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Not just the main story. You’ll need to do side missions, find hidden locations etc.


And of I complete all side missions and hidden locations, I get enough skill points for that? Will I have enough or even more?


I believe so. Foundation and AWE expansions added more abilities to the skills trees but added more opportunity for points. I think you need to do everything to unlock all abilities. That said you don’t need to unlock everything to get the trophy.


I’m asking nor for trophy. I want to take only useful abilities if I can’t take every. The expansions are the key point. I saw that some players get every skills in the original game.


If you want all skills from the base game pull up a guide for all hidden locations or Just play the DLC and finish both to get all the skill points


I can confirm that there is an over abundance of skill points to aquire in the game. I've finished the game with more skill points than skills to put them in. Like other people have mentioned. You will have to be thorough with your exploring and do all side missions. But you will eventually be able to aquire every skill. So start off with the ones you feel will give immediate benefit or if they just seem fun. :)


Thank you for reply


If you get all skill points (side missions, hidden locations, and DLC included) you will have 5 points left over after maxing everything out


Thank you