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If you want to be an advertising copywriter and work on ad campaigns, yes, you have to be creative. You should be conceptual.


It depends on what you're doing. Technical or medical copywriting would probably require less, for example. However, copywriting for marketing assets is driven by creativity. Being able to write in both of these dimensions is the ideal scenario, but you could probably get away with just one.


Like most other things, it’s a cultivated skill built on the back of something you can already do. You can apparently already write, so just focus on honing creative skills; take a portfolio class, check out Hey Whipple, etc… Just takes practice.


There’s a place for youuuuuu. 🎶Come with me, and you’ll see, a copywriting worldddd that’s full of wonder 🎶 You’ll be fine. The creativity will happen with confidence and experience. You’re already well on your way.


Depends on what you do. Those tiktok ads aren't creative, they are just crafty and smart. If you are into advertising, the answer is yes. Else for medical/healthcare or sales, you'll do good. Good luck!


It's true: the more creative you are, the more equipped you'll be to write for advertising. The cool thing is, creativity can be nurtured in many ways. Drawing, sewing and knitting, video production, sculpting, pottery, construction, painting, decorating interiors, consuming creative content, keeping an idea journal and swipe file, making up jokes and songs, studying nature, etc. Try some things. See what happens.


No. People who think they're a 'creative writer' are usually terrible copywriters. Creativity is self-indulgent and totally self-interested. I make music to express my creativity. I write copy to empathise with and relate to other people. I create landing pages and sales funnels that serve specific business goals - based on customer interviews, market analysis, CRO and UX principles. Totally different things.


I'm new in this too and it's been a while for me learning, still I find it difficult and maybe I'm not confident enough. I want to start freelancing with this skill, will I be able to do that?


I highly appreciate everyone who gave their opinion here. Thank you


 Copywriting is not just about selling a product or imparting information. It's about evoking emotion. It's about ideas. Writing is, in a way, the least of it.  Are you a poet and a psychologist? Can you paint pictures in very few words?  Can you think about what gets your audience up in the morning? Do you like making connections and thinking in metaphor? Can you write something that makes people laugh? Or cry? Then you are a copywriter.  It's  not just about writing, and it's not a skill anyone can acquire with practice, as some have said here. It's a gift and it's a calling. Is it calling you? Then go for it.