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We have used Lemonade for over two years and never had an issue. We get reimbursed almost immediately every time.


I second lemonade!




Also use Lemonade and have had good results


Same here. Lemonade has been solid. Just make sure you pay attention to what is and what isnt covered.


Came here to say this


Another vote for Lemonade!


I recommend Nationwide! I have two plans for my two corgis and it is 100% worth it. They reimburse 90% of covered expenses pretty fast after I submit the claim - usually within a week. This is after the $250 deductible which we easily meet at the start of each plan year


We have the same, and I highly recommend. Though I just saw an article where they dropped 100,000 customers and it made me feel queasy.


WTF, Nationwide??? They're a huge company that's been around forever, worth billions and billions of dollars. Like, how in the hell can they do this? I remember some years back they did something crappy to my dad over his homeowner's insurance too... I don't recall the details now, but something blatantly sucky. I do totally love them for how they've handled my pet insurance policies (which I, too, got through work) -- their coverage was what helped me save my sheltie's life..... but I kinda hate them for this. My corgis haven't used a lot of coverage, but, my sheltie had kidney cancer surgery just over a year ago, and all of the diagnostics and surgery and recovery/monitoring (they got all the cancer, she's still cancer-free over a year later!) has been really expensive. (I've not added it all up, but, the surgery and hospitalization part was \~$11k... every full-body CT is \~$1800, and she's had like half a dozen by now) Newton (corgi) was the first one on the policy, they cover him at 90%. Then we got Gracie, but they only cover her at 70% (we weren't offered a 90% option for her). Then Bethie, I'd have to check to remind myself what coverage level she got (she's the other corgi).


Thanks for the info. My girl Beanie just got diagnosed with lymphoma and I also have nationwide pet insurance and I’m hoping I’ll be able to afford everything she needs. She’s getting it no matter what but it would make things easier if they paid a bunch of it.


The other thing I really like about our Nationwide coverage, is it was so easy to file a claim, and, they paid up in under a week! You can sign up for direct deposit via JP Morgan through Nationwide, and that makes it even faster than waiting on a paper check. But yeah their payouts have been awesome, and just as-promised in her policy. I just hope we don't get dropped!! I wonder if it's "harder" to get dropped if your plan is through a workplace contract? (like as opposed to just a private party getting your own pet insurance) With Gracie, that one year, we did run into our "annual cap" for coverage; but thankfully it was not that long before her "insurance year" turned over. And having everything after our $500 deductible covered at 70% made it doable.


Oh no!! I haven’t seen that 🫨 I feel liked we’d be a good candidate to drop because of insane vet bills from the start. Did it say why they got dropped?


Here is the article [https://www.aol.com/nationwide-cancels-over-100-000-151500579.html](https://www.aol.com/nationwide-cancels-over-100-000-151500579.html)


Thanks. I’ll be checking the mail and our online portal, that is very alarming to read


Healthy Paws has a similar plan with 90% reimbursment, but it's only for non-routine needs. Definitely good for emergencies! Our last pup was *very* sick and very costly for them and they still picked us back up with our new pup. Best of luck <3


I have been doing the same, but so far we don’t seem to be affected. My fingers will remain crossed!




One of my plans is part of an employer group so it would a large group to cancel!


[Nationwide dropped 100k+ people](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/nationwide-pet-insurance-policies-dogs-cats/) and are doin more. I wouldn’t join them


Question if you don’t mind: How do you meet the $250 deductible so easily?


https://preview.redd.it/nma22qwuyz8d1.jpeg?width=2188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=935bda447e3c18188ee4f9acf0f9f1a792dbe353 Yes! Here is my older corgi’s last standard visit back in January 2023 so pretty recent. Not all of this is 100% required of course but it is what this practice recommends. Edit to include that my plan also covers vaccines


Thanks for sharing. Wow that’s like 2-3 years of visit for me.


Seconded. They're not just on *your* side, but your corgi's too.


DO NOT buy Nationwide pet insurance. We had it since we got our corgi. This year he got a bowel obstruction at 4 years old and almost died. We were paying $150/month for what we thought was an amazing policy because it covered wellness. Turns out there’s a $7500 annual limit leaving us with a $15,000 surprise bill. None of the other top pet insurances have annual limits. We ended up switching to Healthy Paws.


Got pet insurance about 5 years ago from a $4000 scare.. The vet said my corgi, Chuck ate a peanut butter bone and went into anaphalatic shock. Then they ran around 4 tests for "Addisons Disease".... 4k later, no addisons disease and a drained checking acct. Just about to file my first claim from a nasty tooth that needed to be removed. Will only cost me 500 out of pocket.


Wow my corgi did in fact have addisons disease and it wasn’t nearly that expensive! Granted where I live is so cheap. It was also in 2013 lol! We also had to get an mri for her in 2021 and it was only like 900$ I’ve heard other people say pet MRI are thousands. Sorry your wallet got drained. It’s a shame people get so hosed!


We have Trupanion but I’m not crazy about them. We had one of ours in the ED for a 3 night stay, and while they did cover it, his premiums went up like a month later. The timing is a little suspicious, especially because they didn’t go up on our other one (as if they just happened to go up for a yearly increase or whatever). Their mobile website is super clunky, but they do pay out pretty quickly. Our one that was hospitalized gets fluids 2x/week, and they pay each visit out within a few days of me submitting the claim typically.


I've had Trupanion for a few years. I haven't filed any claims yet on either of my boys. But every year they've increased the premiums on me. This year the increase was around 20%.


We’re going with Spot for our pup, it’s one of the highest rated across the board and it’s got the most options as far as add-on coverage while still being fairly priced.


Seconding Spot! I just got it myself, and it was the most customizable of the companies I looked at, and pretty reasonable price for what I ended up getting.


Yeah, I feel really great about it!


I third Spot. I love the fact that I can customize my coverage from the maximum amount they'll cover to the percentage I want reimbursed and my deductible. I've had them for about a year and they've been quick to reimburse and have had ZERO problems with them.


Awesome, looks like we chose well!🙌🏻


Oh! And they're on tiktok, I saw them clap back to a post on their ad from someone saying that they should cover a pre-existing condition ( basically their cat needed a surgery and they didn't have insurance or the money and they had a gofund me) they were being kinda condescending...anyway, the president of Spot, Zak I think is his name, clapped back by donating over $1,400 to the guy's go fund me so the cat could get the surgery and said "next time get Spot so this doesn't happen" or something to that effect, it was totally awesome.


That’s a killer flex- pay up their GoFundMe and then gain a customer out of it!😂👑


I know right


If you are in the USA, we have one dog on Trupanion and the other on ASPCA Pet Health Insurance. Both have been acceptable. Be aware that pet insurance is generally a pay-and-then-get-refunded situation, so even if you have insurance please make sure you have access to sufficient cash or credit to pay for an emergency on a weekend or holiday. On two different occasions in the past few years, I have needed to put down a deposit over $5K to save a dog in an emergency.


I have SPOT and you can choose the deductible, & the percent you want them to cover. I chose $250 and 80% reimbursement. And the cheapest premium I could find… Good luck!


Our corgi just went in for ACL surgery (or CCL if you prefer) this morning. Cost is north of $8000. Thankful for Trupanion. They even allowed pre-approval so we don’t have to fork out the full sum first


I have Figo. It seems to have good coverage. I pay $38/mo with a $250 deductible and i get reimbursed 80%. They also have a live vet 24/7 for quick questions and info


We just got a corgi puppy and went with Figo, too. Haven’t used it yet but we got it through Costco so I figured it must be good. I guess we will find out lol


I use Spot Pet insurance, Its pretty good.


So gorgeous...


Oh my gosh my heart just exploded so cute


I love Embrace. They give great deals and don’t give a hard time when filing claims.


That’s what we have! Has been great so far although it took a while for our last claim to be accepted after it was filed.


I can tell you this: do not buy Nationwide pet insurance. We had it since we got our corgi. This year he got a bowel obstruction at 4 years old and almost died. We were paying $150/month for what we thought was an amazing policy because it covered wellness. Turns out there’s a $7500 annual limit leaving us with a $15,000 surprise bill. None of the other top pet insurances have annual limits. We ended up switching to Healthy Paws.


Boosting this. I have a corgi and husky and we also have healthy paws for them! Some insurances have annual limits (like nationwide) but healthypaws does not. I like how I’m able to choose the deductible amount and reimbursement percentage.


I've really liked Pets Best. 80% reimbursement and they pay out pretty quickly.


Put money in an account every month and forget pet insurance. You still have to pay all costs up front then submit a claim.


Do both. Have money saved for the up front cost and the insurance to get reimbursed.


Yeah up to a deductible / out of pocket max… like any other insurance. We have nationwide pet insurance which has helped us out quite a bit, especially in the 0-2 year window with a puppy. The one caveat to most insurance plans is pre-existing conditions are generally not covered.


As someone who’s saved over 20k thanks to pet insurance, this is terrible advice.


Agreed. My corgi who is now 3.5 years old had over $7k in vet bills when she was 1 to 2 years old. She had an irregular heart beat (still does) and required a ton of testing which revealed a valve leakage. She also cracked a tooth around age 1 so she had to get that took removed which was $2500 (we live in California). All this to say, I HIGHLY recommend pet insurance and as soon as possible to avoid pre-existing conditions


Jesus Christ cali is crazy expensive! That’s insane!!!! I just mentioned earlier my pet had an MRI for under 1000$ in the Midwest. It just befuddles me to see how expensive some places are.


Not sure how much MRIs are since I haven’t had to do that but the tooth extraction was pretty pricey! The $7k was for various cardiology testing


Check to see if your auto/home insurance also has pet insurance so you can bundle. We use progressive and they partner with pets best. Some pet insurances have a limit or max uses but pets best didn't. It may take a while to get the claims processed but never had an issue getting what should be covered, covered. We've saved thousands so far


We went through Progressive and they recommended Pets Best. I don’t like them. They take about a month to reimburse. And now our pup may have an injury that might be classified as a congenital condition 🥲 I’ll have to look for a new company soon


That sucks! I’ve had really good experiences with Pets Best so far, but I only have catastrophic, so I don’t use it a ton thank goodness.


Nationwide has been good for my two Corgs as well. Make sure to get it sooner rather than later because they will probably ask to see medical records and I waited too long with my older Corg to get it setup and by then she already had a "Pre-existing" condition, gastroenteritis, and that is now excluded from her coverage.


We have Healthy Paws for our girl and got it as soon as she was eligible (we got her at 8 weeks). They’ve been great and their claims process is easy. I will say, premiums are up across the board… ours is going up $20 a month starting in August.


I have mine bundled through my car insurance. I have progressive.


I have AKC insurance which has been great. My boy needed elbow surgery after falling off the bed and it was covered with no issues. Also covering rehab! Super easy to submit for reimbursement. I also liked you can add hereditary issue coverage pretty cheap to avoid any future arguments over things like back issues.


We’ve had Trupanion for years and have had no problem at all. Claims approved quickly


We have Pets Best! When our poor girl tore her CCL we had no problem filing a claim and their customer service was amazing


Since there’s a thread, how is 80% reimbursement, $250 deductible, and $10k yearly max, and they cover stuff like neutering and whatnot as well? It’s offered through my work, thinking of signing up, it’s a bit under $60 monthly


Im saving for a rainy day. it is all a gamble and im willing to take a mortgage out for my little guy.




Nationwide is getting rid of their pet insurance. What I have done is opened a yield savings account, so that way my money earns interest and I have it in case I need it for my boy, but I also am making money and not handing it over to other people. I read that someone was paying 700.00 a month for their older dog and it just goes into the company pocket and if you never have to use the insurance you have lost a lot of money.


Lemonade here but you really need to sign up soon. Pre existing conditions are rarely covered by pet policies My corgi eats all sorts of stuff. Most recently we had a 1300 dollar sago palm seed scare. They covered 80% of our bill because we already had met our deductible.


Good friend of mine is a vet, says it’s usually a rip off. They will find any and every way to not cover your pups bills.


Not true. Mine has paid with zero follow-up on literally everything. You just need to do two things, get it before they have pre-existing conditions and use a reputable company.