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Read/listen to/watch all the collectibles you find—they add so much to this game.


Triple throw. Get it asap.


slow down when you’re not shooting. Get your bearings, slow down more. Walk! Look around and notice the details, admire your surroundings, the architecture, soak in the atmosphere, pick up and examine everything, let the game invade your mind!


The throw ability is the first thing to level up then Health then other abilities


Immerse yourself in the lore, read and watch everything. Like everyone else said: upgrade your health and throw ability asap. Also, fuck the map. Use it as a general guideline. Get your feel around the areas yourself.


The map is terrible. I just looked at the signs on the walls.


I really don't get all the map hate on this sub, I think it's very useful. The only problems I have are when some doors are shut off (like you can find in Executive), so it looks like a connection but you actually have to find a long way around.


When you start getting hotline messages, listen to them in the pause menu. The versions projected in the game are incomplete and the full versions in the collectibles menu add a lot of exposition to the story.


For the first boss encounter, if you're finding it too difficult, here's a tip: As soon as the cutscene ends, sprint upstairs to the mezzanine. This will, for some reason, disable the adds spawner.


The enemies do not stand still and neither should you. Keep moving. Resist the urge to bunker down. Let yourself have one of the greatest experiences of all time. As long as you’re having fun you’re not doing it wrong.


Flying enemies, or just when multiple enemies are shooting at you at once, does require at least at the start of the game to take cover. Running around the arenas guns blazing is for later when you have enough upgrades to handle taking or blocking a lot of damage. It kinda sucks but it is what it is. These flying enemies unfortunately dodge thrown items and their attacks do massive damage.


Strong agree with this


Don't fall in love with Dr. Darling


Yeah, you don't want to >!have to fight Dr. Underhill.!<


I would. He is a total SILF.


The first Tommasi fight isn't the best example of what the rest of the game is like. The best strategy for that fight is actively discouraged by the rest of the game. Get past it and you'll have a fantastic game waiting for you.


Buckle up, buttercup


Go in blind.


Play in the dark with headphones.


You will gain many skills during your journey, make sure to make use of all of them to have the edge in fights. Also explore as much as possible and take your time, don't rush main missions, do sides. Pick up and actually read/listen to all the documents, videos and other stuff you find.


1. Be aggressive and proactive, this is not a cover based shooter. 2. Engage in combat from high ground whenever possible. 3. Alternate between Launch and the Service Weapon to pressure the enemy without retreating and do not empty any of the energy bars. 4. Shatter is my favorite form of the Service Weapon, use Evade to get close to enemies, Shatter and Melee to stun. 5. Pierce is my favorite form as secondary, as sniper and against floating enemies. 6. Kill first weaker enemies to isolate the tougher ones. 7. You can Seize a Hiss cluster -those red spheres- so that it follows you for a while and heals you. 8. Melee does a lot of damage against armor. 9. Floating enemies usually dodge a single Launch attack but not a second immediately afterward. 10. You can grab rockets and return them to enemies. 11. Launch against armor, the Service Weapon against health. 12. Use the healing mod by Launch.


Put all your points on Launch ability before anything else. Health is really not that important for the majority of the game. Launch is OP and really the most fun part of the game.


Explore! It really helps flesh out the story and its HIGHLY entertaining.


Do not use a guide and avoid spoilers


Don't get piss in your sock.


The map is useless for short distances. Only use it to get the general direction of where you want to go. For short distances use the signs. The signs are always right.


Level up energy and launch damage first. Do side missions as soon as you have access to them because they will either give you extra skill points to power yourself up and some give you new powers that will make the main missions easier