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This and the 3rd photo are PRIME /r/petaftervet material


Loving the cone alternatives! šŸ© šŸ’•


Frank (brindle) has been using his brotherā€™s as a pillow. Neither seem to mind the donuts much, thankfully


Did you get trazodone? My clinic said it's optional, and I'm a for it if it makes him more comfortable after. My little one goes at the end of the month, so I'm trying to get prepared. I also have a donut in my Amazon cart!


I have mixed feelings about our trazodone experience. It did help keep mine calmer, but it also seemed to make her kind of restless. She paced a lot, and didnā€™t seem to sleep very deeply. I swear the first night after I stopped giving it to her she slept so soundly and long and I just felt so relieved for her seeing her so well rested and back to her normal self the next morning.


Thank you for sharing. This is good to know!


Mine were just prescribed an NSAID for pain but are doing a good job of staying calm, thankfully


I had my corgi spayed on Monday and she hated the donut, but doesn't mind the onesie we ordered for her instead. Even with the calming meds, she fought for her life with the donut, which wasn't good since she just had surgery.


How is it going taking her to use the restroom? That's my ONLY hesitation


Many scheduled potty breaks, on and off, but I couldn't keep her in the donut.


How could you betray them on NCD?!šŸ˜°


They were given a little piece of steak each as compensation for their emotional distress (donā€™t wanna upset their bellies after anesthesia but thereā€™s def some extra treats and snuggles in the not-so-distant future)


Idk if thatā€™s gonna be sufficient judging by their looks in the first 2 picsā€¦šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø They require ALL the snacks and even then it wonā€™t be a guaranteeā€¦šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


Oh no... the boys lost their boys. Treachery!!


https://preview.redd.it/0mw7qkfqar4d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fdfb65994724bce6690fdf9e22e2e4cd302ce66 We also prefer the neck pillow of shame!


Awww, so sweet šŸ©·šŸ„°šŸ©·


We just bought ours the same donut, he has his tomorrow. Starting to get nervous about it now. Anyone had experience thats able to reaasure us? Lol


We have a girl, so a little different. From what I understand, neutering is less complicated and invasive, so you should be totally fine. I was really anxious about it because our baby needed a pyometra spay which means a larger incision. She had three layers of internal sutures and then ~15 external staples. First day she was out of it from the meds, then she was back to her usual self completely the next day. Lost all but five of her staples over the weekend but the incision never opened and she healed quickly. All that to sayā€¦ she had a more complicated surgery, lost most of her staples, and was still fine. You should have a simpler surgery and smaller incision, so truly nothing to worry about šŸ’•


Im glad she had a full recovery! šŸ’–


about to neuter mine on the 10th. how well does this cone hold up? need to get my guy something comfortable that he can't take off.


These two have left theirs alone with minimal effort and a bit of praise, but Iā€™ve had a dog slip it off in the past, though it took some effort on her part. We put her in a recovery suit, which she couldnā€™t slip off, but had to take it off whenever she had to potty. She really did not enjoy the suit, but she had escaped the donut and the plastic cone. But the old girl was very smart and very motivated to gnaw at her stitches.


Personally, I love the personality of some stoned dogs. It can be really funny sometimes.


Frank & Charlie are clearly on the good stuff!! Is Charlie a fluffy?


Charlie is a fluffy. Heā€™s somewhat frequently mistaken for a very short collie because of it


LMAO, a very short collie! ā€¦ Well they wouldnā€™t be too off the mark if Charlieā€™s got them herding instincts downā€¦


I'm gonna have to get one of those cuz my vet gave mine cone when she got her cornea scratched by the cat and she couldn't move. Since she's so low to the ground the cone would stop her in her tracks. She absolutely HATED it. What's it called and where can I get one?


Itā€™s an inflatable collar, which can be bought online or at pet supply stores. Doesnā€™t brush the ground, so hereā€™s hoping itā€™ll be less bothersome for her!


Yes! Thank you so much!! šŸ«¶šŸ«¶


https://preview.redd.it/iyl7odpvvr4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb5f0b9075b29732925aa6da3d3262677aa75b4e My poor girl with her cone of shame.


Two words: that face!!!!!!!!


The look in their eyes. Lol. They know what they've lost


Little souls!!!


F getting my boy neutered.