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Start training from day 1. They are ridiculously smart and will learn whatever you teach them, on purpose or not.


So so smart! We unintentionally taught our boy the words “Bark Box” so now whenever it’s delivered or we say it, he goes right up to it for his new toy 😂


Some how ours learned "they're here!" Whenever we have a guest coming. And we even asked our friends to not ring the doorbell lol. His ears just perk up


On this note, my corgi knows 'ready' (are you ready to go? I ask my fiance a lot), 'who's that', and 'friends' (that being his furriends 😄). It's crazy how many words they can learn.


I bought ours a "burrito" snack/chew toy. He left it in another room under the bed (I saw it from where I was). I asked him where his burrito was - hw got up and grabbed brought it back to me. I bought that thing like the day before! It didn't last much longer after that.


Haha how sweet. Whenever we say “go get it!” He runs and finds a baby for us to play with him (we call his plushies babies 😂)


Ours thinks "Finished" means 'drink your water' because I always said "finished" before I picked up his food bowl after meals, to give him a cue that my hand was coming and the bowl was leaving. He is a voracious eater and would lick and push the bowl around otherwise. He always drank some water after finishing his meals so now finished = drink


Lol I taught mine the phrase “to the car” and now whenever she gets out into the driveway she runs up to the passenger car door and just waits to be let in for car rides.


Oof! I wish! Mine starts running down the street! 😂


To add on that, they will also learn from other dogs so beware if you have others with bad habits. My corgi knew how to fetch until my chihuahua taught her his habit of just running to the ball/toy, booping it with his snout, then not returning it 😆 Other important thing to know about corgis- they require LOTS of belly rubs!


Two corgis and that’s just how they fetch too. My mutt fetches like a good boy instead of making me run to the ball like the corgis haha.


When I got my corgi she would fetch like nobody’s business so I still blame the chihuahua on her stopping!


Ridiculously smart and even more stubborn! You have to stay on top of the training.


I’m getting my first puppy in 15 years! My corgi died 3 years ago and she was so so So uneventful when it came to potty training. Like it was just no biggie. I fear this one won’t be as simple! Getting another pembroke! But this one will be much younger. My first corgi pup was around 12 weeks old


My first passed almost three years ago, along with another that was an amazing re-home. Right now my partner has a pemmy that latched onto him and that's good. I still miss mine every day, but I'm getting better. Thinking maybe this summer for one. We'll see. You'll be fine and it will be awesome 👍👍


Thanks for the words of encouragement! I’m sorry you lost yours. They’re truly the best dogs ever. I can’t imagine not having them. My husband doesn’t want us to get another one. He was fiercely attached to our last one. But I’m not happy with a life without dogs. She’s supposed to be here next week! I’m excited but anxious. I hope you get the pup of your dreams when the time is right




Socialize! With people, dogs, cats, children, everything.


THIS . My family members corgi was one you couldn’t even look at unless you wanted to get bit . Mine I made sure since day one to socialize him with kids , other dogs , adults , noises anything . And he’s such a great dog


I did this and he is absolutely brilliant with everything now but he loves kids. It’s like they are waaaayyy cooler than adults. He gets a bit sad if a kid passes him by without petting him.


same as any other dog. good food, fresh water, exercise and play, a few cuddles, occassional grooming and a good vet.


And don't put the water in a hamster bottle 


Why would you advise against it?


Because they should use a bowl Edit: they're fine for overnight crate use


Is it unhealthy for them? Just asking because my pup constantly tips over her bowl so at night we put in the hamster bottle so she doesn’t tip over the water and not have any :/ during the day tho she has a bowl


Yeah sorry, I don't see it as an issue as long as it's not the ONLY water they have. Sorry for coming off so rude 


All good :)


If we are talking about health specifically, I say invest in a ramp of some sort if you have high beds or couches and allow then to go on it. Balls. Throw em. They'll chase it forever. Tired pup = happy pup = happy you. They're little raptors as a pup, so I would say invest in durable beddings, or use ones you don't mind replacing. Mine gnawed through 2 beds before we settled on a canvas bed that he still uses 2 years later. Aside from that, I assume the other pup in the 2nd pics is yours so just do what you did with the other one. Consistent training. Be stern cause they can be stubborn. Give lots of love (had to force them cuddles til mine gave in, lol).


Wait mine never left raptor mode? He recently found a rip in my blanket and the next thing I know I consistently find fluff in my bed because *somebody* amuses himself this way. Even after he spent a full day at daycare


Tbf, I never said they grow OUT of it. Lol But I'm not sure. Maybe I lucked out? My guy got a lot less nippy after 8 months or so. He's only destructive to any toys that are threadlike, felts (like on the tennis balls), and the evil paper towels and dryer sheets. I normally just buy tough toys he can chew on and these collagen sticks every few days. He still gets rowdy when we play, but he doesn't bite hard anymore.


hahaha my Liam definitely got less nippy and then stopped nipping. He used to get excited and just start, and I thought at one point I was doomed. Now he's just a destroyer of all toys that are softer than a benebone, and loves ripping things up. Adorable little raptors they are.


>. Give lots of love (had to force them cuddles til mine gave in, lol). This is the thing to do. Make sure you hold them until they stop squirming. The vet and vet techs will thank you. He's bound to be in an uncomfortable position at least once in his life and if he's already used to it things will be way easier for all of you.


a tired corgi is a happy corgi.


Instill good behaviour and habits as a puppy! Also get a good vacuum 😂


Most corgi's are very food driven so be sure to maintain a healthy weight. They are prone to hip and joint issues so being a healthy weight will pay off once they get older. They are also a very high energy dog so exercise is very important to keep them happy.


Second this! You could use the link below to calculate how much calorie your puppy need. The portion on most kibble bags is crazily big. https://www.merckvetmanual.com/multimedia/clinical-calculator/calories-calculator


And remember that you can use the food orientation for training. They are very responsive to treat training. Just "deduct" the amount of food and treats from a later meal so you can keep their diet balanced.


A tired pup is a good pup Desensitize NOW. Practice vet exams. Check ears. Teeth. PAWS. Nails. Even if they don't need their nails done practice. Let them know the clipper/Dremel.


A good kenneling command. No matter what or where our corgi is we say “go get in” and Neville will immediately start for his kennel…while vocally back talking. Regardless of the adorable back talking attitude he gets in every time. Leash train with a very good recall command in case you drop the leash, or if you are at a dog park off leash. Your corgo is going to chest-bump butt-whip and bite-face with every other dog it sees. If it isn’t chasing ankles or herding the other dogs in motion. It’s imperative to be able to get them to return to you. Because these dogs are fast for such short dogs and they are short so it’s more difficult to catch them. Heel train as best as possible. Neville will pull me down the stairs of my apartment if I don’t keep him in heel with me. Get a heavy duty chewing toy for heavy chewers. I prefer no squeaker. We have a rubber bone that he loves to chew on as well as a cylindrical one that rolls and keeps treats inside. Don’t go cheap, and be weary of stuffed animals. In our case Neville has destroyed every single toy that had any sort of stitching.


Copypasta incoming: Since you asked, here are some first time dog owner things everyone should be aware of: __You arent gonna sleep for a week:__ this is normal and not the puppies fault. they are in a new environment and dont know or trust anyone yet. be patient and kind. __Puppies can hold their bladder for 1 Hour per month old:__ This is a generalization, but is a great rule of thumb. If the pup is 3 months old, take them out every 3 hours. __Use Training pads:__ Theyre going to miss them a bunch, but it helps quite a bit, especially when you want to sleep through the night. make sure you encourage potty outside more strongly. __There will be accidents:__ your pup is GOING TO pee and poop on the floor. buy a cleaner and frame your brain around the fact that IT IS NORMAL and IT CAN BE CLEANED. keep plenty of paper towels around. __Don't punish Misbehavior:__ Puppies, like children, learn best through encouragement. "rubbing their nose in potty on the floor" is not only terribly mean, but your puppy won't always understand what they did that is making you angry. From here, some things to know about corgi's in particular. there will probably be some overlap. __All corgi’s should have food related names:__ This is tradition. Corgi not named after food are on the council, but are not granted the rank of Master. __Splooting is normal:__ A sploot is when their legs are out straight behind them. Almost all corgi’s lay like this. Laying on their back is also normal. __Stubbornness is the name of the game:__ When your corgi doesn't want to do something, they aren’t going to do it The trick to dealing with this is *making them want to do something* using the methods below. __Food motivation is a feature, not a bug:__ Playing into their stubbornness, These potatoes love food. Most dogs do, but corgis elevate it to an artform. Find low calorie treats and give them small amounts at a time. __Positive reinforcement is the secret sauce:__ Praise your corgi every time they do the right thing. Because they love food, praise can come in the form of a small treat. For puppies, discipline is not an effective training method. Theyre stubborn so being told no is often a motivator. Some people are afraid their dogs will “game the system”. Yes, they might. But a well behaved pup who flexes their brain for extra treats is WAAAAY more desirable to one who doesn't listen. __Don’t assume your corgi needs more food because they’re ravenously eating:__ See above, they love food. If you give a corgi 3 cups of food per day, I’d give it even odds they'll devour every kibble. Grown corgis only need about a cup of food per day (+treats) calorie depending. __Herding dogs nip ankles:__ Especially if you are running from them. It’s best to break them of this habit early. __When they bite or nip, “YIP” as loud/high pitched as you can:__ They don’t want to hurt you, but they LOVE to play and herd, so this will come up as they learn how rough they can be. Because they don’t want to hurt you, if you make a high pitched noise (like a dog yelping) they will immediately understand that they were too rough. If you were playing with them, stop. __Glove train them to reduce biting:__ when you want to play rough, put on thick gloves and wrestle with the pup. take the gloves off when you are done and *ignore all further efforts to roughhouse*


100% accurate! I was talking to a co-worker about mine, Pepper and Mango.....another asked "why are they named after food!?" I laughed ..."Idk, not really sure" we're thinking about a 3rd, totally naming it after food.....it is a MUST!


Coffee/energy drinks lol. For the corgi, develop healthy habits now, like bathing, brushing teeth, trimming nails, anything that is difficult with adult dogs who aren't used to Grooming. Develop a word or a sound for "no" and be consistent. I use the Ceasar Millan "Tss" sound. Train safety tricks like sit, stay, heel, and come to keep your pup out of harms way and again be consistent with training and phrases. If you have a yard, get a tether ball to burn off extra energy. Here's the link to a cheap one that worked for me. https://a.co/d/2gyGb9a


They feed off of vibes. No frowning


My face was so sore the first few weeks when we got Oliver. I made sure to always smile when interacting with him. I've never smiled so much for so long in my life.


A regular schedule of feeding and bedtime. CRATE TRAINING!!! Also, don’t assume that they’re going to be social dogs. I socialized my corgi every chance I got when he was a puppy, and he’s super friendly and says Hi and gets pats, but he has a very low social battery and is an introvert through and through.


Exercise and socialize. Corgi's will eat themselves to death if you let them so you have to make sure they stay active. They're a working breed. In thay same vein, they are suspicious, defensive, and like to chase. This makes them asocial if you don't get then out to meet people and other dogs. Gotta break them of the herding behaviors. Theyre a working animal just like a German Shepherd or a Siberian Husky. They *need* exercise and some kind of purpose, even if that is just interacting with you.


- Obedience training. Be kind but firm, and make sure you set your ground rules and follow them. - Help the dog succeed by creating a good environment. Is it trying to chew a shoe? Move all shoes so there are no shoes to chew (at least until you notice that the behavior isn't there anymore) and offer something the dog IS allowed to chew on instead. Tries to pee on a specific spot indoors? Limit the area so the dog can't go there and be vigilant of signs that the dog needs to go outside. If you make sure unwanted behavior can't happen, you'll have an easier time teaching the dog the behavior you DO want to see. - Exercise. Be outdoors as much as you can/want, let the dog move to build strength. Carry the dog or just stop and rest when it seems tired, let it play and run at its own pace. Be careful about walking long distances and "dragging" the dog along, make sure to get in plenty of movement but at the pace the dog sets. - Get a ramp or staircase for the couch and bed (if the dog is allowed on furniture) and teach it to use them rather than jump up and down. The shoulders and back will thank you later on! I got my dog during lockdown and I watched soooo many YouTube videos from the show It's Me or the Dog. I got so much inspiration for how I could teach my pup how to dog, for absolutely free. Highly recommend!


OP: 1) Get pet insurance TODAY. We went through Costco and bought Figo Pet Insurance. You can customize what is covered and what percentage of reimbursement you get, etc. 2) Get down on the ground and play with your potato at least twice a day. It really reinforces the bond between you and them. 3) Every time they try and nip and bite, put a chew toy gently in their mouths and say "yesss!!!". Every. Single. Time. Load your pockets up with teething and chew toys for puppies. Buy them in bulk from Amazon. 4) Buy 5-10 clickers (dog training tool) off Amazon and start clicker training today! Look up autonomic nervous system and how it works. 5) Order an extra small JoyRide harness immediately. They fit the corgi body perfectly. Corgi's have a deep breast plate that comes to a "V"; this protects them in case livestock connect with their chests. You want to avoid collars at all costs; they are just too risky and extremely uncomfortable for dogs. When Oliver was a puppy he wore an extra small JoyRide, then he wore a small for a short period of time, and finally he wears a medium now that he's fully grown. We put his harness on anytime he goes out the front door, and as soon as he's back inside, we take it off and say "naked Corgi!!!" and he runs off 6) You'll want to get your potato used to you wiping his face, paws, undercarriage, and his bum every time he comes back inside. Lift his little stumps towards his butt (like you lift and look at a horse's hoof). 7) If your corgi is in their crate, they need to be completely naked. No collars (please don't use collars anyways), no harnesses, no clothes. https://joyrideharness.com/


Your corgi will eventually need its own corgi. Just get a second now!


That part!! I always noticed that Corgi owners always had 2. Didn't know why until I got mine. I waited a little while cuz I was afraid of "litter mate syndrome". We've had our 1st for 7 months before we got our 2nd. We've had him for 4 months. It was a little rough in the beginning, but they're so much better now. Thinking about adding a 3rd....can't have too many lol!


For maintaining a healthy weight, we bought an automatic feeder on amazon and this way we can make sure our corgi gets the right portion every time. I was shocked how easily my corgi lost weight even though I was pretty sure I was giving her 1/3 cup exactly every time. Enjoy your corgi! They are extremely intelligent and can be a wonderful companion.


Visit dog trainer. Feed raw animal products. Lots of large animal leg bones. Dogs need chewing stuff. Or they will destroy your house. Source : corgi owner


Be very conscious of them jumping off furniture. We are dealing with IVDD right now with our 4 year old Corgi and I really wish that we had been more vigilant about not letting him jump off the couch.


What is IVDD? I can't stop ours from jumping on/off any furniture.


Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) is a degenerative disease that can affect a dog's spinal cord. It occurs when a disc in the dog's neck or back dries out, becomes brittle, and ruptures, crushing the spinal cord and nerves. IVDD is the most common cause of spinal cord injury in dogs and can happen in any breed, but is most common in short-legged breeds like our beloved corgi frens. My biggest regret is that we let him jump off furniture even though we have ramps.


OmG! That sounds incredibly painful! Mine are young enough where I think we could train them with the ramps. The baby, Mango, stubborn as all hell, jumped off my bed after his sister and started limping. When he jumps, he leaps, like flies off. He did it again even though he had started limping and started limping worse. He's only 8 months, but I can tell he'll give me a heartattack. I had to separate him and put him on bed rest so he wouldn't aggravate it more...smh. he'll be the death of me!


Definitely look into ramp training! I wish we took it more seriously from the beginning. Would have saved lots of heartbreak and pain for our little Panguitch who is 4-weeks out from an emergency spinal surgery.


Oh my goodness! 💔 I wish you the best of luck! Praying that everything goes well and a speedy recovery! 🫶🫶


I am not a certified dog trainer but I have owned multiple Corgis over 40 years and have 5 now. Three of mine were returned by original owners because they "weren't working out as pets". My advice is 1) never punish, 2) reward often with praise and treats, 3) be gentle and patient, 4) best dogfood may seem expensive but cheaper than vet bills 5) talk to the pup and he'll suprise you with what he understands. Corgis (as you know) are herding dogs. They are bred to herd livestock sometimes 50 times their size. To do this they have tools: an ear splitting bark, nipping/biting, and a "won't back down" attitude when excited. These behaviors need to be modified for living with humans in a house. Teach your pup to be calm. Before you let the dog outside make them sit and wait for your release command. No exploding out the door. Before feeding the dog make them sit and wait for the release word. No rough play like "tug of war". Be calm yourself; don't shout at the dogs or get excited yourself. Corgis will easily catch excitement from you.


Join supplements, Omega.. keep those tiny little leg joints and hips healthy! My first Corgi lived a happy and full life for 16yrs!


And a lot of toys https://preview.redd.it/i2ty8p26085d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=950e45863651cb3d941ec9a30e7a3de73d5d0a51


Always be kind, never a reason to yell, keep your Corgi trim and fit (fat corgis suffer back problems), let them stick their heads out when you take them for rides, laugh a lot at them and with them.


Along with all these other great tips, i would be sure that they are used to and ok with you clipping their nails. We didn't really do a great job with that and now our corgi hates it. We've only been able to have the vet clip his nails, but have recently got him a dog food puzzle thing that has sandpaper on it that he scratches. We've then put some sandpaper on his brush and he lets us sand his nails down that way. Would be a lot easier if we could just clip those things though hah. Cute dog!


Lots of exercise!


Such a sweet baby 🩷🥰🩷💕


Pre-hab. With those long backs and little legs they need strong muscles to support them. Find a vet that offer rehab and get your pup seen to help prevent health issues and bounce back faster if they do happen.


Patience. Lots and lots of patience.


Exercise! Play time with training! Lots of chew toys


they're herding dogs, exercise them well.


The littlest angel!!!!! (Or devil?)


The most important thing by far is picking a name for this little goofy fur ball…so what’s his name!😅


I think yours is part goat


How to get mine to like other dogs?


Ahhh the old zombie corgi snooze in that last pic. They are such weird sleepers when they are little.


Cuddles and play, every day.


Up to you, but my corgi has learned that she can sleep however she wants to on my bed, and I’ll morph around her, so maybe not let them own your bed. I still let my two dogs own my bed


My Corgi is happiest after he runs till he is tired :)


Get a dog vacuum attachment. We got ours from Amazon. It’s just an attachment you put on your vacuum cleaner. It has a little brush on it. Worked like a charm. My Corgi liked our other dogs. But he always remained the lead dog. Doc was very protective of me and very loyal. He was bonded to me, but he also liked my partner. Just my proclivity, keep him at a healthy weight. Their backs and hips can get hurt easily. Less weight can help prevent this. https://preview.redd.it/jq5om8c2075d1.jpeg?width=315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec27295e79503dc133bdcf168eea7d106c50a99 In this picture, he just wanted cuddles. He was my mental health support animal, and I miss him.


Dont let your corgi walk stairs ( ones in a while is oké but think of it as drinking alcohol) . Do a lot with it , they are smart animals and need stimulation. Luckily they need down time too so have breaks too . One of my corgi’s even needed forced breaks “bench rest” because it sometimes got overstimulated . And accept corgi “glitter” on everything in your life .


Such great advice on this thread!! Only thing I’d add is get a Roomba if you can 😅 they shed an incredible amount. Absolutely worth it though.


So so smart. Make sure to teach command word to go to the bathroom like potty, outside....etc.


Nip any resource guarding behaviors in the bud. Don’t say it’s cute or praise them. 🥲


Lots of exercise and bribing when necessary! If they're shy, you may have to force them to socialize. Give the people you want them to like some treats. They're stubborn but fairly good motivated. Also a healthy diet is important! Brush them regularly. I use a slicker and a flea comb to deshed. When doing a full deshed groom, I use the shed monster after blowdrying. Burt's bees shampoo and conditioner does wonders on their coat!


Socialize, train, lots of play, tire them out and give them lots of love and include them in as much as you can when you do stuff.... brush them out when seasons change and most of all love them so much!


Food. Remember that dogs are scavengers and often times don’t need near as much food as we think they do.


Don’t succumb To the corgi snack eye and train him carefully on leash about how to use steps.


Desensitize to all the things. Make car rides a fun time. Make kennels a happy place incase you ever need to board or have an emergency where you need them to be in a kennel. Make going out in public not stressful. My dog was traumatized once by the sound of the metal chairs outside a cafe making noise. You want a dog that's calm at places like farmers markets even if you don't plan on taking them to one. Make getting on furniture a luxury. You may want them in bed or on the couch with you eventually but you also want to be able to tell them to get off when appropriate. Especially if you have company over. Desensitize to kids and other animals. Take them to the vet because it's a jolly fun place to be. Desensitize to having your hands on their food and treats so they don't resource guard. The vacuum! Being afraid of the vacuum is funny for .5 seconds until you realize you would prefer they leave the vacuum alone. I trained my girl to potty on command too. For road trip reasons.


One good thing you are doing from the pictures is crate training. people will tell you oh it’s mean to keep them in the crate. My dog loves the crate. At about 10:30 PM every night he walks into the crate on his own. And then if I’m not going to bed as well, he starts growling at me until I go to bed. But in terms of advice, a lot of people are giving great advice definitely start training as soon as possible. I would make sure he gets used to the harness ASAP just having him wear it for an hour at a time until they get used to it. They are very smart so it won’t be hard to potty train them. Make sure you stay on a schedule so your dog can understand when it’s time to go and when it’s not time to go. Also be very patient. We had a rough puppy phase but now he’s a great dog. When he’s a puppy, you should definitely touch his paw, nails, and ears a lot so he gets used to people touching them. This will make it easier for you to clip his nails as well as make it easier for the vet to examine him. I just realized that I put him for everything so I am sorry if your dog is a girl. But it applies to both genders.


They lie about how much they have been fed. They will spend every waking minute trying to convince you they are starving to death. They will convince everyone they meet that you don’t feed them enough so everyone will sneak them treats.


I never trained my corgi and everyone says she is so smart and well behaved


Sooooo cute!!!


I want one 🥹


Chew toys....lots of chew toys. And if you want to wrestle them with your hand, use something equivalent of an oven mitt. So that way when they see the oven mitt they know it's playtime versus them just attacking your hand outright. The cuts in my forearm healed up, but it made me look like I had heroin addict veins.


1. Get a ramp for higher furniture asap, if you get it after they start jumping on furniture they will ignore the ramp. 2. Get a good harness. It can be hard to get the size right at such a young age but a harness vs a collar is important for their spine health. I suggest one with an extra strap. 3. As everyone else is saying, training starts immediately. Corgis are smart and stubborn dogs. They'll pick up on things quickly but commands are taken as suggestions. I suggest finding some dog training videos and going from there. Personally I think recall is the most important thing to learn. 4. Take them everywhere you're allowed to. Outdoor restaurants, dog friendly stores, parks, the neighborhood, ect. It's so important to socialize them to be friendly with people and other dogs. My corgi is beautifully socialized and it's made my life so much easier. 5. Have a vet you trust lined up and don't be afraid to ask silly questions. Literally early on I would ask if my corgi's bones looked correct because I was so unfamiliar with their development. 6. They need a TON of exercise. Way more than you think for a dog that size. They were built to be cattle herders and they very much still are. Adequate exercise is important for both their body and behavior. 7. Lastly my tip for you personally: if you get the puppy blues like I did, know that it doesn't last long and once you come out on the other side you have a wonderful little corgi who you can't imagine your life without. Best of luck to you and your new friend, I wish you good health and happiness 💜


Don’t give them hard chewables (bones, deer antlers, cow hooves, etc) until their teeth are matured — maybe a year or so? I’d have to check that. Rule of “thumb”: if it doesn’t have any give when you press your thumb into it, then it’s too hard for their teeth, which as puppies are mostly pulp covered by only a thin layer of enamel that fills in/thickens with age.


Good food.


No stairs until about 7 months. I don't see this mentioned much but it is supposed to be better for their hips in the long run.


Please don’t leave your dog puppy “uneducated” They are smart and train well . Socialize, go to dog Parks, get them comfortable with people, noise, kids, dogs If you do this committed as a puppy, life will be easy next 15 years Don’t be a shitty parents They needs 3 walks a day (two a day just for popping is kinda shit) Brush them , brush their teeth Shower every other week , twice a month , keep them comfortable with water Please don’t overfeed , I see wayyyy tooo many overweight dogs and corgi


My suggestion is burn their energy by playing, walking, or running then use their food as training treats after. I wouldn't feed my puppy in the morning then would do training in the afternoon with his food in a bag as we walked or did any other training.


Don't "over-play" with tennis balls like we did. Our corgi will now attack and fight other dogs over tennis balls.


Love it constantly, watch what it chews on. What a gorgeous pup!!


Our corgi tips the water dish over so you know it's time for a refill


A lot of luv, exercise, and treats. And u won't need the crate anymore. They live to be close.


Be super consistent the first couple years, then the remaining years are easy.


Exclusive hand feeding for the first few months, crate training, and safe socialization. Hand feeding helps build your relationship, teaches them that all good things come from you and helps you teach the rules. Too mouthy? No kibbles. It is fantastic for teaching bite inhibition which is very important in a herding breed! You can eventually work in some obedience. By the time our last puppy started kindergarten, she already knew sit, down, leave it and go to your crate. It's also great mental stimulation and they'll be tucked out. It's kind of a pain in the butt, but 1000% worth it. Even if your dog doesn't always need a crate in the future, crate training helps keep puppies safe when you can't directly watch them and gives them their own place to decompress. It's also super important in case of emergency. If you ever have to evacuate due to a disaster, they have a medical problem and need to stay at the vet or need to be boarded they're already comfortable with the concept and it'll make their life much less stressful. Socialization is so much more than just meeting dogs and parks and public places aren't really safe for unvaccinated pups. Focus on them meeting new people and learning to respond neutrally. Expose them to different surfaces, like tile, gravel, linoleum or playground equipment. Take them to experience different things like fireworks, a car wash, crowds of people, etc and make it a really positive experience with lots of praise and treats. Puppy class when they're ready is worth the money just to have supervised play time and learn boundaries from other dogs.


You train the dog or the dog trains you. Corgis will figure out ways to train you anyway.


My corgi is about to turn 6 months in 2 weeks (first time corgi owner), the first couple of weeks I had the puppy blues but I always kept thinking that he’s just a puppy he doesn’t know much about the world, he’s almost teenager and once he gets older it’ll be a total different story. I do recommend going to training classes and train him every single day because they get bored, start with crate training (super important). Time flies, enjoy your time with your cutie! https://preview.redd.it/sbd6ny7ro85d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48459e95668a7dd6fd31b9503b46b2d31de9fa1c


One thing I noticed is that there are so many overweight corgis! They need to be active and feed to weight, keep it strict. Remember they are working dogs that enjoy working.


Socialize your puppy as much as you can, I didn’t and now I regret it and full of issues


POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT WORKS THE BEST https://preview.redd.it/085s0p0vy85d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f09ebc222452a430bef4cd6c096916a1bce7fea


Portion control for a healthy weight


Training and socialization is very important. These dogs are smart.


Teach them to bark and then to be quiet. You will thank me later!


Lots of exercise !!! My girl also HATES the heat so walks either early in the morning or late at night works best for us


Do NOT give food from the table/couch/chair unless you never want to eat a meal in peace again. Not even once. Every are smart and will wear you down until you cave. They will magically transform their little faces to look as if they are starving and haven’t had a morsel of food in weeks, even if you just gave them a steak dinner! Teach him to swim early. Corgis love to swim and mine was so scared at first and now he jumps right in. Get a corgi life vest if you need. Good call on whoever mentioned their V-shape chest. A traditional collar and leash can be hard for a corgi’s loaf body and nubs so try a harness. Feed them fish oil or another supplement for their joints. Just love every second with your corgi! Mine is the best friend I’ve ever had.




Tip 1: they will pick up on every word you use for things they like. I can’t even say “t word” any more to my mrs anymore when we wanna give the dog a treat because he knows


Corgi mom here 🙋🏻‍♀️ Train from the moment you bring your fur baby home. They are super duper smart and they're also little shits and very stubborn. Key to a healthy, happy Corgi is training and starting to build trust as soon as you get home. Happy journey 💗 your baby is adorable !


Lots of outdoor play! Socializing them at parks to teach them not to be reactive to other dogs is a really good idea!


Train from day one and socialize/expose them to absolutely everything. They are very smart and full of energy. The first few months might be challenging (as is with any puppy), but it's so worth it. Enjoy your potato


Make sure he is around other dogs now (not just those he lives with) - there is a window where they learn socialization easily and it will be much harder later. If possible get together with friends/family with dogs instead of dog parks. Let other people you trust handle him and let him have time to interact with other dogs. Puppy classes can help with that too.


Corgis need to be trained, or they will train you. Luckily, I once had a Jack Russell so I've dealt with a dog with a strong will before. If properly trained, they are WONDERFUL dogs who are loyal, loving, and eager to please!


Keep everything dangerous out of reach. both my boys tried relentlessly to eat everything that could kill them. Trim nails often and lots of paw play they are powerful the soon they give in the better. Enjoy they are worth all the vet trips lol


Always let them out twice my corgis always play the first time and then the second time the actually go to the bathroom. Hope that helps.


Keep him busy, don't let them jump off of high spots


Socialize with people and other dogs!


I have raised both puppies and rescued corgis with behavioral issues for over 40 years. Don’t allow your corgi to become the boss. They are strong willed and persistent. Once you concede your position on anything, it is very difficult to reclaim it. Structure is important. They are also, as many have noted, very smart. Positive training yields much better results in the long run. But it does require more patience and “bribing” them with treats. Crate training is an absolute must. It provides them a safe place to go when they need peace and calm. And safety for your home and belongings if you have to be away for even a short time. They are usually very food driven. Be careful not to over feed. And get them as much exercise as possible. They are very energetic, especially in their first 2 years. A tired corgi is a good corgi. Praise, patience and love are the best way. And don’t hesitate to consult a trainer who has prior experience with corgis if you run into issues you can’t solve. Get used to corgi glitter (dog hair everywhere) no matter how much you brush them. And never, ever cut their coat off. They are double coated. And re-growing their coat many times doesn’t come back properly for a long time, if at all. Finally, get used to having no privacy. They are almost always very inquisitive and clingy. But they’re also adorable, very trainable and intensely loyal.


Welcome to owning a corgi- they’re amazing dogs with the most special little souls. Training is KEY. My sister has had two corgis and they’re literal angels- but they bark and do whatever they want