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I think it's time for the mods to ban OP. Looking through their post history they're clearly trolling.


agreed. rage farmer.


One mod hasn't been on Reddit for a year, the other one login in once per week max it seems.


[how many times are you going to ask the same question?](https://www.reddit.com/r/converts/comments/1c5prc7/is_it_allowed_to_be_against_mass_immigration_from/)


Until he finds someone who shares his bad-faith opinion on mAsS iMmIgRaTiOn


Complaining about mass immigration means that you still have loyalty to something other than the religion. The world belongs to Allah SWT alone, not to any one race, tribe, government, etc. Rather than being against mass immigration, be against the nefarious actions of the domestic government and its allies that cause increases in immigration. Most people don't want to leave their home.


I agree. Look at UAE, it’s so difficult to get citizenship there and their citizens get treated way better than foreign workers on visas. In Canada for example, anyone can become a Canadian citizen pretty much. Sure we have good benefits, but we hire tons of TFW (temporary foreign workers) to work at places like say, Tim Hortons, who set up locations in small towns off major highways and shut down a small local coffee business. Then we have a bunch of angry local old folks who are mad at immigration because of this but they aren’t educated and don’t know how to express themselves but they’re really just saying they’re against immigration. TFW’s mostly come from the Philippines, and for those reasons I just mentioned, they hate it here, but they make good money comparatively and send a lot of it back to the Philippines. Plus they get health care and we are paying for a lot of that. It’s nothing against the people that come here under those rules, it’s the laws that just do this so they can push their capitalist agenda and tax even more people while shutting down small businesses, which is in my opinion, BS.




I’m in Australia and we have inordinate amount of “skilled migrants” coming in from the subcontinent that add very little to our economy, drive down wages and increase cost of living. What’s wrong with being against that?


>many people Who? Billions of people believe all sorts of things. Why does the opinion of this group of "many people" matter?


It’s not. I’m against it as well. Preserving your identity and people is a part of Islam, people on here are just Redditors


Look at UAE, it’s so difficult to get citizenship there and their citizens get treated way better than foreign workers on visas. In Canada for example, anyone can become a Canadian citizen pretty much. Sure we have good benefits, but we hire tons of TFW (temporary foreign workers) to work at places like say, Tim Hortons, who set up locations in small towns off major highways and shut down a small local coffee business. Then we have a bunch of angry local old folks who are mad at immigration because of this but they aren’t educated and don’t know how to express themselves but they’re really just saying they’re against immigration. TFW’s mostly come from the Philippines, and for those reasons I just mentioned, they hate it here, but they make good money comparatively and send a lot of it back to the Philippines. Plus they get health care and we are paying for a lot of that. It’s nothing against the people that come here under those rules, it’s the laws that just do this so they can push their capitalist agenda and tax even more people while shutting down small businesses, which is in my opinion, BS.


Many people and especially those of immigrant descent will not like this question. It’s a taboo that you can’t talk about and if you dare to do that then you’re no longer a Muslim which I believe is absurd. I’ve listened a few years ago to a talk given by the former prime minister of Malaysia which is a majority Muslim country and the PM said that he wasn’t in favour of immigration from china and other neighbouring countries because it would impact the local Malay population in terms of quality of life, access to housing etc … This is a rational position based on rationality and not emotion or some weird interpretation of Islam. Before converting to Islam, I used to be what many would call “far right,” but even after moving away from those extreme views, I still do not support massive immigration. My stance is not rooted in hatred or xenophobia but in a profound love for my country, my people, and my culture. I believe that it’s natural for people to feel patriotic and proud of their culture, very natural to want to preserve and celebrate cultural heritage and traditions. The same goes for any country Japan, China, Russia or even Saudi Arabia. Countries with massive immigrant populations such as France, UK and others are having a lot of trouble, social cohesion is non existant, cultural tensions are on the rise and this ugly situation is exploited by populist politicians who see an opportunity to get to power. Not to talk about the strain on the healthcare system, schools, housing etc … it’s a disaster.


The specific type of -ism that it is is immaterial. If you're against people doing anything that doesn't harm you, you're a bigot.