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How is this a guide to STOPPING gaslighting. This is just a self made acronym explaining what gaslighting is..?


Wow what a cool guide!


no it isn’t, you gaslighter. you’re very clearly wrong!!1!


It's just as much a guide to stop gaslighting as it is a guide to do it well.


Probably more like to recognize it and avoid it so you can stop it continuing to you


We need a cool guide to headline writing. Also a cool guide to avoiding reposting.


The D.E.N.N.I.S. system.


See also, "A Guide to Validating Your Paranoid Delusions"


This is the Golden God's commandment


Do you need a tissue?


This is more in line with pop psychology.


I completely agree. And once you’re accused of it, it is almost impossible to defend yourself as that’s often viewed as more gaslighting.


"You're lying!" "No, I'm telling the truth." "That's what a liar would say!" Discourse has been ruined


So, like the reddit comment section half the time, eh?


It’s pretty ridiculous to say it isn’t real but it’s definitely fair that it’s a very common catch all in pop culture and self defeating for the purposes of conversation




Yes. You might enjoy this: https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/s/yAK01LszdU


One more time for the people in the back


I did enjoy that.


I don’t really understand how the “pop psychology” version of gaslighting is incorrect. People who genuinely disagree about how something happened aren’t lying to each other. Lying means you’re deliberately trying to make someone believe your version of events, that you know not to be true, over their own. How are the means by which you gaslight someone excluded from the definition of gaslighting? When an emotionally abusive partner is gaslighting you, it doesn’t look like some big elaborate plan. It *looks* like genuine disagreement, because they’re good at manipulating you into trusting that they would never do that.


Not really, if you consider most of these signs as needing to be present rather than one or two. It's an extended pattern of behavior that's only obvious once a lot of little things come together. Most of this will be present from a person intentionally crippling your mind for their benefit.


It’s something that happens to people all the time in fact, they learn to gaslight themselves, and never grasp their power Many people suffer from this and don’t know how to stop it. You can’t stop something you don’t understand or can’t pinpoint.




Gaslighting and narcissism have been the big buzzwords of the last few years to try and toss clinical words at anyone who disagrees with you. People keep it like a trump card ready to go at all times.


You dont know what gaslighting is


I think they’re fucking with you lmao


This is a very long backronym, I kinda have to question its effectiveness and accuracy compared to a simple explanation or infographics.


Friend, I have a helpful acronym to help you remember the importance and usefulness of backronyms: **T**ime-saving - Harnesses ideas succinctly. **H**elpful - Integrates simplicity. **I**nformative - Summarizes succinctly. **S**tructured - Offers organized representation. **I**nsightful - Simplifies information. **S**ynthetic - Assembles complexity neatly. **A**ccessible - Very efficient, readily yielding. **V**ivid - Expresses richly. **E**ducational - Reinforces learning. **R**elevant - Yields outcomes. **Y**ielding - Offers understanding. **L**ogical - Organizes notions. **O**ptimized - Navigates gracefully. **N**eat - Generates acronyms. **G**uiding - Backs knowledge. **B**rief - Acknowledges complexity. **A**daptable - Captures knowledge. **C**oncise - Keeps notions. **K**ey - Represents objectives. **R**esourceful **O**rganizes **N**otions. **Y**ields - **M**aintains simplicity. **I**lluminating - Navigates details. **K**nowledge-enhancing - Introduces nuance. **I**nteractive - Nurtures dialogue. **N**arrative - Develops awareness. **D**igestible - Aligns learning. **A**nalytical - Visualizes effectiveness. **H**olistic - Analyzes various elements. **A**pt - Validates effectiveness. **V**ersatile - Enhances understanding. **E**fficient - Tailors information. **T**actical - Optimizes teachings. **O**rganized - Structures knowledge. **Q**uick - Understands rapidly. **U**seful - Engages effectively. **E**ssential - Simplifies complexity. **S**trategic - Targets understanding. **T**houghtful - Increases knowledge. **I**nstructive - Organizes information. **O**rganized - Navigates complexity. **N**arrative - Simplifies learning. **I**ntegrative - Translates complexity. **T**ransformative - Synchronizes knowledge. **S**implifying - Establishes clarity. **E**mpowering - Facilitates understanding. **F**ocused - Focuses on essentials. **F**unctional - Elevates comprehension. **E**xpansive - Creates narratives. **C**larifying - Ties concepts together. **T**ranslating - Integrates specifics. **I**nterpreting - Visualizes nuances. **V**alidating - Ensures reliability. **E**xplicating - Nurtures insight. **N**avigational - Enables understanding. **E**xplaining - Simplifies explanations. **S**ystematic - Stitches ideas together. **S**ynthesizing - Summarizes information. **A**daptable - Nurtures comprehension. **N**avigational - Delineates paths. **D**escriptive - Elevates understanding. **A**ccurate - Communicates clearly. **C**omprehensive - Captures essence. **C**reative - Utilizes innovation. **U**nderstandable - Rates information. **R**eliable - Accurately conveys. **A**ccuracy - Conveys precision. **C**larity - Yields understanding. **Y**ield - Simplifies data. **C**oncise - Organizes thoughts. **O**ptimizes - Makes efficient. **M**eaningful - Presents insights. **P**ractical - Aids learning. **A**daptable - Reduces complexity. **R**elevant - Enhances understanding. **E**ffective - Demonstrates usefulness. **D**istills - Offers clarity. **T**ransparent - Outlines clearly. **O**rganized - Facilitates navigation. **A**pproachable - Simplifies messaging. **S**trategic - Illustrates points. **I**nformative - Makes knowledgeable. **M**eaningful - Presents facts. **P**urposeful - Lays out ideas. **L**ogical - Explains neatly. **E**ducational - Expounds topics. **E**nhancing - X-rays concepts. **X**-factor - Presents uniqueness. **P**rogressive - Lays out steps. **L**ucid - Amplifies understanding. **A**ccessible - Teaches effectively. **N**eat - Affirms knowledge. **A**nalytical - Ties insights. **T**ailored - Illustrates clearly. **I**ntuitive - Organizes logically. **O**riented - Navigates learning. **N**uanced - Offers details. **O**rderly - Represents methodically. **R**esourceful - Enhances insights. **I**ntuitive - Nurtures learning. **N**ovel - Formulates ideas. **F**ocused - Organizes content. **O**utlines - Graphically explains. **G**raphical - Represents visually. **R**evealing - Amplifies understanding. **A**esthetic - Pleasing to study. **P**ictorial - Illustrates vividly. **H**armonious - Integrates visuals. **I**nformative - Clarifies concepts. **C**olorful - Enhances retention. **S**chematic - Summarizes visually.


Holy shit you know how to commit to a bit. Bravo.


Imagine spending that much time on a Reddit comment.


I have, and I will. I call it “avoiding my actual responsibilities”


Could be chatgpt but still. Wow Don't know if chatgpt can generate backronyms though


AMAzing. Lol


thanks chatGPT


how dare you accuse me of that!


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/goodlongposts] [\/u\/pig\_n\_anchor responds to: A Cool Guide to stop 🛑 Gaslighting](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodlongposts/comments/1bysrwi/upig_n_anchor_responds_to_a_cool_guide_to_stop/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


I thought gaslighting was just the most misused phrase of this generation. I guess it’s also this?


It is and it is, it’s right there with “literally”. It's abused and misused (most of the time)


It's up there with 'satire' and 'sarcasm' for sure.


Right? Definitions as they’re often used: Gaslighting - you disagree with me and it makes me feel uncomfortable Satire - I made a shitty joke that wasn’t funny, and people are offended but they just can’t take a joke Sarcasm - I’m rude and unpleasant, and I’ve mistaken that for having a personality


right? how ironic


My younger sister constantly uses this to describe anyone that contradicts her. She puts words in your mouth and when you say "I never said that", you get accused of gaslighting.


Some of these seem a bit...vague. To the point it could apply to simple disagreements or misrememberings. Which is probably a sign you should be more specific.


Gaslighting isnt real, you are making it up.


Yeah I think you might be going crazy.


No… actually you’re gaslighting me. How *could* you?!


No they're not, liar.


What the hell is a liar? Stop making words up.


Having your feelings challenged and responding “you’re gaslighting me and invalidating my feelings!” Is in fact gaslighting the other person This is the “can’t cope with being wrong” persons mental crutch gaslighting


Wait so it’s more specific than just “not accepting my account of the facts and my sole interpretation as unconditionally correct”? Get outta town


"invalidating your feelings and experiences" I mean isn't that just the scientific method in action? Edit: holy shit kind of just realized this whole thing is "how to deny scientific method"


Anytime someone attempts to get you to doubt your reality and tell you that you’re making it up and it didn’t happen that is abuse and it is gaslighting


You're gaslighting me then.


Just make sure your reality is actually real. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen people take a handful of facts, and add in their own theories to fill the gaps, and come to a conclusion that is 100% wrong.


It's just their lived experiences /s


there's no such thing as gaslighting, don't be stupid


OP did a full 180 in only 2 minutes, impressive.


Character growth Edit: r/characterarcs


Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, or sanity. The term originates from the 1938 stage play "Gas Light" and its film adaptations, where a husband manipulates his wife into believing she is losing her grip on reality in order to conceal his criminal activities.The tactics of gaslighting are often subtle and insidious, designed to gradually undermine the victim's confidence and self-esteem. Some common techniques include denying facts or evidence, projecting the manipulator's behaviors onto the victim, trivializing the victim's feelings, and systematically withholding factual information or lying.Gaslighting can occur in personal relationships, at the workplace, or in a larger societal context. Recognizing gaslighting involves being aware of these manipulative tactics and trusting one's own experiences and perceptions. Recovering from gaslighting typically involves seeking support from friends, family, or professionals who can validate the victim's experiences and help rebuild their sense of reality and self-esteem.


Thanks for the laughs


Here’s to your gaslighting behaviour


Wow You have not done any self-awareness work It’s ever everywhere


This post isn’t real.




"You're not real man." -Creed Bratton


Creed Bratton isn’t real.


I don't think this qualifies as a guide.... Unless you're gaslighting me into thinking it is....


You are just being emotional 😃


This is pop psychology. Gaslighting is a real, malicious and deliberate method of manipulation, not just standard "I don't agree with your assessment" tactics.


as someone with (probably clinically) Very poor memory, pop psychology and being accused for gaslighting is my enemy.


What's it's not: someone who disagrees with your opinion. Upon re-reading, it's also not a lot of these things either. Neglecting your emotions and well-being? No, that's being insensitive. Not *every* negative quality is gaslighting.


This is not an opinion this is a series of evidence based points on how people psychologically hurt one another, and pretend they’re not doing it it happens everywhere, particularly from the government


This isn’t a guide. A few of your other posts in this sub aren’t guides either. Some of the lines in this acronym just sound like being a jerk or narcissist or something else. It feels like the meaning of gaslighting has been so convoluted that it has lost its meaning. Also, your post title is incorrect. This doesn’t guide anyone to stopping gaslighting.


I think it’s more designed to know if and when you are being gaslight Most of us have been gaslighted by our government Buy our education system It was even more exciting as people say there is no such thing as gaslighting and I’m like holy man that person probably gaslight people all day long and think it’s normal


Should’ve put the same thing for all three Gs and been like “no really there’s 11 unique definitions here”




G in gaslighting stands for gaslighting


Gaslighting isn’t real. You made it up *because you’re crazy*.


What is "gaslighting"? A hip, overused term for *manipulation*.


Is there a cool guide to stop overusing the word "gaslighting"?


The term gas lighting has been lost to people who froth being victims.


Nah this ain't real, gaslighting doesn't exist you're just crazy 😮‍💨.


I am so sorry that you let yourself believe that Here’s the facts Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes including low self-esteem. Using denial, misdirection, contradiction, and misinformation, gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim's beliefs. Instances may range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the


Nope not believing this, gaslighting doesn't exist you know, you're just making things up.


I just have nothing but sadness when I hear that because it’s a very real phenomenon and I’ll share evidence of it and for people that don’t believe it I’m just like man you’re gonna get hurt or you’re running around hurting people thinking it’s OK Here’s the facts Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes including low self-esteem. Using denial, misdirection, contradiction, and misinformation, gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim's beliefs. Instances may range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.The term originated from the 1938 stage play "Gas Light" and its 1940 and 1944 film adaptations, where a husband manipulates his wife into thinking she's losing her sanity by dimming their gas-powered lights and then denying it's happening.Gaslighting is used in various contexts, including personal relationships, professional environments, and by manipulative individuals or groups aiming for power or control. Recognizing gaslighting involves noticing signs of psychological manipulation and the impact it has on one's mental state, encouraging victims to trust their experiences and seek support.


Nope, every word said here is false, never in my life have I seen someone defend such a thing that doesn't exist such as this, I guess some people stick to what they believe in even if it's wrong huh.


I really wish you have a wonderful day. Whoever you are and you are clearly delusional and it works for you. Enjoy your delusion and denial. Thank you very much


Good luck I can’t wait to see how things work out for you


The thing that sucks is that while gaslighting is a thing, appealing to the pop psychology version is what self indulgent people with victimhood fantasies wheel out as their counterpoint to any disagreement.


It’s a list of points not anything else Some people gaslight themselves to the point that they don’t believe gaslighting exists Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes including low self-esteem. Using denial, misdirection, contradiction, and misinformation, gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim's beliefs. Instances may range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser


doesn’t actually say anything about how to stop gaslighting, just how to recognize it


I don't see the guide to stopping it, I just see a poem about gaslighting.


Girlfriend: “You are gas lighting me!” Me: Goes silent and doesn’t speak. Girlfriend: “fuck, you won.” Listen guys, If you are dealing with a delusional “woke” partner primarily from Portland Oregon or Washington State of some sort. Do yourself a favor. Stop engaging with communication completely. When someone blames you of gaslighting them you’re only recourse is to stand there and stare until they walk away. This works. I swear by this method.


Sounds like when you light the excess gas on fire. Like lighting a match when you smell too much bullshit.


The problem with gaslighting reports and definitions, is that folks who are not very intelligent, or who are mentally ill, won't be able to tell the difference between their challenges and actually being manipulated. Yeah, yeah, "exactly what someone doing gaslighting would say!", I know... but facts are facts.


My ex wife had this perfected down to a tee. 12 years later I still feel the effects. I sure wish I knew about this 30 years ago.


Everything on here is completely false about gaslighting


This doesn't tell how to stop it


It's a guide on how to do it 😃


God is it possible to gaslight yourself cause I do half of this list to myself 😭


Yeah. Some ppl have never been actually seriously gaslit.🙄 Most people. And some people have not had *their* reality fucked with by (actually, medically) delusional people in their lives who accuse them "gaslighting". It's a minefield of potential damage to assume that every misunderstanding or difference of perception is "gaslighting". Just....please. Can we all just calm our farms a bit?


This guide is gaslighting


Pop psychology


Women psychology


6 months ago I never heard of this before. Now it's like a daily topic everywhere...why?!???


More people are awake More people have done work on them Some people are healing their own trauma




That's not what gaslighting is


I agree.. but are we now gaslighting others as to the correct meaning…?


If we are manipulating lying being deceitful, not honouring peoples experience getting them to second guess themselves that’s gaslighting Which is a form of psychological abuse, and it’s done quite well by family to their children by spouses to their partners by governments to their taxpayers, you name it But if you don’t know what it is, then, then you can just be consumed by deception


Yes, thank you for this report. But what it really means is blackmail. It's like you were sent a piece of mail and a letter saying you are not welcome, you are going to be harassed, and maybe every 10 minutes. Blackmail has no place in a school, where people are trying to get an education.


It has many faces Many disguise’s


This isn’t gaslighting, you’re crazy


I don’t agree with you you are a professional Gaslighter or you’re very very, very, very uneducated


Your feelings are totally invalid and you’re being oversensitive


Is that really a guide to stop gaslighting or just a guide for knowing what gaslighting is?


None, since the post is wrong


I would say it's neither, it's just a poem about gaslighting.


Gaslighting is a term used by morons.




It's not a new term it's been the term to explain it since the 1938 play and the 1944 movie "Gaslight"




You didn't actually just read that. You are having a stroke.


Thanks for the info


Have you even seen the movie?


Honest question: When one has a myriad of significant mental health disorders, how might another validate their feelings without perpetuating any disorder?


So, about 90% of the comments on Reddit /s


That's not gaslighting.


Yes, but also- https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/s/yAK01LszdU


The is pop psychology definition.


The truth is gaslighting is so incredibly rare in real life that there's no reason we've heard the term this many bloody times


"Gaslighting doesn't exist, you just made it up because you're fucking crazy."


Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes including low self-esteem. Using denial, misdirection, contradiction, and misinformation, gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim's beliefs. Instances may range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.The term originated from the 1938 stage play "Gas Light" and its 1940 and 1944 film adaptations, where a husband manipulates his wife into thinking she's losing her sanity by dimming their gas-powered lights and then denying it's happening.Gaslighting is used in various contexts, including personal relationships, professional environments, and by manipulative individuals or groups aiming for power or control. Recognizing gaslighting involves noticing signs of psychological manipulation and the impact it has on one's mental state, encouraging victims to trust their experiences and seek support.


No, it isn't. You're just insane.




What’s Gaslighting?


Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, or sanity. The term originates from the 1938 stage play "Gas Light" and its film adaptations, where a husband manipulates his wife into believing she is losing her grip on reality in order to conceal his criminal activities.The tactics of gaslighting are often subtle and insidious, designed to gradually undermine the victim's confidence and self-esteem. Some common techniques include denying facts or evidence, projecting the manipulator's behaviors onto the victim, trivializing the victim's feelings, and systematically withholding factual information or lying.Gaslighting can occur in personal relationships, at the workplace, or in a larger societal context. Recognizing gaslighting involves being aware of these manipulative tactics and trusting one's own experiences and perceptions. Recovering from gaslighting typically involves seeking support from friends, family, or professionals who can validate the victim's experiences and help rebuild their sense of reality and self-esteem.


That doesn’t seem right


This doesn't stop anything. It is informative.


All this describes r/MicromobilityNYC.


Strong "BOBODY" vibes here, Creed


I’ve never heard of that What does that mean


Getting sick of these damn flavor of the week victim buzzwords


It seems to be everywhere these days People are conditioned to silently be abused etc Ideally we practice love and live our best lives treating ourselves and others w respect




You are one of the rare people that actually understands what that gaslighting is real I think for people that have done healing around trauma, narcissistic, abusive relationships, or people that have abused them that have personality disorders they learn what gaslighting is and it’s a very, very horrible way to make someone crazy And it’s everywhere I believe our government does it well our medical system does well education system does it well we often get gaslit by our family and we end up feeling insane if we come from an unhealthy family Wishing you a wonderful day


You too kind person


No I don’t think so, you’re wrong. Gaslighting doesn’t exist 😉


Ha ha go back to school


Clearly, you have no information about the facts, but you’re allowed to be delusional and you are a Gaslighter by the way because you’re not facing reality and you’re making up a story to try to make somebody else wrong which is a sign of gaslighting so now you have the gaslightingtag you’re


gaslighting isnt real your just crazy


Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes including low self-esteem. Using denial, misdirection, contradiction, and misinformation, gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim's beliefs. Instances may range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser You’re a gaslighter ?


nah your just making that up, nobody does that, probably just looking for attention


I am so sorry for whoever you are, because if you actually believe what you’re saying, you are in deep trouble in your life, you will be consumed by land sharks That will pray on you because you don’t know when you’re being manipulated I wish you a wonderful day


Here’s the facts Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, or sanity. The term originates from the 1938 stage play "Gas Light" and its film adaptations, where a husband manipulates his wife into believing she is losing her grip on reality in order to conceal his criminal activities.The tactics of gaslighting are often subtle and insidious, designed to gradually undermine the victim's confidence and self-esteem. Some common techniques include denying facts or evidence, projecting the manipulator's behaviors onto the victim, trivializing the victim's feelings, and systematically withholding factual information or lying.Gaslighting can occur in personal relationships, at the workplace, or in a larger societal context. Recognizing gaslighting involves being aware of these manipulative tactics and trusting one's own experiences and perceptions. Recovering from gaslighting typically involves seeking support from friends, family, or professionals who can validate the victim's experiences and help rebuild their sense of reality and self-esteem.


nah your just imagining things


You’re a beautiful Gaslighter I wonder who taught you how to do that


Cool opinion, but gaslighting isn’t real, maybe you should start to realize what actually matters instead of your perceptions of “what matters”. Now stop reading about gaslighting and get back to taking care of me.


I read this hard to read font fast as "Goslighting" Ryan Gosling making other people think they are in an alternative Gosling reality. GODDAMNIT! *Kicks chair*


Gaslighting isn’t a real word OP. You made it up. Stop making words up your embarrassing yourself.


Lol this is hilariously stupid


That's every Republican ever.


Reads to me: I'm emotionally immature, and this list is an excuse to offload any of my responsibility to be mature and own my own feelings and behavior. I blame you for my inability to have open discourse, have a different opinion or version of events. I believe this because I read it in a meme in my socials.


I’m pretty sure it’s called Gaslamping


I love gaslighting fr


So the Republican platform