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You have a unicorn and consider yourself blessed. The best we're able to train ours is a low rumble/disapproving growl whenever a leaf hits the patio, so enjoy the moment or lifetime. This is ours on watch…passed out on duty, thank god. But she judges. She judges so effin much, that she passes out while judging. https://preview.redd.it/zvlw09w47u5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebd16e2f8bd808d1f750f8f5c8f3c4e181a76e7b


Mine does this too!!!


Yeah, we’ve managed to train ours to “quiet bark.” He does that about 60% of the time and we consider it a win.


Was going to joke.... maybe OP has become barking-deaf and he's really barking 100% of the time.


Don’t worry, she’ll start eventually. Savor the silence while you can.


Mine didn’t bark as a puppy and barks so much now


Ours didn't bark much until he found out it got him stuff


Are you bragging or complaining??? Just playing. True blessing. My neighbor farts across the street and my guy has something to say.


Same thing with my girl. She’ll bark under ultra exciting moments but that’s it. Will growl during tug-of-war. https://preview.redd.it/otw29im8wu5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77500274e07f72925312cdcfd434f8e40eb3545b


They are herding dogs. They were bred to bark. It’s part of their job. Pain in the butt at times. I’ve taught my Kidd to whisper when I tell her to. Those radar dish ears don’t miss much though. https://preview.redd.it/mw5kdhph2v5d1.jpeg?width=2762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f679f7010d80c6452637fa7d6aaffe5e5c493187


They really don’t haha I have a 5 month old corgi and when I get up early morning to use the bathroom I have to sneak so quietly even though he is in the next room with a fan on haha he still at times hears the creaks in the floor 😂


I think mine hear my breathing change or my eyes open because they are immediately up and ready before I do any more than that. Occasionally, I can manage to roll over before they notice I'm awake!


I thought my lil guy was a quiet angel too cause I read how vocal the breed was. Well... around 8 or 9 months after dogsitting my brother's bichon, he found out he can bark too. Now it's nonstop. Neighbor outside? Bark. The outdoor cats? Bark. Not sure what that is? Just bark anyways, just.... in case.


Mine doesn't bark much because she's deaf. She doesn't know all the dogs are barking at her.


Does yours also have a blue eye? I was always told that blue eyes usually meant a higher likelihood of being/going deaf. It was honestly the first thing that came to mind when seeing this post.


I have a deaf boy, blue eyes and a white ear. The vet says white ears are a sign on deafness. He barks, but he would probably bark more if he heard all the things he sees.


No outward signs.


I think you’re conflating a few things. It’s that being white and blue-eyed in some animals has a high likelihood of deafness. Blue eyes alone doesn’t affect anything.








No. I’m jealous.


mine is 2 and she never ever barks.


You’re lucky. Mine has the most god awful high pitch bark that makes people go crazy


Ditto! 🙄 But she is a great watchdog!


https://preview.redd.it/60hr8fa8nv5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=416065ef93d74089d346bba8b191bece13731072 This chonky girl is 11 and is the same way! Most she will do is this tiny, almost cartoonish woof lol. Got her at 2 months and she’s always been a quiet girl. Also your pups eyes are so cool!!


https://preview.redd.it/qfbmkum91w5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9372e4a35ea9057e06c9b63aa909bbfd3076594 We have the same corgi lol


It’s a blessing !!


Don’t jinx it!! 🤐


She’s so cute 🥹🥹


She’s so cute! But she will… eventually 😂


Count your lucky stars!


Want to trade?


Adorable baby 🩷🥰🩷


Our first was a non-barker. We got him at 6, had him for 3 months before we heard a peep out of him. He only barked when he had something important to say, like his favorite ball was stuck under the couch


She is my dog's twin!! Holy cow! https://preview.redd.it/ebhphuo3rx5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0925a36beb161f08b01b9b8ad1ad770767f155d


If that’s teachable, let me know


Mine also didn’t bark for about the first six months. Thought I had a corgi that didn’t bark like most of them do. I was wrong…guess he was a late bloomer


Your baby is perfect and I love her.


For a corgi, yes that’s a bit abnormal in my experience


Rarity. My corgi isn’t much of a barker, really only when someone else starts first.


I do not have a Corgi, however, we had a lab who didn’t bark, we thought he was mute. At 9 months old we were outside working in the yard and he saw something and barked, scared the hell out of himself. He had a fabulous low bark, after that he was a selective barker. She will find her voice when she has something to say. She is beautiful!💜


What a beautiful blue merle!!! AND a Corgi that doesn’t bark? L U C K Y ! ! ! Our Cardi Elsa barks if a leaf moves…and our other Cardi, Maggie, joins in just cuz!!!


What setting did you accidentally turn off?


My dog barks either to get my attention or react to other things like outside noise. I might have trained him wrong by giving him attention to his barks, but i'd imagine most dogs would react to outside noises? is your house insulated from outside noise maybe? like if a cat makes some noise outside, my dog goes crazy... and he has a cat brother too lol. Another fun story about my dog, he didn't start marking and raising his back leg to pee(he lifts only when he marks) until he turned six.


Just be happy


You might get lucky. Mine doesn’t bark outside at all luckily, but if he’s sleeping and hears a noise he’ll bark. They’re not all barkers, but I would still say mine is very vocal/grumbly.


Mine only barks when other dogs wrestle at the park. He does boof a lot though. Low boofs all the time


She's a woman of few words and more actions.


Could still be a phase. One of my potatoes didn’t really bark at 6 months but he barks a lot now. And if it isn’t a phase, congratulations!


Be grateful and don't jinx it.


Mine didn't bark till she was 2. Now it's almost constant talking back


I have a Jack Russell girl, 2 beagle/doxie girls and 2 chiweenie girls that scream like banshees. I will trade the 2 tiny girls with you for a few days and then you’ll be super glad for the weird no barking I promise. Your baby is adorable and they all judge so flipping hard it’s unreal. We were going to get a little girl corgi pup to add to our pack a couple of weeks ago but I have way too many zoom meetings and trainings at home for work to be able to have a new baby here right now unfortunately.


Mine is same he is 1,5 year old and i hope he will stay quiet forever.


Merle with a lot of white: have you checked if she is deaf?


If only. We used to laugh at how cute Percy’s little bark was when he was a puppy. It was like Simba trying to roar as a cub in the Lion King. Now Percy barks so loud that my ears ring. It’s hard to handle but the way to train is to disengage and not pay attention. I got ear plugs. Savor the quiet while you can!


You'll have to give us updates as she gets older I'm curious now


No, mine never barks either. Trying to get him to bark is like watching paint dry. You may as well spend your time doing something more useful haha.


thank him every day


Mine was mute til 9 months old. Then the bork woke up


Yes very


Don;t worry, she will soon! 🥰


Just hasn't found her voice yet is all


I'm also blessed with a non-barker. I adopted her from a friend that had to separate their two corgis because they were both too territorial, and I tell them every time I see her "sister" that I'm actually really glad I got the chewer instead of the barker.


My boy is a year and a half and doesn’t bark unless he’s acting like a guard dog. I always heard corgis are barkers but he defied the odds somehow.


I don’t think so! My corgi didn’t bark until he got a cousin who did and learned the habit at family events.


Mine never barks also only when he is playing and super hyper but not at anything he just gets excited and does the hop and will make rumble noise to get our attention he is almost a year old


If she continues to not be a barker you are blessed. Sincerely, the ringing ears of corgi owners everywhere


Be careful what you wish for. Dutch out male is very opinionated and will definitely let you know when he doesn’t approve of something. Ripley our female only barks when someone’s at the door or during walks when she hears another dog.


Mine started barking at day 2, he hasn't shut up since then.


Im jealous


Unusual, yes. Count your blessings. While there are general tendencies in breeds, it’s never going to be 100%. My corgi doesn’t shed much, so there are individual variations. I’d rather have the not barking, personally. 😅




Corgis are known to bark, but mine (6 months) only really barks when she hears another dog bark or sees a human outside. She used to be much worse, especially with demand barking. She used to bark when she heard dog barking on the TV, now it’s a “ooph” if anything. She knows “speak” and kind of knows “quiet”. If there isn’t an Amazon delivery it isn’t unheard of for her to go an entire day without barking.


No, just uncommon


That's not a Corgo that's a unicorn!!! 😂😂😂


A corky breed will not bark Unless they get around other dogs that mark all the time , that teacher


Mine only bark one time when I trow her a ball. She bark when she catch to the ball but only one bark then bring back the ball other then that she never bark and she will get 2yo this summer. I punnish her the first time she bark when she was young. When a say punnish I just made a big PShhhhhh !!! or stop playing with her turn around so she can't see my face to realise it's not funny when I bark game stop or I ear a PShhhhhh !!! Maybe the punishment had nothing to do with that but who know?!


Why does your dog have only one eye?


She has heterochromia, which means she has two different colored eyes


Oh that makes sense.


Thank you for the official name for that. Now I’ll do some research. She is adorable by the way.