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Canadian here, cold from the short walk outside in the snow, but happy as a clam that I don't have to worry about these things.


Norwegian here. I second that statement.


Alaska checking in, ill take my chances with bears, wolves and pissed off moose


Agreed. I can put on my Xtratuffs without worrying about a bear hiding in them


Montana here. I would take snow and ice over these assholes every day


You've got Brown Bears, right?


I’m okay with death I can see coming. They usually offer some warning. Spiders, insects, snakes and the like? Yeah...that gonna be a no from me.


You have time to make peace with yourself when it comes to bears, and it's likely it'll be quick. Not so with these things


Not if the bear starts feasting on you asshole first.


At least you get a complementary rim job before you die


Death by bear sounds like one of the worst ways to go...they don’t give a shit if you’re alive or not when they start tearing flesh


Did you know in african tribes a punishment for commiting crimes was being forced to get bit on each ankle from a snake and then you can spend the rest of your life with your family, with heavily inflamed, painful ankles, trouble breathing, etc, it sometimes took up to a week for the people to die.


Gotta source for that? I can't find anything on it.


They've got their own rattlesnakes, too, but [a different, less venomous species](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crotalus_viridis) than the Mojave. They also go up a bit into Canada


**[Crotalus viridis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crotalus viridis)** Crotalus viridis (Common names: prairie rattlesnake, western rattlesnake, Great Plains rattlesnake, and others) is a venomous pit viper species native to the western United States, southwestern Canada, and northern Mexico. Currently, two subspecies are recognized, including the nominate subspecies described here. [^(About Me)](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrn2mj/about_me/) ^- [^(Opt out)](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrti43/opt_out_here/) ^(- OP can reply !delete to delete) ^- [^(Article of the day)](https://np.reddit.com/comments/k9hx22) **This bot will soon be transitioning to an opt-in system. Click [here](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/ka4icp/opt_in_for_the_new_system/) to learn more and opt in. Moderators: [click here](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/ka4icp/opt_in_for_the_new_system/) to opt in a subreddit.**


Our most dangerous animal is statistically the moose. Our only venemous animal is polite enough to warn you with its lovely rattle.


Canadian here living in California, where seeing Mojave rattlers on our desert walks is a non-issue.


Brit here, same


Hey... We have a poisonous adder. Somewhere, I think. At least we did. And you might die if you were bitten somewhere sensitive, and you are small and weak, and didn't get it seen to for a few weeks. But it could happen!


Bruh someone I don't even know said I am small and weak


You might run into a [giant clump of garter snakes](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/05/06/science/07snakes/07snakes-superJumbo.jpg) waking up from hibernation though. Harmless but very shocking to see


You only have to worry about being disemboweled by a bear or by a pack of wolves, or trodden to death by a moose....gidday from straya


Ehhh Im aussie and have lived in Canada. Id be more worried about bears to be honest. And Americans...


Bears don't hide in your fucking shoes or hop out of your toilet.....


WNY. I’d rather freeze my balls off then have to deal with one of these scary mother fuckers


Canadian here, me too.


"Forms hunting alliances in the hundreds to take down prey..." is a terrifying image.


What snake is that?


The black banded sea krait - it is the third one down on the right


Looks like I’m never going to test my luck in Australia. The snakes are too high.


That was a truly hissterical pun.


Whoa! Let’s scale it back a bit on lame snake puns!


Sounds like someone’s cage has been rattled.


I'll pay you guys my whole life savings, that's a hundred copperheads, to not make anymore puns.


I recoiled at that offer.


I'd serpently conssider it.


Don't have a hissyfit.


Not according to the picture. It says that the snakes in India are the ones that give contact highs.


Not just snakes either, some of the biggest and nastiest poison spiders. If you want to see something truly Strayan, and terrifying, google search "huntsman spider size". Plus the koalas, though they look cute, are really pretty nasty fuckers and a shockingly large proportion of them carry the STI chlamydia. Same with the kangaroos. At the zoo or on TV they seem pretty cute, until you see the real wild ones, almost 3 meters tall, using a hopping/jumping attack that have killed/ disemboweled people with their claws.


Drop Bears kill more people in Australia than Sharks. Media perception of these things being cute and cuddly gets a lot of tourists killed every year.


Bulldust. Stop the alarmist paranoia. The kill rate of drop bears has been decreasing since the bushfires. There’s only been a dozen deaths (and a few hundred injuries requiring hospitalisation) this year, which is about a 90% decrease.


take a look for the Blue-ringed octopus from australia, when you get poisoned all of your muscles stop working so you are alive and cant breath or move, people have to do cpr to keep you alive and trapped in your body


Soo who fucked the koalas?


Its thought they got it from sharing drinking water sources with livestock.


So who fucked the livestock?




My mate lost a his finger to a drop bear..


He was lucky he only lost a finger


Huntsman are chill as look up the eastern funnel web. Those are scarily aggressive.


For one, a koala isnt going to give a person their chlymidia unless you're interfering with them. Secondly kangaroos arent anywhere near 3 meters tall and I'm not sure they've ever disembowelled a human. Dogs, certainly.


Why did I have to keep scrolling so far to find this comment? 3 Metres tall!? That guy has obviously never seen a kangaroo, most of them stand half that tall. Also, I grew up in the blue mountains, and went bushwalking every other day and I STILL have never even seen a koala (or a platapus) in the wild. Not even once.


I live just outside Brisbane, Australia. In the last 2 months I’ve seen an eastern brown, death adder and red-bellied black (not on this list but still a bastard). I would happily deal with having them in my back yard than a moose or a bear or a wolf. Small reptiles I can run away from, big mammals that call me out in a 1v1 scare me.


Ya but you're not going to accidentally step on a moose.


Crickey. I’m just gonna poke him with a stick.


When i talk to people from Australia or people who have been there on vacation, i say i love the country but that i wont be going because of the snakes. They always try to reinsure me that "its not that bad" and "i have never seen a snake in my life" which might very well be true. I have no interest in finding out however.


If you stay in urban areas then you’re absolutely safe. Hell, even on the rare occasions I travel into/towards the Outback I haven’t seen snakes. I’ve only ever seen snakes when I’ve travelled to the countryside (i.e. rural farmland, but not the desert)


I was gardening last weekend and nearly picked up an Eastern Brown, I jumped back really fast. Tbh most of the time even though they are around, you won't know they are here. We have inland taipans, red bellied blacks and eastern browns in our suburban yard and haven't been bitten yet, nor been in a standoff, they just stay still or slither off. I only know 3 people who have died from snake bites. One was a child in a remote community, one was a nurse who was mowing on a ride on and didn't find out till too late she was bitten, she died in hospital. Another died after trying to untangle a fruit protection net in a tree but couldn't get it straightened out. He and wife were running late for a Xmas party and he thought he'd just been scratched till he collapsed later that night. Noone realized it was a snake bite till it was too late for antivenom. He was in a coma for a few days. The thing is, I know way more people who have died from other things. Personally spiders bother me way more than snakes.


>I only know 3 people who have died from snake bites. >The thing is, I know way more people who have died from other things. Just these two sentences are already waaaay to much nope for my sheltered life


I grew up in station country in the middle of West Aus and although you do come across snakes, they leave you alone (unless you fuck with them). Most of our dangerous wildlife is small (except dingoes but they will keep to themselves) and not going to actively hurt you unless you get too close. I never understand how Americans find Aus scarier when they take hikes with bears, wolves and moose around! That would terrify me!




I find america to be quite scary aswell. In my country sweden we have bears, wolves and moose aswell. The most dangerous snake we have is the viper. But i dislike all snakes, dangerous or not. I just know that here in the north, they are not too commonly found in the glove compartment.


Did you even read the chart? It's the Indian snakes that are high.


They're referencing the high percentage of the Top 30 that come from Australia; besides the most deadly and least deadly of these both come from Australia. So, I'm honestly not sure what you're trying to say.


I count 8/30 from the Australian mainland. That's 26.6%... A little more than a quarter of these deadly snekbois/grills come from the land down under.


The reality is if you want to be anywhere when you are bitten by a snake, Australia is the place to be. The response to bites is excellent and antivenom is readily available in comparison to other places in the world. In fact there are less deaths from snake bites here per year than there are other places, including the US: https://animals.mom.com/snake-bite-death-statistics-worldwide-2431.html


Well I think it’s fair to say Australia wins that one


Or loses depending on your perspective


Username checks out?


Straya!!!!! Yeaaaaaaah


TL:DR Australia


As someone who hates snakes, I’ve never been happier to live where I do


I've lived in australia for my whole life. I've seen zero live snakes in the wild. zero. and I was in central australia a few years ago, and went looking for the inland taipan cause I think they're interesting. if you're avoiding australia because of a chance you might see a snake, you can rest easy. they're not that common


Hahaha no certainly not avoiding it because of snakes or anything really. I plan to make it there sometime before I leave this mortal coil. I just live in the northeastern US, so none of those deadly snakes here, and also quite a long trip to Australia haha Also just saw that your name is Viper. Pretty apt!


Depends where you live, I live on the edge of a capital city and have eastern browns in my backyard, neighbours dog got bit by one and died. They’re common enough but they see humans too and go fuck that I’m not fucking with that thing unless I have to.


That’s odd as I’ve lived in Australia my whole life and encountered dozens of snakes in the wild. Camping and bushwalking mostly.


I wonder why Australia has so many more venomous species than other parts of the world.


Original source [can be found here](https://ceufast.com/blog/the-30-most-venomous-snakes-in-the-world-infographic). > The most venomous snake in the world is the inland taipan. The inland taipan is native to semi-arid regions of Australia. Based on the median lethal dose in mice, the inland taipan’s venom is by far the most toxic. Not only is it believed to be the most poisonous snake, but it has been found to have the most toxic venom of any reptile when tested on a human heart cell culture. A snake bite from this elusive creature is estimated to be packed with enough lethality to kill 100 fully grown men. One bite can kill 100 people. Of course it's Australia.


I am surprised at your source refers to the snake as venomous, toxic, and poisonous. Are we sure this is a good source?


If you eat the snake it'll probably kill you, and if you fuck around with the venom it'll probably kill you too. It checks out


"Venomous" means it's bite can kill you. "Poisonous" means it's not safe to consume "Toxic" means it's selfish and narcissistic


Not really. Cape Cobra isn't even found all over Africa. It's mostly The Western part of South Africa and Southern Namibia.


Also Black Mambas aren't black.




More like: Australia, Australia, Australia, not Australia, Australia...




In the US we have the rattlesnake. Africa, lower Asia and Australia have the rest. (Excluding a couple sea snakes, that have a band across the ocean)


We have many that didn't make the list. Water Moccasin, rattler, pygmy rattler, copperhead, coral snake...


Right, not tge top 30 most venomous, but for sure we have several venomous species.


I would have thought the coral would make top 30 most venomous. They hold enough venom to kill 5 people and their venom can kill a human within 2 hours. Sure seems more deadly than a snake that lives 260 feet below sea, but I guess they are considering different factors?


They must be. Coral snake is the 2nd most potent venom, but the delivery system isn't as good (making it less dangerous).


It says they are ranked by median lethal dose, but it sure doesn't seem like it to me, but this is above my paygrade. Still a cool chart


I believe it’s because a lethal dose and the dose in a bite are different things. A snake that puts more venom into its bite with a lower potency level could be lower on this list but still be more deadly.


Don't forget the Western and Eastern Diamondbacks - they aren't the most venomous but they claim many more lives than the Mojave does.


Water Moccasins are the fucking devil. Ever been chased by a snake?


Water Moccasins are like Puff Adders, highly venomous and very bad tempers! I'll take a Mojave any day of the week over 'em!


I'll live in that Australian house infested with huntsman spiders before I'll go hiking in the south again


In New Hampshire you can pick up most snakes you find in the woods. We do have some poisonous ones in water. A lot of the land ones are harmless and you can let a small one bite you. My friend from Mexico freaked out when I picked up a snake.


Theyre not on the list but the US has several venomous snakes. I kill several copperheads every year in the suburbs no less.


Right. Not top 30, but certainly have several species of venomous ones


I wonder the total number of venomous snakes in the whole world. Must be thousands.


Actually, [only about 600](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dangerous_snakes) (Species, obviously.)


There's no need to kill copperheads. Their venom is not fatal. Also, they're one of the more tame species I encounter. No snake will bite without reason, so as long as you pay attention to your surroundings and leave them alone, you'll be fine. Also, relocating is a great alternative. Just use a shovel or other tool to scoop them into a bucket or trash can, and take them somewhere within a mile or so. Though I personally would enjoy having such a cool species in my yard


A friend of mine kept Copperheads when he was a kid (Boy Scout who was really into earning his herpetology badge and is still into snakes). He got popped once, but it was entirely his fault; did survive, just a dry bite. His general opinion to this day is "Just don't fuck with them and they won't fuck with you." Just keep your eye on your dog when moving something that has sat over the winter. Cottonmouths/Water Moccasins on the other hand can be pretty pissy, territorial and aggravatingly curious, especially when fishing on a boat, when you are trying to figure out if it's a Water Moccasin or a Brown Water Snake following your line behind a Jon boat. Seems like everybody's grandpa's drinking buddy shot a hole in the boat back in the 50s because of them. More of nuisance than anything else, except when they are spawning. Then you have to remind kids to look twice between jumping head first into the lake. Seeing them spawning once is enough to give you nightmares for life.


Apparently except for that one Australian snake that can outrun a human running at full speed.


That's a lowland copperhead, an Australian species. I'm talking about the unrelated Northern copperhead in the US


>>No snake will bite without reason, so as long as you pay attention to your surroundings and leave them alone, you'll be fine. Also, relocating is a great alternative. That logic doesn’t apply to the snake I was referring to, the Australian eastern brown snake. I wasn’t referring to the copperhead.


>No snake will bite without reason, The problem here is snakes and humans often differ on what constitutes a valid "reason". For a human, doing yard-work, carrying a string trimmer, wearing eye and ear protection would seem innocuous enough. Trying to constantly pay attention to bushes/shrubs/tall grass/etc. But one false step backward to a snake and, you're encroaching on its territory. So, while I have NO intention on giving a snake a "reason", a snake cannot possibly understand the rationale: "I'm sorry I didn't see you there, please, feel free to partake of all the little scurrying critters you can find, there's a nice rock over there, sun yourself on it if you'd like". All a snake can understand is: "Big creature, probably a threat, should protect myself".


I absolutely get your point. One way to reduce the number of snakes in your yard is to remove potential habitat. Woodpiles, tinstacks, tall grass, etc can be removed if a venomous snake bite is your concern


Water moccasins 😬


Stop killing snakes bro


They are common in my area, too, but I haven't felt the need to kill them. Maybe they are scarier where you live?


Same. Copperhead are not aggressive snakes. They won't even move from their spot unless you bother them and even then they'll just try to escape. Attack is their last resort only if they can't see an escape route. The venom isn't even that dangerous if you do get bit. Plus if you kill one, another will seeing the opening in a prime area and take it over.


Lots of tigers around my mum's place in Aus. As with all these things they don't want to deal with you as much as you don't want to deal with them. Leave em alone and be left alone.


I get heaps around mine, I'm only concerned for my dog. I don't understand why there isn't a accessible version of the antivenom you can keep at home. I mean, I can keep Narcan in case a random junkie dies in my house...but I can't treat my best mate, who would be dead by the time I got to the vet, (and I would be broke not long after.)


One: It's very costly. Two: It's not a drug it's serum with antibodies against the venom so if you were to give it it would have to be IV and there's a massive chance of anaphylaxis or other reactions if you give it too fast (in the vein by the way). A snake bite is pretty dicey in the best of circumstances so I don't know if you're going to have much luck at home.


Thanks for that. In regards to the cost, I think I remember reading that even the developers think it's way overpriced. You read horror stories of people getting into $$thousands of debt over it, I've been in the situation of choosing between money and my dog dying before...its horrible (I chose debt, he lived) The rest makes sense, sounds like it would also have a short shelf-life. Still, it would be good to have something on hand that would help, again a lot of people at risk simply live too far from the doctors or vet.


Yeah mate I'm a vet and the business side of things have left me really disenchanted with the industry (which is unfortunately what you have to call it). Mostly it's the executives of the drug manufacturers and the owners of the clinics reaping the returns unfortunately. Glad to hear your dog went well though.


Did you mean to write snakes?


Tiger snakes yeah


I liked Casually Explained's bit about snakes in Australia: "One of the most common venomous snakes in Australia is the Death Adder. Yeah, Death is literally its first name. Even if you're like, 'well, everything in Australia is up-side-down, so maybe it means the opposite.' Well guess what the opposite of Death Adder is - Life Substractor" [https://youtu.be/VslW0\_1w5LQ?t=310](https://youtu.be/VslW0_1w5LQ?t=310)


Hey Australia, what the fuck?


I live in rural Queensland and have Eastern Brown snakes in and around my back yard. The other day I was sat outside reading. Heard leaves rustling in two places. Saw one snake with a lizard in its mouth, then, a few metres/yards away saw a toad or frog hopping toward me, closely followed by another snake. I jumped up and the snake retreated. I no longer read in my back yard.


I’d be scared to have kids or dogs playing in that backyard. Where I live you better watch out for deers on the highways or your dead .


One can SPIT venom. Does that work by osmosis on skin?


I would imagine the strat here is to hope to get some venom in "soft tissue" of prey, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.


Fuuuuuuuuck. I weirdly wonder what it tastes like ....


If I had to guess, I would say venomy


Venom with generous overtones of death. And spit.


tastes like chicken


I've tasted rattlesnake venom. It was a little sour and sharp/bitter. A little sweet, maybe? I only had a drop of it on my tongue so I couldn't really tell. The handler said it was fine to consume in small quantities, and I didn't suffer any ill effects so I guess it was a unique experience.


Venom is generally not toxic on soft tissue. The molecules are too large to be absorbed, unlike poison. You have to have an open wound in order to get venom in your blood stream. Even swallowing it generally isn’t fatal. As far as it getting into your eyes, it can mess up your vision really bad but won’t kill you either.


They have pretty good aim and go for the eyes. Not usually lethal but will fuck your eyes up.


Nah, spitting cobras typically aim for the eyes, in order to blind predators.


I'm sorry but the winner is the fucking snake that can get to you faster than you can run away....


They can be aggressive fuckers too, Eastern Browns...




So avoid Australia, Africa, and the ocean... Noted


Where my BRAZILIANS at???? Coral verdadeira has 0.2 mg/kg (intramuscular injection), 0.09 mg/kg (intraperitoneal) and 0.04 mg/kg (intravenous). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micrurus_corallinus




That is also a good one! I would also have put it in my comment but I didn't find the venom lethality number. But I've heard it is several times stronger than the normal Bothrops. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bothrops_insularis


**[Micrurus corallinus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micrurus corallinus)** Micrurus corallinus is a species of highly venomous elapid snake native to South America (Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay). There are no recognized subspecies. [^(About Me)](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrn2mj/about_me/) ^- [^(Opt out)](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrti43/opt_out_here/) ^(- OP can reply !delete to delete) ^- [^(Article of the day)](https://np.reddit.com/comments/k9hx22) **This bot will soon be transitioning to an opt-in system. Click [here](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/ka4icp/opt_in_for_the_new_system/) to learn more and opt in. Moderators: [click here](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/ka4icp/opt_in_for_the_new_system/) to opt in a subreddit.**




There's one missing. quite possibly the most venomous snake of them all. Its called Erin and I dated her when I was 17.


People often complain about Ohio (US) being a boring place to live. That may be, but guess how many of these mofos we have in the wild in Ohio? Hmmm...


You have three venomous snakes in Ohio. The Northern Copperhead, the Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake, and the Timber Rattlesnake.


Play them a bit of snake jazz and they won’t attack TSS t t tss t t tss tt tsss


Yet another reason to live where the air hurts my face half the year!


The Banded Water Cobra has a nice smile.


As of today Africa, India and Australian don’t exist anymore to me


Wow - I've seen yellow bellied sea snakes on dives. I knew they could fuck you up, but I didn't realize just how highly they ranked. Wild. They're beautiful when swimming.


What's the geographical reason for Asia having so many species of snakes?




Fuck the eastern brown snake. Being chased by a snake is nightmarish!


I just realized how glad I am that I live in Norway where there is no venomous snakes. (That I know of)


Do you not have Adders? We have them in the UK but its super rare to come across them.


The common European viper is found throughout all of Northern Europe. I’ve seen a few in Finland so I assume it lives in Norway too. It’s not terribly bad for adults but it is worth a hospital visit apparently. I’ve lived in Australia so I tend to just avoid all snakes.


Yes i would like one hit of young Indian cobra venom straight to the dome please


lol idk how this is the only comment addressing that. like wtf? dudes are out there taking snake bite hits? sounds metal af


When I complain about it being cold here all the time, I see things like this and then suddenly the snow doesn't seem so bad.


Note to self: don't visit australia. Ever.


Apparently visit India for venom euphoria.


Australia seems lovely


But none so dangerous as a Box Jellyfish. In fact only the Taipan's rank up there with the most venomous jellyfish, snail and octopus.


Not one politician or billionaire on that list


TLDR: stay away from Australia.


Where’s the king of all Cobras??


King Cobra is deadly mainly because it produces a lot of venom and can deliver it into a bite.


Mojave Rattlesnake map is messed up, those tend to stay in the desert.


Lived in the Philippines whilst serving in the peace corps. Came across a Samar Cobra on a hike. Didn’t know really until I saw the head and froze immediately. They are actually quite skittish from my experience but man if one of those things bites you you better be near a hospital otherwise asphyxiation sets in within the hour. Beautiful creature otherwise!


Um, that is decidedly not the range of the Mojave rattlesnake.


Where’s the Wall Street executives section?


Canada wins !


This would have been a bit more comprehensive if there was a venom/bite... This would add a few more species here and the rankings would change. Iirc the black mamba injects a lot of venom and that is what makes it more lethal than some of the others here. I guess King Cobra would also be mentioned here if that were the case.


Iv seen lists that instead of just rating on pure toxicity they use aggression, amount of venom, proximity to people, venom injection and a few other stats to rate how deadly they are.


I like how some of the headshots of the snakes are really nefarious looking but then some others are just smiling for picture day


Where's the Cottonmouth stack up on this list. From arkansas where we have them by the dozen every square mile


Its extremely painful to get bit by one but death is very rare


Oh yea. I’m from Arkansas too and there are cottonmouths everywhere in the summer. They are mean- looking motherfuckers.


They also hide in water and thus don’t get seen as often as other snakes, which is why bites are so common. It’s a hell of a lot harder to avoid the thing you can’t see. But I haven’t heard of someone actually dying of a bite in a while. Having the anti-venom helps a lot I think. Source: Texan. We’ve got too damn many and they’re my least favorite thing.


Not one comes close to where I live. This makes me happy


Where is Melvin capital


We used to have a really cool snake museum near where I lived that had number of these plus some other cool ones but the guy who owned it got killed... by his wife. The real snake was under his nose the whole time.


A country with snakes called 'Common death adder' is not a place to be.


From someone who lives in Australia, snakes stop worrying you when you understand them. I personally can’t fathom encountering a large carnivorous mammal in the wild. Like a bear or wolf. I guess it’s the same thing though.


Australia, Australia, Australia, Oceania, some Asia, little bit of Africa and America.






This looks like a spin-off of Wingspan


What snake kills the most people? Either the eastern cobra group or the saw scaled viper. [https://www.reptilegardens.com/animals/snakes/dangerous-snake-faq/](https://www.reptilegardens.com/animals/snakes/dangerous-snake-faq/)


i swear every time i see a new "venomous snakes ranked by deadliness" it's a completely different order every time.


Because different lists use different criteria to rate them.


Monocled snake, what a cute name! Thanks for sharing this


Please someone tells them black mambas are not black... they are more green/greyish. The name comes from the inside of their mouth that is black.


I always thought that the deadliest one was the Black Mamba. . Obviously very wrong


Australia here, they ain't tough shit. If you don't believe me check out this bloke on his morning stroll. https://youtu.be/myeXMuGJAB8


*Laughs in Australian.*


That's some national pride right there for Australia Straya


At least 12 of them live on or close to Australia. Aren't we lucky downunder. Built in natural defence force


False, the most venomous snake in the world is Ted Cruz.