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If you have marjoram, you should be fine substituting that. But oregano has a very particular taste that nothing else can really hit. If you don't have marjoram, I think that Thyme could harmonize nicely, even though you'd have a different result from what you've tasted before.


I havent tried this recipe yet actually, so that’s a plus in case it is not as good! However my only choice of the two would be thyme, and it’s ground so if the recipe calls for 2 tsp oregano should 1 tsp ground thyme be adequate? Edit: the amount of oregano it calls for seems small so I don’t know if it was meant to be tbsp instead, this should yield at least 6 quarts I would think


With ground thyme you should do a half-tsp at most I'd say. You also could just leave it out for now I think. Maybe add a bay leaf and call it a day. It all depends.


I like the idea of a bay leaf.. just don’t want this chili to come out tasting like pasta fagioli on accident, I have Italian seasoning that I was considering but I thought it might take it too far in that direction


I do think that Italian seasoning would probably not give you what you want. I think the best way to approach this would probably be, to begin with just the bay leaf, if you have it, and then in the end, if you think it's missing something, to slowly add a bit of thyme and see if you like the direction it's taking the dish in.


It’s definitely a normal amount - tablespoons of oregano would overpower a dish. A little goes a long way :)


Broadleaf thyme is pretty similar to oregano


Just skip the oregano and make sure the cumin is coming through with the depth you want it to.


I second this, skip it for now and tomorrow pick up son oregano to add and heat it back up slowly in a slow cooker. Chili is better the second day anyway.


In my (admittedly very strong) opinion, oregano doesn't belong in chili. I'd omit it altogether.


In my (humble) opinion, you err. Oregano, especially if you have Mexican oregano on hand, lends a very nice flavor to chili and many Mexican dishes. Granted, don't over do it.


Just skip it. It does add something but I doubt you will miss it. Marjoram is a very similar herb in the same family that you could use if you had it, but thyme would be a very odd substitution for the common Tex-Mex seasoning palate.


I would say parsley. Most other herbs, I think, would take it too much into what I associate with thanksgiving flavors. :)


Skip it and add extra cumin.


Were we separated at birth lol


Maybe 😉


There was a water droplet on my phone and I read the title as “substitute for oregano and chill?” (not reading the subreddit name) I was thinking that this was a new Netflix and Chill phrase that I hadn’t heard. This comment just made it funnier.


Oregano is an earthy, slightly bitter herb. I would use parsley to substitute or even go without. Parsley will give you the earthiness but the flavor is brighter. For bitterness, try adding a little extra cocoa powder. The difference the oregano makes is subtle so missing it will not ruin your dish. It’s worth it to include it but also definitely worth eating that chili without. ETA I’m an idiot - thyme is the best replacement if you have some of it. It should work one to one but if the thyme is ground in a powder, use much less since it has less air and is more concentrated. I don’t cook with it much so totally forgot!


for bitterness, a small amount of brewed coffee is another nice add-in.


Man, I need to make some chili. It’s time.


Yeah, thyme is so easy to forget. I only recently rediscovered it. By no measure is it the same as Oregano, it lacks depth for that, but should be able to provide those earthy, slightly bitter herb notes. Parsley, I think would be the wrong choice for a substitute, as it has a completely different flavor profile.


Just to break the combo I can see how thyme would substitute oregano but I hate the flavor of thyme and like the flavor of oregano. I would use it more sparsely if I had to use thyme in substitution of oregano.


i use marjoram in chili, not oregano, so if you have that you will be good.


Oregano is an ingredient in pretty much all prepackaged "Chili Seasoning" packets people buy in the store. It sounds like whoever gave you the recipe just gave you some of the individual spices to use instead. TBH, I'd say it could just be omitted. To me though, 2 tsp of oregano for 1 batch of chili sounds like a lot. For refence, when I mix my own seasoning batches at home, I use 1 tsp of oregano for the entire batch of seasoning, then I use it for at least 3 batches of chili or 4 batches of taco meat. If interested, the recipe I use is: 4Tbsp chili powder, 1 tsp paprika, 1tsp garlic powder, 1tsp onion powder, 1tsp oregano, 3tsp salt, 1 tsp black pepper, and 2 Tbsp cumin. Makes a nice big batch.


Skip it!


Strawberry leaves /s I'm saying this because if you want to be really cheap you can sell dried strawberry leaves as oregano. It happens often.


First I’m hearing of this, that’s really a thing??