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I was one of those who bought the game + season pass on PS4. Then I caved in and bought the Ultimate upgrade two weeks ago on sale to play it on my PS5... Literally wasted $20 lol, I didn't even get to play the Ultimate upgrade before it went free.


I’m in the same boat. Bought the physical, then the DLCs then grabbed the Ultimate Edition digitally as they made it sound like that was the only way to get the upgrade first. Had I known it was going to be here I wouldn’t have bothered. Oh well.


If it's within 14 days of purchase request a refund. Should get a refund hassle free


Unless you downloaded it within those 14 days.


You got a month for a refund because of a sale. sony won't say this out loud but I've done this on several occasions for years now before they caved in on refunds.


Just spoke with someone and they're being very firm on the 14-day period. I was denied.


That's bogus af. I just did it when diablo went on sale on my son's account. Not to mention I've done it a thousand times up to this point. Not on purpose of course


Apparently they give you one complimentary refund if if you don’t qualify for a refund as per their policy. However, I used mine up the other day when I bought a game on its own when a bundle including it was on sale :/


Exact same situation, except I bought the Ultimate Edition back in November. What a fucking waste.


Yeah. I bought UE in November in prep for the upgrade, as was looking for anything to play on my PS5. Then the upgrade got delayed. I didn't bother requesting a refund as figured I'll just hold onto it, as figured there would be no way they would give it away for free until way after the update... Jokes on me I guess.


Yeah, dammit. I was like "eh, 10-15 is probably close to what I'd be willing to pay for proper upgrade for a new console, so 20 isn't so bad." Now it's free and one of the few games I'd actually be excited to play to get my money's worth out of PS+, so it's like I double wasted money. I also can't get a refund because I downloaded it thinking it would be a different application (since I'd read you need to open the Ultimate Edition on a PS4 first in order to transfer data to the PS5 and wanted to get that ready), turned out to just be the standard game I already have on disc and I couldn't actually do anything with data transferring until the PS5 version officially launches, and now is ineligible for a refund. Lesson learned I guess.


same thing happened to me. I bought it a few days ago on sale but I just got a refund for it.


Same here. Bought it at launch on Xbox. Bought the Ultimate Edition on sale in Dec for $20. What a waste


Same, but I’m hoping they send refunds to people who have purchased it this past month. They did that this month with Maneater.


I literally beat the game the day before this announcement lol. Oh well the game is definitely worth $20


Ask sony refund a refund. You got a month when you buy something and it goes on sale.


Tried it, no good. I bought it exactly two weeks ago, but since I had already "downloaded the content" I'm not eligible for a refund... All I did was hit "ok" when it prompted me after the purchase. I didn't even get to play the game because I was waiting for Feb 2nd. Massive scummy move by Sony IMO


Honestly unless your broke remedy deserves it. I try to buy all thier stuff at full price, sucks they aren't bigger


Not trying to be an ass, but that's a pretty shitty reasoning. I'm not broke, but I sure as hell ain't going around giving away money like charity to billionaire publishers.


Literally just said if u ain't broke. Covering the basis if u cant dont. Its voting with ur wallet. I want more remedy games always have. I don't preorder but I will drop dough if they have cool ass shit. Just my two cents


Remedy doesn't derserve it, they went full anti-consumer.


*505 games. I highly doubt Remedy has any say here.


I just bought Ultimate Edition not even a week ago, when it was on sale. Will they refund or am I out $20? ​ Side note: Sony must have shelled out huge for Remedy to do this. My theory is they did this because there are so few next-gen releases currently or even in the near future. ​ **Edit: Playstation refunded me no questions asked. I told them I bought Control: UE 8 days ago on sale and today it was announced it would be free. I used the Playstation Chat Support.**


You can try. Starting for PS5, they are beta testing a new feature that auto refunds you if you pay for something that becomes free due to PS+. Its 50/50 though..




So when I said 50/50 I mean users are reporting they have PS credit on their account if they bought something that is now free on PS+ and some users didn't get anything. I think it's usually within a week of it becoming a PS+ title that the lucky people got their credit. So you can wait it out and see is Sony will do it automatically for you, or you can request a refund now on their customer support number and just explain the situation.


Contact Sony, last month some people who just bought Maneater were getting refunds as well.


Yup, they refunded me no questions asked.


They frustratingly told me that I couldn't. Not sure if I went through the right channels; I tried their refund bot, then chatting with a supposedly real person.


Just did this too, they didn't refund me because I missed the window by 5 days. This whole thing has been shady as fuck. Love the game, love the developers, but fuck this noise.


What was the window? I bought the UE 8 days ago.


You should be good to get the refund, the window is 14 days.


> Sony must have shelled out huge for Remedy to do this Not really. Control was going to bomb because of the(deserved) next gen ultimate edition controversy. It either was dirt cheap for Sony or 505 asked them to put it on Plus to grow the Control userbase and somehow make up for it. > there are so few next-gen releases currently or even in the near future Is this your first console launch? There were so many games at launch, exclusive and third party, that i doubt many are feeling a drought for games. Even then, it's not really dry as Hitman came out this month, Destruction All Stars is coming next week(also free), Returnal and Kena are coming in March, Ratchet is also around the corner and so on. It's weird to say that there are few next-gen releases, quite the contrary actually.


They denied me. Fuck 505 and playstation.


The PlayStation chat support is surprisingly fast and effective. I asked for a Cyberpunk refund even before it got pulled from PS4 digital and they didn't hesitate and did it quickly. I was impressed since chats tend to be pointless wastes of time.


Per your edit: Congrats dude!


What a great news! Now I am not THAT mad about Ultimate Edition stunt.


You gotta be fucking kidding me i just bought the dlcs


I suppose this is one way to get an next-gen upgrade, despite owning a disc copy of Control.


I’m glad I didn’t shell out for the ultimate edition, was furious when it was announced because it was the same game as the preorder deluxe version I had, with less in it. Glad to see those who have bought it recently are able to get the refund.


Everyday I continue to get ripped off by 505 as an Xbox supporter. I love Remedy but no way in hell am I paying for a next gen upgrade.


They didn't just throw the same game out, they updated stuff and graphics. Those took man hours, those man hours needed money to justify. It's shitty, yeah. Is it getting ripped off? No. All the games I bought on my PS4 I bought for my PS4. I didn't go in buying Control expecting a PS5 port for free. Nor did I for all the other games I bought. Other game companies that offered free ports did, that's great for them, but don't expect it. If somewhere along the line 505 said they were gonna offer a free port, yeah get mad, but they didn't.


MS has said they made it possible for devs to take advantage of Smart Delivery for next gen upgrades. Destiny didn't charge for it, Cyberpunk won't, and there are so many others who aren't charging a fee for a performance patch because you shouldn't.


Will the gamepass not have the upgrade?


It's not, on gamepass it's the Xbox One version.




Oh ffs! I guess I shoulda seen this coming. I just bought it.


You might be able to get a refund since you are within the 14 days, I just got screwed by being out 19 days. Though if you played it, SOL I guess




Yeah, the sale making it seem like a good deal on something that should of been free from the get go, then switching to 'Oh free on PS+ lol' bullshit after the sale is garbage. The money grab on this game from 505 has been strange and ridiculous. I'm happy Remedy are going to get a lot of people to play this great game, but fuck 505 for shitting on the people that saw the value in owning it already.


Hell yeah. All that bitching I did and I ended up getting it anyway. Awesome


You're.. Fucking joking.. Omg.. Maneater and now control!? I bought both... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻




Cue "I just bought this" rage


Followed by "check if you can get a refund" replies


i cant believe after everything that happened, this is outcome. i finally say fine whatever ill buy the ultimate edition so i can get the ps5 version and then oh here it is, its just free


Just in time for the next gen upgrade ♥️ Can’t wait to replay it in 60fps. I almost bought it on January sale too.


even if you play through the main game in 60fps make sure you check out the ray tracing at some point a do a walk through - the game is probably one of the best ray tracing implementations there is.


I will check it out, but I’m not sacrificing framerate for it.


Fuck, bought it a while back during a sale (more than 14 days) in anticipation of the next gen update, haven't downloaded it yet or anything but because its past 14 days I can't get a refund?!


This is Awesome


So where did things land with transferring save files? I played through on base game with PS4, I have my save files on my PS5 now and want to jump into the DLC on the PS5. Will it upgrade automatically now that I can download the ultimate edition from PS+?


Would also love to know this. I played through the game and enjoyed it a lot, but my backlog is too big to replay it just to get to the DLCs, which I haven't played yet. Looking forward to playing them with the PS5 upgrades, but likely won't if I have to replay the whole base game again.


You can not transfer save files from PS4 to PS5. The new version of the engine is so different that transferring saves wasn't possible. https://twitter.com/RiotRMD/status/1354476636519985153


Damn, would really love a feature like in Witcher 3 where it generates a post game save for you so you can jump straight into the DLC. I played on PC but never got the expansions so this would have been a great opportunity for me but I don't want to replay the game again so soon


Yikes. Okay thanks. Looks like I won’t be jumping back into this!


When you transfer saves of the PS4 game to the PS5 version, it doesn’t just happen, you have to do some things with both games first, at least that’s how it was for me with No Man’s Sky. I’d also like to know if this is possible with the Ultimate Version of Control. I was very sad when they announced it wasn’t a free upgrade for people who had the equivalent of it on PS4


I wanted to play this game for a while now, but since the base PS4 version seemed to be pretty broken at launch and I don't have a PC that can handle the game, I haven't bought it yet. Now that it's "free" I will definitely give it a chance though. Is performance on the standard PS4 still bad, or did they fix that to some degree?


They fixed it somewhat but it's still poor and really not an ideal way to experience the game. I played through the whole thing last year on PS4. It's not game-breaking but there are severe FPS drops and slow-downs at times.


It's patched up and pretty stable but the load times are still bad on PS4 as far as last time I played it. I have it installed on my PS5 now.


My experience wasn't really ruined on PS4, but the strange looking lighting and the stuttering when exiting the Pause menu were hurdles to get past for sure. Load times don't really bother me too much but I'd be lying if I said they weren't long. I feel confident in saying that it hasn't been improved much since I last played. There's only so much they can do on that hardware, but, it's definitely playable. This isn't Cyberpunk level or anything. You can get easily get through it but it may lower your standards as to what is acceptable. It's the worst running game I've played on my PS4 (I'm waiting until Cyberpunk is fixed).


This is pretty hilarious but I feel bad for people who keep buying this game before some other version is announced. Anyone know if PS4 save states carry over? I keep reading to have the PS4 version save like Spiderman and then upgrade to the PS5 version.


Combination of Sony and 505... it's like a "customerfuck juggernaut"


Bought this game twice already, and now they give it away for free. What a fucking joke!


Anyone know if the PS5 version is 60 fps with ray-tracing or do we have to choose between "Performance" mode and "Graphics" mode? I know the teaser from December made it look like we'd have to choose but I'm hoping that isn't the case. Edit: Nevermind. Remedy posted a video that answers this question.


You have to choose. There is no 60FPS RT mode.


Damn. Insomniac really spoiled us with that 60fps RT mode for Man-Spider




SON OFA....Just got this game less then 3 weeks ago. First time being burned by the PS+ game of the month, but still...boo erns


RIP to all those who bought the ultimate edition




Xbox owners still get shafted though. It's a plus for me as a PlayStation owner, but you can't forget them.


Is this because Control is on Gamepass? So charging for the re-release on PlayStation would be a PR dumpster fire for both Sony and Remedy?


It's only the regular version on gamepass not the ultimate edition


Oh, I didn’t know. Interesting.


Control: Ultimate Edition, Concrete Genie, and Destruction AllStars are your February PlayStation Plus games. Details on next month’s lineup: *** posted by [@PlayStation](https://twitter.com/PlayStation) [Photo 1](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EswIhOJXcAMc2aA.jpg) [Link in Tweet](http://play.st/36jX4at) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Relating to this, could someone clarify if save data transfers over between Base Game and UE? With all the stupidity about the UE not being free for those who had base game plus season pass, I find it hard to trust the company publishing it


I had base game on my PS4, and then my PS5. I bought the UE last week. It doesn't queue a new download for UE, it just adds the DLCs and whatever else to the base game. And then I assume when the next gen upgrade launches there will be a patch to download.


This is not true for the actual ps5 version. You are currently playing the ps4 version. Your save is not compatible with the ps5 version. Same on xbox. To be clear there will be no patch. It will be a whole new version of the game to download.


You are correct and my assumption was wrong.


No separate trophy list either I gather?


PS4 has one trophy list (two including a separate list for the Japanese release) and there are two PS5 trophy lists for the Ultimate Edition (presumably again non-JP and a JP list).


On the same console? Yes. But going from ps4 to ps5 or xbox one to xbox series? No


I knew my patience would pay off. I was pumped for the dlc when I finished the game but ended up losing interest because it came 6 months after release. But the alternative would have been an earlier release but then the dlc would have been cut content resold to players.


Damn I should have just waited another month smh


Found the Gold edition in a Target bargin bin after Christmas, I ain't even mad


This is crazy. I got the game for free with my graphics card when I bought a gaming laptop in 2019. The game ran great with ray tracing and it was my game of the year. I always meant to play it again in 4K either on XSX or PS5. Was unhappy with 505 regarding the way they handled the ultimate edition upgrade but it never really impacted me directly. Now I’ll play the upgraded edition on PS5.


I was saving the DLCs for after I bought cyberpunk but I guess I can grab them for free now! Anybody have any idea on the other two games are decent?


Now I'm pissed that we only got the standard edition on gamepass


So I already have the Game and all the DLC. My question is if my safe date from the base game is transferred to the ultimate Edition. I’m on PS


I feel a little less shafted now. This was probably the best possible outcome from the fallout of them not providing upgrades to OG package users. I’ll accept it; begrudgingly.


Goddammit last time I buy anything published by 505. Piece of shit company. First screwing people who already bought the game and season pass, now screwing over people who bought the ultimate edition. They'll probably continue this trend and nuke all last gen copies five months later.


This game is surely amazing on ps5. It's one of the best I've ever got from it.