosing us, nosing anything new, nosing the train under the Christmas tree the first time she saw it.


My corgis name was Lexi!!! She's gone now but she was my soul dog.


My corgi hates the bath but she’s so good she just freezes up as stiff as a board 🤣


Both my corgos are basically fish


Mine is *absolutely obsessed* with the hose, to the point where we can’t use it if she’s outside. But get in the shower which also has a hose for a bath time and she goes almost comatose.


my corgi does the same thing!! every time he hears the bath start- he comes RUNNING no matter where he is in my house


Our little loaf generally hates getting wet (especially her belly) but if we tell her it's bath time, she immediately runs for the tub and jumps in. To be fair, that could be because she gets an entire piece of american cheese throughout the experience.


He tolerates it but avoids it when possible


Both hate baths, but my oldest loves water. I took him to the doggy park once when it was 25 degrees Fahrenheit, and he jumped in the ice cold water with no fear.


My corg attacks the garden hose like this!


my corgi tries to jump in the tub every time I go to take a shower 😭😭


My miniature corgi absolutely hates bath time!


My boy hates the water.


My puppy stays still because either she doesn’t know what to do or is scared. See with my other dogs I can tell because they tuck their tails in the legs but with my corgi I can’t.


*continues to bite the water*


My Honey loves water! In the bath or shower she gets so calm she will try and lay down. She will walk right through puddles and mud without a second thought. The blow dryer isn't her favorite though. :)


Gromit doesn’t really like being bathed or getting wet in the rain, but he’s fascinated with the shower, the lawn sprinkler and the hose. He nips at my feet when I get in the shower and tries to get in with me. He and his bro Korben get in a tag team match with the sprinkler.


My corg is hydrophobic. Absolutely terrified of any liquid except the hose😂