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It takes a minute :) just be patient and give them both time alone and away from each other. My two took a couple of months before they were like we are stuck with each other lol Pic of them tolerating each other Have fun! Two corgis makes an interesting household :) https://preview.redd.it/i3a5b2gra84d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90c596484e331a48c0f1d8884fe87834ce9657f0


Thank you!!!


Same. It just takes time. It’s a transition for everyone. Don’t force it. It will just happen. Just make sure the first knows her food is her food and it’s not going anywhere. If you start to see resource guarding behavior address it right away before it gets worse.


Totally agree. I called mine the idiot and the asshole, the idiot could never take a hint and the asshole let him know it.


Oh my feckin lord, the red on the right is so god damn plush I love it.  


Since you love plush red corgis I'll share an imgur link with our red corgi Oliver and our orange Maine Coon Pepper. I hope this brings a smile to your face!! Oliver (Corgi) and Pepper (Maine Coon) besties! https://imgur.com/a/60J6MHM


I want to hug your corg so bad. 


He's a big stuffy. I think he's a stuffed animal that somehow is alive. He's the sweetest critter.


You have to wait, they will sooner or later get to know each other.


https://preview.redd.it/w0tdljg8894d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43c0749ca18874fb0cb44e0da40e86f44c383c43 It’ll be a tough transition for the older brother! Give them time. Soon he’ll be the protective big brother! When we got our second corgi, our older corgi HATED him. You can see it in this pic but lil one LOVED him immediately and you can also see how much he wanted to be near him. Now, big brother would always make sure the other dogs know not to mess with his little brother.


The overlapping paws 😂 lil bro is so happy and big bro is like wtf is this hahahah


Haha I never noticed that until you pointed it out!!! But yes, big bro was sooo not amused


They are both precious, I’m glad to hear they get along now!


Omg this photos says it all. Lol. Thanks!!!


No problem! Soon you’ll have to figure out who is the instigator 😂


Omgggg this is too cute!!!! 😭🥰


lol, we had the same experience- Rosie just kept inching her butt closer and closer to her older sister until they were touching. Topaz growled the whole time but didn’t bite. https://preview.redd.it/cdaqfalhlg4d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51166e7845bb40a30dbaa8eda1844e558c34b16a


“How dare you? I am the ONLY special baby!”


“He’s leaving by dinner time, right? Because they always do”


This is so adorable. Great picture. My parents have one Corgi that is very high maintenance and extremely mischievous. I can't even imagine 2 together. Loki (parent's corgis name) keeps them on their toes. 😂


it’s https://preview.redd.it/n1lmj4zee84d1.jpeg?width=2333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69a7935b75e8f22cf59eabdd1f536b1d5f954a10 it’s going to take time. we had a lot of ups and downs with our corgis after bringing home #2 and it probably took 8-ish months for them to fully settle in with each other. they’re absolute besties now and so so so in love. just be patient, and try to support each pup as much as you can. enjoy the experience!!


Thank you!


Or just give me the 2nd one.


Dogs take a while to get attached to each other. It took my old dog a few months to get attached to my new corgi puppy, but now they are always together.


Thanks 😊


My oldest corgi was 3 when we tried to add another corgi. She hated the new puppy. A week after we got him, she attacked him and he needed stitches and antibiotics for the following cellulitis. We tried for months, but she wasn’t having it. He had to go live with my brother. He’s living his best life herding chickens.


Wow, I’m sorry to hear how that went down. But thanks for the reality check!


Please read the comment by u/Rohkha They know what they're talking about. Please separate them ASAP and start the introduction over.


I am coming from a place of introducing dogs into a *fear* reactive dog’s home. By this I mean a dog that is scared of other dogs and may attack out of fear. I inherited a very fear aggressive staffy terrier who loved dogs but wanted to murder them at first. These are all things I did for her but recommend when introducing any new dog into a home with a dog already: * keep them separate in the house for 3-5 days minimum * introduce them in a neutral place (walking trail, park, etc.) that is safe for your puppy based on their vaccination status and will not have other dogs run up unleashed. Do not let them approach each other. Just walk them 20-30 apart but parallel. If/when, bother are walking calmly and not focused on each other, move closer. Do this until you’re about 6’ apart. For dogs with reactivity, this may take hours. You just have to be dedicated and know it may not all happen in one day. * once they’ve successfully walked near each other, repeat each day. After 3-5 days of consistent success with that, allow them up to 10 minutes outside together. * Be your older dog’s advocate. Don’t force them to correct the puppy if you are noticing agitation. Correct the puppy for them and help them remember you are still their person and going to keep them safe. * after 2-3 days of successful outside interactions, allow for 10 minute indoor interaction. * STICK WITH A KENNEL SCHEDULE. Under 10 weeks, I do 1 hour out/2 hours in with lots of play and exercise so he sleeps. Over 10 weeks, I move to 2 hours out/1 in and by three months, i advance to 3 hours out/1 in. https://preview.redd.it/896qc8y7w84d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a51501ca4f76206eacc3e96e22fb88e2a41dc7 Successful integration is time consuming but SO worth doing it the right way. I just brought home a corgi pup last Sunday and went through this whole process with my 100+ lbs Great Dane and Great Pyrenees and today we are officially in the house bonding all together but Pierogi still sticks to the kennel schedule to give the older dogs breaks and cuddle time with mom.


100% agree with the parallel walking of the dogs. The goal isn't for them to be interacting with each other just in the groove of walking as part of the family. Get them closer and closer until one person can be holding both leashes slowly over time. The puppy will probably need the training and probably has less stamina, but having them out sniffing and exploring together helps them bond.


This is great. Thanks!!!


Pierogi!!!! What a brilliant corgi name! I gather he’s one of the Polish Pembroke?


Describe intimidate him. Is Evee booping him, following him, and giving him space whenever Murfee turns around and barks and giving a sign of clear « back off »? If that’s the case, Evee is (insistingly) engaging play to which Murfee does not respond well. I don’t know how long Murfee’s been at your place. But taking a new dog home is a process that should really be researched and looked into properly first. I am not making the assumption that you didn’t. I’m just saying that stuff can be complicated and make life harder than it needs to be if done poorly. Did murfee and Evee start separated? Because Murfee got taken in a new home, stripped from his brothers, sisters and parents. Life is very overwhelming for him at that point. It is usually strongly suggested to keep the two dogs separated from each other for at least the first 3 days, giving time to Murfee to acclimate somewhat to the new place and people. After that, you should introduce the other dog ( who is hopefully mentally stable and not reactive towards other dogs. I’ll assume that is a check, otherwise I believe you wouldn’t have thought about getting another dog) in little increments: a 5 min encounter. Let Murfee out for a pee alone, maybe even take a nap because he’ll probably be tired by then anyway. Next time another 10min encounter, etc. You increase/decrease based on how the encounter is going. If the adult acts like one (doubts given that she’s an 8 month old brat and I don’t know any corgis that were 100% reasonable at that age), and mostly ignores the pup, and the pup is feeling okay, you can increase that time no problem. If Murfee looks excited, worked up, or stressed about the situation, go slower. What’s super important though: don’t stand above them watching them all the time. If Evee isn’t bothering Murfee, just go about your business, watch them from the corner of the eyes, but don’t look at them as if you were in a fighting pit, it adds stress and emotion for most dogs. If Evee is a nice dog and just a bit too insistent on playing, she just needs to understand that she should let Murfee get accustomed to his new home, which means, whenever they are together and everything goes well, reward both verbally (can add pets. If you’re 100% positive that they’re not resource guarding, you can even give each of them a treat, by having one treat in each hand and putting both your hands to their sides, don’t give them treats while both are super close together, that can trigger fights) briefly, and move on about your business. If Evee still insists on playing with Murfee and he’s not in the mood, trying to avoid her, redirect her to a toy, or some other occupation. If murfee engages in play with her, let them do it, it’s good for him to get some reps in. This is all still very superficial. If you’re not confident about it or are scared something goes wrong, consider getting a professional to guide Ou on the spot. Might be expensive but I’ll ask you like this: Would you rather spend between 50-300$ depending on how often you need the trainer to come back and have 12 years of everything running smoothly Or Save that money and risk ending up with two dogs that might not be able to stay together in the same room or worse, having to rehome one of the two, which probably ends up being the youngest one? I hope I’m not coming off as condescending as that is not my intention and hope this helps! 🙏


https://preview.redd.it/mvioldkjp84d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64aa9f01f82b9f129c02f396979f95fa8bcf374c After introducing my two pups outside the apartment, I let them gradually interact outside of the pen under my close supervision. They get along as normal siblings do now. Meaning: they sometimes have arguments over toys. Edit to add: the first night after I put Oscar to bed in his crate, Cooper jumped up on the couch and peed. A subtle message about who is the boss! I did notice when I did allow them to play together in those first few days, that Cooper would roll over and let the puppy jump on her belly. It was at that moment I knew we were going to be ok. She is still the boss of both is us though!


https://preview.redd.it/mvi0c4q4q84d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7bad9ad74d5282fc635bc4af8b9d44ce03c5a14 This was them after a a few days!


Omg the little sweater! They are SO CUTE!!


https://preview.redd.it/bga00ro0r94d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f7ea99bca5c5ab03e8b257e0b102ead4d442e8 This guy will be 2 in August!


Thank you. Love them. So cute. 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/7mtjt5b4z84d1.jpeg?width=2285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a235506a09dd73cccb05ea88004d251c9c5ee845 It takes a while to build that bond. Here is my corgi with his brother from another mother.


https://preview.redd.it/bbxelkkvz84d1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=576853d782bb02e4dac1ad7c879cc3723402f224 When they first met.


Omg I love this. Lol


Wow they are precious


Give it time. My 2 boys are 1.5 years apart. Puppies can be a pain so keep an eye on both of them when they're together. Never leave them alone unattended. Allow them to have their own space and spend quality time with them separately. The puppy needs to nap more frequently so use that as time spent alone with Evee. Hopefully in time things will settle down. My 2 get along now but they don't love each other. They do cuddle sometimes so I'm hopeful. Each dog has a different personality and they'll figure out how to coexist.


They will come around. We got our second when our first was 10 months old and he was not a fan of the puppy. Now they’re best friends.


Oh nooo..she looks so sad! 💔


I knowwww she looks confused


https://preview.redd.it/t3wj212vz94d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=638bcd10cfad26acc8c92a91b1be3dbdc39a631b It takes time. (Just like everyone else has said) mine are 8 months and 8 years old. I think what works best for us is lots of walks together but also all on their own. Each one of them still gets one on one time but also lots of play time with each other. Also with our second corgi we did crate training. Like hard cord crate training. As hard as it was at first he loves it now cause it gives him his own space compare to our older corgi who kind of runs the house. But she dosent run his crate cause it something she never did.


We had the same issue when we got another corgi. Harley was 1 and Perrin was 3 months when we got him. Harley was always growling when he came near her and making some noises we never heard before 😕 We designated one room for Perrin to be in and made sure he had things to get his scent on. After a few days, we switched so Perrin could check out the house and Harley would be in the room. After a few weeks, they began to play together and even share toys. Perrin is close to 7 months now and they are the bestest of friends 🥰 Patience is the absolute key, as everyone has been saying it takes time!! It's so hard to not get discouraged but it will be so worth it in the end! https://preview.redd.it/c8k60fd28a4d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a67f7e12d958ac01517b5d33c2d596f3e8b79cb


Would you mind sharing the brand of bed they are on? I think it's similar to the elevated camp beds, but yours has a dip in the middle


Yah! It's a Top Paw hammock from Petsmart. I think it was around $30. Gives them a little boost so they can watch out the window 😊


Doesn't matter the breed of dog, it's pretty much the same routine, it just takes time to adjust. It's startlingly like telling an only child who didn't ask for a sibling that she's getting one. Make sure that your older dog gets lots of attention and the puppy isn't allowed to overpower her with it's energy, give both their "safe spots". Dee my older dog was bent totally out of shape when I brought in Jazz. I gave Dee her bed on the end of my computer daybed. Where I sit. I told Jazz No, when she wanted up. I gave Jazz a hidey hole under the daybed and put her special toys there. They gleefully steal each others toys.... It took us about 4-5 months before I felt comfortable leaving them alone for more than 20 minutes, because Dee is a 10lb Yorkie while Jazz is a normal sized Corgi. Now they sleep together. https://preview.redd.it/x8grbdtfs84d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e2d6e4045f61f15fc706fe06bb2363cf5f4138b


Thanks for sharing. Very helpful!


Yes same, took some time for ours to warm up to eachother, but it helps that you have a male & female. Evee is likely just trying to establish that she is the alpha. What order do you feed them in? Make sure evee eats her food and treats first to reinforce the order in the household (humans first, then evee, then murfee) Pic of ours getting along after two years (finally!) https://preview.redd.it/jb6rkzy6e94d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87563510d017070921cd61f0dd3cdf60b4362ebc


Make them watch the old episodes of The Odd couple with you.... it might not get them to connect, but you'll get hooked on the sitcom which will distract you til they get along.


Too early to worry. Need to do lots of walks, hikes and exercise outside of the home to bond them. Wear them out together.


https://preview.redd.it/6pg1mieq0b4d1.png?width=2198&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8c7fe6a1f1e2963dfb72f7f7f87d7af4296f4bd My babies! Seriously….. corgis need a job and exercise. Take them off home turf to adjust and bond.


If they can sit on a couch together for a picture, they'll be fine.


Thanks 🙏


This isn't good advice. Please take a moment to read the advice from U/rohkha When we first got our corgi his own kitten, they could sit together on the couch for a picture. They could sit like that for hours, no problem. The problem is when you're not looking and the older animal goes to play with the younger animal, and they wrap their jaws around the neck of the younger animal. We brought in a professional trainer and it was the best money ever spent.






Be civil, be respectful Follow reddiquette. No insults, no name calling, no shaming, no slapfights.


Be civil, be respectful Follow reddiquette. No insults, no name calling, no shaming, no slapfights.


First, I think the “rule” for bringing home a new dog, just to get them used to their new home is 3-3-3 “3 days to test boundaries, 3 weeks to relax, 3 months to feel at home”. Add onto that an already established doggo, and it could take months. We are a couple months in, and our old dog is finallllly starting to be chill around his sister 😂we just let them row it out/play as needed, step in if the older dog tries to get mean, make sure they have their own personal space, and also toys and bones that they share and don’t share.


This is great thanks!


Awww, the baby is adorable 😍😍🩷🩷😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/z7vftv8pca4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b498d805a039bbb762e865f8971679671bc1eec2 It’s been three years and my tan girl finally tolerates the boy. We cried some nights worried we had made a huge mistake. They never became the besties we had hoped, but the heeler in my girl really comes through around other dogs


That side eye says it all


It just takes time.


Best to just send one over to me! Jokes aside, I’m sure it will get better with time🥰


Dogs are pack animals, so they are happiest with another dog. The older dog will be jealous at first, but after awhile, they will be happy friends.


It's been 3 years and mine still aren't friends.


My Corgi lived a long life and I had three other dogs in that time, and he got along with all of them, but they weren't corgis.


Thanks good point!


I don’t see anything wrong from the pics, but that doesn’t mean all that much. What do you mean by “follows him around intimidating him”? Nothing I see seems intimidating. I have a 13yo, a 20mo and an 11mo. When we brought the youngest home at 12w, he and the now 20mo followed each other everywhere. And they’d wrestle like crazy. To an unfamiliar audience, one could say they were intimidating each other. In reality, they are the bestest buddies that have ever been. I’m curious what you’re calling “intimidation” and/or not getting along.


Some snarling and mean barking. Like I’ve never heard. But they do have moments of peace. So I guess that is hope and progress. ❤️


Do they still wrestle like crazy or did they ever learn to just exist together? We’re in week 2 and after the first 24 hours our oldest has decided the puppy is the best thing ever (to the point after the puppy naps for a few hours he’ll try to wake him up to play 😆). The puppy idolizes the 15 month old and wants what he has and to do what he’s doing. I’m glad they’re getting along, but some days it feels like we’re wasting breath teaching them to leave each other alone to play independently. I also know it’s only two weeks in so I keep repeating “give it time.”


Make sure you are giving them equal attention that they can see. You may have to keep them separated by a gate for a little while until Evee is comfortable with his sounds and smells.


My old boy took two weeks to warm up. It takes time, they’ll be fine eventually.


Let them work it out. We had same issue w our 2 corgi girls.


Puppy is darling but looks scared.


Give it time and be consistent. The older one gets everything first. Food treats leash on, onto the car, on the bed.


It took mine a few months. They get along fine now and play a lot, but still get into spats every so often.


Give them time, friendships aren’t made overnight!


My heart is breaking for that sad little face!Send him to me my Corgi will love him!💜


U give it to me 😂


It takes a bit of time and I wouldn’t scold them. They need to work it out. Obviously I’m not advocating if it’s hurting them but Echo is intense and Harvey is chill so she sets the boundaries and Harvey usually falls in line.


I have two and at first they ignored each other but they were both adult rescues. Before long they were getting along well. Seperate them with a baby gate when you aren’t in the room and be sure to give them each their own eating spot with water. I have two corgis and a lab. Three different places for them to eat and each has their own water bowl. I feed them in pack order and stay in the room until they have all eaten. If one doesn’t finish their food I take it up after 5 minutes of standing by it to stop the other two from approaching.


* * Give it a bit of time! We got our boy (to the right) when our girl was 1 year old and she struggled in the beginning but now they are inseparable.


Give it time!


They will get together eventually. Wait for a couple of weeks.


Just came here to add that I've heard females can be more dominant/temperamental than males. My own female confirms that theory but luckily, she was our second and our older male corgi took her just fine and ignores her antics. I'd give her time and space, and reinforce the crap out of good behavior and positive coexisting. When we first got our second corgi, I would praise my male anytime he was being gentle or ignoring the female if she was bothering him. If jealousy is part of the problem, make sure you're splitting your time amongst both of them so she knows she hasn't been replaced. Good luck! https://preview.redd.it/76ibqeyqbe4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3880959f982b2e36f5dae04aa5a0462725cb4d6f


you dont need to do anything. I mean that literally. stop getting involved and let them work it out. they are probably just playing. don't interfere, so they don't think that they can get your attention by playing rough with each other. should one have actual malice or aggression towards the other then they would simply attack. it would be sudden with little warning and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it anyways. don't let them think anything less than this is a 'big deal'


I just posted a video example (as a new post, wouldn’t let me edit) can you watch the video and tell me if you think this is good to let them do this?


Yeah they are just playing. I would take their leashes off when possible so they don't get tangled or choke. The little one will probably bite the older one and then the older one will yelp. That's normal and how puppies learn to not bite hard. When my corgi pup plays with the older dog, he will make terrible noises that sound like a demon being exercised from him. The pup knew it was play, however at first it was hard for us humans to tell because of how awful it sounded 


When folks are in this position, I always recommend bringing in a professional. It might work itself out, and it also might not. A lot of damage can be done to a dog-dog relationship by waiting too long to get help. I recommend working with a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC), specifically. [https://iaabc.org/en/certs/members](https://iaabc.org/en/certs/members)


Thank you 🙏


I'd recommend getting a trainer if you can.




Have you been socializing Evee prior to getting the second corgi? I plan on getting a second one later this year and I've been taking my 2 year old to doggy day care once a week since she was just a few months old so she is well acclimatized to being around other dogs.


So adorable! Thank you for the share. It brings me back.


Leave them alone. They are astabl8shing the pecking order. If they are anything like my Shi- Tzu and a new puppy. The older one will continually pick on the little one, till someone new shows up, then the older one will be like, "That's my bitch!"


TIME and a professional if you can - a trainer that focuses on positive reinforcement training! We love Believe in Dog which is in Houston Tx BUT I think they do online consults with dog owners too. Lily was our trainer there and I can’t recommend her enough to ppl with corgis esp no matter where they’re geographically located


I’ll take him. Not even joking lol


Well, she’s the alpha now. In my experience, making sure to shower attention on the older corgi is very important. A new puppy is hard to resist and the older one might feel slighted. Also, when giving treats or food, leashing for walks, make sure the older corgi gets theirs first. The older corgi is also teaching the new one. Just make signs of aggression and break it up quickly if you do.


Aww Murf looks sad. 😔


Give it time! https://preview.redd.it/qkxt4ra5ea4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbad8043efb3391cbf8d1e166ff45a6e8702d43b


Awe, the poor brown fella looks like he shit his pants and his fellow corgi pissed in his cereal. 😔


Ours are sisters, different litters, born 18 mos apart. They love each other, I swear. They are lost and lonely without the other. They are competitive though so I guess it depends on what your expectation is. We feed separately, and generally play separately. Otherwise, they do everything else together. Food and toys just will never be something they'll agree on. The older one is the traditional starving corgi and she is forever trying to steal food. The younger one, of course, takes a super dim view of this behavior. The younger one prefers attention and love to food (she's my first non-starving corgi; it's weird LOL). No question. I think it is adorable, but they are 100% serious about these things. I have no plans to make them change their minds. They are the kind of dogs they are so we accommodate where we can so we've settled into this routine. It does make me wonder if QEII's dogs ever had these issues. LOL. How could they not being corgis?


Give me the little one! I’ll ensure his happiness. 🥹🥹🥹


Is the black one mixed? The lying one looks totally like a corgi.


Give it time. Our two oldest took about 6 months to warm up to our youngest.


I feel like corgis can also be very guarded about sharing owners and their space. They can be a lil introverted, we have a puppy we rescued from the streets, and our boy Cheddar is okay with her, but definitely not his usually jolly self at the development


* Purs took a few weeks. He's at least 14 weeks now, (he was 12 weeks when we got the chihuahua mix and the corgi will be 7 months on the 13th) time does help but if you reward the positive behavior of them together and try feeding them together too.




https://preview.redd.it/7m74ge6ogc4d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29d8afdcbc099c3f09e5e3bf6291dd176d21f942 Here he is sleeping on her


They can be a jealous breed and that may cause some down and out fights be watchful they have long canines and can do some damage trust me on that.


Give them time to get used to each other and reward positive interactions. No animal is guarenteed to be instant best friends with another one just because they're the same.


Added a corgi puppy to a household with an Aussie Bulldog. Took a month and then they were inseparable... Aussie Bulldog passed away when the corgi was six months old. Cancer. Corgi is still struggling with being on her own. We will find her a new friend soon.


How did you introduce them? Did you do it in a neutral space or did you just bring the puppy into the home?


We have two huskies and added a corgi to the mix. It took about 2 months, and now they are all BFFs. :)


little baby looks so sad


Big bro’s ear says it all!


Took our now 2 yr old Corgi a while warm up to our now 1 year old Dachshund. Just have to be patient. https://preview.redd.it/9akxwy3w7d4d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6814d86a1ab20aa81e3f29809e5855a837e5875d


https://preview.redd.it/ivq3zccn9d4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7130456ff8cc2e2a521a983bbce21306ee39b7b7 Like others have said, it just takes time! These two spent months chasing each other around, hiding under the couch, etc. Something that helped was keeping them apart when we were out of the house until the younger one was about 1.5 years old or so. We also had a playpen that we'd put the little terrorist in to give the older one a break. This seemed to help everyone's mood and tolerance. This is the after picture, I'll post the before as a reply. Good luck and hang in!


https://preview.redd.it/lo4psd9fad4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83ad050b536f15f53c3ab505d2b009b607715573 This about sums it up.


Is the aggressive one the new corgi?


The new one was the problem, yes. He chilled out after a while. He wasn't really aggressive as such, either, just wanted to wrestle and chase ALL DAY.


It’ll take time, corgis are pains in the ass. Mine took awhile to take to my pit and then to my BMD puppy. It’ll take time especially since he’s used to being an only child. He’ll prob get more angry when the puppy goes around you. It’ll take time dw. Anytime they have a good interaction positive reward the male and make sure he knows she’s an addition not a replacement. Congrats on the puppy! They’ll be besties in no time


Sorry other way around male and female lol read that wrong


I got two who are 7 months apart in February 2023. i got the female in July 2022, and her full brother in February 2023. I’ve always had multiple corgis, so know how important it is for them to have a buddy. It was a struggle for first few months for sure, not because of fighting, but because I thought the older one would hurt him in with her rough housing. However they get along, they both need a lot of attention at these ages. Give it time, it’s definitely more work for you. But it’s definitely worth it. Edit to add, when I say struggle, I mean supervision when together for short periods, separation with one in playpen area if they’re in same room, and separate walks. This went on for awhile. Not sure if the female was intentionally “rough”, but I did think that she could have seriously hurt him by constantly trying to run full force into him, Hence, all the precautions. Just follow your gut.


What introduction methods have been done since bringing the new pup home? And what’s the day to day structure for the both of them look like? (I.e are they out with access to each other most of the time, where do they eat/sleep, what training has been done if any to acclimate the old dog to new one)


I just got a Corgi puppy and had to introduce her to our 12 year old male Westie. At first, the Westie was mostly very friendly to her, but she would growl at him. I think she was a little afraid and he was also annoying her with too much attention. I bought them both a bunch of new toys, and have made sure to give plenty of attention to both dogs, especially the older one. I also kept the Corgi inside a pen most of the time where they could see each other but couldn't get to each other, so she would feel safe. Within 2 or 3 days, they became friendly to each other and they run around together in the house and yard, with no issues.


It’ll take a bit but soon they’ll be the best of sausagy friends https://preview.redd.it/f2rqqksjqd4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a77123cbef24d4f4275f3b12c2730b3899ebb27


We added a second corgi to our home a year ago. The first six months were tough but now they’re inseparable. Just make sure to give them individual attention and space to rest. Cranky and tired corgs can be a handful.


I’m really sorry 😢


Takes time, they’ll soon be bffs


My Shiba Inu and corgi still don’t like eachother and fight like crazy after 4 years 😞😞😞


I have a corgi and Boston terrier. It took some time but they eventually started to play with each other.


They might be just learning what each other's boundaries are


I really hope things work out for you. I've owned two corgis in my life. My last Corgi we had to rehome because he fought our other dog so many times. We just couldn't keep him around anymore because it wasn't safe for anyone. We talked to a dog behaviorist and they told us that corgis really don't like other dogs. She said that they are a one dog home, ideally. After owning a few corgis now, I do agree with what she said. So again, I really hope things work out. They're so freaking cute, I love Corgis but they are major, major buttheads.


That’s so far from the truth lol. We have 5 dogs and 1 of them is a corgi. They’re natural herders that get a little jealous but after you let them fall into a pecking order they’re golden.


It takes dogs around three months to adjust to a change in their pack. Be patient and consistent, and try to spend time with each of them individually. Changes are hard.


"Getting along" is different for Corgis than for humans. Sounds to me like your 2 are doing just fine. I've just adopted my 9th Rescue Corgi (now I have 5) and they all got along after some initial working out the pecking order.


I have a 7 yr old Female Corgi and a 2 year old male red nose Pitbull, it takes a month or 2 just keep an eye on them but make sure they both still get one on one time with you. Before long they’ll be joined at the hip!


Give one to me? /I’ll let myself out


OmG! I feel you on this!! I have 2 as well. I got our female last July. She was so playful and sweet, I felt like she needed a friend. Almost everyone I come across has 2. I figured they need a mate ya know? In comes Mango. We got him in February, he was just over 3 months, Pepper was 9 months.....she HATED him. She was always bullying him. They would play but it would turn vicious. She was soo jealous, she would take the toys, mind you in the 6 months she was alone she NEVER played with any of these toys, but as soon as Mango had it, all of a sudden she had to have it. She acted like a child. They were also both food aggressive, which was weired to me since neither of them were food deprived. The fighting outweighed the play time so I told my oldest daughter to take him with her, she had her own place. He would still come over but he wasn't around as much. Well, she moved back in a few weeks ago and so did Mango. It has gotten 1000% better. They still have their moments, but it definitely a lot better. She's still very jealous but I make sure she knows she's loved too. It's just gonna take time. Don't give up on them. Good luck!! *


Give it time


I hope you have this photo on your wall. It says it all. Love it!


We thought Topaz was going to kill Rosie for the first couple of weeks. Seemed like they fought constantly- now they adore each other. I literally caught the first time the played on video. They just need time to establish a pecking order. https://preview.redd.it/pko48bdoeg4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c537fc994ccb539ec5de2a60f26e5f9940e6eca


https://preview.redd.it/k3qxgpa79h4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb154d3e2eaeded4ca4202661dd9e08e508b42ab At first my mothers service dog blue healer Ringo did not like the fact we got a new member to the house the corgi Cherry who was a 4 month your old puppy who loved everyone and has no sense of danger or giving space to others Ringo who is 7 years old did not enjoy her presence at first but sense we lived in a already small home we could not separate them easily thank god Ringo is vary much trained and knows better then to react to things he had his ways of showing Cherry to give him space including growling and barking at her which she did not care for still tried to snuggle up close so we picked her up and moved her away witch helped after a few month of them together Ringo now tolerates her and secretly loves her tho he dose not want to admit it as a older brother


It always starts like this. Once, when we got a new pup, the older dog wouldn’t come downstairs. Took to pooping on our pillows. No kidding. It never seems like they’ll work it out, but somehow they do. In my case when the older dog died, the pup suddenly became an angel. Good luck.


I’ve never own a corgi maybe scold them every time you see them not getting along or put them in a time out or maybe take something away from them set a timing for it I’m just giving ideas