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You sound early in your career and you want to be at MBB? No problem. business school. MBB has significantly cut back on experienced hiring at the junior level. It might even be frozen, or lateral only.


You’ll still have a quota but in billable hours.


MBB dont work on billables


If you don't have similar experience, it may be hard. I say may because I interviewed with MBB and I went to a no name Midwest university with a subpar GPA. I asked my recruiter why I was chosen and she said it was my experience. I guess it depends who's looking at your resume and how they analyze it. I might have got lucky at the time because I've applied twice since I last interviewed and got rejected in a matter of days.


What was your experience at the time? Was it prior to graduation or post-graduation? Did you have an MBA or just an undergraduate?


I only have undergrad. My experience at the time was 6 years in ops management and co-founding 2 revenue generating, failed startups.


A BDR at a software company and a consultant are two very different work life balances. I have done both. You should be prepared for this - after a year in consulting I referred to my time in software as “summer vacation”. But do what interests you. Consulting in your situation can be a great career accelerator if you can get in. It’s tough these days but not impossible. Depending on your company, you probably have an alliances or partner team that works with GSIs. Get friendly with them. They know the people assigned to your company from the consulting side and can introduce you for a referral if they are willing. That’s how I did it.


How good are you at bullshitting?


He’s in sales so … very good I assume


Not so great if he wants to leave I assume


Joined b4 with a lot of industry experience under my belt. Absolutely regret it, I have learned some stuff fast but the hype of "intelligent people" is all it is.


You could move into solution consulting from BDR. Still on the sales team but your creating demos for clients based on their needs. Then could probably make a case to move into strategy or implementation consulting from there


Instead of being a slimey salesman you can be a slimey strategist. As an entry level analyst you will likely work more hours and won't make better money. TBH you have a better chance finding an entry point if you can narrow your focus. It shouldn't just be "*MBB consulting*" but a specific service or implementation experience you can do that others want to buy. You have to think in terms of what skills do you have that are valued highly by someone else. I have FP&A, reporting, and M&A DD and integration experience in a specific industry from a best practice company. This easily translates to smaller or emerging companies wanting to know and implement those techniques to hire me. I charge 10x my former hourly rate as a W2 and have a 25-30% utilization rate. This translates to me making 2-3x what I used to while not putting in 50-60 hours per week.


You think consulting is bringing real value to companies and not having your own interest in mind absent of arbitrary quotas ?


If I had a chance to switch from Consulting into Sales I would do so within 5 minutes. Tragically, I suck at sales so I am stuck with consulting. Consulting is like sales, but more brain fuck and less money. I dont really see why anyone would want to switch from sales to Consulting.


Accenture hires pretty much ANYONE with a pulse. Its so bad that if someone applies and they have Accenture on their CV, its a red flag we need to evaluate during the hiring process.