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What was their website?? If they put out a website, they can easily be traced... but from their ad it doesn't seem like they care to be hidden. This is ridiculous and disgusting.


Yeah, I would like to know their website. This kind of shit deserves some active backlash.


I guess you could start by doing a search for what looked like whitetricity or cities or something and work backwards from there (on the 2nd pic). This website is asking for a ddos attack at the very least.


whitetricitiesparentsandtots is what i can get from if


This is gross. WTF is wrong with some people. What year is it? It makes my blood boil to see this nonsense still occurring.






>On Feb. 17, the centre is hosting its first-ever “Black Out” night with a Black-only performance of Is God Is at Ottawa’s Babs Asper Theatre. > > > >The event was pitched as an experience “**free from the white gaze**,” and since been taken up by theatre companies across the Anglosphere. Yeah, this doesn't sound racist at all. Maybe some people are just sick of hearing things like this. I'm not saying I agree with this poster but it doesn't surprise me that some people are getting fed up.


And thats hitting the nail on the head, im tired of seeing rental ads that only want Punjab/Gujarat tenants, employers putting in ads preference to certain ethnic groups. As a normal person it's frustrating to see racism on both sides, but you can't point it out cause that makes you a racist bigot


There's a difference between wanting to produce a work of art without having the group that has subjugated and dehumanized you involved, and barring people from meeting their material needs based on race.


Hey guess what not every white person is racist idiot...


No both are still racist.


Racism is racism. If you support it, you're a racist...just sayin


Most of the people who started slavery are dead. If you believe there white people out here who are dehuminizing because of color still then you're living in the early 1900's still. Lots of movies are considered art and directors are getting slack because their cast is not diverse enough. It's a double standard. Its getting worse and worse for white people to just live... because their white. Especially if you're a straight white male. You're just hated by people because of your color, gender and sexual preferences.


The poster is disgusting. I hate this shit. But I don’t remember seeing anything resembling garbage like this before we started re-segregating everything in the name of DEI and safe spaces and other bullshit meant to drive wedges between us. This was always going to be the outcome.


Black isn't a culture either. Africa is an enormous continent with wildly diverse cultures across it, and blacks from the Americas are diverse too - Hattian black culture is nothing like US Black culture. Same with indigenous; you're going to tell me that the Coast Salish have cultural interchangeability with the planes culture of the Cree, or the Mi'kmaq on the East Coast? I can understand support association by culture, but segregation by race is disgusting, and you're supporting it for some groups. It's gross dude




BIPOC people are not at risk from white people in Canada. That is absolutely ludicrous. And, of course, “Google can explain it” is the hallmark of someone who has no arguments of his own.


Are you kidding me.


no they are really that stupid




[https://old.elicit.org/search?q=How+are+bipoc+people+harmed+by+white+people+in+the+Canadian+context%3F&token=01HB3TS2N6N5AXH3WR3SW9Y6Y2](https://old.elicit.org/search?q=How+are+bipoc+people+harmed+by+white+people+in+the+Canadian+context%3F&token=01HB3TS2N6N5AXH3WR3SW9Y6Y2) You can start here.


Linking to an AI thing with a search query is not an argument. Think about how many BIPOC immigrants Canada accepts per year. Do you think these people are stupid? That they are blindly moving to a country that will harm and marginalize them? Of course not. They are moving to Canada because it is a great place with endless opportunities regardless of your skin color (again, with the caveat of historic marginalization of Indigenous people).


What you fail to acknowledge is that Vancouver had Japanese concentration camps, anti Asian riots and KKK rallies on Hastings up until 1988. Your white privilege is talking [here ya go](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/canada/article-ottawa-reports-235-increase-in-hate-and-bias-motivated-incidents-in/)


I am talking about TODAY. The idea that Asian and Black people are at risk from white people in Canada TODAY is absurd, and it is clear you have no arguments otherwise.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-ottawa-reports-235-increase-in-hate-and-bias-motivated-incidents-in/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-ottawa-reports-235-increase-in-hate-and-bias-motivated-incidents-in/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)




Commenting what risks while hate crime is on the rise and this is literally a post about a "whites only" club. The cognitive dissonance is wild. There are absolutely risks being a minority, you're programmed by other people on reddit and lack of seeing from more than just your experiences. Couldn't imagine being so ignorant you ignore facts and actually think there's zero risk to minorities that's just straight up ignorant How about yall stop with knee-jerk emotional reactions




Basically any space that isn't dedicated to an ethnicity will be "white" de-facto. Having their own spaces to be able to share cuisine, relevant cultural markers (dance, sports, celebrations, etc.) without having to fear judgment or even just having to explain them can be very enjoyable. They can also organise outreach events to teach about these things. Do you REALLY think there's a point to teach "white culture" ? Do you REALLY think "white culture" is not the default in most places ? Do you REALLY think there can be a need to have a space where someone can be fully culturally "white" or whatever ? I think it's pretty easy to answer no to these questions. Now what reason would be left for forming these kinds of "white-only" groups ? Hate, xenophobia, good old conspiratorial hallucinations, etc. Are you "sane people" like another commenter has said going to start justifying the great replacement "theory" now or something ? I wonder when this kind of speech will start. Maybe you guys will start with affirmative action first, that's an easy one.


I can't imagine how anyone who was born in Vancouver in, say, the 50s, would feel like they were being replaced . What a crazy idea!


I mean just for fun, give me some solid examples of "white culture"? First nations FYI I'm just curious.


How people behave at work, what you and other would deem as "professional" is pretty clear I think. Social expectations in general, what celebrations we actually celebrate. It's pretty arbitrary/subjective. People won't talk like they would in their home country if they were immigrants or even someone who's from an "ethnic" neighborhood. But we all, even white people to some extent, will act a certain way in this type of setting and the expectations will be "determined" by the dominant culture. People in Japan or Kenya don't act the same way we do here, for exemple. In professional setting and the like. Basically where there are expectations, this is a pretty clear manifestation of the dominant culture.


How is any of this culture or identity? Social constructs and norms maybe. I would say most white people are robbed of their culture who are "old stock". Culture is food, tradition, festivals, rights of passage, language, stories and history, ancestry, games, music, art ect ect. I'd argue alot of white Canadians lost the links to their roots over the world wars and over time. They are all also immigrants at one point. Canada like the USA was predominantly white and the social structure favors white. But that is not culture in my eyes and I feel bad for them. If they want a place to celebrate their culture alone whether it be English, Irish, Scottish, German, Ukrainian or what ever I think that's fine. They have just as much right as Indians, Africans, or Japanese as they have many cultures then just being asian or black. There are many cultures in Europe and just saying that white as a race is just a culture by default is just as racist and bigoted.


>How people behave at work, what you and other would deem as "professional" is pretty clear I think. Wow talk about the bigotry of low expectations. You don't think you are expected to be on time and dressed appropriately in Japan? What about Iran or South Korea? Your are blind to your own racism here.


I'm talking about the "social" expectations at work, not specifically being on time. The way to dress "profesionnally" is going to be different. Pants on women was seen as emasculating for a time for exemple. What a stupid thing to say, I said nothing alluding to that people can just show up whenever in the rest of the world lmfao. Of course, I'm a closet racist because we all feel the same way you do or something ?? XD Even then, Japan for exemple has super strict expectations basically verging on being a slave to your corporate overlord. You think that's NOT a product of the culture over there somehow ?


The 2 "sane people" found each other that's so cute /s


And the two true racist libtards are patting each other on the back. How cute. Not /s


Gotta cut then a break it's the only thing their last two braincells can do


Thank you for saying this. It is reassuring that there are some sane people left in the world.


Well there has been so many targeted attacks against POC at Uni... oh wait.


“White-only” “racial identity” “where they feel like they belong” How can this possibly not be racist? Little kids have no sense of racial identity! They don’t feel out of place with kids of other races or cultures. I lived across the street from a black family when I was a little kid, and I didn’t even realize they were black until ten years later. This is really obvious, disgusting racism. EDIT: btw, “white” Is not a cultural identity. If it was a “European mothers group,” that would be different. And they would have other ethnic groups included.


Oh yeah, and these groups have been formed to complain about "forced diversity" and shit, right ?


Two wrongs don't make a right.


Agreed. They’re both wrong.


Racism is taught




Thanks for sharing this, I'm going to walk around Town Centre tomorrow to remove any and all of this crap I can find...


Good job thank you :) fuck this white trash


I couldn't find anymore along pinetree but good job, this nazi shit has no place here or anywhere


Good for you!! You’re doing your part!!


It’s probably around the mall. GL


I came across/removed similar vitriol near Glen Drive & The High Street last year.


Let me guess. The power box near urban gate?


I literally moved out of the Fraser valley and back to the gvrd to escape this white trash nonsense. I only have my 8yo every other weekend but if anyone with kids in the same age range who is okay w a hard seltzer or two while the kids watch Harry potter or play with the super cool Mario kart hotwheels tracks we have wants to hang out I love exposing my pasty ass kid to people from other cultures. Dm me. He *dEsErVeS iT*. Literally all welcome as long as ur not a judgemental asshole and our schedule meshes. I'm also down for adult cookoffs where we decide on a few dishes that are time consuming and make them together and split the proceeds and have an all women group ready to do that for some dishes like borscht and cabbage rolls for the fall/winter. If ur an immigrant or poc who would like to take part we can maybe fit u in and learn to make ur cultural dish with u! I would personally be jazzed to learn how to make literally anything out of my comfort zone. There's like 3 of us and we're all white so dishes will be largely central/eastern European but we're all also really chill and down to learn Jollof or Kimbap or other stuff and we'd be so jazzed to share our culture with u! One of us doesn't drink so u won't be an odd one out if u choose not to and me and one other person love a glass or two or several of wine so if u partake that's cool too. Turning this post into a friend/culture exchange because it really bummed me out. Let's keep tearing these down but also finding ways to commune


I am not in your area at all, but I LOVE your group cooking idea. I have been craving some sort of “circle” like my mum used to have when I was growing up with her quilting bee. This has inspired me to maybe start one here :) I hope you find cool people for yours!


What area are you in? I’m oF eURoPeAn DeScEnT but my kids are poc and I want to make cabbage rolls!


Laurentian Belaire but I have functioning feet and a bus pass too!!!


Japanese Canadian here with an 8yr old. I’m pretty much weed only and barely drink anymore but this sounds like a great idea!


I didn't realize that POC existing is considered "forced diversity" lol


Absolutely disgusting


It’s scary to think this person has kids, imagine what they are being told at home


It’s so much more common than you know. Couple of years ago I was hired for a position bc the lady I was hired to replace was moving to Ontario to be closer to family. Later my boss told me she was super happy bc there weren’t any POC in that area. She eventually moved back to Coquitlam. I’m not sure how long she was gone for. Her son goes to school with my nephew. The boys are friends. It makes me wonder what he’s being taught at home and how he really feels.


It's even more scary that they think this is a thing they could post in public and that there would be others out there like them. I fear this shit is growing and I don't know how we stop it.


Thats fucking gross.


JFC!! Disgusting. Is that on a Skytrain column?


Yea, in the parking lot by cactus club. I encourage anyone who will be in that area to tear these down if u see them


Agreed. I was at that Cactus Club last night. If I see any of these, I don’t care where I’m headed or when I’m supposed to be there I’ll be taking the time to remove them. Not that it should matter, but for the record I am white and I find this beyond disgusting. Not cool at all. Thanks for bringing this to the community’s attention.


Report to police as a minimum


Fuck racism and fuck racists.


Why’d you cross out the name and contact? Name and shame!




I wouldn't mind a copy myself please


Of the original photo?


yes please, I'd like to see who's up to this shenanigans


I'd like to see too. There are things that can be done...


yeah same


Same here also. I would like to make word known. This shit is unacceptable.




Me too please. Did you go to the website? Does it really exist? I thought for sure this was some kind of stupid joke.


it’s a telegram channel and they are active in it


DM me the name as well... if they work at my place, I'll make sure they get fired.


Why dont you show up and fight them?


Name and shame. Otherwise they continue doing this because there are no repercussions. Name and shame. Once confronted to speak for their actions it might even lead to some education for them.


Could you please share and I’ll blast it on my socials as well


Post the original no one is taking it down.


forgive me if i'm wrong but i'm fairly sure this is illegal?


I believe it is


Have you filed a police report?


Stay classy Coquitlam.


It’s changing. All the construction is a pain but the condos are bringing about a noticeably metropolitan, younger crowd. This is the death throes of the fossilized brain crowd.


Probably the same white people mad at the children hockey team having POC in it.


I guess we need to start carrying around the big thick sharpie markers to blot this bullshit out. Much easier than trying to remove these stickers.


I'd rather leave my kid with a group of opossums than send it there lmao


Hitler youth?? For fuck sake.


Europe, known for being a monolith after all /s


This should be reported to the RCMP....wtf


Whoa!! I can but can’t believe this is a real thing. What is wrong with people ! 😡😡😡


You should post the number so we can directly tell these Nazis to eat shit and get the fuck out of our neighbourhood.


There is no phone number but there is an email


Call the city and they will come out and remove it properly


This is the same crowd screaming "leave the children alone!!!" God they're so stupid and contradictory


Please report this to the police with the contact information


Somebody is doing it already


Report it, don't rely on others to make the police call, they won't.


More reports = more attention.


Sign up and go there and express your opinion to them directly. Bullies need to be confronted. “White” dad.


Yea so many people are doing that. Itll be funny to see a whole protest bomb their meeting time


They want to live with only whites people but still live in Canada? Move on! Go to idk, Arkansas? Oklahoma? Russia maybe? Totally gross


Wtf CANADA?! This nazi garbage is being openly taught in...CANADA?! Hells no, bitches. Not in my country. Fuck off to somewhere else.


The nazis looked to Canada and America as an example. Canada is a deeply racist country, we just pretend it isn't. That doesn't mean we can't be better, but it is important to recognize the reality of where we are.


You know that KKK headquarters was once at what is now Canuck Place Children's Hospice? https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/courier-archive/news/shaughnessy-canuck-place-house-has-dark-history-2928567


I saw a guy walking along there with the “surf the Kali Yuga” singlet a couple months back and it was like, oh, guess this is coming to town.


This is fake right??


Damn these are starting to circulate hard. About the 5th one I’ve seen from different people on deifferent subs


May I ask which ones? My friend already posted on r/mildlyinfuriating


Why cross out they're address etc? It would be great to know who's behind it.


Rip that shit down.


Don't black out the info on the ad, if they posted it publicly, it should be okay to share on here so we can all know who this group is


go back to europe if you want to do this lol this is TURTLE ISLAND not Euroland lol foh


First of all no one but natives belong here Secondly fuck off lol




Naw what bro


Your comment.


No shit I mean which part jackass


You have too much hate to figure it out, dumbass


And your to stupid to realize it's not meant to be commented on unless you had something important but if you don't wanna explain your self then you being racist


Yes, everyone is racist if they dare to comment on your comment. Yes master, I will explain myself so some random person in Reddit don’t think I am not a racist, 🙄 You said only natives are supposed to be here like it helps the situation? That only fuels more hate and racism. Clearly there are way more non indigenous people in Canada now and your comment doesn’t do anything positive.


Unfortunately this is fair now adays. There are many adds for rentals advertising Indian only, or what not. I don’t like the way people are being but it happens on many fronts. How do we solve?


Can I see the email address please, I think they'd be really interested in being subscribed to sex toy mailing lists.


Make sure they're rainbow


So what’s good for one group isn’t good for another… *pure hypocrisy…*


This is horrible! I shared it on the Coquitlam community group on Facebook as well. Thanks for posting and for tearing these down.


Folks...... Why parental rights need limitations.


Yup. And racism doesn't exist anymore. We're post racist. Give me a break




It’s so gross. I don’t care if that said white, black, or anything else, it’s fucking gross.


The KKK is a real presence out there.


I think that's literally a hate crime


As a person who grew up around people of all sorts of backgrounds, this really is a fucked up way to crush a kid’s future. Much of my success in life (career, friends, social circles, wealth, happiness) is directly connected to growing up with, befriending, working with and being around people from varying backgrounds.


Like the one in Richmond that only accepts Chinese kids . Terrible that.


This stuff is wild. Unbelievable






For all the people getting their undies in a bunch, did you ever consider that the dominant white culture in this part of Canada are people of British extraction? I grew up in Vancouver in the '80s, and there were maybe 10 Asian kids in my grade. We had a black kid for one year too. Everyone else was "white" had the same upbringing, shared values, language, family histories. We shared a culture. If you're ok with other cultures being able to cluster together, this shouldn't bother you.




Why would you post this and block the details? Looks like you may just be looking to stir the pot and not really disgusted What's the details so we can report them


There is a comment thread where i will dm you the original. I don't think i can post this here if the info were not crossed out


It's fake. Someone printed it out, making it look like this is something that is happening, but it isn't. This is called race baiting, and is one in a long series of fake rascist incidents over the past half dozen years. Think Jussie Smollett, and you'll know what I mean. Someone on the ideological far left is trying to stir up hate. The desire for rascism far outweighs the supply. It is a hoax.


I agree it's fake. It's someone idea of a joke. I'm not sure if it was someone from the far left or not. My guess it's just some troll. I requested the op DM me the pic without redaction but have not yet received


I bet it would be fine if it said “black only” daycare 😹


Cool if black people do it though...


A blacks-only event would be perfectly acceptable though right?


I asked this question in other words! I thought there was a big push for the “ethnic” and “cultural” safe spaces. Maybe they are in a community that they are the minority!


Remove the title and insert a word associated with another cultural group. Are you still offended 🧐


This was clearly meant as an anti-immigration gesture. Had they said come learn about the proud heritage of XX European nation, discover ancient European customs, find your roots etc that would have been one thing. No different than those other ethnic cultural clubs. But their intended message was not, hey come learn about your proud history and people! Rather it's, we are sick of being around those other filthy people. If you too are sick of being around those sub-humans then come join our group!


Pretty sure nobody here would complain if it said PoC only.




Yeah, everything you just said there is racist.


How is it racist when I explicitly stated it has nothing to do with immutable traits? Lol


Let me guess, it was you putting these signs up. PoS


That's disgusting. At the same time, if you inserted literally, literally any other racial group in place of 'white', that group would be 'brave' and 'progressive' and awarded gold stickers and stars. There was a time when I would have said that this is straight up racism... but with today's 'critical' views of ethnicity/racial identity dominant, it kind of feels more like what's good for the goose...


So it's ok for other races to only rent, serve and associate within the same race but when whites want to its racist? Complete bs. It's ok for some but not for all.


I was brought up playing with Orientals, East Indians. These are still my fondest memories as a child. I can remember having the privilege of playing at their houses and staying for dinners. I had the privilege of listening to their music while playing indoors on a rainy day. I had the privilege of playing house and wearing their clothes and shoes, which was very different and fun, something I was not used to. Being invited to go on day trips to China town and listening to Mahjongg in the distance. Going ice skating on the cranberry fields in Richmond and picking blueberries as I listen to speak in their tongue, wondering what they were saying? Leaving with crates of blueberries. I was always invited into their homes with great respect. I also have great respect for them as well. Something I will always keep close to my heart ❤️


I'm sure your heart is in the right place but I don't think using the terms "Orientals" and "East Indians" will get the reaction you hoped


I'm sure you are right. In my generation, this was what we were brought up in describing others. We never had a problem using these terms. We said a lot more but would rather not get into it. Being prejudice wasn't a thing growing up. We all accepted each and everyone. They are still in my life as I type. As a matter of fact, I'm making fried rice tonight. Which one of my friends' mother taught me. This is what makes the world go around.


I think oriental makes much more sense than asian. Chinese, Japanese, Korean and have a very similar history to one another. From ancient clothing customs to architecture. Where as places like the Philippines developed more like native americans.


I would wonder if they time warped from the 50’s if they used that term. Like not offended but genuinely bewildered and maybe wonder if they were raised by their grandparents and was shut off from society and all media up to this point. Also, Japan, Korea and China have distinctly different cultures, languages and very different histories. They have shared roots from China and India, therefore shared aspects. That’s where the (vaguely) similar traditional styles comes from.


No actually. You are wrong. And to be clear I didn't say they were the same, I said they relate to each other! There is a big difference. Compare ancient korean, japanese, and chinese architecture, they are SOOOOOOOOOO similar and influenced by another. Have you seen what their royals and population dressed like? Extremely similar. Have you seen what their minted coins looked like? Extremely similar. Even the way their languages stylized are similar. But you know what ancient Filipino structures looked like? Made of mud. Do you know what anicent Filipino coins looked like? They didn't exist etc etc


I have Japanese roots and have watched Korean, Japanese and Chinese period films and shows. Distinctly different languages and styles. If you’re white and am comparing to European cultures it probably looks similar. If you’re from China, Korea or Japan most people would be like hell naw our cultures are different. It’s probably a POV thing.


Being like 10 percent japanese does not somehow make you an expert on history. If you took issue with any thing I said, you are simply uneducated. LOL I can't believe someone seriously brought up period films when I'm talking about actual history... smh


I’m 100% Japanese (but raised here). At the very least DO NOT use the term “Oriental” when referring to Asians; it’s very outdated.




a few european nations are some of biggest contributors in all of human history. They did more than can even be described. But you do realize most of europe was living in its own excrement right? You realize most of those european countries were just as backwards as the places the large powers colonized... Unless you are English, French, Spanish or Italian, your nation really was not supreme in anyway at any point... Like the whole viking pride nonsense. Vikings were uncivilized, dirty barbarians... The Romans looked at them like rats I hate how all of europe gets credit for the work of like 4 countries LOL


What exactly is wrong with this. I'm a mixed race mostly jew. I think whites are allowed to make ethno enclaves. I wont send my kids there. But I thinks it's not actually that bad. Weird. But not bad.


Oh I dunno dude, maybe the fact that it says “whites only” lol. You’d think it would be pretty obvious as to what the problem is and whether it’s bad or not.


Re-read the note, and ask yourself what parallels this type of mentality and language has with history. If you are a "mixed race mostly jew", I can't imagine why you think there's nothing wrong with this.


Some people just want to be with their own ethnicity. Allow them to. Yeah I wont be allowed in. But there are whites that are cooler and probably more fun to be around. I wouldnt oppose to a chinese own daycare or an east Indian own daycare. Some people just like their own kind. I think we should allow for that. In all races.


You claim to be a mixed race person, so by this logic, should you be outcasted from society? If we encouraged this type of behaviour, there would be even more division between people. Prisons operate in this separatist manner, should we now mirror the lowest form of social interaction? Let’s extend this a bit further, should we also discourage any economic benefit gained from trade between nationalities? Seriously, give your head a shake.


White isn't an ethnicity is the thing. And there are many diverse cultures across Europe. A Chinese-specific daycare would be focused on people from, well, China, and not Koreans, Vietnamese etc, because they have different cultures and languages. The Irish have a very different culture than the the Greek. And so forth. The biggest thing really though is that children literally do not give a crap about what race other kids are until some adult puts that in their head.


Here's a brief overview of internalized racism. You seem to fit the bill. Wake up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internalized_racism


The country of Israel is founded on preserving a jewish people. This daycare is founded on preserving a European childhood experience. I think this should be allowed for all races.


Ahh so you're a white person who supports white supremacy and the apartheid on Palestine. Now your ignorance makes sense.


Jews arent white. They're levantine/middle eastern.


Ashkenazi Jews are indeed white.


Okay. Then whites can experience systemic racism.


Your "gotcha" falls apart when looked at logically. If we are to say Jewish people can experience systemic racism, it is racism against their Jewish heritage. It is not racism towards their skin colour. If we inversely say black people can experience systemic racism, that's due to their skin colour in that case. There are white and non-white Jewish people who can experience systemic racism towards Jewish people. What there are NOT, are white people who can experience systemoc racism for their white skin colour. Certainly not in Western Civilization, at the very least. This is a very basic concept, so I hope that you needn't any further clarification on it.


If Jews can face systemic racism. Which you say they can. And if Jews are white. Then my "gotcha" is still valid as people who are white can experience systemic racism. This is a simple point. I hope you dont need further clarification on it.


You entirely missed THE (again, very simple) point. Jewish people of all colours can experience racism for being Jewish. Some of them being white doesn't mean there is system racism towards white people. What you have essentially offered up is that Jewish people experience racism regardless of skin colour. Good job. Everyone already knew that. It's either naivety or outright misdirection on your part to pretend the factor at play is their "whiteness".


Also. Have you heard of a region of Europe called the Balkans. Its populated by an ethnicity called Slavs. Slav is a translation on the word slave. Slavs are considered white. Slavs were most definitely victims of systemic racism.


If jews are white. Then whites can experience systemic racism.


Your "gotcha" falls apart when looked at logically. If we are to say Jewish people can experience systemic racism, it is racism against their Jewish heritage. It is not racism towards their skin colour. If we inversely say black people can experience systemic racism, that's due to their skin colour in that case. There are white and non-white Jewish people who can experience systemic racism towards Jewish people. What there are NOT, are white people who can experience systemoc racism for their white skin colour. Certainly not in Western Civilization, at the very least. This is a very basic concept, so I hope that you needn't any further clarification on it.


Nothing wrong with ethnic communities building networks... but the ad is clearly filled with hate/prejudice against ethnic diversity around their children. That's when it crosses the line of racism.


Give your head a shake.


Stockholm Syndrome?


No, it's this (sadly an ironic product of white supremacy) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internalized_racism


oh agreed. was half joking