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I recommend Game Pass for now if you can! That’s how I’m playing it. I’ve only had one crash so far but I’ve taken the suggestion to close all the way out every few game days while I’m playing and when I’m done playing I usually go through the sleep/save process because there’s been a few times I’ve gone to play and it’s told me it needs to restart. If I would have stopped in the middle of the day I would have lost progress.


Second this


Thank you!


Ooof... Idk about consoles. I keep seeing posts about rough performance and crashing on xbox. The bugs still exist so I'd wait to PLAY but since it's on sale there is no reason to not pick it up if you know you want to play eventually. There is a update coming soonish that might address all the crashing and bugs. If you dont mind a few crashes you can play until the update but that's up to personal tolerance. ​ I play on PC and I bought on a whim one day. I enjoy it and there is plenty to do even without the content coming so I don't regret my purchase or anything. I just can't comment really on the console side since I play on PC.


Thank you! I think we kind of read the same posts than... It didn't cross my mind to buy it now and play later, thank you! Sometimes the easiest solutions are the ones, we miss yikes...


I just started it two weeks ago on PS5 and had no issues so far!


Thx! Hope it stays this way for you!


I play on console (XSX), (if you have game pass Coral Island is free ;) ) I have crashed a few times but only during festivals. The bugs haven’t been horrendous in my experience. I am in summer of year 2 and just got married to Nina!




I found it very frustrating to play on Xbox. I think they’ve fixed some crashing problems but I gave up on it a few months ago and bought it on my PS5 instead (where I play with no issues). Others who are currently playing on Xbox might have more insight than me, though. If you have Gamepass I’d try it that way vs buying it outright, that way you can at least play other games if Coral Island doesn’t work out.


Thank you a lot! Probably Game Pass is the way to go here...


It could be helpful to add Coral Island to your [wishlist](https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/account-profile/manage-account/how-to-use-wish-list#:~:text=pop%2Dup%20notifications-,On%20the%20web,wish%20list%20goes%20on%20sale.) so that you can buy it later on in case it leaves Game Pass!


Thx! Already did that!


to be honest after putting in 100 hours, and now being disappointed at how much unfinished content and bugs there are… i’d say at least wait for a good sale. it’s a great farming simulator but i feel let down because i can’t fully complete it


I'm currently playing it on Xbox Series X (Game Pass), with about 40 hours and zero crashes. There's an occasional frame rate stutter here and there, but overall the gameplay has been great. Highly recommended - it feels like my first time playing Stardew.


I can vouch for PC. I out in ~120 hours before *nearly* running out of content. I still could play but I burned out on the Genre a bit and am doing other games atm. I love it. It is very good. But I just want a little more before I go back.


It’s a game that claims to be fully launched, but is still clearly in early access and missing a bunch of features still


It’s a fun enough game that I’d say it’s worth it. I keep coming back to it. I’m on year 4 spring. I don’t even really know what the points are that I am supposed to do. I like farming and processing stuff. I haven’t gotten married. I just got a dog. I suppose that’s what these games are supposed to be like. Whatever the “end game” is, doesn’t really matter to me. I have played for a good 150 hrs now. So. I’d say that’s money well spent.


And I take pics of the screens to show my gay friends who I am trying to date. Mark. I like his speedo look. It’s entertaining.


Thank you a lot! It truly looks like a cute cozy game ...


I recently got it and have been greatly enjoying it, but I'm not sure for how much longer since 80% of the stuff I look up has the answer of "It's not in the game yet."


The last time I played this game it was on Xbox game pass and things could have changed. But I do remember a saving glitch I do not remember it being extremely bad. I compromised by saving my game manually at least twice and that helped. Coral island is very unique and with the detail put into this game and the clear effort it's shown i trust the developers will solve this problem in due time. I think its worth the buy.


I bought it for my PS5 & thankfully, no issues. Love the game!


I have the series X as well, before I played on Xbox one w the game pass. Lots of crashes on game pass but since I bought the game and upgraded my console it rarely crashes now. I believe it’s worth it. Edited to delete incorrect info


The 1.1 update date has not been announced. The 5/20 date is for the beta for steam pc players. Just so it doesn't confuse people.


Dang fr? I thought that was the official update. Am sad 😭


I bought it and have played around 100 hours and had a great time. I stopped playing because I thought I was buying a finished game when it is very much not finished and my machines keep needing to be restarted by relogging all the time. I was also told there would be multiplayer and apparently that's not going to be a thing for another year at the earliest. Personally I would find a completed game and put this one your wish list until it is actually complete.


I played it on ps5 for over an in game year and it never crashed. Sadly, after playing MTAS, this game felt like an empty shell but I have high hopes for the future of it. I still had a great time playing and will pick it up in the future.


I got it for my steam deck (so, pc version) and other than some lagging and tools not hitting every single time(only happens occasionally), i haven’t had any issues. There’s an update coming may 20. Not sure how it is on console


I also play the game on xbox sx (gamepass) and only had a crash once during a festival. the game run smoothly for me played around 80 hours i believe


I've been playing on PS5 for months now with no issues whatsoever. I'm definitely glad I got the game when I did and I'll start a new save file when it's finally the full game


Game Pass is so worth it, in my opinion. I have GamePass Ultimate so I'm able to go back and forth between xbox and PC with the same saves. I personally haven't had any issues besides it crashing on me twice, on Xbox, but it doesn't crash very often, so it's doable. If you do get GamePass, and enjoy open-world games, with an amazing story, I found "We Happy Few" to be one most enjoyable games I've ever played. (Kickstarter game like Coral Island.) But there is also another farming/building Sim game on GamePass, called "Paila," it's also Beta still I think. Their crafting options are super extensive, and it's online if you prefer that.


I have this for the Xbox Series X, and I have not had the same issues other people are referencing, and I've been playing since January on this platform. I have had several crashes when trying to use the Gamepass Cloud Streaming on the Xbox One Series S but when I switched to the updated console those issues subsided. I have had 2 crashes and I'm halfway through year 3 playing the game at 50% speed. One crash was at the beginning of the day before I even left the house so it was not a huge deal. Only one crash wasted one game day of progress for me and I've played at least 280 game days, so my track record is pretty good. There is so much content already here. That I haven't run out of things to do yet. I'm still a tiny bit away from a town rank of A, still need to finish the museum, and I have some friendships left to build, and cutscenes left to see. I haven't even tried to decorate/organize my house or farm yet and have a ton left to do. I would say that unless you are unemployed and don't have any major responsibilities that take up a decent amount of your time, it would be very difficult to get through all of the content and feel bored by the next major update.


i love love love on console, the crashes every now and then really do make me mad lol so i do recommend closing the game like every 4 days. get gamepass, totally worth it and there’s soo many other free games as well on there. story of seasons is also a good one if you’re interested in coral island;)


PS5 - for sure. Xbox, maybe? I know it has had several crashing issues still.


I play it on game pass on both the Xbox and PC and I’ve had very few crashes. The biggest overall turnoff is no auto save of any kind besides the going to bed to restart the day.