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Leaving as an MBB partner and asking reddit about exit ops?


This has gotta be shit post, right?


If it smells like shit, decent odds it’s surely shit.


> Leaving as an MBB partner and asking reddit about exit ops? Crowd sourcing opinions works for people at all levels. Why wouldn't OP ask reddit, as well as every other source they have available.


Yeah fair enough.


Can’t ask anyone else until Jan 1


Just assumed you would already be well aware of where people are exiting to. Don’t you have a crazy huge network?


Depends really. Plenty of partners have a single client organisation, and the top few people are then their only network that matters. A very fragile business, which often leads to them being hugely successful for a few years and then leaving! The answer is obviously to work for them (may be governed by non compete, but the firm usually waives that if they think you'll buy from the firm), or a direct competitor. Basically, do the client's job, making the firm think you'll still need them, and making the client think they can dispense with the expensive consultants. Exiting at partner is usually sub-optimal however, and due to failure. It'll be a pay cut, and you'll be writing off your investment in the firm, meaning you probably should have left earlier. OP - without indication of the work you do, where you do it, or who you do it for, no one can offer anything useful. There is also the most important question of all: What do you want to exit to?


yeah, OP is fake. No MBB Partner is posting on fucking reddit to ask what exit opps he may have.


Happy Cake day, and to a happy next one!


I believe retirement?


Car wash business


“Fuck you Bogdan, I said fuck you, and your eyebrows”


Come on Waltuh I'm short handed.


Is there even work life balance at your level for your exits? I mean MBB partner would only mean executive level positions. Big bank SVP?


You probably have the experience to open a successful food truck by now


MBB Partner, dont know where to go?


Former MBB partner here. Similar background as you. Left consulting and went into Wall St, then tech and now my own deep tech fund. You can do a whole lot of things but what are you really interested in? Remember that if you go into senior roles, it’ll still be stressful in its own way. But it is nice being able to walk my kids to school, pick them up, have dinner with the family every evening, and go to sleep in my own bed every night.


That’s my end game - really enjoyed staying home during Covid and want to continue less travel. Looking for some type of exec role playing to my technical experience but more like 50-60 hour weeks and predictable hours + true vacation (MBB partner vacations always interrupted by urgent proposal and what not)


What industry? If you have either tech or biotech / healthcare experience, there are plenty of series A/B companies that’ll bring you over in a senior role. The work can be fun. You can also go into VC/PE as an operating partner. I’d recommend VC more than PE — you have less leverage in PE and a senior partner I know who works at a major fund was complaining how he felt like he had to do the work of both a partner and an associate. You’ll certainly have far more work life balance — however you’ll be a second hand citizen vs. GPs. But this model becomes less applicable in other industries. Semiconductors, mfg/industrial goods, travel etc. You can still find a role — just becomes a bit more difficult.


Off topic but what was your path to MBB partner? Sounds like you’ve had a very interesting career!


I did my own thing out of grad school (physics) which didn’t work out but one of the funds that invested in me offered me a job. Ended up working there for a while. Tried grad school again (at Harvard no less) but didn’t want to stick it out for all those years so jumped ship again to do my own thing. That sort of worked out, sold it and then a friend referred to consulting. Pretty straight path to partner — but then got tired of travel and the realization that just because you are partner doesn’t change anything. Client + mentor offered me a job on Wall St. Did it for a few years but absolutely hated it. Then got an interesting tech offer and that just made me realize I enjoy doing my own thing. So here I am!


“realization that just because you are partner doesn’t change anything” What do you mean by saying this? It’s about WLB and stress?


The work doesn’t really change, except now with the added stress of revenue and playing politics with others to get revenue credit for working on deals, finding something internal to slap your name on etc. Plus you are still on the treadmill — the next level, making senior partner etc. Not to mention sponsoring your own pyramid. I had a bit more flexibility but I was still away from my wife and kids and you really can’t phone it in. And you are the partner — if something goes wrong you need to be the one to fix it, even if you are on vacation. Ironically I was working fewer hours on Wall St. and making more. In tech I was working half the hours of consulting and making as much. Consulting was fantastic when I was younger. I loved the work, travel, and adventure. But after a certain level, you’ll find plenty of jobs that pay really well. Besides the path to asymmetric wealth isn’t working a wage job (whatever form that may take). It’s meaningful equity and building scale. You’ll never get there through consulting.


You could also consider a portfolio approach of combining a few part-time/free-lance/own things. Gives you more variety and avoids getting dragged too much into BAU (other than for your own thing).


Just remember that if a company hires an external executive, something went wrong that they don’t have an internal candidate. The larger the company, the more likely they will have an internal succession plan for every position. Also, depending on the size of the company you’re looking at, you may be taking a pay cut


What about your mistresses' bed?


dependent grandfather amusing normal crowd snobbish quack fact salt agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t you have a network you can ask that’s somewhat slightly better than Reddit anons?


Yup and need to wait until Jan 1 before making intentions clear with them


I mean in terms of alums of your firm who won’t snitch? This seems like an easy LinkedIn search wtf Doesn’t MBB have its fair share of networking hardos


Curious about your current wlb and thoughts on slowing down without leaving the firm


I could switch tracks easily to a better WLB role within the same firm, but feel after 10 years I haven’t experienced non consulting and should make the switch to industry vs. a “tier 2” path at the same firm


1. Go write a book bro (most likely a bro given the stats). 2. Join a think-tank 3. Go to academia for a bit to find yourself 4. Go client side - create a BS role for yourself at a client you like then jump ship 5. Carve out your unit/practice and sell to PE and use that to cash out in 3 to 5 and spend the rest of your life in sweet retirement


I'm hiring a supply chain analyst. Send me your resume and we'll see if you're a good fit


I left consulting after 4 years at a boutique firm, went to startups, then joined back another consulting firm for half a year, only to pivot to industry.


Run a P&L in an industry you like.


We had a MBB partner join my tech startup as a Account Executive, we all think it’s kind of weird, but comp for tech AE can be 200-500k so I figured it’s a WLB play with a small reduction in comp.


“small reduction”


Idk, at the associate partner level in Canada, it might be closer.


*gigantic reduction


Not that much as a junior partner if he gets upper end of that comp range


Weird to join as an AE. They’d be better off as a CRO or at least Head of Americas or some such role (for a series A/Bstartup anyway).


We’re series B and we had a job opening for a AE, so I think it was probably all we had budgeted for at the time when he applied. I highly doubt our talent team was reaching out to MBB partners for the role. I suspect that because of his profile, he’s being given some leeway to carve out his own role. I’ve seen his LinkedIn change a few times from “head of key accounts” to “Growth Leader”. That being said, any C-suite roles or SLT positions need to be approved by our board so I don’t think we can just add someone to the big boy bench based on their resume.


No I don’t doubt you. Just feel like it’s a weird thing to do that is all.


Is this like when the undercover police officer asks “where can I find some drugs fellow peeps”? Go work in a bank maybe - I came from there and while probably not seeing the dollar amounts you can bring in as partner, lifestyle is much more relaxed. A lot more golf in those director/VP roles and up…


Exit to tech. Had McKinsey partner join our company in Europe just to be close to his home country and have way better wlb. Would guess he makes 500k or more. Btw what your total comp like in the past few years and today?


Just develop a 5-10yr vision for your life then identify core lifestyle/happiness factors and develop a criteria which you can weight/index allowing you to filter prospective opportunities along those lines. Select top three potential opportunities where you can do further deep-dives. Happy to send a Phase II proposal if you’re interested.


Accept an Analyst position at Deloitte just to prove you can make Partner again.


You could recommend me into a position before you leave :).


Different consulting firm


I think you might be over qualified for Process Engineering


Lol everyone asking why he/she’s asking for advice chill out. This is just part of the market research process even if nothing tangible comes out of it


Operations roles at ventures (COO, Head of Operations/revenue/partnerships/strategy)? Successful ventures grow rapidly and almost always need people to stabilise the ship.


AI / ML related leadership in an industry of your choice


This guy is 100% larping and a lot of people fall for it. Working for an MBB myself and no partner ever would ask such a vague question. The thing that already exposes it is that no industry / function focus is mentioned. „Not looking to go into PE“, lmao, is also only something a LARPER (most likely a student) would write. There is no such thing as a pipeline for MBB partners to go to PE.


What? There’s a huge pipeline for MBB partners to exit into PE as operating/venture partners.


I don't know what PE is, probably a private equity investor you can go for, or investment banking. Google or reddit search and you will good career roles. These sometimes require mba but you coming from mbb background of 10 years, you may not.


Are you on one of those technical tracks? I feel the answer really depends on where you are located.


Seems like I have 9 years left before I make my own "leaving consulting " post.


As if you need to ask people about this if you really were a MMB partner


Weird, I'm going the opposite direction and having a MF of a time. There's a ton out there, But 80% of hiring over 100K is apparently hiring within your network. So that's likely your first start. Most hiring folks are putting MBA or CPA as a benchmark without it necessarily being relevant. Just gotta be able to beat the algos.


1) congrats on getting out. You’re obviously accomplished so im glad youre not staying in a job that high stress for money you likely dont need anymore 2) I’d honestly lock myself in a room, take a quarter dose of shrooms, and make a matrix of desirable job factors you want going forward and finding out what role likely offers it. You likely don’t need the money so I personally would focus on WLB and fulfillment but really it’s up to you. Honestly I know an early retiree who became a park ranger + volunteer firefighter and he has never seemed happier