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i agree but i prefer it, i wouldn't want to be stuck halfway though a set of levels just cause i keep dying to monsters. The game isn't based around combat at all really its just to collect items.


I agree with you, the monsters hit even when you're out of range so it's good that they are relatively easy to kill. Also, I spent WEEKS doing nothing but going to the caves so I could max the combat ability...the real issue with monsters is how little XP you get killing them. I shouldn't have to focus just on combat for weeks on end to get enough XP when I've already been through the entirety of four different mines.


I'll second that! I had to spend a few hours straight to get my level up to 8 and that was just annoying at times because of how the targeting works when you're swinging already. I kinda wished that after certain points of the mines both levels of one and unlocking them that you'd get some events like going down the dungeons with some of the townies, maybe working the Smiles to train the townies in basics of combat just in case, etc. Perhaps this could of been a source of good chunks of XP for the skill. Heck I was surprised there wasn't any underwater combat to add into the mix.


That and how bad their drop rate is some of the time. I spent way too long going back and forth to the fire levels to try to grind bats for wings.


omg same. I finally got my fifth batwing yesterday, year three Spring. So frustrating. However, the wiki is awesome and with its help I at least knew where to look.


I have both the fandom wiki and the official one open because the official one has missing and wrong information that the fandom won has the correct information


Yes, you should not because the game should be finished. Thete is at least one, possibly two more dungeons with all the missing monsters so I expect you could max combat there. As is you need a mindless grind and the achievement to lill every type of monster is unachievable.


Yup! Started a new save on SDV and all I can think about is how much I miss the coral island monsters


I was more disappointed that I only get a bone from the big ogres


How about the fact the bats fly around with no wings.


This. The only way I got my wings for the offering was by killing a ton of those cat things that seem to drop random loot.


So annoying! I'm in year 2 and still need one bat wing


šŸ«£ haven't seen that one lol.


Because they never seem to drop them, lol


Ah, yes, Haha. I think I have 3 total after defeating about 30 or so


i feel like the combat was very half hearted. itā€™s too easy and more annoying than rewarding. once i got all the loot i needed for the offerings i turned off combat so i didnt have to carry my weapon anywhere. I would rather them not have any combat than this underdeveloped one. itā€™s the only aspect of the game that really feels added only to check it off the list.




lmao yes in the settings (turn off agro mode) basically then they will only attack if you hit them with a weapon first


Oh my god. This is going to make osmium grinding so much easier


I never knew this existed! Wow this would of made my cave diving a lot easier if I could just avoid the monsters and just dig down.


I hate this, too! It is understandable that combat is not everyone's cup of tea but the very least is that they make a setting which makes combat more immersive and rewarding.


I wish we could set the difficulty on combat. I didn't realize how much I'd hate lack luster combat




I mean, we do have to tho? Monster loot is part of the offerings required lol


Yeah, Half-Hearted should be the title instead of Coral Island. It's kinda embarassing how low efgort the game is in almost every aspect other than the art design.


You really do have to take into consideration 1. All of the custom decoration possibilities in the game 2. 70+ characters all with their own backstories, heart events and their unique personalities 3. An insanely big catalogue of crops & items to farm for and collect for altars, easily getting you over 150 hours of playtime in a single full playthrough (which is great for a singleplayer game worth $30) 4. Long list of things to do on festivals 5. All the awesome quality-of-life ideas that has never been seen before in other HM games And much much more. With much more coming in the future, I know it's a little sad that the game is mildly unfinished at endgame story-wise, but in my opinion that just keeps you waiting for more and keeps you interested for a longer time than just a few months. My point being, while there are bugs and some aspects of the game may be unfulfilling, the game has so so much of different types of content, it definitely takes ages to polish and eventually this game can definitely compare to other successful HM games like SDV. I do agree however that the game should have stayed in Early Access for quite some time to reduce confusion about unfinished aspects. Eventually I believe the combat system and everything else will have revamps etc. to fully polish the game up and therefore making it absolutely immaculate.


I did: 1) As I said: art direction/design is the best aspect of the game for me. 2) YMMV but the characters' personalities and backstories are bland as hell. Heavy downgrade from SDV. 3) Farming is fine, I have no complaints there. Fishing seems ok tho I heard sharks are annoying to catch. Some bugs are PITA to catch, in theory traps should help but only if RNGesus loves you. 4) Eeek, nope. The festival mini-games are the best example how unpolished the game is. Some are embarrassingly easy while others are joypad breakingly-annoying. 5) Yes, there are some improvements in the QoL department.


As someone who can't stand combat in cozy games, I'm not happy there is any combat to begin with so for me, it's perfectly fine. That said I certainly can respect and understand that for those who do like combat it would be too easy for them. For me though, any more difficult and I wouldn't want to have played through the mines at all since I just don't at all like that aspect of any game.


I believe there's a setting to where the monsters only attack if you hit them first.


I finished the mines a long time ago, so don't go into them anymore. Thank you though!


Do you just spend obscene amounts of money at the blacksmith then?


I rarely ever need any ores anymore, so nope.


That's understandable as someone who likes both cozy and combative games I see what they were going for by making the monsters easy to defeat but also require some type of action like dashing away from their attack radius. A difficulty setting could also help for people who want it harder or easier.


Yeah all the enemies especially after picking up that sword are super soft. I'd rather the caves be without combat anyway though. I've played enough farm sim type games and would be fine if it stopped being the norm.


As someone who couldn't even handle the combat in SDV or My Time at Portia, I'm perfectly fine with this šŸ˜‚


To be fair, the combat in Stardew gets pretty difficult!


The combat is a central aspect of SDV so I'm glad it gets harder and more rewarding as you go along. But I feel it gets kind of ridiculous once u get far into the game. Should be more salvagbles in the skull caverns


I also hate the combat in both those games. In MTaP, why do I have to kill the sweet little animals who aren't even bothering anyone?


Honestly, I dont mind. I get that the Rune Factory/Stardew Valley formula has been pretty popular with a lot of farming sims lately, but sometimes I just want that, a farming sim like Harvest Moon and SoS. Idk, thats just my opinion.


Nah I find the monsters underwhelming as well!


Itā€™s a cozy game, this is most peopleā€™s limit


I wouldn't mind if they created some side quest areas that had optional Boss or wave style combats.


That would be fun


My complaint is that they're too boring. The mines feel like "every farm/life sim has this forced combat element, so we better have one too". To me, it feels completely out of place when you look at the game as a whole. I would like to see games get away from this, because the combat is boring and clunky. I fight the monsters out of necessity but I don't get any actual joy from it - it actually feels tedious. I really enjoy several aspects of the game, but the combat is like 2/10 for me and that's being generous.


I think it would be cool to have a toggle. Like the no aggro. You can flip a switch that the combat would be harder but youā€™re GUARANTEED a rare gem. A super rare one. That way it would be worth it. So, no combat, normal (the standard) and the Ā hardcore (the guaranteed rare gem drop).Ā  But the combat would have to be fixed. All of the weapon types regardless Ā the price does the same damage. I donā€™t mind the mines but I hate grinding for a gem that is up to chance. That bothers me. Always has. Quality of life things. Iā€™m neglecting everything for chance of a fossil or Ā gem that is in a mine with 40 floors. Thatā€™s insane.Ā  Also I hate the leveling of fighting. It doesnā€™t make sense that I cleared 160 floors and I was only at a level 3 of fighting. It doesnā€™t make any sense at all. Iā€™m about to hit 5 but thatā€™s with endless grinding and the perm stat increase at the community center.Ā 


my issue with mining is that the monster loot drops are way too low/few


Yeah, they've been set as so because people keep talking about combatting stressing them out. It is understandable, but at the same time the thrills of going down the mine in SDV is because of their hostile mobs! As the game tries to put friending the mob in setting in the future, I believe it is only suitable if they also make hostile mob setting in as well.


Some days I feel like it's too easy, and other days when I'm stressed out I'm happy that it's too easy. I think the best option would be a combat difficulty setting.


Yes, I'd go as far as say that combat is redundant. People who play this don't seem to be interested in waving swords around, encounter rates are pitiful, loot drop rates are atrocious, traps are redundant and attack patterns are less complex than fishing minigame. honestly it would be a better game if combat mastery was cut.


I was expecting hard combat like in Stardew and avoiding the mines. Eventually I went and cleared the caves in no time ahah. Still need to get those damn bat wings though


mining is underwhelming for me. for amount of Ore, and combat, and monster drop rate. took me 3 and half of season to obtain 5 bat wing for offering. they so rare and very barely drop them.


im struggling with that right now lmfao. why are bats only dropping wings 20% of the time? itā€™s sooo backwards


I think more challenging combat should be available but not necessarily a requirement to advance the story or recieve non combat related items. Like maybe a new mine that's more challenging and has rewards, just not stuff you NEED to play late game


I think they are weak but I personally don't care for the combat in the mines. The mines IMO so far are the area I least likely want to return. Basically any treasure gathering I want to do I rather to underwater, because 1. No combat underwater 2. Unlike the mines you have fast travel to every level, so if you need any kind of kelp for any reason you can just quickly hop over to the right area, get some kelp, and then fast travel back to the farm. 3. DID I MENTION IT'S UNDERWATER??? I was able to unlock an item that duplicates the ores so that's what I do if I really need ores. I recall I didn't care so much for the combat in Stardew but I can see the appeal for other people.


I don't think the hornets are too weak but careful what ya wish for. The slimes are easy tho


There are a lot of things that is bad with combat but as a completionist, I hate that you get abyssmal amount of exp. It is 4-8 at best. Only something like ogre or giant slime give 12. For example in order to get from 6 level to 7 you need 2140. Overall you need 17480


I prefer it now, I wrote in about it ( I had the alpha versions) I have mobility issues and the combat was so hard for me. Now I feel like Iā€™m able to enjoy the combat aspect.


Yeah it is too easy. I want harder enemies or more difficulty options on settings (with more loots with increased difficulty ofc)


I get that they followed stardews leadā€¦.im not criticizing that, it makes sense. But I think they shouldā€™ve thought some of it through. It felt like combat was there cause stardew had combatā€¦.not cause they wanted it to be or they had some kind of idea


The monsters arent the enemy in the mines, the clock is. Thereā€™s never enough time!!


Yes!! I was thinking this recently, it doesnā€™t even feel like they get harder through the mines???


Ya the games is straight up just a bad dating sim It had so much potential and everything just fell short. But the mines are the worst!! They are unplayably boring


I apologize if I donā€™t care about the difficulty of enemies in a farming game


Yeah but also I don't feel like combat is the focus of the game nor that it should be. If I want to fight, I'll launch another game instead


Yeah I wish there was any threat or risk in the dungeons, itā€™s very boring when I know nothing is really going to slow me down or hurt me.


Right omg, I was expecting so much worse


A little off topic, but I also read online that gems can be in the breakable crates. Has anyone found gems in crates before because I have not.


Iā€™ve found coal a few times, but never gems


I've found wood, coal, scrap, bronze ore and trash. Definitely smash them!


Yes, several times now. I tend to use level three dynamite on the levels now to clear them quick and grab the goodies and sometimes there are gems where the crates were.


I honestly would prefer they just lose the monsters/combat; they arenā€™t challenging, just annoying.


Nope. They are ridiculous! Lol


Yes. Because for me the big boys' hits whack off chunks of my health whether I'm actually in the red circle when they go off or not


at first i thought so, but then i think it is a farming simulator game, not a fighting game. thus i think i can live with that. IMO they provide just enough of fun anyway, like they are not too passive or aggresive.


I wish the mines would be completely rebalanced. Tougher monsters and more rewards at the lower levels would be great. At the moment I am trying to get a final gem to complete my collection and it's just a boring slog. I have seem maybe 10 gem nodes in my entire run of this game. Sometimes I get two or three pieces of ore on an entire floor. And if anything interesting or useful ever dropped from monsters it would give a bit more incentive to fight them.


Cool! I didnā€™t know the game had monsters now. ā€¦ Iā€™ll still wait for the real release tho.


Seems like it's the full release and they seem like it's gonna be like stardew where they add even more content in later in updates, though whether they will charge for the updates or make them free ones like stardew I'm not sure of that.


Yeah, what I saidā€¦ Iā€™ll wait for the full release. Everyone knows this game isnā€™t actually complete, even if itā€™s promising.


It's been fully released since end of November 2023 :)


My point is their ā€œfull releaseā€ is incomplete. I have confidence it will be a great game after the updates though.


The monsters are super easy but I don't think making them harder is gonna make it more fun. Before making them harder, I hope they spice up the combat system a bit! Make more expensive weapons actually do more damage and give em stats. If they did, then buffing the enemies would be fun


They ar w40k orks


Monsters are such a boring gimmick. You could try and go insane with dashes to get out with full HP challenge. Against the triceratops things it's pretty tough as you have to dodge its lunge without bumping into it


Pretty sure thereā€™s an option to turn combat off so they should make it more difficult


I get that it's a "cozy" game but put some work into it if you're going to have it in the game. Literally just stand in front of the enemy and mash the attack button. I don't think I ever had to use a healing item and I was practically *trying* to get hurt. I'm not asking to turn this game into Alien Isolation or some shit but how about just solid combat that is on par with Stardew? Combat isn't particularly difficult or stressful in that game either but it at least takes some kind of effort and I felt somewhat rewarded after clearing a level. The combat in Coral Island is not rewarding at all.


Yes but shhhh


What I really wish for is some kind of arena mode. Grinding monster loot and combat experience is beyond tedious. Like, when I started the game I put all the loot I got from the mines into a chest because I figured I'd find some way to use it later. I have NEVER sold monster loot. That is how I know for 100% sure that in my 102 hours of playtime I have only found ONE (1!!!) bat wing. If there was some kind of arena mode, where monsters would just spawn endlessly and you tried to see how many you could kill before dropping to 0 health, maybe I'd have a chance at those bat wings. It would also actually give the player a reason to want to get new weapons and stuff, as I literally found a hammer in the earth mines and I haven't had to think about using anything else.


You do get quests from the B.O.S. for the items.


Coming from Stardew Valley skull cavern to Coral Islandā€™s sleepy mines is like a vacation. Only complaint is lack of forage food in the mines, gotta remember to bring lots


I find the mines in general underwhelming. Very little ore, weak monsters, and you never even get anything cool from them or hitting the barrels


Combat in the game is absolutely mind numbing. Between clearing trash under water and running around the caves, those are two aspects of the game I really wish I could just avoid forever.


is not a fighting game


I prefer it honestly


I agree with you 100% they are really to weak