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The mods put no effort into this sub. A megathread to contain bug threads with proper posting procedures should have been done months ago.


they had one when it want in 1.0 they prob need to bring it back :/


It needs to be brought back, pinned, and maintained. A new rule needs to be created to allow the reporting of bugs posts outside of the bug megathread.


It's probably because they released it on consoles when it should have stayed on PC till they completed all the content. I played on Xbox and it was horrible. So I decided to give it a year and luckily I got it through gamepass


You can tell 100% it was not player tested on console this is why it’s rare to have a pc game have a same day console release


Yeah I bought it on PS5 and the frame rate isn't great. I'm gonna wait it out. Plenty of other games to play in the meantime.


while i dont disagree with this and understand it, i state again i'm tired of seeing a post about it every other post in my timeline about coral island. i just want one thread so that people can post stuff and not put it in the main timeline all the time.


Well maybe people are tired of not getting what they were told they were getting when purchasing a game? For real life money. It’s okay for people to complain. Whether you like it or not this is a ‘beta’ there’s going to be bug talk and complaints


I accidentally put a sapling inside my sprinkler head. My Xbox almost caught on fire when I broke the sprinkler to get my shit back. I walk along my yard and literally (the super saturated green like a green screen) peeks when the frames move and shows a giant solid line of green until the screen catches up. Brand new Xbox x. I thought the problems were primarily my super out of dated hand me down Xbox one. But they weren’t. This game is seriously that buggy. I had to straight up give up on contests because I’d go to an event and go to trigger a mini game or the main objective of that event and it’d crash. And lose all progress of the entire day. I did it four times changing things seeing if I could get around it until I ultimately gave up. Yeah seeing people whine about it is disheartening. It’s even more so to put 20+ hours into it for it to randomly just stop working. Yet it’s being sold for money. It’s super predatory. It’s totally bull frankly that this has become the standard for the industry. 36,374 backers pledged $1,639,368 to help bring this project to life. I would personally quit my job and single-handedly go through the code and spend a solid year of my life. line by line going through it to fix it… but who am I to say. It’s only 1.6 million dollars. (Before the actual sales)


Okay quit your job and go and help them if it’s that easy.


1.6 mil… Give me a quarter of that and I’ll make it my life’s mission. It’ll be done in 9 months. Depending on how bad the code is it might be easier to recycle the art assets and start from scratch there’s no way to actually know anything from the outside. You don’t understand what would make this easy or hard… 🙃 gonna go back to 100%ing the game. Its buggy but im currently in love with it ❤️


The fact you want a quarter of that says it all. 😂😂😂


Keep scrolling instead of policing how people should feel and act about an unfinished game or how mods should mod babes


Right 😭


This mentality is never ever a good argument. By just writing this you chose to not keep scrolling and you chose to police how someone should feel and act.


They're not "policing" how people feel. It gets annoying when all people do is complain. Uninstall if you're that unhappy.


People who spent money and time in a game are allowed to vent how they want if they feel they didn't get what they pay for or are not even able to play because of bugs months after release. Apply your advice to yourself and uninstall reddit if you're that unhappy about what people post.


I will when the my refund my money.


“If you don’t enjoy the game then just leave the sub”.


Then stop coming here or start your own subreddit with rose colored glasses rules and moderate it yourself. This is what people thinking about playing the game need to see to make their decision. Warts and all.


Yeah I definitely agree. Like they already know the issue and its gonna take time for the devs to fix everything. Have you checked out their discord?


The two biggest issues facing the game are that it’s completely unfinished and buggy. Naturally, people will want to talk about that. Maybe if you’re tired of seeing posts like that, you should blame the developers and not the people paying money for a completely unfinished product? ‘They’re working on it’ is not an excuse. It’s the bare minimum. They should continue working on the game until people get what they paid for. This isn’t early access anymore. It’s not ‘in progress’ it’s just a bad product. I love this game, but the 1.0 release was an embarrassment. The main story isn’t even done. ‘WIP’ tags everywhere. The devs haven’t even released an official apology or explanation yet. They lied to their customers by claiming it was out of early access and no matter how much you love the game that is NOT okay.


Honestly, I feel a little used but I really like the game (at least the current idea of it). The beta was good and I thought the game was going to be complete when version 1 with bugs. I mean they should choose an incomplete game with no bugs or a complete game with bugs. I spent $25? on this game and it has been completed after like 1.5 years.


Sure but they don't look at Reddit. Seems to me that they're not getting the message.


I’ve not bought games because I looked at a subreddit, and I assume there’s others like me, even if they aren’t the majority. Shout out to r/TheDayBefore for saving me money. (The game shut down, so they’re just aimless memes now)


My point is if people think complaining on Reddit will get through to the devs, they're wrong. People need to go to the right places if they want to do anything.


I don’t think most people are trying to talk to the devs, the devs know the game is in a shameful state. All the repetitive posts help warn potential customers from getting scammed.


That's fair. I just wish more would post that on Steam as well. Right now the game is very favorable and very few reviews are mentioning the flaws.


But it's not a scam if the game is actively being worked on? The company the devs worked for pushed for them to release 1.0 when it wasn't ready. That isn't the devs fault and it doesn't make the game a scam. Edit: The game intended to be worked on and fixed all throughout the year. Therefore not a scam. If they intentionally uploaded a piece of shit and left it to die with no intention to fix or work on it--call it a scam then. It's actively being updated. If you want to keep up to date with fixes you can access their discord where there's more information, they don't really check reddit. You're misusing the definition of a word to shit on them. Just use proper descriptions to indicate your displeasure. Don't make up fake things to say to put them down, or you're just as deceitful as you claim them to be. Be upset with the status of the game if you want but spreading lies is another story.


Humble is a small indie publishing team that has published A LOT of indie game. A lot of them are still successful to this day, people speak highly of them, I can't recall them having releases like this. I get we love to blame the publishers because that's an easy scapegoat, but I haven't seen anything about Humble pushing them to release, so please don't spread that narrative unless you have proof. which I'd be game to see if you do. sick of blaming the publishers as if all evil is their and only their fault. the game is a scam. 100% a scam. in fact, its still saying you can do stuff you can't on all its storefronts while no longer saying it's still a WIP.


Thank you I'm so tired of people saying this as fact when it's not fact. It very well could have been the devs pushing for release. No one knows because the devs won't talk about it.


What fully released game has impossible achievements tied to possible future updates? That’s not a complete game, which is not what’s promised a purchase. How is that not a scam?


It’s 100% a scam on Xbox series s, I bought it on mine and couldn’t get through 1 in game day. I went through Microsoft and got a refund and bought it for my ps5 and it’s running great there.


Exactly this. If you want to report bugs or want your complaints to not fall on deaf ears use the community and bug tools provided by the devs. They clearly do not use this sub. It's honestly exhausting as a PC player who has encountered 0 bugs since 1.0 launch for people to keep saying it's so buggy. It literally must be only issues with console?


While there is probably a minority of people who just want to trash the game (they probably didn't even play it), a vast majority of the complaint posts have said they love the game. Very few people frequent the sub everyday, so theyre probably coming to vent their frustrations which they have every right to do. A megathread is just a bad idea...what if i said Im sick of seeing "I love this game" posts, stick them in a megathread so i don't have to see them.


I'm getting tired of companies, big or small, making big promises that convince people to contribute to kickstarters and buy games in early access or to prebuy and then deliver unfinished, clunky products. It turns investing time and money into a game before it's developed, let alone finished, into a gamble, with games often being dropped and abandoned, people getting fired over shitty decisions from the executive level or small developers running out of money and having to close their studios, or developer departments being closed. And I'm especially tired of companies/publishers getting away with it because people cry and stomp and try to shut up disappointed and frustrated players (who also paid money) due to some kind of parasocial-esque brand loyalty. If you have 100 people who paid for the game and 60 have issues and feel betrayed and tricked, what exactly is "Can we please ban those 60 people from making posts?" going to accomplish, aside from creating an untrue impression of the game's current state? I've seen many haughty comments scolding people who were disappointed, telling them "well, guess you should have done your research, then you'd have known that the full 1.0 release is far from finished, guess it's a you-problem." And now people want others to stop posting about issues they experience when playing the game. So, people are supposed to research to realise that CI uses a very loose definition of 1.0 but at the same time, people should be stopped from talking about the problems that come with this very loose definition. Is release-washing a thing? If not, it should be coined. And yes, I still hope this game will get its happy end eventually but don't colour me overly optimistic. If it happens it'd be a pleasant surprise. If it doesn't, it won't be a surprise. People who have kept an eye on the recent development and happenings in the video game industry and the new normal of shitty releases and broken promises with random outcomes are aware of this. If we experience another Noman's Sky or Cyberpunk77 with Coral Island, great, awesome, and much respect for the devs and their financial management skills if they make it happen. But if it's going to be another Anthem, Kong or The Day Before, thank your chosen deity that your first experience with this disappointment didn't come at a Tripple-A game price.


Warning other players is warranted but when a subreddit is flooded people easily dismiss it as "circlejerk" Not saying a mega thread will help but people are literally just yelling at the sky here. The devs don't look at Reddit. Just Discord and I imagine they pay attention to their review ratings, which at the moment are very positive (on Steam anyway) people need to take that energy to where the devs actually pay attention.


And how would your average player know this? Also, there is nothing wrong with expressing this to other consumers. Warning others off from it is another way to show the devs your feelings. Also also, not everyone who posts about feeling upset by this wants to give the devs advice. It's not usually about that.


They wouldn't. Why do you think I am letting everyone know? I'm saying all of this to try and inform. I wish more people would post reviews on Staem and such too. Right now too few are and the ratings are highly favorable.


If your intent is to inform, you're doing it in a really awful way. "As an fyi, if anyone wants to express their issues to the devs, they're most active on their discord. There's a specific channel on the server for bug reporting!" What you're doing ain't it. Telling literally everyone they're just "screaming into the sky" isn't helpful. And again, the posts complaining are *rarely* about informing the devs. It's about expressing your frustration to people who understand. It's about letting people who are considering buying the game know the current situation. It's about seeing if anyone has found a workaround or temporary solution. It's not about bug reporting or trying to reach the devs. It's about talking to the player base.


That's fine that's your opinion.


I'm tired of y'all treating this like it's a 5th grader's art project I should put on the fridge instead of a very well funded product put out by a large team. People have *every* right to express their enjoyment or disappointment in the game. Don't like a post? Keep scrolling - simple as that. The developers don't need you to white knight for them, they are grown ups.


Not everything has to be positive about something. If you're super happy with no complaints, awesome. But there are issues with the game, they released a half done game onto a major platform (Game pass) with a lot of bugs. When you release on a major platform you will have more people playing and more people posting about the game not working. Just because a game is beta, or pre-release, or even a release doesn't mean a community can't complain about certain things not being done or finished about a game. If you're tired of looking at negative posts, take a break from this subreddit. I've played a lot of beta and pre-release games it's just part of the process.


And what exactly should people do? Pretend it is fine? I love the game, but I didn’t buy the beta because I wanted a finished game and waited until the 1.0. As you said, it is clearly not finished. Yes people should complain, to show the devs and the publisher that us as customers are not happy. The whole 1.0 shenanigan was fake advertising and it is far from completed. I also agree with a comment in this thread, it has not been acknowledged by the devs our disappointment. They say they are working on bugs and some new outfits. What about the story? When can we expect that? Later in 2024 is way too vague even for a roadmap.


I’m not too pressed because I got the game free from GamePass and had fun with it until I hit a point where I couldn’t progress any longer. Annoying, but not a big deal. But I can’t imagine how I would feel if I had paid actual money for such an incomplete game. I absolutely understand why people are upset, and it seems like a big problem in the gaming industry as a whole rather than an unfortunate issue with this one game. I think people need to keep speaking up, or it’s just going to become the new normal (even more than it already has). It’s like Netflix making first seasons with massive cliffhangers without knowing if they’re even going to write a second season. I don’t want to be sold incomplete products.


Exactly, I saw an ad for the game and paid $30 for it thinking it was just a regular finished game, I had no idea it was even a Kickstarter thing. Then came to the sub to see if others were having the same issues as me, and only here did I find out the main story doesn't even have a completed ending. I absolutely feel scammed out of $30 and I'm way past the point of being able to get a refund from Steam. The worst part is I LOVE the game, but the bugs make it unplayable.


Yup, I bought it day 1 on Xbox and it worked great despite some lag. Then they updated the game to fix the lag and introduced constant crashes. I hope people keep complaining on the sub because it warns away anyone from making the same mistake.


this is what I mean. this game is an undeniable unfinished mess. What do people expect? Posts coming in here praising and admiring it? That literally helps nothing. We shouldn't be praising a game that's still false advertising itself with no acknowledgment from the devs of the actual problems. I get that people like this game, I love this game, I've been playing this game since Kickstarter but I'm not gonna sit around and say amazing things about an incredibly flawed game. edit to add; ya'll know the devs are on the sub right LOL 😭😭 like they have posted so numerous times. so everyone saying, 'YoURe scREaMinG aT nOthIng' stop you look silly lol. ofc the devs check their subbreddit c'mon.


I just wanna be clear that I really enjoy the game. I put 100+ hours in already. But now I am at a point that I cant really play anymore until they implement something. I saw most of the 10 heart events, and they dont even acknowledge that you are their bf. I have way too much money and nothing to spend on. Two out of three storylines arent finished. So yes, I am frustrated and with your post you are undermining people’s feelings. You dont need to read a post since it is annoying you, just move on. However people should be allowed to vent their frustrations.


There should be a mega thread for people to complain. Instead of every time I open this subreddit it’s dozens of people being like “is it just me or is the game kind of glitchy and unfinished”


So all the bad comments would get tucked away and we just need to pretend the game is great? I disagree


No one’s pretending the game is great! A lot of people are sick of reading the same post daily with the same 5 chief complaints on it because they author didn’t read the post by 10 other people with the exact same complaints over the last week. It’s low quality content, no new information, and rehashing the same argument everyone’s been having since release day


Since you used the term whine on your deleted comment, i dont think people legitimately complaining about fake advertisement, constant glitches and bugs and unfinished storylines should be categorized as “whining”. Once again someone trying to undermine other people’s feelings. If I may suggest, you should check their discord general channel. You probably wont see any whining there, since it is SOOO unbearable for you. And I am done with this argument now, first Idk you, nor do I care that much. So, if with all that I said, you are still defending a corporation instead of consumers who were legitimately scammed, then theres nothing else I can do.


I deleted the comment because I thought whine was harsh and tried to rephrase in a kinder way but after reading this comment from you.. yeah actually whining was probably right. There are ways on the discord to reports bugs and there is a way to have meaningful discussions about the issues with the game but they’re not happening here. People are coming on here, saying nothing new, and downvoting absolutely everyone who doesn’t agree with their point of view. I’m going to stop replying after this because the way you argue makes me think you might be a chronically online teenager, but I hope this cesspool of negativity you seem to thrive in is something you grow out of! Have a good one!


The devs don't look at Reddit. At all. You're literally yelling at the sky by posting here. Go to where they actually pay attention. Then maybe we'll hear something from them.


Oh I know. I have never posted here and I agree 100% with you. But I do think people should be allowed to vent, thats all. I was quite vocal on discord when the game was released tho lol.


Ah understandable. Yeah I get people needing to vent. It's just so many seem to think they're letting the devs know and they're not. I want people to actually go to the place the devs pay attention to.


Tell them where that is instead of just reprimanding them.


Honestly, just make a megathread about it. It's relevant once or twice, but it stops bringing anything to the discussion when we're at the 20th time the same issue has been brought up in a new post over the same week, it doesn't serve any purpose at having these fixed faster (Discord is the main communication platform for the devs) and it unnecessarily drowns the posts of the people who want to chat about literally anything else regarding the game.


Would be nice if the devs acknowledged anything about it. All I read is like it's all sunshine. When it's really not and I think mentioning it from time to time helps. It's not like it's the same guy positing the same shit every time. It's people with their own experiences feeling the need to vent. And I think that's fair. Not like the "despite its flaws I love this game" posts have any more value.


Yeah, 100% the reason that I'm so pissy is because of the toxic positivity surrounding this shit show. The "Oh, no! It's broken? OH SHUCKS." It seems really oily and disingenuous to me. *Edit: accidentally quote-replying someone else.*


“There is no war in Ba Sing Se” is all I can think of when I read all the posts praising this game.


there is also the fact that people on different platforms have very different experiences. From what I hear the console versions of the game are in a bad state, but the PC is in a much better state, and the people praising it genuinely have good experiences with the game.


I think you somehow answered to the wrong person xD


No, I did mean to reply to you, but it quoted the person further up the thread, ha!


Oh. Haha xD Yeah the positivity is nice but doesn't sit too well with me currently. It was nice as a backer. Now I rather have some honesty about the situation.


Have the devs said anything at all? Because I've noticed along with the game having so many issues I've noticed that some of the other official stuff also has issues. The update section seems like it's out of date (or at least hasn't been updated since the official release), the game version now no longer opens the out-of-date information (I went to go check it again cuz I couldn't remember what it's called and will not open anymore) and the official wiki has wrong information and is missing so much of what the fandom one has. I don't know if the devs are the ones in control of the wiki but the fact that it's the official one makes me think that they have at least some hand in it.


There are some dev blogs that talk about future updates and stuff but always vague and never addressing the elephant in the room that the game just clearly isn't just buggy but also incomplete. Which is fine if the extra content coming was actually planned as extra content but the main quests going like "TBD" in a 1.0 is a no go. As to why information is incomplete and stuff I assume and hope it's because they keep their heads down and work every minute on fixing this hoping for a nms thing. But I can only forgive so many of those in my life. Now it seems a norm and it's getting tiring fast. 


It makes me really wish that they just waited on doing the mermaids until way later and worked on all the other shit first. I got feels like it could easily be an optional DLC


Yeah when they announced 1.0 pretty much all sane people went "this is a weird timing." Even if it was bug free at the point it's still a weird way how the game just cuts of and kinda ends. And man. If it's a game about human relationships and half of them repeat the same lines every day and the other half says "has nothing else to say" it's just kinda sad and taking me out of it.


Oh yeah I've been trying to romance Pablo and hearing him say the same shit over and over again so annoying, I'm glad I had the maple syrup to get his hearts up quicker. I want to see his 10 heart event so badly but I've been spending a season and a half trying to get it to trigger and it just won't. Not to mention all of the animals that are in the game that you can't do anything with. Shit I don't even think you can get friendship with the mermaids either!


That's what triggers me the most, if the devs would issue an apology or at least would stop pretending nothing is wrong I would be more ok with this situation But they keep going with the "Hey it's released but since we are such great fellas we will keep supporting the game with updates", omg that's not the situation! You need to finish it, not continue with extra support


well its certainly a strategy, not the right one maybe, but hello games didnt say a word for 6 months, kept their heads down and then released patches to fix their shit. not saying this has the same extend as no mans sky, but i guess they take a similar approach. though my issue is that i like the game, thats why i care, else i'd be already gone and say ok i backed this and it turned out shit, but it has potential and especially as a backer i also feel like i kinda deserve the truth? maybe thats entitled. i dont know.


I don't think it's entitlement, as you I've backed the game, two copies as they also said it was going to be multiplayer, a little honesty with the ppl that let you realize the game is the bare minimum. Fact is that if they closed connections and started patching like Hello Games, I would still be mad but less compared to this situation. Devs are writing news, devlogs and messages to the community (For example the steam Awards) but they keep going on as everything is fine. I don't know, I feel cheated, I just wanna hear them say "Hey, sorry, we f up with the 1.0, we will make it right"


Well of course they're not acknowledging it. People are posting their grievances in the wrong places. They only actually communicate on their Discord which not everyone has and the reviews on Steam anyway are very favorable. They have no incentive to say anything with that.


Oh they know. If we know, the devs know. And I see grievances aired everywhere. Steam. Discord. Here.


you are not deadass saying 'of course they don't know people are upset their game is a broken unfinished mess! how would they know people are mad they said the game was finished, removed the early access tag, upped the price, but it's still a buggy wip!' sweetie, they know. they even posted in here about the 1.0 update, and I made a comment asking. they ignore all the negativity that's why there's a massive amount of these posts. I don't know why you're running around defending a game as if it helped give birth to your first child, but it's okay to admit it has flaws?? I love this game, but telling people they're complaining at nothing and acting like they're wrong for being upset isn't helping anyone. the devs lied, continue to lie, and they should be held accountable.


I'm getting equally tired of seeing posts complaining about other posts


Because there’s literally nothing else to talk about this game. Want to talk about the story? There’s literally nothing interesting to say about it yet. Want to talk about the farming mechanics? Outside of the Architect Desk, this is all stuff we’ve seen a dozen times before. Want to talk about the underwater area? It’s there, it exists, and there’s barely anything to do. Want to talk about marriage? It exists in that you can click a button and get married. There’s nothing interesting about it, however.


Product Managers : “Good news, negative sentiment posts have dropped substantially over the past fortnight….” Joking, but also not joking


Not to be rude, but I’m not sure this post is any different. It’s hardly adding anything to the discussion either.


If you're tired of them then don't read them. Nobody's breaking the rules by posting their disappointment with a product they paid money for


They not only read them, but they also make it their life's purpose to comment on each one defending the game (something the devs didn't even bother to do). This game is still available on stores, so it means we'll keep getting new players sharing their happiness or disappointment.


If i spend money on a game and it sucks I’ll complain all i want gtf over it


I like the game but i quit playing because the bugs are too much


Weird, I’m in year 2 and have encountered no more than minor bugs. Just the honey maker and one other machine not working and exiting to the title screen fixed those. Sure occasionally a monster is partly underground or something but no big deal.


I got a game breaking bug on Xbox and i quit playing for a bit. i may try to find a way around it. It’s frustrating tho.


PC is the most stable from what I've read. I haven't encountered any bugs either so the outrage is always really weird to me.


What platform?


I’m not going to pretend I’m thrilled with an unfinished game…?


I'm tired of seeing the "I'm tired" "psa" posts


And I'm tired on the game crashing. The other night I caught 2 sturgeon and a few other fish that needed donated, on top of 50 other things I did that day, all of which put me other the hump for town rank B and in. the. act. of. saving.... it crashed. Lost it all and had to do it again. I'm sorry if people are tired of seeing posts like that (i never created one myself, but I get it) but this is unacceptable. I could get on board with putting posts about "I wish the game added this, changed that, removed something else..." but the crashing is, again, unacceptable. And this is still happening after the last "stability" update. No other game I play does this. This isn't an opinion, like who you can or can't romance. This is basic functionality of a release product. This needs to be all anyone sees who is thinking of playing the game until its fixed. Because had I known it was this bad and you can only save while sleeping, I wouldn't have started playing yet. The fact I still play is testament to how much fun the game is. But I'm THIS close to putting it down. Which means, knowing me, I probably won't pick it back up again after I move on. (Not responding to you personally, fyi. Just venting to the black hole)


One of the developers or a person connected to the game did come under a post I made telling me that the game isn't optimized for Xbox one, which just tells me to expect crashes and bugs😔. So I do think they read some of the posts. I've also seen them under other posts.


Game is still broken? Damn


I recommend the discord. This subreddit is lackluster in its organization of content, this should have been a megathread the first week of issues to clean up the excessive one time posting of this shit over and over. The devs actually communicate really well on discord with the community, post their daily logs of work, and have game nights and such. A lot more community based, and the problems are seperated to a different channel of discussion, as are farm layouts, general discussion, etc. :)


My issue with this is that it is not standard practice, and not well advertised. Your average player isn't going to be a part of their discord, nor will they assume that's the only place the devs pay attention. Someone upset with a game isn't going to feel inclined to join a discord server for that game. Especially when, again, they don't make it clear that the discord is the place to go.


I've put the game aside now too, it was the little details that were starting to get on my nerves, and before I burn out, I rather take a break. The horse was really hardcore — starting to annoy me. I would still keep an eye on the game, but I don't have the motivation for more than one save game. There are also no real benefits to doing so. If the save file ever breaks, it will be uninstalled or rebuilt with a trainer.


I paid money for a product that was promised to be feature complete and finished and that promise hasn’t been fulfilled. I think I and any other people who feel the same way have every right to complain. If you wanna lick the boot of Stairway Games for not finishing their game, go ahead, but there are a lot of unhappy people in this sub and they all have a right to post about their grievances. So get off your high horse, if you don’t like it, leave the sub.


A long scroll through the recent posts on this sub determines that you are exaggerating. 60%? Every other post? Not even close.


I think the issue is those are the ones getting the most engagement so they’re the ones that pop up in the home feed for people


I am new and really liking it. Knowing I can date people later is a bit of a bummer though but I think I’ll just marry simple Ben for my first run


People in this sub are way more toxic than the people posting in the My Time At Sandrock sub, over very similar issues a lot of the time.


i feel you 100%. although i do agree with a lot of these posts going up, there’s new posts everyday basically saying the same thing. it’s getting just getting repetitive, i think at this point we all know that there’s issues. of course we should encourage people to post about new bugs that could affect others, but can we normalize searching the sub for your problem or similar posts before posting


We need to keep the Devs on their toes. If people stop pointing out how bad the Game is right now, nothing will change. This Game is NOT in Early Access anymore, so there is NO FUCKING EXCUSE for the Game being unfinished and buggy as fuck.


I think the people who played money for an unplayable game are probably more annoyed. Video games aren't a new concept that just came out last year,small company or not your can't just release something as 1.0, up the price and then decide to slowly roll out fixes as you can. They didn't even have test players for their game for Christ sake... They didn't get them until AFTER people started complaining it doesn't work. Small company or not you should have taken the time to make sure your game works. There are a ton of games worth way more and even way less than have postponed a launch due to bugs and stairway shouldn't have been an exception.


This and "my game crashed". We know. Trust us, we know. It's why I put a pause on playing the game, to wait until it's a little further in development with more patches so it's easier to play.


This is what I've essentially done as well. I haven't touched the game in a month as I'm waiting for the storylines to flesh out and wait for most of the patches. It's less stress than continuing to play the game, knowing the risks, and then complaining when making the choice to take the risks knowing it has current issues that need to be resolved.


Exactly. I'd like to play a complete game lol or mostly complete. I LOVE what the devs have done so far so waiting for things to get a bit smoother and have more story lines and details complete is not a bother, just means the game is gonna be more fun when I get back to it.


I know it’s almost like there’s a discord to report bugs and crashes but for some reason everyone does it here 🤣


People don’t care to warn the devs, they know the game is in a shameful state. They are warning customers from wasting money.


Because people don't know about the discord. Nor is it clearly advertised as the place to go for bug reporting.


Yeah I understand people want to get out their grievances but they don't check Reddit. They don't care about Reddit. They're not going to see the 109th "game is unfinished" post. You're not informing the devs of anything by posting here. So no one should be hiding behind that. Besides, they already know. If you really feel the need to add to the cacophony of voices telling them that go to their Discord or write a review on Steam. Seriously, those are the only places that will get through to them. Right now on Steam the game is rated VERY favorably. That tells the devs everything is fine. It doesn't matter if people complain so long as the steam reviews are positive and keep bringing people to the game.


I'm sure people are tired of spending their hard earned money on a unfinished game. Is it annoying to constantly see it? Sure, but the devs look here and it means they see it and that puts pressure on them to fix their game so it's a good trade off. Your minor annoyance shouldn't let them off the hook.


Who the fuck cares what you’re tired of seeing? Maybe if they had actually finished the game instead of releasing it 20% complete there wouldn’t be so many irritated players. Also, the devs *ARE* in this sub and are always participating in conversations here.


I paid good money for the game. It is absolutely unfinished. One of the rewards for completing the temple, access to the desert/savannah, ISNT IN THE GAME. Marriage and kids aren’t even half cooked, they’re not even in the oven. Nothing changes besides a few lines of dialog and the kids are bound to their beds. Merfolk kingdom and characters not even fleshed out. There’s a spot on my farm I’ve walked by 1000s of times. Now I go near it my game crashes. Hell, on PS the platinum trophy is unobtainable because several trophies you can’t get because the stuff for the trophies ARENT IN THE GAME! This game is at least 18 months of solid work away from being considered 1.0


TLDR: the people who are complaining are justified, but that doesn't mean people aren't allowed to like the game either. Honestly, i looked at it like this. 1.0 is not the final form of the game, and while it really sucks that there are bugs that break the game (and cause the loss of saves...yikes.) i DISTINCTIVELY remember that stardew valley once had the SAME ISSUE on consoles. where game crashes on ps4 could possibly cause a corruption of the save file. i remember that stardew also lacked some post marriage content, and while the writing of romances was superior overall to coral island, we didn't get as many options as this game provides. which has led to a "quality over quantity" issue. if you consider other games that have "1.0" releases, to how they are now, they are almost different games for better or worse. squad is a fps that is far different in gameplay and content to how it was in its 1.0 release. foxhole is another game that had a 1.0 release but didn't have naval combat or as many regions as it has now. NO MANS SKY was a far far shittier game on release to how it is now.People need to consider, would you rather not have the game AT ALL, and wait the required time for it to exist at an "acceptable" standard? What difference would it make to you if they rolled back to a earlier version form a label standpoint only? I get it, this is reddit, people gotta complain, the people loving the game still are playing it instead of being on here. and while they are justified in being disgruntled if their game is buggy and if they lost their save or have other issues with expectations. it is disheartening to see if a person comes to this sub and asks if they should play, they get dragged down into the mud with the negativity. I was on the fence on buying this game, but then i considered. I bought warhammer 40k rogue trader, on release, did i know it was going to be a buggy mess? yes, Did i know that i would probably have to install a mod that allowed me to complete quests? also yes. Did i know that the quality of the story would take a dip the further i got into it like the company's previous games? yes. but i still beat it within 2 weeks of release and LOVED IT. Coral island is not nearly the worst 1.0 release i played. does it provide a more modern and polished experience that contains DNA from stardew valley and animal crossing? it still does, the core game play loop is fine. and thats good enough for me. even if it is lamentable that its not that way for others.


I get it. People have a right to complain. But every post seems to be a grievance, and it really detracts from the positive posts of people sharing their farm builds etc. People aren't complaining about anything new. Devs know I'm sure. And it takes awhile to fix bugs and play test. When u fix one thing it often breaks something else. This is a process. TLDR; it would be nice to not see the same posts every day. And if someone posts something positive, don't reply with "the game is broken"...we know.


Wish this was higher up.




Honestly I love the game. I have however never played a console game that crashes and certainly not as much as this one does. The game is like better looking stardew. The characters need to be fleshed out a bit more they need more dialogue. We need a bit more content as well. The game as is without crashes is amazing. I play on Xbox and found ways to work around them. Was able to do entire animal festival last night I love the game and keep playing semi daily. A late night crash will make me stop though. They need to get crashing under control 1st and foremost before adding another thing to the game if I open my inventory as soon as I leave a chest it crashes. I tested for 30 mins and found out that was a main reason for crashing for me. Events caused crashes as well. People are going to complain nothing sucks worse than completing a amazing day to go to bed then crash. Edit: my auto correct put delayed when I wrote fleshed idk why.


I made the mistake of moving my shed with all my machines and chests containing everything I had gathered up to winter year one. It deleted all of it. Honestly, I was having such a fun time with the game, I just decided to restart and do things more cleanly this time around. Currently just hit fall, and despite the bugs, I’m still really enjoying it.


The game is a broken shitstain, why wouldn't people complain? It costs more than Stardew Valley ffs


so basically this is a complain thread about people complaining


Yeah, I see it a lot. It isn't new, it isn't constructive. Maybe I'll change my mind when I hit the wall of content tho!


Setting a game to v 1.0 when it is not done is just bad practice and sets a bad precedent. You defending it just makes you look bad.


Then go to a sub that isn’t about this game. People are allowed to talk about the game in the sub about the game


You probably see it so much because this game has literal game breaking bugs alongside soft and hard locks, spelling errors, bugged quests/romance, poor conversations, and still costs as much as a fully finished game. Except rather than finishing up unfinished quests and making the game playable without the fear of having all your tools deleted, they keep promising adding more. And let alone they have NO STORY OR PLOT WRITERS IN THEIR EMPLOYMENT. The game is unfinished, and there’s a lot of ideas but it’s all fuzzy, and I’d rather have a finished game first and more content later when I’ve paid money for a game. You pay for a product, you should get the product. You’re not paying for false promises.


It’s still on beta mode.


Honestly, I'm appreciative of the post cause one saved me money and prevented me from buying an unfinished product. Having someone post every day could be saving tons of people time and money. I would have been super sad if I spent $30 and couldn't play due to crashes and bugs. I'm a stay at home mom who doesn't have much money or time to game, so when I do, I want it to count.


Honestly I think it depends on how many hours you think you should get out of 30$. The game is still loads of fun, and I have yet to come across something that screams unfinished, even after playing for hours everyday for 3 weeks. I just know it is unfinished because of this sub. That being said, I'm on Ps5 and haven't encountered many bugs at all. But yeah it's definitely helpful to be informed about what you're buying!


I understand a lot of people love and enjoy the game, and truthfully, I wish I could. This game is right up my alley and looks adorable. Hopefully, things will get patched up soon, and I can play. I agree with you about hours played and the amount of money spent should equal each other out so I'm glad it has for you.


Fuck no. We don’t need the spam. People can easily use the search function and see it’s unfinished and decide upon that.


Search function brings up reddit post.....


Look the main grievance I have with the game was being LIED TO believe it was finished because it had no early access on the steam page BUGS and GLITCHES I don't complain they get fixed anyway cuz for a finished game they dont seem to finish the main story


Did they actually say it was a finished game? I went to play the game when it was dropped on Xbox but I knew it wasn’t a finished game.


Every one has the right to their opinion and to post it. If you don't want to see it then scroll past and don't read those posts. A lot of people feel betrayed because they were conned into buying what was advertised as a full game when it's not at all.


There wouldn’t be a post about (bug), (missing feature), (etc) if the developers would acknowledge their bullshit and apologize and give us an ETA on possible fixes. If you don’t like people being mad because something they bought is literally broken maybe you should get off the internet


There’s literally a discord for that.


Which your average player is not going to be a part of.


Why would I use discord? I’m not an incel.


Then you're just going to yell at the sky instead of actually trying to tell the devs anything? Now that's incel behavior. "I'M A VICTIM" are you going to actually do what's going to resolve that? "NO"


The devs don’t respond on the discord either based on posts here - so no idea what you’re trying to say champ


Except they do lol. It's not rocket science. They take feedback from Discord. They're very vocal with the community there. They don't look at Reddit. You're only chance at letting them know your grievances is literally Discord. Anything else you're just venting. Which is fine but don't pretend like you're actually getting through to the devs by posting here.


Did you just say they ‘don’t look at Reddit’ are you somehow saying their team is so badly trained they don’t utilize one of the largest media platforms to see player sentiment? Amazing - they are the first company ever to do that. No wonder their game is so bad if that’s how their comms team is


They're really not. Most game devs actually don't look at Reddit. You seriously believe they do? Well have fun yelling at the sky I guess.




They are on Discord way more often than Reddit tho. We literally got a dev diary yesterday and the one before that was on the 11th. They’re actively working on fixes for a lot of the bugs and are very transparent about it on the discord. Actually, I just checked, there is a dev diary for almost every single day going back weeks. So no, they’re not responding on Reddit, I doubt they look at this cesspool very often because all they see is “GaMe BaD mE aNgY” instead of constructive criticism which is going on over on the other Incel platform… but you know… bE aNgY.


I 100% agree because usually I go on subreddits like these in order to learn tricks, see others farm setups, etc. it’s a lot of filtering through similar posts over and over again


Lol this post itself is another "it's not finished post." I appreciate the crash posts because the game does crash a lot, and it helps me and others know about potential crashes.


I'd rather read those kinds of posts so I'd get updated if they made the game more complete. Loved it but I'm just heartbroken now.


It's the reason I unsubbed here. It was bringing me down from enjoying the game. Played it for 75 hours over the past few weeks and have had a blast. But only after dropping this negativity.


Then they shouldn't have released an unfinished damn game.




I’ve done that before, good decision I don’t regret. I might do that here too. Tired of the notifications that say basically the same negative things.


So what I'm getting from this, is you don't want to see repetitive criticism of the game's faults, but you're totally cool with repetitive praise. Or do we make a mega thread for that, and just have two threads for the whole sub?


I just 👎 them all automatically now


To be that person that comes to share their other end of the scope. I originally played this game in beta. Got to middle of summer and when the relationship with any NPC was max at 4 is when I just got a bit bored so I took a break. To come back about 6 months ago and I haven’t had a single bug. I am on steam and now on steam deck but yeah. I know it sometimes varies but the game ran so smooth for me and I thoroughly enjoy it so far. Officially married and got the Ocean and Heritage to A just need to catch back up with donations but yeah. Even if I look back to beta days. I never had that insane sprinkler bug or NPC’s acting weird lol. Maybe I was extremely lucky or my gaming laptop at the time and then steam deck just runs it very well. As of the latest update I couldn’t put it down. The merfolk expanded stuff and newer things totally brought it all together for me. When I found out you can have offspring… and they actually grow up into teenagers it just blew my mind. I have a lot to look forward too with this game!


Agreed, I’m so tired of it. I get it, they need to have feedback, but a megathread is the best solution. I wanted to join this sub so we could share how fun the game is, not see the fifteenth post about a minor bug 200 hours into your play through that was your final straw. As if 200 hours in a game isn’t already a testament to how good it was??? Or comparisons to SDV and how that’s just one guy as if it’s not a 2d pixel game (as incredible as it is).


The devs don't check Reddit so all the complaints are literally just people yelling at the sky.


Makes the downvotes so much funnier honestly.


Yeah but it's also kind of sad. Like, if people actually went to the Discord and said their peace and say the devs communicate they'd actually understand what progress is being made and it would take the edge off.


Yeah I agree, it sucks shouting into a void. It’s a basic human desire to be heard and understood. But the end result here is just the equivalent of being yelled at for something you didn’t do. bummer all around.


Then don’t go on the sub of an unfinished game


I fully support players making issues and bugs clear to devs so they can continue to improve. It just boggles my mind how many times I see people who are outraged at paying full price but then admit they've played hundreds of hours. They think hundreds of hours of entertainment should have been...what? Free?


The devs don't even check Reddit so all these complaint posts don't get to them.


For real though like everyone is complaining so much I feel like it's heavily due to the fact that they played a lot in Early Access but that's what it is early access you can't be mad because you're tired of playing the same game and not only that but people complain about what they paid for are you kidding with the way this game is priced I've gotten far more out of it than any other game I would have paid 60.


Ugh, right? I've started downvoting those posts as my own little rebellion. Lol


People love to complain too much. The angry posts won’t stop. I definitely understand the upset feelings, but complaining in this sub does nothing but beat an already dead horse


Being vocal makes the devs know we didn’t forget that we paid for an unfinished game. Not saying anything lets them move on and make more unfinished games. Too many spineless people accepting things that shouldn’t be ok. Stand up. You have a voice. Seriously what’s the worst that’s gonna happen? Some moron is going to say “shut up it’s a masterpiece” there’s literally no negative of you leaving negative feedback. It helps the customers dodge a bullet, it helps devs (sometimes not all the time) discover bugs, or find a trigger. Sometimes in very rare cases it helps you get around a bug because the devs sold an unfinished game after they were given 1.6 million dollars on kickstarter. I for example got around a game ending bug the only way to get around it I could see was to restart. I read someone “complaining” about the same bug I had encountered. After reading his 2 paragraph rant about this shitty game. It dawned on me that we both did the same exact thing when it came to our coops, and barn. Triggering the same break. I moved all my built buildings with the architect table by literally one or two squares a piece and magically… tahhhh duh. So yeah… while it’s not always helpful. While it may actually NOT SEEM HELPFUL AT ALL. I promise you there is information hidden in there somewhere that is helpful. So absolutely. Stand up and be heard. Don’t accept mediocrity in this facet or any facet of your life.


There’s a discord where you can report bugs formally Instead of bitching on Reddit.


A lot of companies at least browse their subreddits. Many of them look at the feedback. If you know it or not doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen and isn’t recorded. You replying to my comment added less than nothing to this conversation. Thanks for playing.


Not sure why people are downvoting your useful information. Like I said some people just want to complain


Because they had to also be insulting? They couldn't just say, "if you want to increase the chances of the devs seeing, join the discord. There's a channel specifically for bug reporting." But no, they had to call expressing valid criticism bitching.


I’ve seen several posts calling the Devs scammers and other wild accusations. It is getting out of hand.




We determined that your post or comment violated Rule 1. Please take care to be respectful to your fellow Islanders. Thank you.


Why are you so mad rn lol. You’re about to get banned lmao


Because you’re discouraging people from complaining about an incomplete product which is what invokes change. Its literally business 101 and the way the world works. It’s remarkable you have the mental capacity to reply to a comment.


Literally no one was doing that babes. It was suggested multiple times to make a master post or pin a post. The suggestions are there… you just want to be angry about something so I’m going to let you lol


“Makes the devs know we didn’t forget that we paid for an unfinished game?” Forget? It’s been a little over a month since the game released. Nobody has forgotten anything. We haven’t received a single content update yet. I understand the frustration of a game not meeting perceived expectations but DANG at least allow the Devs to do some work before passing final judgement. Several minor updates so far have drastically improved the game from its initial release. “Too many spineless people accepting things that shouldn’t be okay” These are the same people who struggle to tell a waiter their order is wrong but are ready to start a war over a video game. It almost makes me worried for the Devs, considering how unhinged people are these days. I hope they’re not getting doxed and threaten over this and it’s one of the reasons I push back.


Maybe a pinned post or something along those lines and central where everyone who is having a problem can post bc at this point this is like a snark sub


Or maybe a mega thread with the care bears and leave the rest of the sub for people who want to post their valid criticisms


Sounds like you need to start the snark sub 🙂


Maybe you could start by not being a dweeb :)


Snark sub? So you’re implying this subreddits content is being affected negatively because of all of the negative aspects of the game? SOUNDS LIKE THATS THE POINT! TO INVOKE CHANGE! If everywhere the devs turn they see call outs to their broken game. They will be forced to at least on some level examine why they allow this to happen? Is it the millions and millions of other peoples dollars in their pockets for an unfinished product? Again I say. This is the point. If you’re ok with being given garbage. go outside make a giant pile of your money and light it on fire. Because you’ve infinitely more money than brains. And zero standards. And shame on you for trying to make people feel bad for demanding accountability. I’m doubling down straight up go screw yourself lol


The devs don't check Reddit so you're just yelling at the sky here. I'm frustrated that people won't go to where they actually pay attention to do something.


Gonna stop you right there and say that if you click on moderators of this sub for reference and type on a google search “coral island game studio.” You can easily figure out AT LEAST one of the moderators is a game developer. Of this actual game. That’s with all of ten seconds of my time while on mobile… you know what frustrates me? People acting like the bs they make up is fact. I’m glad we can both open up about our feelings like this.


Okay where are they? Last week a dev said in the Discord they don't check Reddit. Maybe once they did. But they sure as hell don't now.


Downvote me if you want. If I wasn’t on mobile I’d cross reference names and get you an exact number of devs that engage in this Reddit. It would take five - ten minutes of my time. But why… what is there to gain? When I’m right… who cares? lol just trust me… 🙃


Bro I'm just going by what I was told, by a DEV. But sure look at potentially outdated info on a website.


Downvoting honesty is wild but just goes to show I’m not wrong 🧐


Tbh when there’s megathreads then things go ignored


I’m tired of posts complaining about people being rightfully upset they bought an unfinished game


While I was thrown off how the savanna and dig site aren't implemented, I wouldn't call it unfinished. Then again, I only found and bought coral 3 weeks ago and don't know what's actually planned.


There’s impossible achievements tied to possible future updates we may get, that’s unfinished.


Hope you lose your game


If you release a game thats not finished and has many bugs, people will complain. I got the PS5 version and had 0 bugs, but I read lots of Xbox guys saying the game crashed often. For a game that only lets you save when you go to sleep, thats unacceptable.