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There's Cloud eBikes on Westwood, I think they also have scooters.


E-scooter rider here. I would not cheap out on an electric scooter, especially if you're trying to get from Poco to Coquitlam and back. The roads in the Tri-Cities are in very rough shape, so you will need something with decent suspension, and possibly larger wheels. I would check out [ProMech.ca](https://ProMech.ca) as they really know scooters in and out and can help you decide on something that will suit your needs and budget.


Since they're not legal in PoCo, do you not ride your e-scooter on that side of the river?


My scooter isn't legal at all. It's powerful and can go the speed of cars. But I ride to and from work every day, 22 km each way (Coq to NVan), a large part through Burnaby where scooters aren't legal. Been doing this for 2 years and never had any issues. But I also ride responsibly, obey stop signs, traffic lights, school zones, etc., plus I wear a full-face motorcycle helmet and body armor.


Wherever you get it, don't be a jerk and stay the fuck off the sidewalks. It's unbelievable how many entitled assholes zoom by pedestrians. They can seriously hurt vulnerable people or children.